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Tagged With "older adults"

Blog Post

SAMHSA Training & Technical Assistance Resources Related to COVID-19

Aaron Weibe ·
The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has put together a list of COVID-19 training and technical assistance resources to help address the mental health/substance use disorder impacts in rural communities. You can access a copy of that list here and attached to this blog post.
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Karl Bradley ·
"When employees respect each other and get along in the workplace, it's amazing how productivity increases, morale increases and employees are more courteous to customers." -Maureen Wild Gifford Thomas, the founder of Leadership First & author of The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team to Believe in the Impossible writes... "Respect is the glue that holds teams and organizations together. When there is a high level of trust and respect, in any environment, loyalty is extremely high...
Blog Post

Farm Biosecurity Education Goes Virtual with Discovery Learning Series

Joanna Cummings ·
A new virtual learning experience is helping youth in agriculture discover biosecurity, the preventative measures that protect farm animals from the spread of infectious diseases. The Healthy Farms Healthy Agriculture (HFHA) Project’s Biosecurity Learning Module Series is for students in grades 6 to 12, FFA and 4-H participants, college students studying animal science, and other agriculturally related youth groups.
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NEW! Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education Position Description This project is a collaborative effort among the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), eXtension, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It grew out of efforts undertaken by the ECOP Health Innovation Task Force. eXtension anticipates receiving funding for Immunization Education efforts. Key Extension leaders on this project...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Take a Tour with the MyPlate Team: Walk Through The New Personalized Digital Tools and Resources

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we had three guests from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to learn about the new MyPlate website and suite of digital tools and resources that were launched upon the release of the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025. In this webinar, we explored the MyPlate tools to help you reach audiences at every life stage. Here are some resources from that webinar: Recording MyPlate National Nutrition Month Playbook (Attached) Slide deck (Attached) Q&A questions answered in...
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cpdiaz ·
Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
Blog Post

RFA: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Immunization Education Pilot Projects (Activity 2)

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, Health Innovation Task Force Extension Foundation EXTENSION COLLABORATIVE ON IMMUNIZATION TEACHING AND ENGAGEMENT (EXCITE) IMMUNIZATION EDUCATION PILOT PROJECTS (ACTIVITY 2) DATES: MAY 1, 2021 - APRIL 30, 2023 ELIGIBILITY: The RFA for EXCITE Activity 2 is open to all Land Grant University CES professionals. Each LGU may apply as part of an unlimited number of lead and collaborating applications for EXCITE Activity 2. At most, one project per...
Blog Post

4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent Position OPEN

Bonnie Hopkins ·
The San Juan County Extension Office in Aztec New Mexico is hiring a 4-H Family & Consumer Agent. We have an incredible strong 4-H program with nearly 400 4-H members, 20 clubs and over 100 community volunteers. The 4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent works closely with our 4-H Agriculture/Livestock Agent, Adult Agriculture Agent, and Adult Family and Consumer Science Agent. The SJC Office has strong support of our local government and community, a dedicated group of 4-H members and...

Re: Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters

Heather Freeman ·
What Title IX Training program do you-all use for Master Gardener and/or 4-H Adult Volunteers, to complete mandatory anti-bias and anti-harassment training? We have no choice but to use a very long tedious online set of modules by a 3rd party HR company called EverFi. The MG's loathe it. I blasted thru it to get it off my to-do list, but didn't agree with 75% of it, just did it to be done. Do you have any other Title IX training packages to suggest to our HR/Civil Rights office?
Blog Post

Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement: May 2021 Immunization Education Programs Spotlight

MelaniePugsley ·
Cooperative Extension programs are making an impact on communities across the country with immunization education efforts, particularly with vaccine-hesitant individuals. Activities include mobile vaccination clinics in partnership with local health organizations, social media campaigns, the development of online toolkits promoting research-based immunization information, and more. This month, the EXCITE program is highlighting how an immunization education program in Virginia implemented a...
Blog Post

Keep Your Patients Healthy Throughout Adulthood by Improving Nutrition

Holly H. McPeak ·
Authors : Dana DeSilva, PhD, RD, ORISE Health Policy Fellow, and LT Dennis Anderson-Villaluz, MBA, RD, LDN, FAND, Nutrition Advisor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Adults’ dietary patterns often reflect habits that they established during childhood and adolescence. Sometimes, this means carrying unhealthy habits into adulthood — but it’s never too late to make changes. Health professionals can use the Dietary Guidelines for...
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Scott Reed ·
Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed, Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash A lot can be done and is being done. In our previous blog we underscore the self-evident importance of science in the US. Science has become a required knowledge creating and disseminating force in the economy, public and personal healthcare and general social well-being, our personal lives. 21...
Blog Post

New Extension Foundation Report Available: Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation , in partnership with a research team from Ohio State University, has released a new report on emerging technologies. The “Extension Foundation Report on Emerging Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System” was supported by funding from the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) project. The report was developed by the research team in part through interviews with a panel of thirteen experts representing all five Extension regions, as well as...
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Invitation for community research equity training study

Skye Kelty ·
Please consider participating in this research project for experienced community researchers. Contact Skye Kelty with any questions or to get further information.
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Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement Announces Funding Recipients for Activities 1 and 2

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are funding the Cooperative Extension System to address health disparities among rural and other underserved communities. This initiative is called the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE). The EXCITE program...
Blog Post

Healthy Aging Symposium 2021

Holly H. McPeak ·
Keynote and Roundtable Speakers for the 2021 Healthy Aging Symposium On September 8 and 9, HHS/ODPHP and Trust for America’s Health are hosting the 2021 Healthy Aging Symposium. During this free, 2-day virtual event, attendees will hear from researchers, local and state health officers, aging directors, and policymakers from across the nation who are making a positive impact in the lives of older adults and their families. The symposium will feature prominent speakers focused on important...
Blog Post

RFA: Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System

Aaron Weibe ·
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System Funded by a Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA and CDC in partnership with the Extension Foundation and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Extension Collaborative for Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) October 1, 2021 Released October 31, 2021 November 12th, 2021 Application Deadline ELIGIBILITY: All Land-grant universities (1862, 1890, 1994) are eligible to apply. AWARD AMOUNT:...
Blog Post

Healthy Relationships Matter for Military Families

Hannah Hyde ·
Healthy relationship skills can make a big difference for the strength and resilience of military families. Military Family Service Providers and Extension Educators are a unique position to be able to provide research-based skills for couples and co-parents that will help them strengthen their relationships. Learn about an upcoming 5-part webinar series that will provide you with information, tools, and resources to help military families nurture and maintain a healthy relationship.
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Job: 4-H Youth Development Food and Agricultural Literacy

Stacey Stearns ·
UConn (University of Connecticut) Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11-month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator, primarily based at the Fairfield County Extension Office in Bethel, CT. Extension Educators are community-based faculty who make a difference in communities by connecting community needs with university resources. Position level/rank will be commensurate with experience working with Extension. The anticipated start date is January 2022.
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National Family Caregivers Month

Rachel Brauner ·
November marks National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM), a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the nation. NFCM is an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate our communities, and increase support for families. For individuals who take on the responsibility of caring for another person, it can often be challenging to see beyond the individual experience. Family caregivers—whether they be families of kin or families of choice—are woven into the fabric of...
Blog Post

Inform the Development of the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on Older Adults Posted on November 8, 2021 by ODPHP

Holly H. McPeak ·
Posted on November 8, 2021 by HHS/ODPHP HHS is seeking public input to help inform the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on older adults. HHS is requesting input through written comments and nominations of qualified candidates to support the development of the report. Learn More About the Call for Written Comments The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans provides science-based recommendations on how physical activity can help promote health and reduce the risk of chronic...
Blog Post

Extension Educators play an important role in helping families and communities recover from the pandemic

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. A colleague recently shared a CDC report that highlighted a startling and tragic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families. Researchers found that approximately one in 500 children experienced the death of a primary caregiver due to COVID-19. The authors stated: “ for every four deaths from COVID-19 , one child is left without a parent and/or grandparent who provided the child’s home and basic needs, including love, security, and daily care.” This study examined only...
Blog Post

Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Announces Funding Recipient for Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are funding the Cooperative Extension System to address health disparities among rural and other underserved communities. This initiative is called the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE). The EXCITE program...
Blog Post

Job: 4-H Youth Development Food and Agricultural Literacy

Stacey Stearns ·
UConn (University of Connecticut) Extension is seeking applicants for a full-time (11-month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educator, primarily based at the Fairfield County Extension Office in Bethel, CT. Extension Educators are community-based faculty who make a difference in communities by connecting community needs with university resources. Position level/rank will be commensurate with experience working with Extension. Applications should be submitted by January 31st...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging

Aaron Weibe ·
This week, Julia Quam from the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion joined us for a wonderful webinar on Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging. For the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides nutrition guidance by life stage, including specific guidance for older adults. Older adults have unique nutrition needs, experience changes in body composition, and face increased risks of malnutrition and chronic disease,...
Blog Post

Time for a Relationship Checkup!

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. Each year we plan to visit our health care provider and dentist for annual checkups in order to catch problems before they become major health issues. As an Extension educator, you often encourage your participants to get preventative health checkups and screenings for health concerns. But how often do we or our participants do a check-up of our intimate relationship health? The Relationship Checkup: Support for Military Couples , a recent webinar by the Military...
Blog Post

EXCITE Job Opening: 1994 Land-grant University (LGU) Coordinator

MelaniePugsley ·
Job Title : 1994 Land-grant University (LGU) Coordinator Location: This is a virtual position. Travel to 1994 institutions may be necessary to accomplish project objectives. Extension provides reimbursement for travel cost and expenses in connection with performance of services. Project Goal : Create a method of effective collaboration among participating 1994 Land-grant institution Extension offices that focuses on rural, hard-to-reach, Indigenous communities. Develop and implement a pilot...
Blog Post

New EXCITE Interactive Dashboard with Video Feature

MelaniePugsley ·
EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story and it replaces the interactive map after making changes to better serve the projects' needs. View Dashboard View Dashboard Tutorial The Dashboard is easy to...
Blog Post

May Is Older Americans Month: Elder Abuse Is a Social Determinant of Health

Holly H. McPeak ·
In this post, the author discusses addressing Elder Abuse to improve health outcomes for older adults and promotes aging in place. The Elder Justice Initiative at the U.S. Department of Justice provides training and resources to help promote the health and well-being of older adults.
Blog Post

Celebrating Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Activity 1 Achievements with CDC

MelaniePugsley ·
ECOP, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA and CDC, funded the Cooperative Extension System to address Immunization education in rural and medically underserved areas through the EXCITE program through two national projects, Vaccine with Confidence and Pilot Project Adult Immunization Education. The Extension network being a trusted and reliable resource for communities was a key factor in being selected by the CDC as a partner. 72 Land Grant Universities were selected,...
Blog Post

Understanding the Financial Literacy Divide

Selena T Garrison ·
Since Extension educators work with individuals and families from a broad array of racial and ethnic backgrounds, ages, genders, income levels, and educational levels, it is important to understand the impact that financial literacy disparities may have on those they are serving.
Blog Post

Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...
Blog Post

Info Session for the NEW EXCITE Funding Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register HERE for our September 22, 2022 Project Info Session The EXCITE national program team is happy to announce the EXCITE program is continuing! The CDC, NIFA, and the Extension Foundation will support projects in our LGU Cooperative Extension communities to address adult immunization education. This opportunity is open to all Land Grant institutions regardless of previous EXCITE participation. As a reminder, EXCITE is a nationwide response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible...
Blog Post

Info and Resources for the New Phase of EXCITE Programming

MelaniePugsley ·
The EXCITE Project had an info-session last week to announce the details of the new phase of funding that will continue to support the work of adult immunization education. This programming opportunity is open to all Land Grant institutions regardless of previous EXCITE participation. This system-wide effort is a model of how Extension can utilize shared resources, lessons learned best practices and a focus on local needs to create a large impact. As announced last week, this new phase of...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Membership Available to 1994 Land-grant Universities

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation Board of Directors unanimously approved to enable membership in the Extension Foundation to 1994 Land-grant Universities. The motion was brought forth by the Extension Foundation’s 1994 Board Representative, @Brian Kowalkowski , Dean of Continuing Education, College of Menominee Nation. A membership model for 1994 Land-grant Universities was unanimously approved. The Extension Foundation serves all Land-grant Universities in the U.S. through its national funded...
Blog Post


MelaniePugsley ·
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS EXCITE: Design Phase ELIGIBILITY: Non-competitive phase available to ALL Land-grant universities (LGUs) (1862, 1890, 1994) by completing a simple online application. Submit only one application per institution. AWARD AMOUNT: $10,000 TIMELINE: Application Open: September 22, 2022 Application Deadline: November 1, 2022 , November 30, 2022, 11:59 PM PST 11:59 PM PST Award Period: October 1, 2022 - March 15, 2023 APPLICATION ACCESS: The deadline for receipt of the...
Blog Post

EXCITE Design Phase Deadline Extended to November 30th, 2022

MelaniePugsley ·
The application for the EXCITE Design Phase has been extended to November 30th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST. The application is short, here are the requirements: Contact Information for Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, and Financial Contact Subrecipient Information for FFATA Reporting (DUNS Name & Number, etc…) Letter of Support from Extension Director/Administrator Budget Template/Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative...
Blog Post

Utilizing Area Agencies on Aging for Caregivers in Your County

Rachel Brauner ·
Are you serving aging adults or individuals with disabilities in your community? If so, it may be helpful to get connected to your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA). AAAs, not to be confused with the travel club, are entities established by federal law to provide information and resources for older adults and caregivers. An AAA serves every county in every state – find your local AAA based on your zip code using Eldercare Locator . Area Agencies on Aging administer federal, state, and local...
Blog Post

The Impact of Deployment on the Parents of Service Members

Anna Peterson ·
In summary, most research on the impact of deployment excludes parents of service members and focuses on spouses and military children. Parents of service members experience military life differently but experience similar emotions as spouses and children. Parental support and closeness has been linked to the mental health and well-being of their adult children. Practical strategies and resources for Extension Educators and service providers are provided to help support the parents of our mil
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Job Opening: Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator, UC Statewide IPM Program (Davis, CA)

Shannah Whithaus ·
The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program is seeking an energetic person to coordinate, develop, and deliver educational programs in pesticide safety for users of pesticides in California. In this position, you would provide objective information about pesticide safety and promote sound decision making to reduce pesticide risks to human health and the environment in the context of integrated pest management. You would also serve as the Pesticide Safety...
Blog Post

RFA Release: EXCITE Implementation Phase *with increased funding amount*

MelaniePugsley ·
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS EXCITE: Implementation Phase ELIGIBILITY: Competitive phase available to ALL Land-grant universities (1862, 1890, 1994) by completing an online application. Participation in the Design Phase is not a requirement to apply for the Implementation Phase. AWARD AMOUNT: $100,000 TIMELINE: Application Open: February 2023 Application Deadline: March 15, 2023, 11:59PM PT Award Notification: May 2023 Award Period: June 1, 2023 - November 30, 2024 APPLICATION ACCESS: The...
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Uplifting the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Youth

Jason M Jowers ·
An estimated 5% of the 1.76 million youth in military families identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer. Surveyed LGBTQ youth with a parent currently serving in the military that experienced high levels of family support reported lower mental health challenges and suicide risk ( Trevor Project, 2022 ). When youth feel safe at home, their mental wellness is significantly improved. Fostering healthy family relationships translates into protective factors for younger and older...
Blog Post

Join our Team! NMSU-Rio Arriba County 4-H Agriculture Agent Job Vacancy

Joy Russell Czmyrid ·
WHO ARE WE? New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service engages the people of New Mexico with research-based knowledge and education that strengthens communities and economies, sustains agriculture and natural resources, and promotes healthy families and individuals to create positive impacts and overall well-being of our citizens. Job Duties: •Provide leadership and guidance to Extension educational programs for adults and youth including 4-H, special interest groups, adult...
Blog Post

HHS Now Accepting Public Comments on the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on Older Adults

Holly H. McPeak ·
Posted on February 23, 2023 by ODPHP HHS is seeking written comments from the public on the draft Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on Older Adults (Midcourse Report) . You can review and comment on the Midcourse Report during the public comment period through 11:59 p.m. ET on March 10, 2023. Learn More About the Midcourse Report The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans provides science-based recommendations on how physical activity can help promote health and reduce the...
Blog Post

The EXCITE Project: Impact of Immunization Education Programs at 1890 Institutions

MelaniePugsley ·
The 1890 Universities Foundation collaborated with the Extension Foundation to implement the system-wide program, Extension Collabor ative on Immun ization , Teaching and Eng agement ( EX C ITE ). EX C ITE addresses barriers and increases confidence about CO VID - 19 , flu , and other vaccinations among rural and medically unders erved audiences and informs CDC , USDA - N IFA , Cooperative Extension , and health partners about how best to implement public health programs to reduce health...
Blog Post

Evaluating a System-wide Project: An interview with the EXCITE evaluation team!

MelaniePugsley ·
We are excited to have Isabel Osborne and Laura Downey to discuss their involvement in the evaluation and reporting process for the system-wide Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Project. Isabel and Laura have been integral in developing a comprehensive and dynamic system for evaluating the EXCITE project's progress and success. Q: Isabelle and Laura, could you please tell us about yourselves and the roles you play in the evaluation team? Laura: Great.
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Unique Strengths of the EXCITE Project: Providing evidence-based information in an understandable form and using multiple delivery methods

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration for Immunization, Teaching, and Engagement ( EXCITE ) project was created to reduce vaccine hes it ancy in rural and medically unders erved communities . Fund ed by the CDC through an Inter agency Agreement with USDA N IFA and a cooperative agreement with the Extension Foundation , the team has four goals : reduce hes it ancy , increase communication between populations and health systems , increase accessibility to clinics and help implement public health...
Blog Post

Program Center Stage: Learn about the Free Tools and Resources Available for Extension Professionals

MelaniePugsley ·
In this month's Program Center Stage, Extension Foundation’s Aaron Weibe provided an overview of the Foundation’s free tools and resources available for Cooperative Extension and Land-grant Universities including professional development opportunities, leadership, and team development, and other Member Solutions. Aaron walks through the tools, how to access them, and answers attendees' questions. Many participants noted that this session made them aware of many new tools available to them,...
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Become a Trusted Messenger of Health Information: Workshop and Toolkit from Washington State

MelaniePugsley ·
Getting to the Heart and Mind of the Matter: A Toolkit and Workshops for Building Confidence in Being a Trusted Messenger of Health Information REGISTER HERE Attention all Extension professionals and community partners involved in health-related work! Enhance your communication skills and gain new tools that will help you be a trusted messenger of health information in your community! Join the Washington State team for a three-part workshop series: Getting to the Heart and Mind of the...
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Hiring: Program Coach for the the New EXCITE Phase

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) seeks to add 1-2 program coaches for the adult immunization education program from June 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024. Apply here. Applicants should have knowledge of public health and have some experience relative to Cooperative Extension based at Land Grant Universities. This position will be part of the EXCITE program team and will serve as an online coach for 5-7 Land Grant University EXCITE teams selected...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
