Tagged With "rural"
Re: Virtual Chat: Exploring Extension’s Role in Disaster Response and Mental Health & Wellness
I am looking forward to this event! This is a very important topic that needs to be discussed.
Re: NCRCRD Webinar: How to Get the Most Out of the Community Development Extension Library
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Re: How can health messaging work within rural communities?
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How can health messaging work within rural communities? webinar June 23rd
How can health messaging work within rural communities ? Save-the-Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 1-2pm central time (11 PST, 12 MT, 1 CT, 2 EST) (Webinar registration link will be announced at later date) Poverty in rural areas of the US is higher than in urban areas. Geographic isolation, lack of infrastructure, fewer available resources, and limited economic opportunity compound these challenges. Many extension and outreach professionals aim to strengthen supports for families, so they...
Re: Webinar: Landscape Scale Community Forestry
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Re: NCRCRD Webinar: Using Q Methodology to Measure Rural Entrepreneurial Perceptions & An Overview of Homegrown: Entrepreneurship in Your Community
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Re: NCRCRD Webinar: Insights for Rural Healthcare Resilience: A Quantitative Survey Analysis
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Re: NCRCRD Webinar: Using Q Methodology to Measure Rural Entrepreneurial Perceptions & An Overview of Homegrown: Entrepreneurship in Your Community
Recording Available Here
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Update from the First Quarter of the EXCITE Program
At last week's Spotlight session, we took time to recognize and reflect on the progress of the EXCITE projects. The session included seeing data shared by the EXCITE Evaluation team compiled from the projects' previous four months of reporting. We were excited to share what teams accomplished in the first quarter, including how they developed and communicated their messages, innovative ways they reached their audience, and how they have been effective in implementing their immunization...
Blog Post
Resources for National Rural Health Day
Today is National Rural Health Day! On this day, we recognize the impact that Cooperative Extension is making in rural communities across the country. At the Foundation, we have the opportunity to serve professionals in the system that are on the ground making a difference, whether that is the 96 Extension projects we serve through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE), programs that participate in the Impact Collaborative and the 1890 Extension...
Blog Post
EXCITE Gets Recognition from the CDC
The Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement, (EXCITE) program received a letter of gratitude from CDC director Samuel F. Posner, and a spotlight on the CDC's Health Equity in Action page for their work. In the letter, Samuel Posner recognizes the value of a partnership with Cooperative Extension, stating "..we’re looking forward to learning from CES and understanding community concerns to develop and deliver effective tailored messaging to increase vaccination in...
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Celebrating Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Activity 1 Achievements with CDC
ECOP, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA and CDC, funded the Cooperative Extension System to address Immunization education in rural and medically underserved areas through the EXCITE program through two national projects, Vaccine with Confidence and Pilot Project Adult Immunization Education. The Extension network being a trusted and reliable resource for communities was a key factor in being selected by the CDC as a partner. 72 Land Grant Universities were selected,...
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New Project Videos on the EXCITE Dashboard
EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story. The project videos help showcase the success multiple institutions across diverse populations have had in reaching and educating their audience despite the...
Re: Rural Resilience
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Rural Resilience
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Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity
Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...
Blog Post
Resources from Program Center Stage Feature- Utah's Remote Online Initiative Program
In the August Program Center Stage session titled "Empowering Rural Communities Through Remote Work: An Introduction to Utah's Remote Online Initiative Program," the Utah State Extension team taught us about their program that's making a significant impact in Utah's rural community. The Remote Online Initiative Program is a new Utah State Extension program that helps rural communities prepare for the future by providing specialized #RemoteWork training and career coaching. Dr. Paul Hill and...
Blog Post
Celebrating EXCITE Vaccine in Education Projects Reaching Over 11 Million People!
We are celebrating EXCITE Vaccine Education Projects reaching over 11 million people through their 1st year. After calculating the data from the June program reports, EXCITE total reach came to 11,201,951 people! Bringing crucial Vaccine Education to this number of people during a challenging year is a significant accomplishment for the EXCITE project. This figure demonstrates Extension's ability to reach hard-to-reach populations and the value of the system's boots-on-the-ground efforts.
Blog Post
Celebrating National Rural Health Day 2022
On National Rural Health Day, we celebrate with the #CDC the #PowerofRural, and the many programs and professionals striving to protect rural communities' health through Extension programming and resources! The Extension Foundation is proud to support the critical work many programs are doing to bring health resources, tools and education to rural communities. Below are projects supported by the Extension Foundation that show the impact Cooperative Extension is making in rural communities...
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2022 Program Center Stage
The Extension Foundation 's Program Center Stage series had a great first year , highlighting programs that are doing impactful work across the system . Throughout the year , the series featured Southern University Ag Center Emergency Prep ared ness Response & Recovery , J UN T OS 4-H, New Technologies for Ag Extension ( N TA E ), Extension Collabor ation on Immun ization Education ( EX C ITE ), North Star Legacy Communities , Utah ’ s Remote Work Online Initiative Program , P estic ide...
Blog Post
RFA Release: EXCITE Implementation Phase *with increased funding amount*
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS EXCITE: Implementation Phase ELIGIBILITY: Competitive phase available to ALL Land-grant universities (1862, 1890, 1994) by completing an online application. Participation in the Design Phase is not a requirement to apply for the Implementation Phase. AWARD AMOUNT: $100,000 TIMELINE: Application Open: February 2023 Application Deadline: March 15, 2023, 11:59PM PT Award Notification: May 2023 Award Period: June 1, 2023 - November 30, 2024 APPLICATION ACCESS: The...
Blog Post
The EXCITE Project: Impact of Immunization Education Programs at 1890 Institutions
The 1890 Universities Foundation collaborated with the Extension Foundation to implement the system-wide program, Extension Collabor ative on Immun ization , Teaching and Eng agement ( EX C ITE ). EX C ITE addresses barriers and increases confidence about CO VID - 19 , flu , and other vaccinations among rural and medically unders erved audiences and informs CDC , USDA - N IFA , Cooperative Extension , and health partners about how best to implement public health programs to reduce health...
Blog Post
Funding Opp: USDA Seeks Partner to Evaluate Impact of Food Supply Chain Funding
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development today announced that it is inviting proposals to evaluate the impact of the agency’s grant and loan programs on regional food supply chains . The agency is making $750,000 available to measure how well USDA Rural Development programs are creating market opportunities for small- and mid-sized farmers and independent agricultural businesses throughout the food supply chain. In 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration and USDA...
Blog Post
Empowering voices: The impact of Rural Prosperity Nebraska on a Hispanic women group
Nasrin Nawa | October 18, 2023 Rural Prosperity Nebraska, an Extension program, empowers a dynamic group of Hispanic women in Columbus through biweekly sessions encompassing a wide spectrum of topics, including social, cultural, health, leadership and life skills. Maria Cantu Hines, a dedicated Extension educator, travels two hours every other Saturday to join this group in Columbus since the beginning of 2023. For Hines, it is nourishing to her "soul." "I eagerly anticipate our gatherings,"...
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Registration Open for the Rural Grocery Transition Specialist Program
Registration is open now for the Rural Grocery Transition Specialist program! This self-paced, online course is designed to train resource providers to better support rural grocery business transitions. Students who successfully complete the course will earn a microcredential through K-State Global Campus. The course will be held September 9 through December 8, 2024. Register by August 30, 2024 at ruralgrocery.org/specialist.
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Report – Extension Tourism: Impact and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming Across U.S. Regions
The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its publications library. " Extension Tourism: Impact and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming Across U.S. Regions " shares findings from a national survey process conducted by the National Extension Tourism design team and Regional Rural Development Centers from 2017-2019. The intent of the survey process was to catalog current tourism and recreation programming being conducted by U.S. Extension professionals. The findings are...
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Register Today for the Rural Grocery Transition Specialist Program
Supporting rural grocers in business transition planning is essential to keeping the benefits of hometown grocery stores in rural communities. The Rural Grocery Transition Specialist program trains and deploys resource professionals across the country to better serve rural grocers through these business transitions. The deadline to register for the spring 2025 offering of this course is January 20, 2025, so learn more and sign up today!
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Adapting to the Digital Age: Insights from a National Participatory Research Project
In a new publication, RRDC researchers share their key takeaways from adapting traditional community-engaged research approaches for an entirely virtual setting.