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Virginia Cooperative Extension is hiring.

Come work with Virginia Cooperative Extension as a Data Integration Specialist. The position focuses on planning and reporting using PEARS and building data integration capacity across the system. Position is housed in VCE Learning and Organizational Development on campus at Virginia Tech.

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor - #7 Your Personal Mission

Your Personal Mission A personal mission is a statement about your why. This is what drives you to get out of bed in the morning. It describes what you believe is most important in life, what you wish to focus on, and what you want to be known for. If you allow it to direct your thoughts and actions each day, it has the potential to direct your life and achieve the future you want. I often tell my students to consider doing this exercise and then holding on to it. When one finds themself...

New EFNEP High School Curriculum - Fuel For Life

Fuel for Life (FFL) is an innovative 6-to 8-week program developed by NC State University to equip high school students with essential life skills. The curriculum focuses on teaching students about nutrition, safe food handling and preparation, food resource management, and physical activity. The goal is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices and lead a balanced lifestyle. Recognizing the scarcity of nutrition programs targeting high school students, NC...

New Research Snapshots shed light on the economic and social impacts of caregivers in the North Central and Northeast U.S.

Two new "Research Snapshots" share preliminary findings from a groundbreaking survey that examined the caregiving experiences of households in the North Central and Northeast regions of the U.S. These publications serve as a complement to two recently published, open-access regional datasets that resulted from the survey.

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor - #6 The Values Review

The Values Review Our values may be defined as beliefs that guide our behavior or motivate us to act. As individuals, we all have varying values and belief systems. We come from differing backgrounds and places. This gives us a rich and beautiful diversity. But how do we incorporate values into our everyday work? How do we ensure our core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide behavior and action? Here’s an exercise that can help. Grab a piece of paper. Look at the table below, and...

AgriProspects Mini-Grants - July 31 Deadline, Upcoming Support Sessions

July 31st marks the deadline to submit a proposal for an AgriProspects mini-grant supporting adult ag workforce development projects. A home stretch update and Q&A session is scheduled for July 17th at 4pm ET. Register for the session using the link below: https://agriprospects.extensio...ts/july-2024-update/ We are also wrapping up our regional office hours for the grant. While marked as regional, anyone can attend any session that fits their schedule. The following office hours are...

Resources for Applying to EXCITE Funding

In case you missed it: There are two new funding opportunities aimed to integrate immunization education awareness and messaging across various projects and programs within Extension! This initiative is a step toward building a holistic health approach with Extension Programming. Application Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications for these new EXCITE funding opportunities is fast approaching! Make sure to mark your calendars and prepare your submissions promptly. Application...

UNH Extension Seeks Field Specialist, 4-H Workforce Readiness

This position is located at UNH Cooperative Extension’s Hillsborough County office in Goffstown, New Hampshire, however is responsible for statewide support in the area of workforce readiness. The 4-H workforce readiness field specialist is responsible for the development of the N.H. 4-H WorkLife pathway with a focus on preparing youth for their next steps as members of the workforce and their communities. The 4-H workforce readiness field specialist provides leadership in determining needs;...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #5 - Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests

Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests to Find Your Future What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at (i.e., your natural gifts)? Where do you want to learn more? These three items, together, can powerfully steer you toward your desired future. Let’s talk about that today. Most people have multiple gifts. Many people can do a variety of jobs, and career paths are frequently not linear. Anecdotally, my friends and former students share that their journeys have been directed...

Happy 4th of July!

Independence Day. Fourth of July . The founding of our nation. Family, fun & fireworks! On this day in 1776, our thirteen original colonies declared independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence document outlines our national foundation of freedom, democracy, and equality. The very first celebration was a year later in Philadelphia. Today, we mark the day with parades, picnics, and fireworks. Historically, July is a big month for the Cooperative Extension Service as...

Extension as a Catalyst to Community-University Engagement: Community of Practice

June's Dynamic Discussion engaged a panel of Extension professionals to discuss the topic, "Extension as a Catalyst to Community-University Engagement." This session served as a starting point for a community of practice to share ideas on how Extension has led campus engagement efforts. Session Overview Jentry Barrett kicked off the session by emphasizing that community-university relationships are at the heart of the Land-Grant University mission. Many Extension missions state that we...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #4 - Five Things to Have, Do, Help, and Be

Five Things to Have, Do, Help, and Be: A Personal Futuring Exercise At a very early age, most people are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We often prompt young minds with examples: “Do you want to be a firefighter? A teacher? A farmer?” But what if there is a more important question: “Who do you want to become?” This is qualitatively different. This is perhaps the best question to ask to prompt future thinking, focus, and goal-setting. In this blog series, I’m attempting to...

Positive Parenting: A Protective Factor for National Guard/Reservist Families

Written by: Hannah Bradford and Kalin Goble, M.S. National Guard and Reservist families experience military life in a unique way as compared to their active duty counterparts. Most National Guard and Reservist families do not live on or near military bases like active duty service members do. Living near a military base provides access to a community of other military families and providers who understand the culture of military life. Social support within the military community and access...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
