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Gone not Forgotten


We all have things in common, especially loss. Those who have gone before us have shown us the way. No one is truly gone who is not forgotten. Personally, Colin Powell helped me make sense of our nation's place in the world.  Here's an excerpt from his book "It Worked for Me"

β€œThe United States is the necessary nation. Despite our own problems, mistakes, and malfunctions, the world continues to look to us to solve or help with problems and crises, big and not so big, whether we have an equity in them or not. We are trusted. We are trusted to fight aggression, to relieve suffering, to serve as an inspiration to freedom-seeking people, to stand alongside our friends, and to welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses of other lands yearning to breathe free. That is who we have been, now are, and always must be.”

In a lifetime of studying leadership, this is still one of my absolute favorite pieces on the topic:

The Essence of Leadership

Cooperative Extension professionals are drawn to the work to serve. They selflessly serve their communities. In this way, their influence is felt in states, regions & across our nation. Influence is leadership and your collective great attitude reflects your leadership.

Those who will go after us are important. Thanks for engaging & inspiring tomorrow's difference makers!

Keep leading!

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