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Tagged With "You Matter"


TRICARE Reforms in 2018


Re: Discover Brain Health Series - Communication Challenges and Strategies for People With Dementia Webinar

Debbie Price ·
Was this recorded? I was not able to attend. If recorded, please send me the link. Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter. Have a Good Day!

Re: Discover Brain Health Series - Communication Challenges and Strategies for People With Dementia Webinar

Emily Harmon ·
Debbie, whenever this get's posted I will come back and post the recording. Thank you!
Blog Post

Your Leadership & Culture

Karl Bradley ·
These days we don't have to look far for articles on how to positively affect workplace culture. The founder of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, was once asked by an employee if they could serve sandwiches on their flights. He responded by asking if that would help them become THE low-cost airlines in the industry? It didn't so they don't! Every great leader believes their leadership can make a difference in their organization & helps keep everyone focused on their vision of what that...
Blog Post

Leadership: It's On You!

Karl Bradley ·
Blog Post

Conversations that matter: Advance care planning for rural families

Leacey E. Brown ·
‘Conversations that matter: Advance care planning for rural families’ is the result of a collaboration be between SDSU Extension, SDSU College of Nursing, and NDSU Extension. This booklet contains a lesson plan to guide participants through a one-hour learning session about advance care planning. The content was recently updated based on the results piloting the materials and feedback we received from other professionals in the field. In addition, content was added to help guide users of the...
Blog Post

Ask Extension Pilot Program

Aaron Weibe ·
The eXtension Foundation is seeking volunteers to pilot the upgraded Ask An Expert platform, dubbed Ask Extension, to test features and provide input on user experience for long term improvements. Historically, Ask An Expert has served Cooperative Extension as a digital outreach tool to connect millions of U.S. citizens with you - their local Extension experts. The upgraded Ask Extension provides significant improvements in terms of enhanced ability for clients to dialogue with the expert,...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we hosted a webinar led by Jessica Larson - Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture. She provided a research review that offered insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Participants had a chance to find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
My curiosity about leadership & management led me to connect with Don Shapiro of First Concepts Consulting. We had a great conversation about our mutually favorite topic...leadership! Here's his site where you can find out more about his offerings, thought leadership, etc... First Concepts Consulting During our conversation, he had two important insights... *Over the last 20 years (or so), there has been an almost exponential increase in the focus on leadership. Ok, maybe exponential...

Re: Companion Planting For Vegetables II

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
See attached companion planting charts and plants that are not compatible.

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information

Re: Growing Moringa & Nutritional Benefits

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Attached are beneficial files for moringa.
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
At this time during a pandemic we find ourselves physically distanced & isolated from one another. However, it's been exciting to see so many creative ways to stay socially connected. These connection times are meaningful and are essential to our overall health. To help focus this time, one of the things you could do is interview your loved ones. Stay with me here... LOSS One of the things we all have in common is loss. It's maybe the only thing we all truly have in common. We've all...
Blog Post

Not Another Top 10 List...

Karl Bradley ·
Leaders are always learning & that means reading. When we come across a person who shakes up our thinking & approach we get a bit starstruck. This happened to me when I started finding out about the work of Ricardo Semler. He's been a trailblazer for democratic management for over 30 years, a real catalyst. He has been very successful in implementing seemingly radical ideas that have unleashed human potential no matter their application. Here's his list with some of my own...

Re: Connect Extension Virtual Chat: Prescribed Fire Education & Training

Joan York ·
OSU Extension recently launched a new online course, "Introduction to Prescribed Fire". John Weir provided the subject matter expertise and I provided the instructional design. The course is self-paced but highly engaging with many interactive learning activities included. The $20 enrollment fee helps us cover our technology costs. You can get more info and enroll here:
Blog Post

No Holes in the "Boat"

Karl Bradley ·
Gary Hamel says in his book The Future of Management , that the practice of management is to... "set & program objectives, motivate & align efforts, coordinate & control activities, develop & assign talent, gain & apply knowledge, amass & allocate resources, balance & meet stakeholders demands AND... build & nurture relationships." The companies that have survived crisis & thrived have leveraged the wisdom of all the members on their team. Companies where...
Blog Post

False Humility

Karl Bradley ·
Have you ever worked with or been around someone who constantly apologized for almost everything? They offer great suggestions. They offer great ideas. They offer great advice. But " sorry " seems to come along with everything. If you're a bit confused (like me!) in these situations...deep breath...that's totally natural. This was an issue for one of my colleagues. The barrage of apologies would disrupt the whole flow of work when they happened...and they happened a lot! Several of us tried...
Blog Post

Role Model Mindset

Karl Bradley ·
We all endure difficulties in life. The thing we can lose sight of is that people are watching. People are being influenced by the way we show up to deal with challenges. They're curious about...How we stay centered? How we keep perspective? Do we remain kind to others on the journey? Adopting a role model mindset changes our behaviors because we want to be proud of how we got through the difficulties. This requires intention of how we want deal with the chaos. Are we getting better or just...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Getting Ready to Tell Consumers about MyPlate and the 2020 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday we had a fabulous panel from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion talk to us about MyPlate and the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines. 500 Cooperative Extension professionals joined us and brought some great questions with them for the 30 minute Q&A portion! If you didn't get a chance to catch it, the recording is now available . Additionally, @Barbara Jirka was kind enough to provide a copy of the slides and a handout - I've attached those to this post!
Blog Post

2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and New MyPlate Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans along with new MyPlate resources were released this morning! Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka, USDA-FNS Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion for sharing this. Attached are two documents that contain information about the release.
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
During an assignment in Japan we had the chance to see many foreign & U.S. dignitaries. On one such visit, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (a 4-Star General) visited. The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force traveled with him & it's his comments I'd like to share. He began his talk by saying there are some things that keep him up at night like suicides, domestic violence and assaults. The point he made was that none of these are indications we are living in to our core values.
Blog Post

Good Soil!

Karl Bradley ·
The people we surround ourselves with are more valuable than words can often express. Recently, an old friend popped into my mind so I reached out to catch up. He was amazing, generous & supportive as always. We spoke about many things but the most prevalent & surprising was workplace culture. He spent some 27 years in the newspaper business only to be unceremoniously let go in the name of “progress”. Their loss was another’s gain. His one-of-a-kind voice & magnetic temperament...

COVID-19 and Your Finances

Blog Post

Acquiescence or Agreement

Karl Bradley ·
Nobody goes into meetings thinking... Let's make some bad decisions today! Collaboration is a must to move any enterprise forward. Decisions on how & what to do are largely made in meetings. Whether deciding on innovation or the stability of continuity, the input of everyone is essential. Acquiescence is a silent or passive assent or submission. Agreement is an understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct. Silence from the team is acquiescence . This leads to the...
Blog Post

2 Types of Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
The most simple definition of leadership is...leadership is influence. Everyone has it. Do you know why you're using it? If your why is off then the how won't matter. Patrick Lencioni consistently delivers & his latest book is no exception! In "The Motive" he shifts his focus on helping us understand the importance of why we're leading in the first place. He presents... There are 2 reasons people want to become a leader: to do whatever is needed to serve the people OR for rewards like...

Transition cow management

Blog Post

ICYMI: Take a Tour with the MyPlate Team: Walk Through The New Personalized Digital Tools and Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we had three guests from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to learn about the new MyPlate website and suite of digital tools and resources that were launched upon the release of the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025. In this webinar, we explored the MyPlate tools to help you reach audiences at every life stage. Here are some resources from that webinar: Recording MyPlate National Nutrition Month Playbook (Attached) Slide deck (Attached) Q&A questions answered in...
Blog Post

Old You...New You

Karl Bradley ·
The hardest aspect of leadership development is behavior change. Often, we lose momentum on creating new habits. Could it be because we don't think about all the great stuff we are choosing to keep? Let's unpack this in 3 parts... Old You What is it about the old you that you would like to maintain? Preserve? Protect? There's more in here than you think. Write them down. Feel good about them. Share them. Celebrate your decision. Stop Doing We spend a lot of time thinking about & deciding...
Blog Post

Daily Habit!

Karl Bradley ·
Several years ago I started a habit of gifting myself a few minutes every day to read, watch or listen to something about leadership. It was rough at first as I fought off thoughts of how the time could be used for other things. It's been worth it though, I've learned so much. Here are just a few sources for a daily leadership content feed... The Marshall Goldsmith Coaching app gives you the ability to hear 3 weekly thoughts directly from the #1 Executive Coach in the world. Simple &...
Blog Post

Old Hat

Karl Bradley ·
Each of us probably have items we've held onto for a long time. The sentimental value pulls at our heartstrings so hard we can't seem to let them go. One such item for me is a New York Yankees hat. The Story My wife & I were on the road together in New York. One of the stops on the tour was New York City. We found ourselves with some time one morning & decided to venture out to discover downtown. It was a gorgeous sunny day & I wasn't prepared so naturally, I bought a Yankees...
Blog Post

How Networks Can Help Reduce Stress

Jessica B. ·
Does your network help reduce your stress? Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to talk with Naava Frank and Ziva Mann, authors of the article " How to Reduce Stress and Increase Learning: The Power of Professional Networks ." Join us as we discuss how our network connections can help support us in difficult times. Naava is the director of Knowledge Communities where she consults to foundations and nonprofits to launch and support the growth of networks and communities of practice. Ziva...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
