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Tagged With "Farm Planning"

Blog Post

College of Menominee Nation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative partner with eXtension through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement

Aaron Weibe ·
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2018-2022 Strategic Plan recognizes its role in helping provide access to safe and nutritious food for limited income people, by supporting limited resource individuals and families in their efforts to escape food insecurity and hunger and improve their well-being. These objectives require partnerships between State, local agencies, Federal, and public and private entities to support best practices in implementing effective programs and ensuring...
Blog Post

May 25th Deadline: Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
This is just a reminder that the deadline for the monthly Farm Journal Story Lead contest is coming up for the month of May on the 25th ! In case you missed the details about this contest, I've included them below. We look forward to your submissions! The eXtension Foundation, in partnership with Farm Journal, is pleased to bring this opportunity to Cooperative Extension. Each month, we will offer a story lead contest right here in Connect Extension in the new Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead...
Blog Post

NEW Monthly Story Lead Contest! Your Chance to Get Published in Farm Journal!

Aaron Weibe ·
The eXtension Foundation, in partnership with Farm Journal, is pleased to bring this opportunity to Cooperative Extension. Each month, we will offer a story lead contest right here in Connect Extension in the new Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest group. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, will have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. Submissions for the contest are simply...
Blog Post

NPSEC and Texas A&M Agrilife Extension partner with eXtension through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement for Mass Media Pollinator Stewardship Effort

Aaron Weibe ·
Advancing the role of integrated pest management, including effective use of pesticides, is critical to controlling the spread of harmful pests and diseases. It is estimated that 40 percent of global crops are lost to agricultural pests each year. The US Department of Agriculture Strategic Plan 2018-2022 emphasizes prevention and mitigation of agricultural pests and disease. There are recognized, undesirable effects associated with application and misuse of pesticides, especially by the...
Blog Post

UNL’s Weather Ready Farms Partners with eXtension Through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation is partnering with four existing programs aligned with USDA strategic goals across Cooperative Extension in Year 1 to explore new methods and models for program scale and implementation. These initiatives are being documented in a series of eFieldbooks to inform the system of the models, learnings, and outcomes. Professional development opportunities will...
Blog Post

What’s it Like to Work with the eXtension Foundation as an NTAE Project? - Bridging the GAPs

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension recently announced the opportunity for nominations for the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) for Year 2 projects. The nomination form will be available on June 15th until July 20th, 2020. Selected projects will receive wrap around services from the eXtension Foundation to support and amplify the project/program outcomes. Wrap around services include: Project/Program advisory support from a Catalyst (current or past senior program or administrative Cooperative...
Blog Post

Results from the May 2020 Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
Last month, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the May 2020 contest was about the important work Extension is doing to help farmers and rural...
Blog Post

In Case You Missed It! - Unpacking the Content Creation Process Webinar

Kara Maddox ·
Yesterday afternoon Nathan Hermond with Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension and Kara Maddox with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center hosted a webinar on how we transformed existing Cooperative Extension content into an engaging Pollinator Prep Guide designed for Millennials and their families. Click here to watch the recording today! In the webinar, we spoke about the nifty poll featured offered by 99designs - as well as the ability to start a competition among...
Blog Post

Market Research: The tool in your toolbelt you didn't know you had...or needed

Ashley Mueller ·
Join the Weather Ready Farms group on Connect Extension Here We often hear the term “needs assessment” in Extension work. It’s an important pillar in a strong Extension program. As Extension professionals, we need to know about learners’ needs that can be potentially filled by our work. It’s important we conduct needs assessments to identify the “difference, or gap, between what is and what should be – or what is reasonably possible,” (NDSU Extension, n.d.). Conducting needs assessments...
Blog Post

May 2020 Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal

Aaron Weibe ·
On a congratulatory note, the winning story lead from the May 2020 contest has now been published in Farm Journal. The winning story lead came from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and was submitted by @Jeff Goodwin . From there, Farm Journal worked with the team at the University of Hawaii, including Dr. @Koon-Hui Wang , to produce the full story. The full story, Screenhouses Boost Marketable Yields for Farmers , is available here . In addition, Farm Journal featured this story on AgDay...
Blog Post

Results from the June 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the June 2020 contest was about reducing food waste and we received several excellent submissions!
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a Nebraska Extension program called Weather Ready Farms to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services is the creation of a peer-reviewed eFieldbook about this project and a model...
Blog Post

Livestream Today at 2 PM ET!: Conducting Market Research for Extension Programs: Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
Open this post in Connect Extension to watch live! As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation partnered with a Nebraska Extension program called Weather Ready Farms to help accelerate their program implementation and impact. In addition to this initiative being documented in a peer-reviewed ePublication, this project received direct support from a third-party marketing firm specializing in...

Re: New eFieldbook Available! Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Very excited to be able to share this resource with others!
Blog Post

ICYMI: Conducting Market Research for Extension Programs: Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
Last week, we had the opportunity to sit down with a wonderful team that has been working as one of eXtension's New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects for 2019-2020. The Weather Ready Farms program comes from Nebraska Extension and as an NTAE project, it received direct support from a third-party marketing firm specializing in agriculture to conduct market research into the target audience and create a marketing & communication plan. Our webinar last week included: Ashley...
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a multi-state initiative including North Carolina State University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services...
Blog Post

June 2020 Story Lead Contest Winner Published In Farm Journal

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats @Stacey Stearns from UConn for submitting the winning story lead for the June 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest . And thank you to everyone that submitted last month! The story, COVID-19 Needs Spurs Dairy - UConn Food Pantry Parternship has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here . Today is the deadline for the July 2020 Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead contest here in Connect Extension. Several story leads have already been submitted; if you didn't get a...
Blog Post

Conversations that matter: Advance care planning for rural families

Leacey E. Brown ·
‘Conversations that matter: Advance care planning for rural families’ is the result of a collaboration be between SDSU Extension, SDSU College of Nursing, and NDSU Extension. This booklet contains a lesson plan to guide participants through a one-hour learning session about advance care planning. The content was recently updated based on the results piloting the materials and feedback we received from other professionals in the field. In addition, content was added to help guide users of the...
Blog Post

August 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest: Soil Health

Aaron Weibe ·
Get your story lead developed and published by Farm Journal! For this month’s Cooperative Extension feature, Farm Journal’s Trust In Food wants to hear from your county/state/region about an innovative research project, on-farm trial or farmer engagement program you or Extension is leading to help farmers measure, analyze and improve their soil health. Are you ready to pitch your story for a national audience? Post your submission in Connect Extension in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead...

Re: August 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest: Soil Health

Justin Egbe ·
The importance of Soil Health cannot be overemphasized. I see soil as the foundation of life in general, and deserves our continuous attention. Justin Egbe
Blog Post

Results from the July 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest sub group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the July 2020 contest was about how Extension is empowering farmers to maximize their use of...
Blog Post

September 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest: How Are You Bringing People in Your Local Communities Closer to Farmers and U.S. Agriculture?

Aaron Weibe ·
For this month’s Cooperative Extension feature, Farm Journal’s Trust In Food seeks your stories about helping bring people in your local communities closer to farmers and U.S. agriculture. Amid COVID-19, many companies are reporting they will redouble efforts related to mitigating climate change, lowering environmental impact & helping consumers make sustainability-conscious purchasing decisions. What are you doing to help local consumers & farmers connect and better understand the...
Blog Post

Results from the August 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest sub group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the August 2020 contest was about about an innovative research project, on-farm trial or farmer...
Blog Post

Farm Biosecurity Education Goes Virtual with Discovery Learning Series

Joanna Cummings ·
A new virtual learning experience is helping youth in agriculture discover biosecurity, the preventative measures that protect farm animals from the spread of infectious diseases. The Healthy Farms Healthy Agriculture (HFHA) Project’s Biosecurity Learning Module Series is for students in grades 6 to 12, FFA and 4-H participants, college students studying animal science, and other agriculturally related youth groups.
Blog Post

Free Publication: Eat Healthy, Be Active Community Workshops

Aaron Weibe ·
I received a message from @Holly H. McPeak , Nutrition Advisor, HHS with the following information that she wanted to share with Cooperative Extension! This resource comes from the FDA: Free Publication. Order now! (only 500 left!) Eat Healthy, Be Active Community Workshops The Eat Healthy, Be Active Community Workshops are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans . Each of these six 1-hour workshops includes a lesson plan, learning...
Blog Post

County Connectivity Landscape Dashboard Announced

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
COVID-19 has sped the adoption of virtual programming in Cooperative Extension across the nation and has highlighted a need for information about connectivity at the county level for use in planning virtual programs. A new tool developed by a team at Purdue University may help. With funding from eXtension Foundation, they’ve created a County Connectivity Landscape Dashboard to help Cooperative Extension professionals as they plan online programming and outreach methods. Dr. Roberto Gallardo,...
Blog Post

Farm Journal Request for High-Res Images for Soil Health Improvement Workbook

Aaron Weibe ·
Farm Journal is building a soil health improvement workbook in partnership with NRCS & a variety of leaders in agribusiness, farmer associations, food companies & NGOs and are looking for high-resolution images (with credit to the providing organization(s)/institutions) of: Soil infiltration test (each step of the process illustrated) Water mitigation table (each step) At-home rainfall simulator (each step) Any other at-home soil tests farmers can perform to assess specific facets of...
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Kemēcemenaw: Tribal Extension Partnerships That Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty on the Menominee Indian Reservation

Aaron Weibe ·
“This eFieldbook will serve as a valuable resource to Cooperative Extension professionals that are working with indigenous populations, while focused on sovereign food production.” - Fred Schlutt, New Technologies for Ag Extension Catalyst, Former Extension Director - University of Alaska Fairbanks. The US Department of Agriculture 2018-2022 Strategic Plan recognizes it’s role in helping provide access to safe and nutritious food for limited income people, by supporting limited resource...
Blog Post

Results from the September 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the June 2020 contest was about reducing food waste and we received several excellent submissions!

Re: Results from the September 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
@Susan Harris , @Roger Rennekamp - take a look at the October contest listed at the bottom of this post.
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Using Radio & Digital Advertising for Extension Campaigns

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) in partnership with Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension to pilot a mass media campaign using radio and digital advertising to promote pollinator protection messages to the public. The results and method is published in this new eFieldbook. Using this eFieldbook, Cooperative Extension...
Blog Post

August 2020 Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats @Becky Koch from NDSU for submitting the winning story lead for the August 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest . And thank you to everyone that submitted! The story, Rings of Death: North Dakota Farmer Mitigates Challenges with Gypsum, Conservation Practices, has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here. Have a story for the October 2020 contest? This month's topic is about farmer stress and the work are you doing that supports the well-being of farmers,...
Blog Post

2, 10, 5, 7

Karl Bradley ·
Three PM is the most awkward's too late or too early to do anything. We've all been against time to get something finished or reluctantly putting off something we don't have time to start. Uhh! Yet we know time is like having to spend all your money every day, it's a precious commodity, we must spend it wisely. We also know failing to plan is planning to fail. Here's a sample plan to spend your time "money" wisely every day! *2 hours in the AM Do something productive...
Blog Post

September Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal!

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats @Stacey Stearns from UConn for submitting the winning story lead for the September 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest . And thank you to everyone that submitted! The story, Sustainable Food Success Stories from Connecticut , has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here. The November Story Lead contest will open on Monday! You can join the subgroup here .
Blog Post

Results from the October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the October 2020 contest was about Farmer Stress and Mental Health. We'd like to thank everyone that...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Getting Ready to Tell Consumers about MyPlate and the 2020 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday we had a fabulous panel from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion talk to us about MyPlate and the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines. 500 Cooperative Extension professionals joined us and brought some great questions with them for the 30 minute Q&A portion! If you didn't get a chance to catch it, the recording is now available . Additionally, @Barbara Jirka was kind enough to provide a copy of the slides and a handout - I've attached those to this post!
Blog Post

Interest in Understanding Ecosystem Service Values by Conservation Professionals in the Northeastern US

Melissa Kreye ·
A multi-state survey was implemented in December 2018 to assess the information needs of natural resource conservation professionals regarding the value of land conservation in their community. Findings reveal that most respondents do not have the information needed to incorporate ecosystem service values into planning and decision-making. There is opportunity for extension services to deliver economic information and training that can advance the management of conserved lands. Read the full...

Re: Email issues? Read this!

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
These are awesome ideas that I plan to incorporate! 😎
Blog Post

2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and New MyPlate Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans along with new MyPlate resources were released this morning! Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka, USDA-FNS Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion for sharing this. Attached are two documents that contain information about the release.
Blog Post

Get More Done in '21!

Karl Bradley ·
Wow, there was a ton thrown at us in 2020 and we're all looking forward to a new start in the new year. With every new year comes a new beginning, thinking about priorities & how to accomplish our meaningful choices. The attachment in this post from Hubspot highlights some aspects from their blog post on " How to stop the most common productivity prohibitors" Make Every Minute Count Keep Your Workspace Tidy Get Laser-Focused Reset & Recharge If you're curious about time-blocking or...
Blog Post

Workforce Readiness & Makerspace Team from Oregon Brings Community Partners to Impact Collaborative Summit, Wins Seed-Funding Grant for Western Region

Aaron Weibe ·
“The Impact Collaborative provided an ideal space for the Malheur Workforce Readiness team to work through a structured process that challenged their thinking and assisted them with building a strong, informed, foundation. It equipped them with critical insights on how to best evaluate their program and the potential impact, and better communicate and engage with their partners moving forward” - Anita Azarenko, Interim Vice President - Outreach and Extension, Extension Director, Oregon State...
Blog Post

Results from the November/December 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
Last year, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest sub group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the November/December 2020 contest was about the important work Extension is doing to better...
Blog Post

Simple Plan that Matters

Karl Bradley ·
Time is not a renewable resource. It seems we never have enough. This isn't anything new, it's an age old issue. While no amount of money ever bought us a second of time, here's a simple concept that could...for free. Don't touch anything twice. Open the email, move it on. Get the laundry out of the dryer, put it away. Get those everyday tasks done & move on. Don't wait for the timing to be just right or when you're in the mood. Choose putting effort (time) into opportunities of the...
Blog Post

Results from the January 2021 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
Last year, the Extension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest sub group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the January 2021 contest was about Ecosystem Service Supporting Practices & Opportunities...
Blog Post

A Plan to Stick Together

Karl Bradley ·
"So much of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work." -Peter Drucker We never really get clarity, we're always seeking it. Here are some points of clarity to help bring people together because... "We don't have to do it all alone...we were never meant to." -Brene' Brown Leadership vs Management Let's stop calling leadership, management & management, leadership. Management is for resources, leadership is for people. The Scarcity of Time When a critical...
Blog Post

Cornell Extension LIVCO Project Team Finds Impact Collaborative Was “An amazing team building opportunity”

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
A team from Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Livingston County came together at the recent eXtension Foundation Impact Collaborative Summit. Their association is situated on a park-like campus of more than one hundred acres. They had an idea of turning their campus into a learning laboratory for the community, with demonstration gardens and more. The team was one of 25 groups from across the country that participated in the first ever virtual Impact Collaborative Summit , held in...
Blog Post

NEW! Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education Position Description This project is a collaborative effort among the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), eXtension, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It grew out of efforts undertaken by the ECOP Health Innovation Task Force. eXtension anticipates receiving funding for Immunization Education efforts. Key Extension leaders on this project...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Take a Tour with the MyPlate Team: Walk Through The New Personalized Digital Tools and Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we had three guests from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to learn about the new MyPlate website and suite of digital tools and resources that were launched upon the release of the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025. In this webinar, we explored the MyPlate tools to help you reach audiences at every life stage. Here are some resources from that webinar: Recording MyPlate National Nutrition Month Playbook (Attached) Slide deck (Attached) Q&A questions answered in...
Blog Post

October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal!

Aaron Weibe ·
Congrats @Susan Harris from Nebraska Extension for submitting the winning story lead for the October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead contest. Thank you to everyone that submitted. The story, Farmer Mental Health Highlighted in University of Nebraska Extension Workshop Series has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here .

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
