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GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor - #7 Your Personal Mission


Your Personal Mission

A personal mission is a statement about your why. This is what drives you to get out of bed in the morning. It describes what you believe is most important in life, what you wish to focus on, and what you want to be known for. If you allow it to direct your thoughts and actions each day, it has the potential to direct your life and achieve the future you want.

I often tell my students to consider doing this exercise and then holding on to it. When one finds themself applying for a promotion or future job, having (and referencing) a personal mission can help them stand out from other candidates. Many graduate school applications request a personal philosophy and/or mission statement as well. This can be an excellent start.

In this blog series, I’m attempting to both challenge your thinking, but also encourage your progress. You may consider the question prompt in this post alone, or in conversation with a friend or mentor. Let’s try the personal mission statement creation.

Four Steps to Your Personal Mission:

  1. Think about your Core Beliefs and Values. Write down three or four keywords or phrases under each of the following.

Core beliefs:  What are some key things you believe?

Core values:  What are some key things you value?

Overall, what really matters in life? What’s most important?

  1. Hopes, Dreams, Desires, Goals: Think about your hopes, dreams, desires, and goals. Write these based on current circumstances. Jot down two or three items under each category. These can be whatever comes into your mind. These are not commitments but possibilities.






  1. Leaving a Legacy: These questions are to help focus your long-term thinking.

How would you like to be remembered? What one thing do you want people to say about you (now or after you’re gone)? [Do not look back at your answer from Conversation 2 until you write your thoughts here. Then, look back and compare.]

What have you contributed to the world during your life so far? What do you dream of contributing in the future?

What steps can you begin to take to achieve your desired contributions, hopes, dreams, and goals?

  1. Drafting Personal Mission Statement:

Review everything you’ve written so far. Circle or underline any words that stand out in your mind.

Using keywords and ideas from above, write your mission. Don’t worry about getting it perfect. Just get the basics. Refine it later. It will evolve over time. You could begin with: My mission in life is to



You in Two Words:

You now have a draft mission. Try to quantify what it says in just two words. What are the two most important words that could define you?

  1. ____________________________ 2. ___________________________

Challenge Question: Do your friends, coworkers, and family members know these things about you? How might you begin to let others see and understand what is most important in your life? How might you share this newly written mission with others? Jot ideas down. Then do them.

Dr. Brian Raison

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