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See Me. Hear Me. Know Me. Teen Perceptions of How Living in a Rural Community Influences their Diet and Physical Activity Choices

See Me. Hear Me. Know Me. Teen Perceptions of How Living in a Rural Community Influences their Diet and Physical Activity Choices

Our esteemed presenter, Dr. Deborah Thompson, PhD, RD, is a Research Nutritionist and Professor whose work focuses on preventing youth obesity and related diseases through promoting a healthy diet and physical activity. Dr. Thompson’s research spans:

- Theory and measurement to guide and accurately assess change.

- Health message design for developmentally and culturally appropriate interventions.

- Design, development, and evaluation of interventions promoting healthy behaviors, with a special focus on using digital media to engage youth.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the perceptions of teens in rural communities and the factors that influence their diet and physical activity choices.



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