EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story. The project videos help showcase the success multiple institutions across diverse populations have had in reaching and educating their audience despite the many obstacles.
The Dashboard was recently updated with data through March and 10 new videos were added- see the list below for institutions and check out their short videos to see what your local institution is doing for Vaccine Education in your state! What the EXCITE teams have done to further Extensions reach in this space is impressive, and these project videos celebrate that! You can always see the Dashboard at Extension.org/map.
Insutitons with a Spotlight Video on the Dashboard:
University of North Carolina State
University of Georgia
University of Delaware
Colorado State
Ohio State
Alcorn State
University of West Virginia and West Virginia State
College of Menominee Nation
University of Missouri
Lincoln University
University of Wisconsin Madison
University of Wyoming
Iowa State
Michigan State University
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College
Bay Mills Community College
University of Vermont
American Samoa Community College
University of Minnesota
University of Connecticut
University of Rhode Island
Tennessee State University
Florida A&M and University of Florida
University of Idaho
Red Lake Nation
Southern University
Virginia Tech
Nebraska Indian Community College
Purdue University
University of Maryland
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Delaware
University of Arizona
University of Illinois

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