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Tagged With "family owned business"

Blog Post

4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent Position OPEN

Bonnie Hopkins ·
The San Juan County Extension Office in Aztec New Mexico is hiring a 4-H Family & Consumer Agent. We have an incredible strong 4-H program with nearly 400 4-H members, 20 clubs and over 100 community volunteers. The 4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent works closely with our 4-H Agriculture/Livestock Agent, Adult Agriculture Agent, and Adult Family and Consumer Science Agent. The SJC Office has strong support of our local government and community, a dedicated group of 4-H members and...
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11 Free Courses Available for Disaster and Hazard Readiness

Hannah Hyde ·
FREE online courses offer free continuing education credit, are self-paced and offer practical solutions to local problems regarding disaster and hazard readiness
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USDA to Host Educational Webinar Series on Livestock Mandatory Reporting in June 2021

Sara Hernandez ·
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will host a series of three live educational webinars about USDA’s Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) Program from Tuesday, June 8, through Thursday, June 10, 2021.
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Our Neighbor...

Karl Bradley ·
Our neighbor goes for a walk every morning. He waves enthusiastically to everyone he sees. His smile goes from ear to ear. He carries a big bag of treats for all the dogs he meets. He doesn't even own a dog. Our neighbor knows attitude is everything. He always picks a good one. Our neighbor goes to the local grocery store every Saturday morning. He knows all the bakery employees. He buys donuts for all the kids who are shopping with their parents. Every one...without exception. Our neighbor...
Blog Post

Resilience in action...

Karl Bradley ·
Resilience is defined as: " the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. " Our resilience has been challenged big time over the course of this pandemic. How have you done? What have you done that worked? Honestly, it's been hard at times for our family. It's in what we did to get through together that matters. Chances are some of these are on your list! They celebrate other people's success They accept full responsibility for their past behavior They invest their energy in...
Blog Post

Farm Journal & NRCS Water Quality Stewardship Guide

Aaron Weibe ·
@Nate Birt with Farm Journal has shared some resources from a public-private partnership with NRCS for Cooperative Extension professionals to utilize and share with farmers/ranchers in their local communiities. From Nate: " By downloading a personal copy of the guide, Extension leaders can encourage farmers and ranchers to type their own answers into the workbook pages, and better prepare themselves to get help from Extension experts in their communities, NRCS agents, etc." More information:...
Blog Post

How can health messaging work within rural communities? webinar June 23rd

Kim Byrne Greder ·
How can health messaging work within rural communities ? Save-the-Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 1-2pm central time (11 PST, 12 MT, 1 CT, 2 EST) (Webinar registration link will be announced at later date) Poverty in rural areas of the US is higher than in urban areas. Geographic isolation, lack of infrastructure, fewer available resources, and limited economic opportunity compound these challenges. Many extension and outreach professionals aim to strengthen supports for families, so they...
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Scott Reed ·
Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed, Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash A lot can be done and is being done. In our previous blog we underscore the self-evident importance of science in the US. Science has become a required knowledge creating and disseminating force in the economy, public and personal healthcare and general social well-being, our personal lives. 21...


Rick Klemme ·
Excellent blog post (although I am not sure that using French helps with the perceived arrogance of science and the academy😊). Anyway, here’s an editorial that was in the local Madison newspaper a couple of weeks ago that speaks to the challenge of communicating science (around COVID 19) that lays out some self-ownership that the science community needs in connecting with the public. Paul Fanlund | The Capital Times Even before vaccines became widely available, one could have predicted that...
Blog Post

Headed for an energy crisis?

Karl Bradley ·
It's just another day in 2007. Stopped to take a few minutes to read a short article. It's my daily "leadership" lesson time. Only this time it really shook me up. Really challenged my thoughts on a concept I thought I had a handle on. Time management. Tony Schwartz & Catherine McCarthy had really made an impact on me! Manage your energy NOT your time ! What? Think about it...time is a finite resource. Energy is renewable. Want to see where you are with your energy? Here's their quiz!
Blog Post

It's July already?!

Karl Bradley ·
Historically, July is a big month for the Cooperative Extension Service . Our own @Rose Hayden-Smith reminded us a couple days ago. On this day (July 2nd) in 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act , providing the funding framework and vision for land-grant institutions and public higher education in the U.S. It was a visionary act, part of a legislative sweep that year! Emancipation Proclamation Homestead Act Pacific Railroad Act USDA was created as a cabinet-level agency This...
Blog Post

Wits Wellness research is looking for participants

Emily Harmon ·
Wits Wellness research is looking for participants A research team from the University of Illinois is looking for participants for the WITS Wellness Research Study . Any person 50 years and older who has not been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is eligible. Participants can receive up to $60 for their participation in the study. The study will include 12 weekly health and wellness sessions at various locations across the state. The sessions will be fun, with interactive...
Blog Post

Need more empathy?

Karl Bradley ·
Psychology Today says Empathy is... "...the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, animal, or fictional character. Developing empathy is crucial for establishing relationships and behaving compassionately. It involves experiencing another person’s point of view, rather than just one’s own, and enables prosocial or helping behaviors that come from within, rather than being forced." We all connect with the concept of empathy in a different way.
Blog Post

NTAE Program Spotlight: Digital Technology in Extension Education ePublication

MelaniePugsley ·
As we get closer to kicking off a new year of our NTAE Accelerator program , we will catch up with past program teams to share their project stories and outcomes! This week's program spotlight features Dr. Rose Hayden-Smith , the Extension Foundation's 2020 Fellow for Technology in Extension. During Rose's fellowship, she created the first version of the Using Digital Technology in Extension Education ePublication , which provides a digital platform for aggregating content, tools, and...
Blog Post

3 Naturally Occuring Things

Karl Bradley ·
"Three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion & underperformance. Everything else requires leadership." -Peter Drucker Friction happens when people don’t understand one another Interpersonal issues are present Confusion happens as a result of poor communication Team goals are unclear Underperformance happens when people aren’t engaged Skill-set mismatch The thing to keep in mind here is that these things “happen naturally”. It’s nobody’s fault. Take a deep breath!
Blog Post

Extension in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Chuck Hibberd

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Chuck Hibberd. Image Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles "Chuck" Hibberd is an emeritus professor of the University of Nebraska, where he held several academic positions, including Dean of Cooperative Extension. His email tagline reads "Chuck Hibberd, retired Extensi on Director (but not done yet)." He directed the University's Panhandle Research and Extension Center for 13 years. Chuck also served as Extension director, associate dean of agriculture, and assistant vice...
Blog Post

Let's Talk GMOs Online Course Available

Stacey Stearns ·
Are you confused or do you have questions about GMOs? Do you feel inadequate when discussing GMOs? Are you given opposing information of GMOs and not sure what is right? Do you wonder how the misinformation about GMOs spreads like a wildfire? UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is offering an online course, Let’s Talk GMOs: Creating Consistent Communication Messages . Participants are introduced to the basics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They will learn...
Blog Post

Give Your Clients a Financial Checkup

Selena T Garrison ·
A financial check-up is as important as an annual physical with a doctor. Like a medical exam, a review of someone’s personal finances can identify steps to improve “financial fitness” and screen for potential problems.
Blog Post

3 Steps

Karl Bradley ·
On our journey through life sometimes we get stuck. We don't know what step to take next. It's in these moments of friction that growth happens. Here are 3 steps that can help us get unstuck & back on track to being the person we want to become! "Know thyself." -H.D. Thoreau Affirm (or discover) your personality traits or your core values. Self-awareness is a great trait to hone. Getting back in touch with ourselves, our DNA, can be just the reminder that we are enough and will always be...
Blog Post

Are you ready?

Karl Bradley ·
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you. Are you ready to lean into all the opportunities life brings? When was the last day you felt at your best? What does it mean to be ready ? When you're ready you feel prepared. You feel rested. To be the best we can be, it takes caring for our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional states. Taking care of what it means to be human. When we fail to prepare we're preparing to fail. To be the best we can be means helping others be the best...
Blog Post

Top 10 Heavy Hitters

Karl Bradley ·
The entire culture of our organizations can be summed up in this statement; what is rewarded is repeated . For your consideration (during MLB playoff time!)'s a list of some heavy hitters to encourage & support with your leadership behavior! 1. Earn people's trust ; provide evidence every day of how you are trustworthy 2. Understand everyone has a life; work & life aren't separate, work is a part of a meaningful life 3. Listen , then act; diverse viewpoints are healthier, more...
Blog Post

Healthy Relationships Matter for Military Families

Hannah Hyde ·
Healthy relationship skills can make a big difference for the strength and resilience of military families. Military Family Service Providers and Extension Educators are a unique position to be able to provide research-based skills for couples and co-parents that will help them strengthen their relationships. Learn about an upcoming 5-part webinar series that will provide you with information, tools, and resources to help military families nurture and maintain a healthy relationship.
Blog Post

Gone not Forgotten

Karl Bradley ·
We all have things in common, especially loss. Those who have gone before us have shown us the way. No one is truly gone who is not forgotten. Personally, Colin Powell helped me make sense of our nation's place in the world. Here's an excerpt from his book "It Worked for Me" In a lifetime of studying leadership, this is still one of my absolute favorite pieces on the topic: The Essence of Leadership Cooperative Extension professionals are drawn to the work to serve. They selflessly serve...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Shop Simple with MyPlate and More MyPlate Updates!

Aaron Weibe ·
Last week, we were joined by the MyPlate team from the USDA Center of Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) for a preview of two MyPlate tools that will help Americans make healthy food choices. Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka from USDA-CNPP for helping to organize this! New to the USDA - Shop Simple with MyPlate , allows individuals to find cost-saving opportunities in their local area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods. The panelists presented the background on the...
Blog Post

National Family Caregivers Month

Rachel Brauner ·
November marks National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM), a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the nation. NFCM is an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate our communities, and increase support for families. For individuals who take on the responsibility of caring for another person, it can often be challenging to see beyond the individual experience. Family caregivers—whether they be families of kin or families of choice—are woven into the fabric of...
Blog Post

Supporting Military Couples

Anita Harris Hering ·
Webinar series November 2021- May 2022 Military couples and families experience unique challenges with frequent relocation, deployment, and reintegration. Strong military couple relationships require an investment of time and effort and are vital in maintaining mission and family readiness. This webinar series shares research on the impact of military life on families, as well as tools and resources for service professionals to assist military couples and families in strengthening...
Blog Post

Finding Thanks and Practicing Gratitude with Military Youth and Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Halloween candy is dwindling down if it wasn’t all gobbled up over the trick-or-treat weekend. The spooky season’s pumpkins have now transitioned into full-on fall decor. Families and friends will soon be connecting and coming together to celebrate and find thankfulness in another year with the quickly approaching holidays. The holidays also allow many of us to spend time consciously and prioritize the things that matter most. While celebrating with loved ones is first and foremost...
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Karl Bradley ·
Starting any new venture can be scary. Deciding to tap into our creative entrepreneurial spirit can take a lot of courage, patience & a bit of ignoring our insecurities. "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is!" -Mark Twain Recently heard Tim Ferriss Podcast interview with Sir Richard Branson. One of the stories Branson told was of how he got into the airline business. He was trying to get home after a 3-week business trip when his flight was cancelled. He really wanted to...
Blog Post

It's Worth Repeating!

Karl Bradley ·
For me, leadership comes down to 2 things. It's not about you & it's all about you. It's about how you serve others and how your behaviors provide evidence of your authentic intentions. Inspiration and help for the latter came to me from a friend during a tough time. It has proven to be one of the best gifts I've ever received. Today, this book is one I've gifted to others the most. It's "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz . There are situations every day where at least one of them...
Blog Post

Extension Educators play an important role in helping families and communities recover from the pandemic

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. A colleague recently shared a CDC report that highlighted a startling and tragic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families. Researchers found that approximately one in 500 children experienced the death of a primary caregiver due to COVID-19. The authors stated: “ for every four deaths from COVID-19 , one child is left without a parent and/or grandparent who provided the child’s home and basic needs, including love, security, and daily care.” This study examined only...
Blog Post

Ways to Help Military Families This Holiday Season

Jason M Jowers ·
Title Picture Attribute: US Air Force [Timmy Payne admires his work on his family Christmas by Airman 1st Class Jessica H. Evans, Dec. 5th, 2015, CC0] The holidays are a time when getting together with friends and families is always important. Reconnecting with the ones we love can be rejuvenating and highlights what’s important to us. However, for military service members and their families, the holidays can be tough and it’s not always possible for service members to be home with family...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
At this time our thoughts are often thrust into pondering meaningful ways to focus the upcoming year. We are bombarded with things others feel we should “value” but these decisions should be personal. A couple of years ago I shared my New Year’s resolutions with my wife & she in turn shared hers. At the top of her list was having more patience but the one that sticks in my mind is this… “I will love myself…..after I lose 5 pounds!” 🤣 Too funny, but telling at the same time. We often...
Blog Post

Downsizing Holiday Debt

Selena T Garrison ·
Families often have leftover holiday debt hanging over their heads like a big dark cloud. What can you do to help these clients? Below are 5 time-tested debt repayment steps to consider using.
Blog Post

Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction among Extension Employees

Amy Ressler ·
Are you a servant leader? Is being a servant leader related to your job satisfaction in your Extension career? I am conducting research for a doctoral dissertation on the relationship between Servant Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction among Extension employees. I am interested in all types of work within Extension, 1862, 1890, 1994 and at all levels from support staff to upper level administration, and in all discipline areas and specialties. As an employee in any part of the Cooperative...
Blog Post

Professional & Amateur gap

Karl Bradley ·
Developing our leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It takes constant learning about ourselves and awareness of the influence we have. If you're like me, you enjoy reading, watching, listening to something on leadership most days. It's a good habit for continued growth as we get diverse perspectives from everything we digest. One of the things we can do to help integrate new learnings into our lives is to take notes on what is important to us from these books, videos, articles and podcasts we...
Blog Post

2022 Tax Updates

Selena T Garrison ·
As the 2022 tax season approaches, there are several important updates of which service providers should be aware. A few important changes are outlined here. Advance Child Tax Credit Payments. Families who received advance child tax credit payments will need to compare the monthly payments they received with the amount they are eligible to claim on their 2021 tax return to determine if they may be able to claim additional credit or if they will need to repay some credit. Eligible families...
Blog Post

Time for a Relationship Checkup!

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. Each year we plan to visit our health care provider and dentist for annual checkups in order to catch problems before they become major health issues. As an Extension educator, you often encourage your participants to get preventative health checkups and screenings for health concerns. But how often do we or our participants do a check-up of our intimate relationship health? The Relationship Checkup: Support for Military Couples , a recent webinar by the Military...
Blog Post

Looking Back: Arkansas Family’s Farm Legacy and a New Era of Opportunities for Landowners Of Color

MelaniePugsley ·
We are highlighting a story from a Farm Journal Story Lead contest that focused on stories of 1890 Land-Grant Universities who are making a measurable impact in the lives of farmers or ranchers. The contest-winning story was "Landowner Furthers Family Farm Legacy Through Partnership with UAPB Forestry Program," by Will Hehemann of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. The story spotlights Shane Boler, a landowner, and participant in the University's Keeping it in the Family (KIITF)...
Blog Post

Impact Collaborative Launches Three New Professional Development Series for 2022

Aaron Weibe ·
For 2022, the Extension Foundation's Impact Collaborative Program has launched three new professional development series for Extension Foundation members : Extension Skills Each second Thursday of the month, the Impact Collaborative's Extension Skills series will provide an opportunity for Cooperative Extension professionals to build capacity with tools, processes and tech skills training. For March 2022, join Victor Villegas and Molly Immendorf as they share their favorite tools and tips...
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 5: Make a difference together!

Karl Bradley ·
Have a confession to make. This 5-part series on teamwork has been based on the research of Google's " Project Aristotle " with some of my own tidbits thrown in for fun! The story of the stonemasons is perfect for setting up the final aspect of highly effective teams. A man was walking by a huge construction project. He came upon a worker and asked what he was doing. He replied, “I’m making a living” . Curious, the man kept walking. Soon he came upon another worker and asked him what he was...
Blog Post

Moving Toward Inclusive Practice

Anita Harris Hering ·
How do we start engaging people in marginalized communities and why is th i s important? What does it mean to “come in differently?” Are helping professionals able to tell a well-meaning question from one with judgment behind it? Dr. Anne Phibbs poses these questions and more in OneOp’s podcast series entitled, Moving Toward Inclusive Practice with Dr. Anne Phibbs . By tuning in, each episode may help you on your journey toward a more inclusive, culturally-informed way of working. Hosted by...
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Tourism Specialist Position open

Jennifer Wagner-Harkonen ·
Title: Tourism Specialist Classification: Assistant Extension Professor (9623), Academic Professional and Admin Program Area: Center for Community Vitality, Tourism Center Office Location: St Paul Campus Reports to: Tourism Center Director Salary range : $72,000 - $80,000 Initial Deadline: March 28, 2022 ABOUT THIS POSITION In this position, you will work to develop, implement, and share research on tourism and outdoor recreation that informs program development, advises tourism-related...
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The Marathon Effect

Karl Bradley ·
When any change initiative is announced, the person making the announcement is way ahead of the people hearing about it. They already know about it. They've had time to process what’s about to happen, how it will affect them and how they'd like to present it to others. This means they're days, weeks, even months ahead of others in considerations surrounding the change. Ugh! Not another post about how hard "change" is...that's exhausting! You're right. It's often exhausting. Kind of like...
Blog Post

A Philosophy for Working on Wicked Problems

Melissa Kreye ·
A wicked problem is a term used in policy analysis to describe an environmental situation where no matter what policy actions are taken there are still going to be unacceptable losses. Examples of wicked problems can be found in climate change, endangered species, invasive species and environmental justice issues. In order to deal with the psychological stress of threat and uncertainty associated with wicked problems many people are tempted to take a strong position, such as moral outrage.
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Program for Recently Separated Veterans During First Year of Transition from Military Service

Rachel Brauner ·
Are you working with a service member or military family that may be transiting from active duty? In 2019, The Department of Veterans Affairs, in collaboration with the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, launched the VA Solid Start (VASS) program in response to Executive Order (EO) 13822: Supporting Our Veterans During Their Transition from Uniformed Service to Civilian Life . The EO was established to improve transitioning service members’ mental health care and access to suicide...
Blog Post

Social Justice and Practicing Connection in a Complex World

Jessica B. ·
The Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast has come a long way since we first started! We're currently in Season 3, where we've been focusing on social justice in preparation for the upcoming 2022 Academy Series . These episodes are created with Extension professionals, helping professionals, and community leaders in mind. Our latest two episodes feature incredible people doing really cool work in the social justice space. Social Justice and Family Well Being (Season 3, Ep. 1) For...
Blog Post

Leader of Character

Karl Bradley ·
How would you describe a leader of character? While you ponder that question, here are some thoughts... Leader is a position, leadership is our behaviors. Character is how we behave when nobody is looking. The U.S. Air Force Academy defines character as: At their Center for Character and Leadership Development they help prepare cadets to serve our nation. The framework they use is Own, Engage, Practice with the goal of living honorably while lifting others to elevate performance. You'll...
Blog Post

What are your rocks, and How will you prioritize them today?

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Jenny Rea, Ph.D. Have you ever heard of the rocks, gravel, and sand metaphor? I learned about this parable from Dr. Tai Mendenhall ( check out his full bio here ) in a recently published webinar entitled, “ The Realities of Resilience in the Face of Burnout .” I, then, had the opportunity to converse with Tai on a more personal level through a podcast interview for our Family Transitions team at OneOp. Tai reflected upon this metaphor once again - connecting it to burnout among helping...

Re: What are your rocks, and How will you prioritize them today?

Karl Bradley ·
Huge thanks for this post Jenny! What a great story and reminder!

Re: What are your rocks, and How will you prioritize them today?

Latonya Ramsey ·
Thanks...will be sharing!

About the Extension Foundation

The Extension Foundation was formed in 2006 by Extension Directors and Administrators. Today, the Foundation partners with Cooperative Extension through liaison roles and a formal plan of work with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) to increase system capacity while providing programmatic services, and helping Extension programs scale and investigate new methods and models for implementing programs. The Foundation provides professional development to Cooperative Extension professionals and offers exclusive services to its members. In 2020 and 2021, the Extension Foundation has awarded 85% of its direct funding back to the Cooperative Extension System, 100% of funds are used to support Cooperative Extension initiatives. 

This technology is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of useat
