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Update from the First Quarter of the EXCITE Program


At last week's Spotlight session, we took time to recognize and reflect on the progress of the EXCITE projects. The session included seeing data shared by the EXCITE Evaluation team compiled from the projects' previous four months of reporting. We were excited to share what teams accomplished in the first quarter, including how they developed and communicated their messages, innovative ways they reached their audience, and how they have been effective in implementing their immunization education programs in their communities.

Below are highlights from the first quarter of data collection:

Total Individuals Reached: 87,000

Total Individuals Vaccinated: 15,401

Combined Activity: Reach

On this chart, the dark orange bar represents data from A1 and the light orange or peach-colored bar represents data reported from A2 projects. Mass media reach for A1 projects is 3,268,547 and 403,000 for A2 projects. No surprise, for A1 and A2 projects mass media reaches the most amount of people, followed by social media.

Combined Activity: Number of Events

Here you can see the number of reported events across projects. Because A2 events, as reported at the end of Q1, were far less than what had been reported for A1 projects, most activities for A2 projects do not show up on the bar chart. The only exception to this is Vaccination Clinics, in which you see more vaccination clinics being reported for A2 projects.

Combined Activity: Assets Developed

In this chart, the dark blue indicates developed assets by A1 teams and the light blue indicates A2 developed assets.

Thank you to all of our teams for their hard and innovative work over the past quarter! The EXCITE program has been recognized by NIFA as a prime example of a joint effort and is paving the way for future system-wide Extension programs. A special thank you to Laura Downey and Isabel Osborn for collecting this data.

To learn more about the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) program and Institutions participating, read the original post here-

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