Tagged With "water webinar"
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eXtension RFP for Climate/Extreme Weather Fellowship
Cooperative Extension is positioned to be the leading national resource with the most experience with on-the-ground implementation of conservation-based programming. The eXtension Climate Coalition proposes creating a Fellowship effort as a short-term project dedicated to the compilation of program data across the Cooperative Extension System (CES). The fellow(s), which could be one or two, will identify programming that is currently being implemented that aligns with Project Drawdown, other...
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ICYMI - Answering the Call: The Role of Extension After an Emergency
Last week, the Southern Jagriculture team from Southern University Ag Research & Extension center joined us and delivered an EXCELLENT webinar on the role of Extension after an emergency. Utilizing the historic 2016 Louisiana Flood as their conceptual lens, this webinar focused on their individual efforts as second responders, SUAREC’s response to help mitigate future losses, the role and linkage of Extension professional as second responders, and much more. This team has been an active...
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ICYMI: Back To the Future: Using Mass Media for Extension Communications Webinar
Yesterday’s Back the Future: Using Mass Media for Extension Communications webinar had over 300 participants who engaged with the Mass Media Pollinators New Technologies in Agricultural Education (NTAE) grant project team who shared what they have learned so far creating a mass media campaign to encourage the creation of more pollinator habitats.
Blog Post
National Action Dialogue: Participant Leadership Needed
eXtension has been mobilized to support Cooperative Extension System (CES) during this tough time of social distancing and in response we have started a webinar series to address working virtually and connecting with your audiences through digital technology. You will also find more information at virtual.extension.org and for eXtension members in the Connect Extension Group: Extension Response & Resources for Extension Professionals Working Online . WHAT NEXT? To take this all one step...
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SAMHSA Training & Technical Assistance Resources Related to COVID-19
The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has put together a list of COVID-19 training and technical assistance resources to help address the mental health/substance use disorder impacts in rural communities. You can access a copy of that list here and attached to this blog post.
Blog Post
ICYMI: A Virtual Tour: Explore Nutrition Tools and Resources from USDA and HHS Websites
We had a wonderful and very informative webinar yesterday with @Marcia Greenblum & @colleen.sideck from USDA, and @Holly H. McPeak from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services! During the webinar, these panelists guided participants through the different nutrition tools and resources found on the USDA and HHS sites. There were a TON of resources that they covered, and as promised - we wanted to share that list here: If you missed the webinar, you can find a recording of it here...
Blog Post
Live Stream at 2 PM ET Today! Unpacking the Content Creation Process: How NPSEC Optimizes Existing Cooperative Extension Resources
Open this post in Connect Extension to view the live stream! Launching a state-wide campaign can be daunting, but the content creation process doesn't have to be! In this webinar, Kara Maddox from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) and Nathan Hermond from Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension describe how they transformed existing Pollinator Stewardship Resources into an engaging Pollinator Prep Guide. Designed to engage Millennials and their families...
Blog Post
In Case You Missed It! - Unpacking the Content Creation Process Webinar
Yesterday afternoon Nathan Hermond with Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension and Kara Maddox with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center hosted a webinar on how we transformed existing Cooperative Extension content into an engaging Pollinator Prep Guide designed for Millennials and their families. Click here to watch the recording today! In the webinar, we spoke about the nifty poll featured offered by 99designs - as well as the ability to start a competition among...
Blog Post
Market Research: The tool in your toolbelt you didn't know you had...or needed
Join the Weather Ready Farms group on Connect Extension Here We often hear the term “needs assessment” in Extension work. It’s an important pillar in a strong Extension program. As Extension professionals, we need to know about learners’ needs that can be potentially filled by our work. It’s important we conduct needs assessments to identify the “difference, or gap, between what is and what should be – or what is reasonably possible,” (NDSU Extension, n.d.). Conducting needs assessments...
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ICYMI: Conducting Market Research for Extension Programs: Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Farms
Last week, we had the opportunity to sit down with a wonderful team that has been working as one of eXtension's New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects for 2019-2020. The Weather Ready Farms program comes from Nebraska Extension and as an NTAE project, it received direct support from a third-party marketing firm specializing in agriculture to conduct market research into the target audience and create a marketing & communication plan. Our webinar last week included: Ashley...
Blog Post
New eFieldbook Available! Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a multi-state initiative including North Carolina State University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services...
Blog Post
ICYMI: Connect Extension Chat: Virtualizing and Social Distancing Horticulture and Master Garden Volunteer Programs
In case you missed it: We had an excellent live chat with 58 participants discussing all the innovative ways to move horticulture and Master Gardener volunteer programs to a virtual platform! Some of the ideas included virtual Ask An Expert sessions, virtual coffee hours, webinar series, podcasts, and more. To see more including tips for marketing virtual programs, best practices and lessons learned, and suggested platforms, check out the chat archive ! Your co-hosts, Stephanie Pully and...
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Webinar for Educators: Exploring Climate Migration in the Classroom
Topic Webinar for Educators: Exploring Climate Migration in the Classroom Description Educators are invited to join Pulitzer Center education staff and journalist-grantees for a professional development webinar on migration and its relationship to climate change. By engaging with a pathbreaking new reporting project in The New York Times Magazine and ProPublica, participants will be able to... • explore new models for understanding how migration will change as the world warms, • hear the...
Blog Post
Two Health Fellowship Positions Now Open, Deadline August 28, 2020
Position Funded by Molina Foundation Position Administered by eXtension Position Led by @Roger Rennekamp The total amount of dollars available is $20,000.00, divided into two 10K contracts Contract conditions and terms: This will be a fixed term contract (so level of effort needs to be considered). 20K is about 1 day a week of an Extension professional’s time for a year. This is for 2 Extension professionals – 10K each. Contract Timeline – 1 year – September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021.
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Live Stream Today at 3 PM ET! Wrapping Up the Pollinator Stewardship Pilot Program: Outcomes, Metrics & Next Best Steps
Join us here in Connect Extension for a live stream of today's webinar! The Prairie View A&M University Pollinator Pilot has come to a close. Join us to find out how the campaign helped PVAMU's Cooperative Extension Program reach new audience members via radio, digital and social media outreach initiatives. Joining me will be Adam Winters, Chief Innovation Officer for Land.US and creator of AgNearMe.com, as well as Erica Overfelt and Braden Kobeski, Social Media and Engagement Officers...
Blog Post
1 PM ET Today! Connect Extension Chat - Asynchronous Programs
Click Here on August 27th at 1 PM ET to Join the Virtual Chat Each month, the eXtension Foundation will host a virtual chat here on Connect Extension, available to all Cooperative Extension professionals. The purpose of these short virtual chats is to highlight best practices and innovation throughout Cooperative Extension. Each session will be a different topic area. For August 27, 2020, we will be discussing Asynchronous Programs and how we are making our formally face-to-face programs...
Blog Post
ICYMI- Asynchronous Programs
Nearly five dozen Cooperative Extension professionals from across the nation gathered to discuss asynchronous programs an d how we are making our formerly face-to-face programs available to clientele who want to learn on their own time not necessarily at the same time as everyone else like a webinar. We and our clientele are busier than ever and often cannot participate in synchronous events, so in order to reach them, we need to turn to provide programs asynchronously. As per the chat, most...
Blog Post
ICYMI: Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review
Yesterday, we hosted a webinar led by Jessica Larson - Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture. She provided a research review that offered insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Participants had a chance to find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages...
Blog Post
Digital Technology eFieldbook Webinar Shares Project Info & Findings
More than three dozen Cooperative Extension professionals joined in a webinar to learn more about eXtension's new Using Digital Technology eFieldbook . @ashleygriffin @Jerry Thomas and @rosehayden-smith offered a panel discussion that explored the eFieldbook content and features, the Fellowship project (including professional development activities), lessons learned, and findings from the eXtension Technology Futuring Project. The eFieldbook was produced as part of of eXtension’s New...
Blog Post
Community Catalyst Webinar Series for Extension Professionals
Please join us for an upcoming six-part webinar series exclusively designed for you, the Extension professional . This series features leaders and researchers from Iowa, Oregon, and Virginia who can help you transform your work with data-driven learning and discovery. This vibrant dialogue will provide you with tools to maximize your time, develop responsive programs using data insights, and foster impact in collaboration with communities. Visit this page to register . After participating in...
Blog Post
Urban Green Infrastructure Workshop: Reflections from our last gathering
Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network at the city and even regional scale that includes both land (parks, urban forests, raingardens, bioswales, greenspace, to name a few), and water (rivers, watersheds, etc.). Working in green infrastructure also enables the clear illustration of often forgotten connections between local and regional food systems and water (roof gardens, community gardens, urban farms, fruit orchards, etc.). Other benefits of green infrastructure include...
Blog Post
ICYMI: Poetry As A Tool in Extension Programs
Last week, we were fortunate to host Dr. Hiram Larew, an award-winning poet, advocate, and leader in the Arts and Poetry community, and David Myers, an Ag Extension Agent at the University of Maryland Extension for a wonderful webinar! The purpose of their presentation was to demonstrate how poetry is being used to help deliver messages about an important agricultural issue, namely local and global hunger. They used hunger as an example to illustrate how poetry can be used when discussing a...
Blog Post
ICYMI: How to Host Engaging Webinars
The COVID-19 crisis means that Extension professionals are using webinars even more frequently to extend knowledge and information. Creating engaging online learning experiences for our clientele and peers is critical to our success in this new virtual environment. This webinar - offered by eXtension Foundation staff in partnership with Delaware State University Cooperative Extension - provided an opportunity for participants to reinforce the basics and learn more about advanced features. In...
Blog Post
Ask Extension In Transition
Ask Extension (formerly Ask an Expert) has been an important national digital service and content asset since 2006. During the peak summer season this year, over 1100 experts handled about 11,000 questions per month. This year, eXtension launched two new projects with funding from its USDA-NIFA New Technologies for Ag Extension Cooperative Agreement: Building an artificial intelligence platform that provides information from a wide range of Extension educational resources Modernizing the...
Blog Post
ICYMI: Getting Ready to Tell Consumers about MyPlate and the 2020 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Yesterday we had a fabulous panel from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion talk to us about MyPlate and the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines. 500 Cooperative Extension professionals joined us and brought some great questions with them for the 30 minute Q&A portion! If you didn't get a chance to catch it, the recording is now available . Additionally, @Barbara Jirka was kind enough to provide a copy of the slides and a handout - I've attached those to this post!
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ICYMI: An In-Depth Look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025
A couple of weeks ago, we had Stephenie Fu and Elizabeth Rahavi join us from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion to discuss the new Dietary Guidlines for Americans for 2020-2015. The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 to reflect the current body of nutrition science. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is the nation’s source for nutrition guidance to promote health and...
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ICYMI: Take a Tour with the MyPlate Team: Walk Through The New Personalized Digital Tools and Resources
Yesterday, we had three guests from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to learn about the new MyPlate website and suite of digital tools and resources that were launched upon the release of the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025. In this webinar, we explored the MyPlate tools to help you reach audiences at every life stage. Here are some resources from that webinar: Recording MyPlate National Nutrition Month Playbook (Attached) Slide deck (Attached) Q&A questions answered in...
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Tuesday Food Preservation Basics Webinar Series
Are you interested in learning about food preservation? Join us for these free webinars hosted by Ohio State University Extension. The first half hour will consist of a lesson on the below topics, followed by 30 minutes of open question and answer time. You are welcome to register for just one or all of them. Tuesday's May 4-June 29 4-5 PM EST Register at: https://go.osu.edu/summer2021foodpreservationbasics
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USDA to Host Educational Webinar Series on Livestock Mandatory Reporting in June 2021
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will host a series of three live educational webinars about USDA’s Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) Program from Tuesday, June 8, through Thursday, June 10, 2021.
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June 2021 Farm Journal Contest: Conservation Practices and Water Quality
Share your stories of success and get your story lead developed and published by Farm Journal! The June 2021 Story Lead Contest has been posted and is due on Wednesday, June 30th. This month’s Cooperative Extension feature with Farm Journal’s Trust In Food focuses on the growing activity of researchers and conservation groups to help farmers improve local water quality . More producers are exploring water quality improvements with edge of field practices including riparian buffers, wetlands,...
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Farm Journal & NRCS Water Quality Stewardship Guide
@Nate Birt with Farm Journal has shared some resources from a public-private partnership with NRCS for Cooperative Extension professionals to utilize and share with farmers/ranchers in their local communiities. From Nate: " By downloading a personal copy of the guide, Extension leaders can encourage farmers and ranchers to type their own answers into the workbook pages, and better prepare themselves to get help from Extension experts in their communities, NRCS agents, etc." More information:...
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How can health messaging work within rural communities? webinar June 23rd
How can health messaging work within rural communities ? Save-the-Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 1-2pm central time (11 PST, 12 MT, 1 CT, 2 EST) (Webinar registration link will be announced at later date) Poverty in rural areas of the US is higher than in urban areas. Geographic isolation, lack of infrastructure, fewer available resources, and limited economic opportunity compound these challenges. Many extension and outreach professionals aim to strengthen supports for families, so they...
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New Extension Foundation Report Available: Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System
The Extension Foundation , in partnership with a research team from Ohio State University, has released a new report on emerging technologies. The “Extension Foundation Report on Emerging Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System” was supported by funding from the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) project. The report was developed by the research team in part through interviews with a panel of thirteen experts representing all five Extension regions, as well as...
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NTAE Program Spotlight: Digital Technology in Extension Education ePublication
As we get closer to kicking off a new year of our NTAE Accelerator program , we will catch up with past program teams to share their project stories and outcomes! This week's program spotlight features Dr. Rose Hayden-Smith , the Extension Foundation's 2020 Fellow for Technology in Extension. During Rose's fellowship, she created the first version of the Using Digital Technology in Extension Education ePublication , which provides a digital platform for aggregating content, tools, and...
Blog Post
Unpeeled: The Case Files of Maya McCluen Game is Available for Extension Programs
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food and stay within their budget. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) team developed an interactive learning activity (or game), Unpeeled: The Case Studies of Maya McCluen . Our team sought to clarify food marketing labels and empower consumers to make science-based decisions while shopping. We hosted a...
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FREE Webinar on Climate Change Communication Thur. Sept 2 at 3:30pm EST with Utah State University Physicist Dr. Rob Davies
Mark your calendars for a free professional development opportunity/webinar focusing on climate change communication, helping us develop “narratives to engage your communities” by physicist Dr. Rob Davies , Thurs. Sept 2 3:30-5:00pm EST. The webinar is hosted through the National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI). You can learn more about Dr. Davies’ work via a past lecture at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufphd21wqwk WEBINAR TITLE “Tipping Points” WEBINAR DESCRIPTION In the words of...
Re: FREE Webinar on Climate Change Communication Thur. Sept 2 at 3:30pm EST with Utah State University Physicist Dr. Rob Davies
Looks like they posted it in their subgroup: https://connect.extension.org/...recording-now-posted
Re: FREE Webinar on Climate Change Communication Thur. Sept 2 at 3:30pm EST with Utah State University Physicist Dr. Rob Davies
Is a recording of this webinar available?
Blog Post
Important Resources for Family Resiliency: The Red Cross Service to Armed Forces Workshops
Written by: Lucas Blankenship, Master of Public Administration Student West Virginia University and MFLN Military Caregiving Concentration. As a member of a military family myself, I remember all too well the stress and strain that deployment and reintegration can have on military members, their families, and those close to them. Often, we think of how we can help those in the military community. How can we serve those who serve? One way is accessing services, resources, and programs offered...
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Tips and Tools for Content Creators
Extension educators are content creators. Whether they prepare PowerPoint slides for a webinar, write a blog or social media post, prepare for an interview, or assemble a newsletter, they are constantly striving to create content that is current, relevant, and actionable. At a recent online conference, the Plutus™ Impact Summit, the following eight tips for personal finance content creation were shared: Address “Pain Points” and Goals – Help people by addressing topics that are causing them...
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MFLN Family Development Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth (SBCY) Series So Far
The MFLN Family Development Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth (SBCY) Series is still ongoing through 2021 and throughout 2022! As we continue our conversation on age-appropriate sexual development of youth and working with children and youth exhibiting problematic sexual behavior (PSB), our upcoming SBCY webinars will focus on lots of great topics. A list of all upcoming topics and webinars is available on the SBCY series homepage . Each of these informative and interactive webinars...
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Healthy Relationships Matter for Military Families
Healthy relationship skills can make a big difference for the strength and resilience of military families. Military Family Service Providers and Extension Educators are a unique position to be able to provide research-based skills for couples and co-parents that will help them strengthen their relationships. Learn about an upcoming 5-part webinar series that will provide you with information, tools, and resources to help military families nurture and maintain a healthy relationship.
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ICYMI: Shop Simple with MyPlate and More MyPlate Updates!
Last week, we were joined by the MyPlate team from the USDA Center of Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) for a preview of two MyPlate tools that will help Americans make healthy food choices. Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka from USDA-CNPP for helping to organize this! New to the USDA - Shop Simple with MyPlate , allows individuals to find cost-saving opportunities in their local area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods. The panelists presented the background on the...
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Recap: Using the Power of University Extension and Community Colleges to Increase Engagement
Long the foundation of Land-Grant Extension services, community engagement is increasingly central to the mission of public universities. Extension is a proven engagement and outreach platform for public university service. Engaging with a state’s people enables universities, in partnership with communities, to nimbly address local challenges. University-community collaborations are ideally poised to address transdisciplinary challenges such as climate change, pandemics, social justice,...
Blog Post
Cryptocurrency Basics and Scams
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defines cryptocurrency as a digital currency that is generally exchanged online without using an intermediary such as a bank. There are several well-known cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but many brands exist and continue to be created. Cryptocurrency is purchased through online exchange platforms and stored in a digital wallet. Service members may use cryptocurrency for a variety of reasons such as making quick payments, avoiding...
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Supporting Military Couples
Webinar series November 2021- May 2022 Military couples and families experience unique challenges with frequent relocation, deployment, and reintegration. Strong military couple relationships require an investment of time and effort and are vital in maintaining mission and family readiness. This webinar series shares research on the impact of military life on families, as well as tools and resources for service professionals to assist military couples and families in strengthening...
Blog Post
ICYMI: Mi Plato Para Ti: Developing an Evidence-Based, Culturally Relevant Hispanic American Toolkit Based on the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
We had a wonderful group of panelists from Nutrition On Demand, the McCormick Science Institute, and Hispanic Food Communications, Inc last week to discuss a culturally relevant Hispanic American Toolkit based upon the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans. Here is the description of the event: As the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were developed and subsequently launched earlier this year, there was a growing call for food patterns and educational materials that go beyond...
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Upcoming Self-Care Workshop for Military & Veteran TBI Caregivers
The Military Families Learning Network (MFLN) is partnering with the Defense Health Agency’s Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence (TBICoE) at 11:00 AM ET on November 30, 2021 for an interactive self-care workshop for military and veteran traumatic brain injury (TBI) caregivers. RSVP to join at Military and Veteran TBI Caregivers . Presenters will provide education and insight into TBI caregiver resources, common concerns, self-care strategies, research, and best practices to improve...
Blog Post
Extension Educators play an important role in helping families and communities recover from the pandemic
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. A colleague recently shared a CDC report that highlighted a startling and tragic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families. Researchers found that approximately one in 500 children experienced the death of a primary caregiver due to COVID-19. The authors stated: “ for every four deaths from COVID-19 , one child is left without a parent and/or grandparent who provided the child’s home and basic needs, including love, security, and daily care.” This study examined only...
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The Changing World of Medicaid: What to Watch for in 2022
Medicaid, the single largest source of health coverage in the United States, is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. Join the Military Families Learning network at 11:00 a.m. ET on February 23, 2022, as Christopher Plein, Ph.D., Eberly Family Professor for Outstanding Public Service at West Virginia University, discusses Medicaid, new program developments and possibilities for the...