Tagged With "Never Forget"
Blog Post
ICYMI: A Virtual Tour: Explore Nutrition Tools and Resources from USDA and HHS Websites
We had a wonderful and very informative webinar yesterday with @Marcia Greenblum & @colleen.sideck from USDA, and @Holly H. McPeak from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services! During the webinar, these panelists guided participants through the different nutrition tools and resources found on the USDA and HHS sites. There were a TON of resources that they covered, and as promised - we wanted to share that list here: If you missed the webinar, you can find a recording of it here...
Blog Post
When things get tight it seems we always are expected to do more with less...not less with less. This can lead to that uncomfortable feeling of being overwhelmed. While this one post won't be able to address the cause here are a couple things to help deal with the symptoms... JUST START The start is what stops most people. Just pick something & accomplish it. Whether you start with something you don't care for or something you love, just getting it checked off the list will help create...
Re: Leadership Mistakes
Thank you! I need to print this and apply to me forehead so that I do not forget the concepts. This is very good.
Blog Post
Future You
Leonard Bernstein's father was asked in an interview if he supported his son's aspirations in music. He answered with a lukewarm response. The interviewer was shocked and asked "why not?". He responded...Because, how was I supposed to know he would become Leonard Bernstein? He's right, we don't know how our kids lives will go. We protect, guide & nurture and then wait & watch. It's not quite the same with ourselves. We are intimately involved with our own decisions & actions.
Re: 3 Hard Things to Say
Worcestershire sauce is easier to say than "I need help" and "I am sorry". Being in a household which used the stuff, we always said "Wuss-ta-sheer" sauce. I think in the UK, they say "Wuss-ter" , named after the place in the England, or was that place in New England? I am So sorry! I forget from where the stuff originated. I do need help.
Blog Post
Questions or Complaints?
“Only self-confidence makes freedom & dissent possible. An organization that brainwashes employees to think alike will only breed complacency & make itself unappealing to anyone who might inject some oxygen into it.” – Ricardo Semler Think about a time when you were offended by a complaint. Perhaps it was a question someone posed. Did it feel like it was directed at you in a meeting in front of others? Do you remember your response? Was it appropriate for the situation? Was it...
Blog Post
At this time our thoughts are often thrust into pondering meaningful ways to focus the upcoming year. We are bombarded with things others feel we should “value” but these decisions should be personal. A couple of years ago I shared my New Year’s resolutions with my wife & she in turn shared hers. At the top of her list was having more patience but the one that sticks in my mind is this… “I will love myself…..after I lose 5 pounds!” 🤣 Too funny, but telling at the same time. We often...
Blog Post
Movement and Mental Health
As the pandemic continues, the rates of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression steadily continue to climb. During times of quarantine, while working virtually, or when managing a new schedule, it is easy to forget about adding movement to your day. Sedentary activities like watching tv, video gaming and computer work are dominating our current society while mental health is on the decline. One approach to lowering bouts of anxiety and depression, improving mood, and gaining...
Blog Post
May National Health Observances: Physical Fitness, Older Americans, Women’s Health, and More!
Posted on April 29, 2022 by HHS/ODPHP Each month, we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our priorities for improving health nationwide. To help you spread the word, we’ve gathered resources that you can use to promote these NHOs with your networks and communities. This month, we’re raising awareness about physical fitness and sports, healthy aging, women’s health, mental health, stroke, healthy vision, and hepatitis. Use the resources below to join the...
Blog Post
June National Health Observances: Alzheimer’s Disease, Safety, HIV, and More
Each month we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that highlight important health issues affecting people across the nation. In June we’re raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and brain health, safety, HIV testing and sickle cell disease.
The Human Genome Project
The Science of Vaccines
Blog Post
Summer Self-Care Webinar Series
The Community Seminar Series: Summer Self-Care What topics are covered in the series? Summer is busy, and it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves while we try to juggle what everyone else needs. Researchers from University of Illinois can help guide your summer health choices. Find a session that's perfect for you, or participate in all of them. Summer Self-Care is a collaboration between University of Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute as part of...
Blog Post
More Leadership Theories
The practice of leadership has been going on as far back as we can observe. In a previous offering " 10 Leadership Theories " we looked at where we've come in the recent past regarding thinking and approach to leadership. In one post we can't possibly hit everything related to leadership, so it's a reality we left out a ton of stuff. We're going to continue this journey by looking at a few more influencers in the leadership area from centuries and millennia ago to today. Hang on! Lao Tzu -...
Re: Holiday Shopping with a Financial Mind$et
Something to think about Troy! The holidays can really put you in that festive mode, that you totally forget to check your account and realize that you are spending way too much money. Half the things that we give as gifts never get used. I believe we should definitely put a spending plan together for the holidays and stick to it.
Blog Post
2024 National Urban Extension Conference - Early Registration Ending Soon
Early Registration Ending Soon (October 31,2023) Register Now and don’t forget to book your room at https://book.passkey.com/e/50633971 . If you are planning on coming early or staying later that the conference dates, please call the hotel at 615-255-8400. The Call for Presentation Proposals are still open. More detailed info including draft schedule can be found under the Register Now link.
Blog Post
Fueling Hope: Breast Cancer Awareness through Nutrition
In October, the focus shifts to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society (2023), breast cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer in women, and among Hispanic women in the United States, it remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis frequently gives rise to a multitude of questions and anxieties related to diet and nutrition. Register with OneOp on October 25, 2023 as we delve deeper into strategies that assist...
Blog Post
Mental Resilience
Thought you might enjoy a Yogi Berra quote to start... "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical." Too funny and makes a great point. Life is a constant mental challenge. And we know, heaven or hell, it's between our ears. As you ponder what it will take for you to become more mentally resilient, here are some things to consider. "I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count." -Muhammad Ali When the going gets...
Blog Post
Celebrating Culture & Pollinators: Animated Series Honors Native Languages, Provides Science Education
Pollinators like bees, bats, and butterflies are vital for human health because they transfer pollen between plants, allowing many fruits, vegetables, and nuts that nourish us to grow and reproduce. Without these busy pollinators, our diets would be less diverse and lack essential vitamins and minerals found in pollinator-dependent crops. Educating youth about the importance of pollinators is critical. It empowers them to become stewards of these vital creatures, ensuring a healthy future...
Blog Post
Memorial Day: A Special Tribute
Decoration Day or Memorial Day as we now call it, is set aside to honor those who have died in our nation's wars. It wasn't an official federal holiday until 1968. Flags will fly at half-mast on this day. "If there is ever a day of commemoration, a day, when, as one, America pauses, thinks, thanks and prays, it is Memorial Day. We honor our war dead." -John L. Borling, Major General, U.S. Air Force (retired) Remember what this day is all about. In this tribute, 1963 Air Force Academy...
Blog Post
Curiosity: The new currency [7th of 8]
What are you curious about? Some folks will respond to this question with an immediate answer: “Everything!” Others may just look at you and ask what you mean. Whether at one end of the spectrum, or somewhere in the middle, watching someone respond to this question will allow you to immediately know a lot about them and their potential for long-term success. In brief, curiosity is one of the most important traits and a high predictor for success identified by researchers at Korn Ferry, an...