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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Tagged With "Activity 1 Kickoff"

Blog Post

Broadband Access as a Determinant of Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
"Now, more than ever, broadband Internet access (BIA) must be recognized as a social determinant of health. Disparities in access should be treated as a public health issue because they affect the health of people and communities where they live, learn, work and play. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that lack of BIA influences each of the six social determinant of health domains defined by the American Medical Association. It also affects an additional domain, which is particularly...
Blog Post

The Moral Determinants of Health

David Young ·
The source of what the philosopher Immanuel Kant called “the moral law within” may be mysterious, but its role in the social order is not. In any nation short of dictatorship some form of moral compact, implicit or explicit, should be the basis of a just society. Without a common sense of what is “right,” groups fracture and the fragments wander. Science and knowledge can guide action; they do not cause action. No scientific doubt exists that, mostly, circumstances outside health care...
Blog Post

Healthy People 2030 Launch

Roger Rennekamp ·
On August 18, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will unveil the latest edition of Healthy People! Healthy People 2030 is a set of science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving health and well-being in the United States. During the webcast, we’ll highlight the new Healthy People 2030 goals and objectives and provide an overview of the development process. We’ll also feature guest speakers from HHS who will discuss Healthy People 2030 data, social determinants...
Blog Post

Millennum Health Signals Report - COVID-19 Special Edition

David Young ·
Background • Public health officials across the country are reporting spikes in drug overdose deaths that appear to be associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 30 states reporting increases in opioid-involved overdose deaths primarily related to illicit fentanyl1 • Public health emergencies typically affect communities and individuals in a variety of ways, including economic loss and instability, emotional or physical isolation, additional stressors from mass at-home confinement, and...
Blog Post

Tomorrow! Healthy People 2030 Virtual Launch

Roger Rennekamp ·
Friendly Reminder! On August 18, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will unveil the latest edition of Healthy People! Healthy People 2030 is a set of science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving health and well-being in the United States. During the webcast, we’ll highlight the new Healthy People 2030 goals and objectives and provide an overview of the development process. We’ll also feature guest speakers from HHS who will discuss Healthy People 2030 data,...
Blog Post

Ethical Dilemmas in Rural Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
The National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity invite you to the 2020 Public Health Ethics Forum on September 11, 2020, from 1 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET via Zoom. This year’s theme is Ethical Dilemmas in Rural Health. The goal of the 2020 Public Health Ethics Forum is to examine ethical considerations relating to place-based public health approaches in rural areas...
Blog Post

Cooperative Extension- National Diabetes Prevention Program Interest Group

Ali Berg ·
Diabetes is one of the most common and costly chronic conditions, a leading cause of death in the US, and a risk factor for severe illness from COVID-19. Thus, strategies to prevent diabetes are essential for protecting the health of the nation. The National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) is a partnership between public and private organizations aimed at reducing the prevalence of diabetes through evidence-based, cost-effective interventions that promote weight management through healthy...

Re: Cooperative Extension- National Diabetes Prevention Program Interest Group

Roger Rennekamp ·
Thank you for making us aware of this opportunity to increase awareness of Cooperative Extension's work related diabetes.

Re: Cooperative Extension- National Diabetes Prevention Program Interest Group

Kathryn Morgan ·
We are currently implementing this program, with multiple partners, at the University of Missouri.
Blog Post

Connect Extension Virtual Chat: Health Equity and Its Implications for Extension Practice

Roger Rennekamp ·
Click here at 1 PM ET on September 24th to Enter The Chat! According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) a health disparity exists when one group bears a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality relative to another as a result of conditions closely linked to social, economic, or environmental disadvantage. Conversely, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) defines health equity as a desired state where “everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as...
Blog Post

Racism is a Public Health Crisis - Online Lecture by Camara Phyllis Jones

Roger Rennekamp ·
Camara Phyllis Jones will deliver Oregon State University's Tammy Bray Leadership Lecture on Friday, October 2 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM Pacific Time Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, Ph.D., MPH is a family physician and epidemiologist whose work focuses on naming, measuring and addressing the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of the nation. She is a past president of the American Public Health Association and was the 2019-2020 Evelyn Green Davis Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced...
Blog Post

CDC's COVID-19 Tracker Now Reports Data by Urban-Rural Classification

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Tracker is a tool for sharing maps, charts, and data about COVID-19. COVID-19 Tracker now reports trends in COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates by 2013 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties. This scheme classifies all counties in the U.S. into one of six metropolitan categories (4 metropolitan, 1 micropolitan, 1 non-core). Users can focus on one or more of the urban-rural...
Blog Post

Social Determinants of Health in Rural Populations

Roger Rennekamp ·
Social determinants of health are defined by the World Health Organization as "the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age." For rural populations, many of these elements are less favorable than within urban areas. Building on work conducted by the Rural and Minority Health Research Center, this presentation will review some of the key elements associated with health across rural White and minority populations, such as education, income, and health facility...
Blog Post

The Tale of Two Crises: The Opioid Crisis and COVID-19

Ashley Yaugher ·
By: Chapel Taylor-Olsen, BA, Health & Wellness Coordinator & Dr. Ashley Yaugher, Health & Wellness Faculty, HEART Initiative; Utah State University Extension The opioid crisis has been claiming thousands of American lives per year for decades. Now, this healthcare crisis is colliding with a new threat sweeping the world: the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This article reviews the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on Americans; unique impacts on people with opioid use disorder...
Blog Post

Rural Mortality Penalty is Wide and Growing

Roger Rennekamp ·
After decades of lower or similar mortality rates in rural areas than in urban areas of the U.S., a rural mortality penalty emerged in the 1990s and has grown since the mid-2000s. Although the rural–urban mortality gap has widened across all major racial/ethnic groups over the past 30 years, it has widened the most among working-age non-Hispanic (NH) whites. A research brief in the Population Research and Policy Review summarizes the results of a study that examined rural-urban differences...
Blog Post

Diabetes in America

LaToya O'Neal ·
The month of November is American Diabetes Month. Like most national health observances, this month is meant to promote awareness of and increase support for reducing the burden associated with this chronic condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report which is a periodic publication that provides estimates of diabetes and prediabetes, information on risk factors and associated complications, and describes the...
Blog Post

ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
To answer your first question, ELI5 is text lingo for 'explain like I'm five' - a way to break down often complex topics into digestible bits. This post will introduce the Social Determinants of Health and help to ELI5 the topic.
Blog Post

Serious Mental Health Side Effects Related to Singulair

Laura M. Stanton ·
Do you or a loved one take Singulair (the generic name is Montelukast) for asthma or allergies? Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged serious mental health side effects related to this popular medicine, prescribed to over 35 million people.
Blog Post

Workshop on Community-Led Initiatives for Population Health Improvement

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Roundtable on Population Health Improvement will host a 2-day virtual workshop addressing community-led initiatives for population health improvement. This event will feature presentations and discussions on community-led action around a variety of population health improvement areas, including the social determinants of health. The workshop will be held on January 28–29. There will be two sessions daily: 11 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4 pm EST. A copy of the agenda and resources will be posted...
Blog Post

Register Now - Cooperative Extension's "State of Health" Webinar

Roger Rennekamp ·
2020 was an exciting year for the Cooperative Extension System, particularly for its work related to health and well-being. We responded to a global pandemic, expanded our portfolio of programming related to mental health, continued our extraordinary work in the area of food and nutrition, and worked with scores of new partners. But that was just a beginning! Want to learn more about some of the exciting opportunities coming your way in the new year? Then tune in for Cooperative Extension’s...
Blog Post

Reimagined in America - Advancing Food Justice

Roger Rennekamp ·
Deep-rooted structural racism, and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, have exacerbated inequities within our food system. Millions more people—mostly Black and Latino families—have gone hungry in the past year while high obesity rates put many at risk for severe COVID-19 complications. Grocery store clerks, meat packing plant staff, and farm workers making low wages have struggled financially while risking their health to feed our country. We need a more sustainable and resilient food...
Blog Post

Position Announcement: Health Promotion Specialist

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a health promotion specialist who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below for additional information. Position Announcement: Vaccinate...
Blog Post

Position Announcement : Health Promotion Specialist - Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a Health Promotion Specialist for the Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below...
Blog Post

Celebrate National Public Health Week

Roger Rennekamp ·
Today marks the beginning of the American Public Health Association's 26th annual National Public Health Week . This year's theme is Building Bridges to Better Health. APHA has fact sheets for each of the daily themes (in English and Spanish) and social media shareables you can easily post throughout the week. Check out the calendar of NPHW events and add your activities. Also, don’t miss out on any APHA-sponsored events throughout the week from webinars to physical activities. Highlights...


Blog Post

Long-term Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance

Roger Rennekamp ·
During this virtual meeting, members of the Committee for Examining the Long-term Health and Economic Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance in the United States will hear presentations from speakers from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota on the agencies' progress on the National Action Plan for Combatting Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. May 12, 2021 from 12:30 - 1:30 PM Eastern To Register visit ...

Activity Consulting Workshops


Activity Application Workshop

Blog Post

Webinar on Cooperative Extension's Updated Health Framework

Roger Rennekamp ·
Individuals who has a not yet had an opportunity provide input into Cooperative Extension’s Framework for Health Equity and Well Being are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting at 1:00 PM (Eastern) on Tuesday, May 25. To register, visit . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Also know that the session will be recorded. The Framework is an...

EXCITE Activity 2 Grantee Kickoff


EXCITE Spotlight (Formerly Huddle)

Blog Post

Keep Your Patients Healthy Throughout Adulthood by Improving Nutrition

Holly H. McPeak ·
Authors: Dana DeSilva, PhD, RD, ORISE Health Policy Fellow, and LT Dennis Anderson-Villaluz, MBA, RD, LDN, FAND, Nutrition Advisor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Adults’ dietary patterns often reflect habits that they established during childhood and adolescence. Sometimes, this means carrying unhealthy habits into adulthood — but it’s never too late to make changes. Health educators can use the Dietary Guidelines for...
Blog Post

All COVID-19 Related Questions Web Forum

MelaniePugsley ·
September 10, 2021 1:00 PM 2:00 PM ET Virtual Please join us for a COVID-19 web forum hosted by the LSU AgCenter, as part of the EXCITE grant. The following guest speakers will discuss COVID-19 related questions: Avery Callahan, DO FACEP Karuna Dewan, MD, FACS Jennifer O'Neal, MD To register for this virtual forum and submit any questions, please visit the link below:
Blog Post

RFA for Well Connected Communities - Wave 3

Roger Rennekamp ·
I am happy to share the Request for Applications (RFA) for seven additional land grant institutions to become a part of the Well Connected Communities Initiative. National 4-H Council through the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation seeks to showcase land grant universities that are modeling how Cooperative Extension is already working in new ways to implement the five high-level recommendations included in Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and...
Blog Post

Funding to Document Successful Health Extension Innovations

Roger Rennekamp ·
Has your land grant institution implemented an innovation that has accelerated Cooperative Extension’s work to advance health and well being? If so, we want to help you tell that story of innovation and the difference it is making in your state. The Well Connected Communities Initiative, administered through National 4-H Council with the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will provide seven land grant universities with $25,000 each to perform a case study of a successful...
Blog Post

Using Data in Collective Action; Focusing on What Matters

Roger Rennekamp ·
Collective impact initiatives utilize shared measurement systems to identify key metrics of success that align partners toward a common vision. But a recent article by Justin Piff in the Stanford Social Innovation Review suggests that the specific data we chose to track loudly signals what we believe to be important. In the article, the author shares four lessons from his work that can help collective impact initiatives use data more effectively for social change. They are: 1. Prioritize the...
Blog Post

New! Health Partnership and Development Coordinator

Brenna Kotar ·
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Health Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation (EXF), seeks a Heath Partnership and Development Coordinator who is passionate about advancing health equity through the work of the Cooperative Extension System and its partners. The central focus of the work is to assist the Extension Health Director and the Health Program Action Team identify and manage progress toward milestones related to the...

Re: EXCITE Activity 1 Grantee Kickoff (Option 1)

Former Member ·
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Blog Post

Chances of Dying Young Greatest in the South

Roger Rennekamp ·
A recent research brief by Nader Mehri and Jennifer Karas Montez at Syracuse University reveals that the chances of dying young differ dramatically across U.S. states. Individuals living in Minnesota, California, New York, and Massachusetts have the lowest rates of death by age 65, whereas those living in Southern states, including West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have the highest rates of premature death. If current conditions...
Blog Post

Listening Session on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
Nearly 100 individuals participated in a virtual listening session held recently to gather advance input into the upcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health to be held this September. The listening session was hosted by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy and the Board on Human Sciences of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) with support of the Extension Foundation. The majority of the participants were state-level coordinators of...
Blog Post

Recognizing and Reporting Polio

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating a case of poliomyelitis, or paralytic polio, in New York state in an unvaccinated patient who presented to an emergency room with lower limb weakness and fever. CDC urges all healthcare providers to ensure their patients are current on the primary polio vaccination series. Healthcare providers should consider polio in the differential diagnosis of patients with sudden onset of limb weakness, especially in unvaccinated...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
