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Tagged With "New You"

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Motivational Messages

Karl Bradley ·
Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime. Words have power. Power to cause action. Action that causes change. Change that helps us transition to a preferred future state. This ripple effect takes place every day yet we know being the change begins with something between your ears. Have your words caused this chain reaction? Have others' words had a profound effect that caused you to act? While you ponder those questions, ponder the action that was inspired by these messages. "If your...

Re: Practicing Reflection

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
This is so wonderful. Just what I needed today. Thank you.

Re: Email issues? Read this!

Pat Bebo ·
Well done and very timely. Thank you!

Re: Practicing Reflection

Jessica B. ·
@Rose Hayden-Smith - thank you so much! It's always good to hear since a podcast can be pretty one-way as far as communication goes 🙂
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Karl Bradley ·
During an assignment in Japan we had the chance to see many foreign & U.S. dignitaries. On one such visit, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (a 4-Star General) visited. The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force traveled with him & it's his comments I'd like to share. He began his talk by saying there are some things that keep him up at night like suicides, domestic violence and assaults. The point he made was that none of these are indications we are living in to our core values.
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Registration Open: Let’s Talk GMOs Online Course

Stacey Stearns ·
Are you confused or do you have questions about GMOs? Do you feel inadequate when discussing GMOs? Are you given opposing information of GMOs and not sure what is right? Do you wonder how the misinformation about GMOs spreads like a wildfire? UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is offering a new online course, Let’s Talk GMOs: Creating Consistent Communication Messages . This course introduces participants to the basics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They...
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Simple Plan that Matters

Karl Bradley ·
Time is not a renewable resource. It seems we never have enough. This isn't anything new, it's an age old issue. While no amount of money ever bought us a second of time, here's a simple concept that could...for free. Don't touch anything twice. Open the email, move it on. Get the laundry out of the dryer, put it away. Get those everyday tasks done & move on. Don't wait for the timing to be just right or when you're in the mood. Choose putting effort (time) into opportunities of the...
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FREE Course: The Science of Well-Being

Karl Bradley ·
Offered by Yale University, taught by Laurie Santos , delivered by Coursera! Course Description In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a...
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COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension

Roger Rennekamp ·
Overcoming hesitancy to receive the new COVID-19 vaccines is a growing issue across the U.S. despite more 400,000 deaths resulting from virus to date. According to a recent report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, rural residents are among the most vaccine hesitant groups with seven in ten rural residents expressing at least some reluctance to receive the vaccine. But as trusted members of the communities they serve, Cooperative Extension faculty and staff are in a unique position...
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Karl Bradley ·
We've all seen graphics detailing the differences between a boss & leader . There are indeed many distinct qualities separating these roles with the primary being responsibility. The more of it you have in any given enterprise can define the overarching role you provide. What many have realized is that you can be an amazing boss but ineffective as a leader. Leadership is the choice to positively influence those around you regardless of position, title, standing, rank or responsibility...
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Impact Collaborative Announces Rev-Up Your Virtual Leadership Series for Extension Professionals Leading Five or More Peers

Aaron Weibe ·
For 2021, the eXtension Foundation’s Impact Collaborative program is hosting a series available to eXtension Foundation member institutions . This series is led by Karl Bradley, Leadership Development Specialist, eXtension Foundation. Last year we all pivoted quickly as we redefined how to accomplish our work almost exclusively in shared virtual spaces. The topics in this series are a result of our work with individuals & teams from across Cooperative Extension wondering: What does...
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Good Soil!

Karl Bradley ·
The people we surround ourselves with are more valuable than words can often express. Recently, an old friend popped into my mind so I reached out to catch up. He was amazing, generous & supportive as always. We spoke about many things but the most prevalent & surprising was workplace culture. He spent some 27 years in the newspaper business only to be unceremoniously let go in the name of “progress”. Their loss was another’s gain. His one-of-a-kind voice & magnetic temperament...
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Asset Based Community Recovery - Add Your Voice!

Jessica B. ·
The pandemic has shown us that we can’t do anything alone. However, we can use our experience and the experiences of others to learn and grow from this pandemic to be better prepared for future disasters and emergencies. That's our invitation to you. If you work with community groups, local government, families, businesses, non-profits, farmers, youth, or any other sector of communities, consider joining us for one of our upcoming Asset-based Community Recovery Workshops! Through the...
Blog Post

2 Types of Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
The most simple definition of leadership is...leadership is influence. Everyone has it. Do you know why you're using it? If your why is off then the how won't matter. Patrick Lencioni consistently delivers & his latest book is no exception! In "The Motive" he shifts his focus on helping us understand the importance of why we're leading in the first place. He presents... There are 2 reasons people want to become a leader: to do whatever is needed to serve the people OR for rewards like...
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Future You

Karl Bradley ·
Leonard Bernstein's father was asked in an interview if he supported his son's aspirations in music. He answered with a lukewarm response. The interviewer was shocked and asked "why not?". He responded...Because, how was I supposed to know he would become Leonard Bernstein? He's right, we don't know how our kids lives will go. We protect, guide & nurture and then wait & watch. It's not quite the same with ourselves. We are intimately involved with our own decisions & actions.
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Shhh...It's a Secret!

Karl Bradley ·
In life, you get what you want. Really. Think about it.... The way your life is, truthfully, you wanted it that way. If you wanted something different you would have changed things. When was the last time you were late for something? Chances are, if you were late for it twice you didn't really want it. While we know we can control our attitude & effort there's something else going on. You've probably heard of the universal law of attraction. You've probably been curious as to what it is.
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Handful to Ponder

Karl Bradley ·
It's not about you It's all about you It's about what you're doing for others & how your intentions provide the evidence of your authentic intentions. Realizing & doing them is leadership to me. Behavior Change The hardest part about leadership development. The start is what stops most people. Coach People Fix Processes You don't have to be better than another person to help them, to coach them. You just have to care a whole awful lot. Help people do their work by removing the...
Blog Post

3 Hard Things to Say

Karl Bradley ·
If you like sports at all you've likely seen or read something from this person. He's the simply smart & wildly witty Woody Paige ! A while back his chalkboard had this wisdom: Yep, you guessed it, we're going to unpack these a bit! I need help. When people don't feel safe enough to admit they need others to do their work, fear is dominating. When fear is present our brains are in flight/flight/freeze mode helping us make "survival" decisions. This works against us when collaborating is...

Re: Shhh...It's a Secret!

Crystal Powers ·
While I like and agree with this focus and the same in 7 Habits training. I struggle with how to adapt it to situations that are outside of our control. Because while this attitude is essential to keep us moving forward, it isn't some rosy 'all things are possible.' As we work with clients too who have severe health, financial, abuse, and racial trauma, this seems only a partial response. When circumstances take your chance of success down to a really small percentage, this type of message...
Blog Post

A Plan to Stick Together

Karl Bradley ·
"So much of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work." -Peter Drucker We never really get clarity, we're always seeking it. Here are some points of clarity to help bring people together because... "We don't have to do it all alone...we were never meant to." -Brene' Brown Leadership vs Management Let's stop calling leadership, management & management, leadership. Management is for resources, leadership is for people. The Scarcity of Time When a critical...
Blog Post

ICYMI: An In-Depth Look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

Aaron Weibe ·
A couple of weeks ago, we had Stephenie Fu and Elizabeth Rahavi join us from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion to discuss the new Dietary Guidlines for Americans for 2020-2015. The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 to reflect the current body of nutrition science. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is the nation’s source for nutrition guidance to promote health and...
Blog Post

Workplace "Bill of Rights"?

Karl Bradley ·
How many "rules" do you have where you work? How many of them help your daily work? Too many can be hard to remember & overwhelming. Let's unpack "rules" a bit... Rules or Procedures or Values Rules are guidelines. They carry more weight than suggestions & sometimes are even laws. For example, driving rules increase safety & can save lives. Don't throw gum on the sidewalk is also a good one. Procedures on the other hand guide behaviors systematically. You wouldn't want the Doctor...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Take a Tour with the MyPlate Team: Walk Through The New Personalized Digital Tools and Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we had three guests from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to learn about the new MyPlate website and suite of digital tools and resources that were launched upon the release of the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025. In this webinar, we explored the MyPlate tools to help you reach audiences at every life stage. Here are some resources from that webinar: Recording MyPlate National Nutrition Month Playbook (Attached) Slide deck (Attached) Q&A questions answered in...
Blog Post

Mistakes leaders make...

Karl Bradley ·
Some mistakes leaders make... Putting themself ahead of others; not being self-aware and/or self-reflective. Betraying others' trust Being certain; (Re)acting too fast Not living up to their own values; inauthentic Overly enamored with their own vision; arrogance If it seems like it's all about you, you're in the gig for the wrong reason. It shouldn't be all about the leader. Trust must be present for there to be betrayal. This is the worst & perhaps hardest for people to recover from.
Blog Post

Yes or No?

Karl Bradley ·
Yes can lead to more. More can lead to over commitment. Over commitment can lead to accomplishing less. "Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing." -Andy Stanley No can lead to less. Less can lead to focus. Focus can lead to getting more accomplished. "Busy is a choice. In fact, it's the easy choice." -Tony Crabbe Choose wisely. What's the most important contribution you can make to the world? Commit to that!
Blog Post

New! Extension Foundation Project Management Assistant

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation is seeking an individual to assist in the management of projects, project communications, management of the project database, and general support. This contract is 1 FTE and will include supporting the work of the Extension Foundation Project Management Specialist, Partnership Development Specialist, and Leadership Development Specialist. This position will assist the leadership of people, teams, and partners with communications and project management support. This...
Blog Post

October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal!

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats @Susan Harris from Nebraska Extension for submitting the winning story lead for the October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead contest. Thank you to everyone that submitted. The story, Farmer Mental Health Highlighted in University of Nebraska Extension Workshop Series has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here .
Blog Post

Old You...New You

Karl Bradley ·
The hardest aspect of leadership development is behavior change. Often, we lose momentum on creating new habits. Could it be because we don't think about all the great stuff we are choosing to keep? Let's unpack this in 3 parts... Old You What is it about the old you that you would like to maintain? Preserve? Protect? There's more in here than you think. Write them down. Feel good about them. Share them. Celebrate your decision. Stop Doing We spend a lot of time thinking about & deciding...
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February 2021 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats to @Will Hehemann from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for submitting the winning story lead for the February 2021 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest. His story lead, Landowner Furthers Family Farm Legacy Through Partnership with UAPB Forestry Program was chosen and will be developed and published by the Farm Journal Trust in Food team. Congrats Will and UAPB! Thank you to everyone who submitted for the February 2021 contest, which was a spotlight on 1890 Land Grant Universities!

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Maria Pippidis ·
I enjoyed this summary of theories. You can see how things have changed over time and the generations. Thank you for pulling all this together a d providing a thought provoking summary. Maria
Blog Post

Questions or Complaints?

Karl Bradley ·
“Only self-confidence makes freedom & dissent possible. An organization that brainwashes employees to think alike will only breed complacency & make itself unappealing to anyone who might inject some oxygen into it.” – Ricardo Semler Think about a time when you were offended by a complaint. Perhaps it was a question someone posed. Did it feel like it was directed at you in a meeting in front of others? Do you remember your response? Was it appropriate for the situation? Was it...
Blog Post

Daily Habit!

Karl Bradley ·
Several years ago I started a habit of gifting myself a few minutes every day to read, watch or listen to something about leadership. It was rough at first as I fought off thoughts of how the time could be used for other things. It's been worth it though, I've learned so much. Here are just a few sources for a daily leadership content feed... The Marshall Goldsmith Coaching app gives you the ability to hear 3 weekly thoughts directly from the #1 Executive Coach in the world. Simple &...
Blog Post

Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats to @Brian Whitacre and Oklahoma State University for submitting the winning story lead for the November 2020 contest. That month's contest was about Rural Broadband Access. The full story, Rural Internet Program Pairs Oklahomans with Cellular Hotspots, was published by Farm Journal and is now available. March 2021 Contest: Carbon Markets For this month’s Cooperative Extension feature, Farm Journal’s Trust In Food wants to ask you about the work you are doing to help farmers or the...
Blog Post


Scott Reed ·
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Eric Dunker, Associate for Business Strategies, Associate Vice President and Dean: Business, Technology, and Workforce Partnerships, Arapahoe Community College As our society becomes more diverse, businesses and communities have moral and economic reasons to create systems with talent equity outcomes across the educational and labor market continuum. Higher education is rightly focused on educational equity, but this pandemic has demonstrated large...
Blog Post

Do you like hot fries?

Karl Bradley ·
In our U.S. Air Force, there are Officers & Enlisted. Officers have ranks of 2nd Lieutenant to 4-Star General. Enlisted have ranks of Airman to Chief Master Sergeant. There is one special position in the Enlisted ranks that only 19 people have held. It's the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force ( CMSAF ) position. Had the opportunity a few years ago to hear CMSAF #5, Robert Gaylor speak. Here's the video from his presentation at TEDx Scott Air Force Base: A Motto For Life: Robert...
Blog Post

1890 Extension Leadership Academy Prepares Future Leaders To Act As Change Agents, Creates Culture of Innovation

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The 1890s Extension Leadership Academy (ELA) is designed to prepare future and upcoming leaders in Cooperative Extension to act as change agents, with the goal of creating a culture that encourages and sustains innovation. The academy seeks to equip leaders to respond to critical challenges proactively. The ELA is offered in collaboration with Fort Valley State University & Extension Foundation , alongside key partners from Kentucky State University and Lincoln University. The most...
Blog Post

Mission, Vision, Priorities!

Karl Bradley ·
An Abraham Lincoln quote comes to mind, who I thought you might like to have quoted at this point.. 😉 “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew .” Annual Message to Congress-Concluding Remarks, December 1, 1862 Developing our Mission, Vision, Priorities helps us rise with the challenges in front of us. They help us lean into, even...
Blog Post

Updated County Health Rankings - Released April 1

Roger Rennekamp ·
The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute has released the annual update of its County Health Rankings featuring information on more than 30 factors which influence health. The new rankings can be accessed at Released every year by the UWPHI, with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Rankings show that where you live influences how well and how long you live. An easy-to-use snapshot, the Rankings compare the health of all...
Blog Post

Old Hat

Karl Bradley ·
Each of us probably have items we've held onto for a long time. The sentimental value pulls at our heartstrings so hard we can't seem to let them go. One such item for me is a New York Yankees hat. The Story My wife & I were on the road together in New York. One of the stops on the tour was New York City. We found ourselves with some time one morning & decided to venture out to discover downtown. It was a gorgeous sunny day & I wasn't prepared so naturally, I bought a Yankees...
Blog Post

Giving Children and Adolescents a Healthy Start Through Nutrition

Holly H. McPeak ·
By LT Dennis Anderson-Villaluz, MBA, RD, LDN, FAND, Nutrition Advisor, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Establishing healthy dietary patterns early in life can provide young Americans with the foundation to continue those behaviors throughout later life stages. Unhealthy dietary patterns and inadequate physical activity in children and adolescents ages 2 to 18 contribute to overweight and obesity — as well as increasing the...
Blog Post

Ugh...Bad drivers!

Karl Bradley ·
It happens every day... You're driving on the highway and inevitably there's someone driving crazy. Going faster than everyone. The cost of a ticket isn't a deterrent. Rules don't apply to them. They're dodging in & out of the lanes like it's the Indianapolis 500! This has a major effect on you and those around you. You put on the brakes. You change lanes. Your pulse goes up. You have passengers double check their seatbelts. You're on high alert! The dialogue in your head might look...
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Food Waste Reduction Challenge Begins April 12

Deanne Meyer ·
A graduate cohort group from across the US has worked diligently this year to understand the complexities of food waste. After months of problem-solving and deliberation, they ultimately decided to launch a 7-day social media campaign centered on raising awareness around food waste prevention and reduction. Namely, the “7 Day Food Waste Reduction Challenge.” YOU can participate and make a difference! The social media campaign will consist of seven days of interventions, each day themed in...
Blog Post

Your Leadership Puzzle (Part 1)

Karl Bradley ·
Clues to guide leadership development often prove to be more art than science. Many of these concepts live in the part of our brain that deals with feelings & not language. This fact alone can make conveying them difficult at best (I'll still try!). Here are some of the pieces we can utilize to begin the journey of putting together our leadership puzzle. PASSION We all find time to do the things that are most important to us. What do you spend 5 hours doing & it seems like 5 minutes?
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cpdiaz ·
Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
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Human Behavior & the Spread of Livestock Diseases

Joanna Cummings ·
By Scott Merrill and Eric Clark, University of Vermont The Social Ecological Gaming and Simulation (SEGS) Lab is a multidisciplinary research lab designed to examine pressing problems in the interacting domains of natural ecology and human society. We work on problems ranging from water quality and energy, to looking at how Covid-19 related social distancing behavior changes in different environments – from the grocery store to the park. We also are engaged in trying to understand the...
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Your Leadership Puzzle (Part 2)

Karl Bradley ·
Every day we encounter a myriad of issues that can make leadership puzzling. One of these is the pace of change. The world is changing at a speed faster than humans have ever experienced before due largely to technological advances. This fact alone makes our leadership foothold paramount to balancing the needs of the people & enterprise we serve. Some of the same themes keep appearing. The human skills we often don’t realize we’re utilizing. Awareness is the key for those who’ve decided...
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How Networks Can Help Reduce Stress

Jessica B. ·
Does your network help reduce your stress? Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to talk with Naava Frank and Ziva Mann, authors of the article " How to Reduce Stress and Increase Learning: The Power of Professional Networks ." Join us as we discuss how our network connections can help support us in difficult times. Naava is the director of Knowledge Communities where she consults to foundations and nonprofits to launch and support the growth of networks and communities of practice. Ziva...
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Karl Bradley ·
What we know compared to Google isn't much. None of us knows everything. Here are some thoughts on leveraging your expertise. Have a clear mission & focus! Peter Drucker , the great teacher, said you should be able to fit your mission statement on a t-shirt! Reach out & meet the greatest people in the world in your topic area & ask them to be your mentors. Learn from them. Get clarity & make your t-shirt. Parallel Allies! Who are the experts who can help you with your...
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2 things to make your team!

Karl Bradley ·
As fun as it might be to live in the magical world of Harry Potter, sadly we don't. And there's no "silver bullet" to fix issues. If you're someone who knows your team can be better and wants it to be better, here are a two that will help quickly! Make RECOGNITION a resource This goes way beyond just saying "thanks" to a team member. Developing the ability to both give & receive gratitude authentically is a must. These human skills are a great way to increase psychological safety on your...
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Tuesday Food Preservation Basics Webinar Series

Pat Bebo ·
Are you interested in learning about food preservation? Join us for these free webinars hosted by Ohio State University Extension. The first half hour will consist of a lesson on the below topics, followed by 30 minutes of open question and answer time. You are welcome to register for just one or all of them. Tuesday's May 4-June 29 4-5 PM EST Register at:

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
