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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Tagged With "move your way"

Blog Post

Public Health AmeriCorps Funding Opportunity Announced

Roger Rennekamp ·
AmeriCorps recently announced a new round of funding for Public Health AmeriCorps ! Public Health AmeriCorps, launched in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a $400 million investment to engage new communities and individuals in public health, recruiting and building a new workforce ready to respond to the nation’s public health needs. Last year, over 80 organizations were awarded a total of more than $60 million. Funding is open to nonprofit, faith-based,...
Blog Post

Nuts and Bolts of Cooperative Extension's New Health Framework

Roger Rennekamp ·
Don't miss the opportunity to lean more about Cooperative Extension's National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being. This framework was approved by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) in 2021 and was designed to serve as a roadmap for advancing the health-focused work of the Cooperative Extension System. The framework is organized around three core themes: health equity, social determinants of health, and working through coalitions to increase community health...
Blog Post

Belonging and Civic Muscle - A Vital Condition, An Extension Opportunity

Gina ·
When viewing the vital conditions framework, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the categories and get lost in thinking about your role in changing any one, or many of the conditions in the community. But, if we look at the conditions as an opportunity to speak to the work that we do as a system, it becomes something that feels right in the work that we do day in and day out, and maybe is the least "measured" in the people counting, and knowledge, attitudes and beliefs surveys many of us do...
Blog Post

Health Equity and Well Being, how do we achieve it?

Jorge H. Atiles, PhD ·
Recently, I attended the Extension-related Appalachian Health Summit in Roanoke, Virginia. There, we joined many other Appalachian states in discussing determinants of health and the challenges our communities face to access and enjoy health, quality care, and well-being. In this blog, I’d like to pose a question to ourselves as Extension services about how overwhelming this quest for health equity must feel. We left the summit very excited about the possibilities and in my case, with a mind...

Re: Health Equity and Well Being, how do we achieve it?

Cindy Fitch ·
I appreciate your insight and your support for thriving communities, Jorge. Focusing on the vital conditions is like preventive medicine. When we focus on the upstream changes, individuals, families, and communities are healthier and more resilient.
Blog Post

Free Seminar on Social Justice and Health Equity

Maria Cantu Hines ·
Bradford Hill Seminar – Social justice and health equity – Professor Sir Michael Marmot February 15 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (UK time) All are invited to the hybrid Bradford Hill Seminar: Social justice and health equity Professor Sir Michael Marmot Institute of Health Equity and UCL Department of Epidemiology & Public Health Register to attend Please note this will be a hybrid seminar, with the option to attend in-person (East Forvie Building, Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0SR) or...
Blog Post

Learn to Work with Communities to Implement Crime Prevention Strategies

Marie Ruemenapp ·
Are you, or would you like to be, working with communities on crime prevention strategies? This is your opportunity to learn strategies to do this. Michigan State University Extension has been working with faculty in the MSU School of Planning, Design and Construction (SPDC) and the MSU National Charrette Institute (NCI) to develop training for Extension professionals and communities on how to do crime prevention through placemaking and environmental design. The program is called Placemaking...
Blog Post

American Heart Association - Extension Grant Opportunity

Roger Rennekamp ·
Healthy for Life® Community Nutrition Grant Opportunity The American Heart Association and Aramark launched Healthy for Life® , an innovative health impact initiative, in 2015. The commitment: work together to leverage our combined reach and resources to help millions lead healthier lives. Through our collaboration, we developed a community nutrition program that empowers people to make healthy food, nutrition and lifestyle choices. As a critical partner providing nutrition education in...
Blog Post

Cancer Education Professional Development

Roger Rennekamp ·
Rutgers University and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey invite you to participate in their free professional development series focused on cancer prevention and screening. Community CARES is an in-depth training program that will help you confidently promote evidence-based, community-focused cancer prevention and screening to your patients, clients, and community members. CARES participants will learn about current screening guidelines, how to reduce individual risk of developing breast,...
Blog Post

RWJF Culture of Health Prize - Apply Now

Roger Rennekamp ·
I wanted to let you know that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) just shared its 2023 RWJF Culture of Health Prize call for applications. I’m sharing this with you in hopes that you will encourage community applications from your network. In the 10 years since it launched, the RWJF Culture of Health Prize has celebrated more than 50 communities across the country that are at the forefront of advancing health, opportunity, and equity for all. This year, RWJF is relaunching the Prize...
Blog Post

Cooperative Extension: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sophia Rodriguez ·
In my role as a Well-Being and Equity Project Manager, I am working to co-create a process for youth and adults to promote equitable development in their community by partnering with Cooperative Extension. I’d like to take a moment to ponder some of the ways Cooperative Extension currently shows up in this movement for societal progress. It is time we deeply question the ways we promote and discourage equitable development in our work, for perpetuating the status quo hurts communities and...

Re: Cooperative Extension: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Rick Schumann ·
I am relatively new to Extension and come at it from the Master Gardener Volunteer side. I will say that your article mirrors my experience with the organization very well. There are a lot of great people working hard to make a difference but the structure and culture of CES make that an uphill battle. I fear that if Extension doesn’t address these issues soon, their relevance is going to be diminished greatly. That would be a tragic waste of what could be a very good thing given some...
Blog Post

National Health Outreach Conference - Registration Reminder

Roger Rennekamp ·
I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference to be held May 22-24 in Ithaca, NY. The 2023 conference is being hosted by Cornell University and is open to all Extension faculty and staff and their community partners. You won’t want to miss this extraordinary opportunity to connect with individuals from across the country who share your passion for ensuring that all people have the opportunity to experience lifelong...
Blog Post

Early Bird Registration Available through March 17

Roger Rennekamp ·
I just wanted to pass along a reminder that the early bird registration rate for the national Health Outreach Conference is available through March 17. Visit to register. Also know that the conference schedule has been loaded with all accepted presentations listed. Feel to browse the sessions at The conference will begin at 1:00 PM on Monday, May 22 and will end at NOON on Wednesday, May 24. The conference will...
Blog Post

Opportunities for EXCITE Teams to Share your Great Work

MelaniePugsley ·
We are sharing different ways in which EXCITE and other health and wellness projects can share their great efforts with both internal and external audiences! This will help foster best practices, create and build partnerships, and spread the work of Extension. We encourage teams to explore different platforms and audiences to share their projects and further the mission of Extension becoming a trusted partner in public health. Internal Extension-focused opportunities: Consider writing a post...
Blog Post

National Public Health Week - April 3-9

Roger Rennekamp ·
During the first full week of April each year, APHA brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week as a time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation's health. Continue your participation by viewing our daily theme fact sheets (in English and Spanish), attending other APHA hosted events and our partner events. Learn more .
Blog Post

Position Announcements - University of Kentucky

Roger Rennekamp ·
The University of Kentucky is pleased to announce two new health-focused faculty positions with significant Extension responsibility. The first is an Assistant/Associate Extension Professor in Community and Family Health. Visit . The second is an Assistant Clinical Professor in Mental Health and Well-Being. See ttps:// . The review of applications will begin on May 1, 2023 with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2023.
Blog Post

Toolkit and Workshop for Building Confidence as a Trusted Messenger!

MelaniePugsley ·
Getting to the Heart and Mind of the Matter: A Toolkit and Workshops for Building Confidence in Being a Trusted Messenger of Health Information REGISTER HERE Attention all Extension professionals and community partners involved in health-related work! Enhance your communication skills and gain new tools that will help you be a trusted messenger of health information in your community! Join the Washington State team for a three-part workshop series: Getting to the Heart and Mind of the...
Blog Post

EXCITE Program is Hiring!

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) seeks to add 1-2 program coaches for the adult immunization education program from June 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024. See the application and a pply here. Applicants should have knowledge of public health and have some experience relative to Cooperative Extension based at Land Grant Universities. This position will be part of the EXCITE program team and will serve as an online coach for 5-7 Land Grant...
Blog Post

Game On: Equitable Development Leadership Academy

Roger Rennekamp ·
Hello there! We are delighted to extend a special invitation to Game On: Equitable Development Leadership Academy across our networks. We are seeking young leaders and promoting equity in their communities and the Extension professionals supporting their team. This groundbreaking project is sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and facilitated by Sophia Rodriguez and members of the Solvable team. In this time of unprecedented health, social, economic and environmental crises, the Well...
Blog Post

Now Open - Subgroup on Mental Health and Well Being

Roger Rennekamp ·
It is my pleasure to announce a new sub-group of Connect Extension on mental health and well-being that is now open to receive members! To join, visit and click “Join.” If you are not already a member of Connect Extension, you’ll be prompted to create a free account. If you are already a member and logged in, you can simply add this subgroup to the list of subgroups to which you belong. The purpose of this subgroup is to highlight...
Blog Post

Register Now: Increasing Physical Activity Among Older Adults Webinar with HHS

MelaniePugsley ·
Increasing Physical Activity Among Older Adults August 16th, 2023 2 - 3 PM ET Register Here This webinar will introduce the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults and summarize key strategies to increase physical activity among older adults. Additionally, this webinar will highlight Move Your Way® resources that Extension professionals can use to promote physical activity in their work. Register at the link above to receive a...
Blog Post

Red Cross Tips for Starting School Safely

Roger Rennekamp ·
It’s almost time for the school bells to ring and students to return to their classrooms. The American Red Cross offers these tips for making sure your student is safe as they head back to school for the upcoming year. 1. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports distracted walking can be dangerous, even deadly. Teach your students to not text or talk on the phone while walking. 2. Stay far from the curb . When students wait for the school bus, tell them to stay far away from the traffic on...
Blog Post

Help Keep Children and Families Covered

Roger Rennekamp ·
Help Keep Children and Families Covered The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is asking for help to prevent children and families from losing Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program coverage as a result of the end of the Federal Public Health Emergency. Ways Cooperative Extension Can Help Partner with your State Medicaid agency to spread the word about renewals. You can find contact information on your State Medicaid...
Blog Post

Assistant Professor - Physical Activity and Mental Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
Utah State University is searching for an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Mental Health and Physical Activity. The posting can be viewed below or by visiting . Review of applicants will begin October 15 and continue until the position is filled.
Blog Post

2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference

Roger Rennekamp ·
Plan to attend that National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference to be held May 13-15, 2024 in Greenville, SC. Mark your calendars now!
Blog Post

Preventing Disease This Fall and Winter

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) kicked off the 2023-2024 fall vaccination season during an annual press conference held yesterday. At the 2023 NFID Annual News Conference: Preventing Disease This Fall and Winter, experts discussed the unique opportunity this fall to protect people with vaccines recommended against flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19, and pneumococcal disease. Leading national public...

Re: EXCITE Activity 1 Grantee Kickoff (Option 1)

Former Member ·
The CompTIA SY0-601 Exam Objectives are a set of sample questions and solutions created to aid in your Security+ test preparation. These braindumps are typically created by IT professionals who have passed the test and have a thorough understanding of its format and substance. The questions and answers in the dumps are comparable to those you'll find on the real test. You can get a sense of the kinds of questions you'll encounter and how to approach them by practicing with these dumps.
Blog Post

+$42B Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program and Local Project Deployment

Dana Ollendyke ·
Penn State Extension is hosting the BEAD Broadband Navigator in New York City on November 13, 2023. BEAD is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and may mean millions of dollars in broadband development for your state and local communities. Program highlights: Over $42 billion dollars in government funding is available. How can your state and local communities leverage these funds? Collaboration opportunities to accelerate local broadband deployment. Discover how broadband spatial analysis and...
Blog Post

Call for Proposals - 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference

Roger Rennekamp ·
Greetings Colleagues: The planning committee for the 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference is now accepting proposals to present at next year’s conference. The conference will be held May 13-15, 2024 and will be hosted by University of Georgia, Clemson University, and North Carolina State University Extension Services in Greenville, SC. Interested individuals may submit proposals for concurrent sessions of 60 or 20 minutes in length as well as poster presentations that will...
Blog Post

Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy Reduces Flu Risk in Infants

Roger Rennekamp ·
A CDC study published in JAMA Pediatrics shows that infants younger than 6 months born to people who were vaccinated during their pregnancy were protected from flu-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations. Infants are at higher risk of being hospitalized compared to other children but cannot get a flu shot until they turn 6 months. The study underscores the importance of pregnant people getting vaccinated since both pregnant people and their infants are at higher risk of...
Blog Post

Submit NHOC Presentation Proposals by February 4

Roger Rennekamp ·
A reminder that the planning committee for the 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference is accepting proposals to present at the conference that will be held May 13-15, 2024. The conference will be hosted by University of Georgia, Clemson University, and North Carolina State University Extension Services in Greenville, SC. Interested individuals may submit proposals for concurrent sessions of 60 or 20 minutes in length as well as poster presentations that will be staffed at a...
Blog Post

Learn about funding for energy upgrades in the Inflation Reduction Act

Marie Ruemenapp ·
Michigan State University Extension is hosting a winter/spring Sustainability Speakers Series. The first speaker will present on Inflation Reduction Act: Funding for Sustainable Energy Upgrades. The session is on January 9, 2024, from Noon to 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The complete Sustainability Speakers Series, flyer attached, offers a diverse lineup of sessions addressing critical sustainability and environmental topics. Learn about opportunities to access funding for sustainable energy...

Re: Connect Extension Virtual Chat: Health Equity and its Implications for Extension Practice

Former Member ·
Embark on a transformative learning journey with briansclub cm , your gateway to personalized education, collaborative community, and expert mentorship. Discover adaptive courses and unlock your full potential in this dynamic space of innovation and continuous growth.

Re: Health Justice and the Drivers of Inequity

Former Member ·
At The Regal Beagle , we believe that pet grooming goes beyond keeping your dog or cat looking their best. Our professional dog grooming and pet grooming services in Dallas, Georgia , are designed to maintain your pet's physical health, ensuring their happiness and well-being. Our experienced pet groomers can help identify potential health issues early, saving you from hefty veterinary bills down the line. Start your pet's grooming journey with us today!
Blog Post

Submit Presentation Proposals by February 4

Roger Rennekamp ·
The deadline to submit presentation proposals for the 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference is February 4, 2024! NHOC 2024 will be held in Greenville, SC, May 13-15, 2024. The conference will be hosted by University of Georgia, Clemson University, and North Carolina State University Extension Services in Greenville, SC. Presentation proposals must be submitted through the submission portal located HERE no later than February 4th , 2024. Interested individuals may submit...
Blog Post

Cancer Education Professional Development (New for 2024)

Roger Rennekamp ·
Rutgers University and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey invite you to participate in their free professional development series focused on cancer education. While many of you participated in this series last year, the content for 2024 is new covering such topics as cancer survivorship, the microbiome, environmental health, and cancer health literacy. Montly sessions befin on Wednesday, February 14. Community CARES is an in-depth training program that will help you confidently promote...
Blog Post

Cooperative Extension and Public Health – Input Requested

Kerry Gabbert ·
Extension professionals across the nation engage in public health work; however, this work is not always recognized by public health professionals and their professional associations like the American Public Health Association (APHA). Can greater visibility within APHA grow recognition, understanding, and appreciation of Extension’s contribution to public health? Could that, in turn, lead to new partnerships and support for Cooperative Extension? We want to learn more about the extent to...
Blog Post

National Center for Home Food Preservation Website

Roger Rennekamp ·
The National Center for Home Food Preservation is thrilled to announce the launch of our new website on March 1st, 2024. You can continue accessing it at . The website features a user-friendly menu at the top offering options such as ‘Preserve By’, ‘Resources’, ‘Newsflash’, ‘FAQs’, ‘Blog’, ‘Donate’, and ‘Contact’. Our new website introduces exciting new features including a Newsflash section, a dedicated Donation page, and an exclusive secured page for Educator...
Blog Post

Interested in partnering with cities?

Brad Gaolach ·
The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites you to participate in this Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to determine where there are opportunities for partnership and collaboration amongst research and Extension and the National League of Cities.
Blog Post

MSU seeking Urban & Regional Planning Academic Extension/Outreach Specialist

Marie Ruemenapp ·
The Michigan State University School of Planning, Design and Construction (SPDC) invites applications for a full‐time, 12‐month Continuing Academic Specialist with a 85% extension/outreach and 15% teaching assignment. The desired position start date is May 1, 2024. This position will focus on adaptive strategies to enhance the sustainability and resilience of communities with an emphasis on climate change and development regulation. Activities will include creating educational programs and...
Blog Post

Shifting Thinking to Meet Community Needs - Webinar

Roger Rennekamp ·
Join the Aspen Institute's Community Strategies Group on Thursday, April 11 from 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern for a discussion about how agencies and funders can improve outcomes for rural communities. To register visit Discussion questions: Respectful engagement with rural communities and Native nations on their own terms is essential to just and equitable funding. Fair treatment and meaningful...
Blog Post

CDC Childhood Vaccination Toolkit

Roger Rennekamp ·
April 22 – 29 is National Infant Immunization Week It highlights the importance of protecting children two years and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases. The new Partner Vaccination Toolkit for early care and education providers explains how early care and education professional can help. Together, we can help raise awareness about the importance of vaccines for infants and young children and encourage parents and caregivers to talk their child’s doctor about staying up to date on...
Blog Post

Dying Early in Rural America

Roger Rennekamp ·
A recently released report in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) shows the gap in preventable premature mortality (or early death) between rural and urban America is growing wider. People living in rural areas are at a higher risk of dying early from one of the five leading causes of death when the death could have been prevented compared to people living in urban areas. This report is an extension of the 2019 CDC study, which showed the percentage of preventable early deaths...
Blog Post

We Want to Hear From You: National Extension Needs Assessment

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
The North Central Region Aging Network is requesting ALL Extension educators, specialists, and administrators complete a short survey. Twenty participants will win a $50 gift card!
Blog Post

Heat Risk Resources from the CDC

Roger Rennekamp ·
Heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable. Despite this fact, approximately 1,220 people in the United States are killed by extreme heat every year. Please share these websites with helpful tips, information, and resources to help you and your community stay safe in the extreme heat this summer. CDC Heat Risk Web Site - Weekly Heat Risk Monito r - Información acerca el calor extremo -...
Blog Post

2026 NHOC Application to Host

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are now being received to host the 2026 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference (NHOC). Originally known as the Priester Conference, the National Heath Outreach and Engagement Conference is a three-day annual gathering of Extension faculty and staff, cross-campus collaborators, and external partners focused on the role that they can collectively play in improving the health and well-being of the nation. The conference has historically been held in May of each year and...
Blog Post

Global Food System and Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
A recent report by the World Economic Forum concluded that the global food system no longer meets the health needs of the planet and offers rationale for the claim. "The world’s food needs are changing. After the Second World War, the global food system was focused on providing cheap, high-calorie food to feed a growing population. But, today, conditions related to excess body weight kill more people in the Western world than hunger." They estimate that the cost of poor nutrition is more...
Blog Post

2024 Community Health Rankings

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Healthiest Communities rankings from U.S. News & World Report show how nearly 3,000 U.S. counties and county equivalents perform across 92 metrics in 10 health and health-related categories ranging from education and the economy to community vitality, equity, food and nutrition, and public safety. They receive a ranking based on their performance as well. See where your community ranks here.

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
