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Surgeon General Declares Firearm Violence a Public Health Crisis


The U.S. Surgeon General has declared firearm violence to be a public health crisis through an advisory issued yesterday.  A Surgeon General’s Advisory is a public statement that calls the American people’s attention to an urgent public health issue. Advisories are reserved for significant public health challenges that require the nation’s immediate awareness and action.  According to the report "this Advisory describes the public health crisis of firearm violence in America and describes strategies for firearm injury and violence prevention, with a focus on the health and well-being of children, families, and communities.”

Read the full advisory here.

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The core underlying issue is a culture that embraces violence per se as a legitimate conflict resolution tool. Firearms are more efficient than cutting tools or hammers and clubs, but the underlying problem cannot be resolved by attempting to restrict access to any particular item which could be used as a weapon; at least not in a free society. Failing to address the real issue does no one any good.


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