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Tagged With "vaccine education"


Re: Backyard poultry: To vaccinate or not?

Aaron Weibe ·
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Re: Webinar on COVID-19 Vaccine Development, Approval, Allocation, and Distribution

Aaron Weibe ·
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Re: COVID-19 Vaccination for Food and Agriculture Workers

Aaron Weibe ·
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COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension

Roger Rennekamp ·
Overcoming hesitancy to receive the new COVID-19 vaccines is a growing issue across the U.S. despite more 400,000 deaths resulting from virus to date. According to a recent report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, rural residents are among the most vaccine hesitant groups with seven in ten rural residents expressing at least some reluctance to receive the vaccine. But as trusted members of the communities they serve, Cooperative Extension faculty and staff are in a unique position...

Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension

Roberta Riportella ·
Thanks for sharing the excellent resource Roger...and for giving some good context on how it might be used. Know that CDC also has a toolkit for essential works (think ag and food workers) is also important as well as we collaborate with our partners in Ag, Forestry, Sea Grant, and such. CDC Essential worker toolkit . We'll be preparing our workforce to handle both toolkits as part of a vaccination education campaign.

Re: Register Now - CDC National Forum for COVID-19 Vaccine

Aaron Weibe ·
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NEW! Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education Position Description This project is a collaborative effort among the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), eXtension, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It grew out of efforts undertaken by the ECOP Health Innovation Task Force. eXtension anticipates receiving funding for Immunization Education efforts. Key Extension leaders on this project...

Re: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Training & Engagement: Vaccinate With Confidence

Aaron Weibe ·
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RFA: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Vaccinate With Confidence for COVID-19 (Activity 1)

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, Health Innovation Task Force Extension Foundation EXTENSION COLLABORATIVE ON IMMUNIZATION TEACHING AND ENGAGEMENT (EXCITE) VACCINATE WITH CONFIDENCE FOR COVID-19 (ACTIVITY 1) DATES: MAY 1, 2021 - APRIL 30, 2022 ELIGIBILITY: The RFA for EXCITE Activity 1 is open to all Extension professionals at all Land-Grant Universities (1862, 1890, 1994). For Activity 1, one application per institution is eligible to be considered, determined at the...
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Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement: May 2021 Immunization Education Programs Spotlight

MelaniePugsley ·
Cooperative Extension programs are making an impact on communities across the country with immunization education efforts, particularly with vaccine-hesitant individuals. Activities include mobile vaccination clinics in partnership with local health organizations, social media campaigns, the development of online toolkits promoting research-based immunization information, and more. This month, the EXCITE program is highlighting how an immunization education program in Virginia implemented a...

COVID-19 Related Questions


Re: COVID-19 Related Questions

Aaron Weibe ·
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Re: What is Long COVID-19?

Aaron Weibe ·
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What is Long COVID-19?

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RFA: Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System

Aaron Weibe ·
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System Funded by a Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA and CDC in partnership with the Extension Foundation and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Extension Collaborative for Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) October 1, 2021 Released October 31, 2021 November 12th, 2021 Application Deadline ELIGIBILITY: All Land-grant universities (1862, 1890, 1994) are eligible to apply. AWARD AMOUNT:...

Re: EXCITE LGU Vaccine Hesitancy RFA Office Hours

Aaron Weibe ·
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...

Re: How COVID-19 Spreads, How the COVID-19 Vaccine Was Developed, and Monoclonal Antibodies

Aaron Weibe ·
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Update from the First Quarter of the EXCITE Program

MelaniePugsley ·
At last week's Spotlight session, we took time to recognize and reflect on the progress of the EXCITE projects. The session included seeing data shared by the EXCITE Evaluation team compiled from the projects' previous four months of reporting. We were excited to share what teams accomplished in the first quarter, including how they developed and communicated their messages, innovative ways they reached their audience, and how they have been effective in implementing their immunization...
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Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement: Dec 2021 Immunization Education Program Spotlight Menominee Nation

MelaniePugsley ·
exciteThe focus of the November EXCITE Spotlight session was utilizing Social Media in our Vaccine Education project. Teams shared resources, success stories, and difficulties of using social media to share their project messages and reach their audiences. As part of the presentation, The College of Menominee Nation was highlighted for the significant progress made in their projects goals after launching social media campaigns to reach their target audience. The College of Menominee Nation...
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EXCITE Gets Recognition from the CDC

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement, (EXCITE) program received a letter of gratitude from CDC director Samuel F. Posner, and a spotlight on the CDC's Health Equity in Action page for their work. In the letter, Samuel Posner recognizes the value of a partnership with Cooperative Extension, stating "..we’re looking forward to learning from CES and understanding community concerns to develop and deliver effective tailored messaging to increase vaccination in...
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New Connect Extension Podcast Episode: Getting to the Heart of the Matter with Washington State University

MelaniePugsley ·
The Washington State University EXCITE program team comes on the podcast to discuss their new project Getting to the Heart of the Matter which aims to address vaccine hesitancy among Extension professionals. The goal of the project is to implement strategies that will reduce vaccination hesitancy and increase willingness to become immunization educators. Project leaders from WSU include Erica Austin, Paul Bolls, Zena Edwards, Courtney Payne, and Bruce Austin. This episode is a conversation...
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New EXCITE Interactive Dashboard with Video Feature

MelaniePugsley ·
EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story and it replaces the interactive map after making changes to better serve the projects' needs. View Dashboard View Dashboard Tutorial The Dashboard is easy to...
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Celebrating Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Activity 1 Achievements with CDC

MelaniePugsley ·
ECOP, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA and CDC, funded the Cooperative Extension System to address Immunization education in rural and medically underserved areas through the EXCITE program through two national projects, Vaccine with Confidence and Pilot Project Adult Immunization Education. The Extension network being a trusted and reliable resource for communities was a key factor in being selected by the CDC as a partner. 72 Land Grant Universities were selected,...
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New Project Videos on the EXCITE Dashboard

MelaniePugsley ·
EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story. The project videos help showcase the success multiple institutions across diverse populations have had in reaching and educating their audience despite the...

Re: The Science of Vaccines

Aaron Weibe ·
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The Science of Vaccines

Blog Post


MelaniePugsley ·
Earlier this month, the EXCITE team attended the Association of Extension Administrator conference to highlight the achievements of the 1890 institution projects, their collaborators, and the innovative solutions they employed to bring immunization education to their communities. The team also served to educate and provide an overview of how EXCITE's system-wide professional development and coordination assists in the current and future growth of these Health Extension initiatives. The 1890...
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Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...
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Celebrating EXCITE Vaccine in Education Projects Reaching Over 11 Million People!

MelaniePugsley ·
We are celebrating EXCITE Vaccine Education Projects reaching over 11 million people through their 1st year. After calculating the data from the June program reports, EXCITE total reach came to 11,201,951 people! Bringing crucial Vaccine Education to this number of people during a challenging year is a significant accomplishment for the EXCITE project. This figure demonstrates Extension's ability to reach hard-to-reach populations and the value of the system's boots-on-the-ground efforts.
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Info Session for the NEW EXCITE Funding Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register HERE for our September 22, 2022 Project Info Session The EXCITE national program team is happy to announce the EXCITE program is continuing! The CDC, NIFA, and the Extension Foundation will support projects in our LGU Cooperative Extension communities to address adult immunization education. This opportunity is open to all Land Grant institutions regardless of previous EXCITE participation. As a reminder, EXCITE is a nationwide response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible...
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Info and Resources for the New Phase of EXCITE Programming

MelaniePugsley ·
The EXCITE Project had an info-session last week to announce the details of the new phase of funding that will continue to support the work of adult immunization education. This programming opportunity is open to all Land Grant institutions regardless of previous EXCITE participation. This system-wide effort is a model of how Extension can utilize shared resources, lessons learned best practices and a focus on local needs to create a large impact. As announced last week, this new phase of...
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EXCITE Program Shares Regional Impact Stories

MelaniePugsley ·
We are pleased to share with you a regional compilation of data for the EXCITE project. The EXCITE project was truly a system-wide effort, encompassing institutions from all 6 regions. These infographics are intended to provide an understanding of the regional and national efforts of the institutions that participated in EXCITE. This data originates from the monthly reports submitted by the institution and is inclusive through July, 2022. Each region has a file folder that contains images of...
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MelaniePugsley ·
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS EXCITE: Design Phase ELIGIBILITY: Non-competitive phase available to ALL Land-grant universities (LGUs) (1862, 1890, 1994) by completing a simple online application. Submit only one application per institution. AWARD AMOUNT: $10,000 TIMELINE: Application Open: September 22, 2022 Application Deadline: November 1, 2022 , November 30, 2022, 11:59 PM PST 11:59 PM PST Award Period: October 1, 2022 - March 15, 2023 APPLICATION ACCESS: The deadline for receipt of the...
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EXCITE Design Phase Deadline Extended to November 30th, 2022

MelaniePugsley ·
The application for the EXCITE Design Phase has been extended to November 30th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST. The application is short, here are the requirements: Contact Information for Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, and Financial Contact Subrecipient Information for FFATA Reporting (DUNS Name & Number, etc…) Letter of Support from Extension Director/Administrator Budget Template/Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative...
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The EXCITE Project: Impact of Immunization Education Programs at 1890 Institutions

MelaniePugsley ·
The 1890 Universities Foundation collaborated with the Extension Foundation to implement the system-wide program, Extension Collabor ative on Immun ization , Teaching and Eng agement ( EX C ITE ). EX C ITE addresses barriers and increases confidence about CO VID - 19 , flu , and other vaccinations among rural and medically unders erved audiences and informs CDC , USDA - N IFA , Cooperative Extension , and health partners about how best to implement public health programs to reduce health...
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Evaluating a System-wide Project: An interview with the EXCITE evaluation team!

MelaniePugsley ·
We are excited to have Isabel Osborne and Laura Downey to discuss their involvement in the evaluation and reporting process for the system-wide Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Project. Isabel and Laura have been integral in developing a comprehensive and dynamic system for evaluating the EXCITE project's progress and success. Q: Isabelle and Laura, could you please tell us about yourselves and the roles you play in the evaluation team? Laura: Great.
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Unique Strengths of the EXCITE Project: Providing evidence-based information in an understandable form and using multiple delivery methods

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration for Immunization, Teaching, and Engagement ( EXCITE ) project was created to reduce vaccine hes it ancy in rural and medically unders erved communities . Fund ed by the CDC through an Inter agency Agreement with USDA N IFA and a cooperative agreement with the Extension Foundation , the team has four goals : reduce hes it ancy , increase communication between populations and health systems , increase accessibility to clinics and help implement public health...
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Become a Trusted Messenger of Health Information: Workshop and Toolkit from Washington State

MelaniePugsley ·
Getting to the Heart and Mind of the Matter: A Toolkit and Workshops for Building Confidence in Being a Trusted Messenger of Health Information REGISTER HERE Attention all Extension professionals and community partners involved in health-related work! Enhance your communication skills and gain new tools that will help you be a trusted messenger of health information in your community! Join the Washington State team for a three-part workshop series: Getting to the Heart and Mind of the...
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EXCITE Pilot Project Celebration & Wrap-up

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) project held its final Strategy Session, marking the last time the EXCITE pilot projects will meet before concluding their projects. This event signifies the end of a two-year effort aimed at bringing Immunization Education to Extension communities. During the session, the EXCITE Program team members, EXCITE teams, and partners gathered together to celebrate the project's efforts. The success of this project is a...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
