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Tagged With "Foundation Executive Director"

Blog Post

College of Menominee Nation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative partner with eXtension through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement

Aaron Weibe ·
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2018-2022 Strategic Plan recognizes its role in helping provide access to safe and nutritious food for limited income people, by supporting limited resource individuals and families in their efforts to escape food insecurity and hunger and improve their well-being. These objectives require partnerships between State, local agencies, Federal, and public and private entities to support best practices in implementing effective programs and ensuring...
Blog Post

eXtension Social Café

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension Social Café Every Thursday from March 26th - April 30th 1 PM - 2 PM ET Available to All Cooperative Extension Professionals The eXtension Social Café will provide a weekly opportunity for informal, drop-in conversations and questions about the effective use of social media and communications in Extension work. Each Social Café will open with a 5-15 minute “tutorial” of a tool or feature on commonly used social platforms, or a brief showcase of a Cooperative Extension employee who...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Back To the Future: Using Mass Media for Extension Communications Webinar

Molly Immendorf ·
Yesterday’s Back the Future: Using Mass Media for Extension Communications webinar had over 300 participants who engaged with the Mass Media Pollinators New Technologies in Agricultural Education (NTAE) grant project team who shared what they have learned so far creating a mass media campaign to encourage the creation of more pollinator habitats. 
Blog Post

ICYMI: National Action Dialogue, Community Based Development in the Digital Networked COVID-19 Age

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, 300 Cooperative Extension professionals came together for a National Action Dialogue put together by the eXtension Foundation and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). The dialogue, facilitated by @Molly Immendorf , featured three panelists: @Chuck Hibberd , Dean & Director of Nebraska Extension @Paul Hill , Extension Associate Professor, County Director, Community Economic Development, Utah State University Doug Edlund, Assistant Director of Operations,...
Blog Post

Multi-State Bridging the GAPs Program Partners with eXtension Through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation is partnering with four existing programs aligned with USDA strategic goals across Cooperative Extension in Year 1 to explore new methods and models for program scale and implementation. These initiatives are being documented in a series of eFieldbooks to inform the system of the models, learnings, and outcomes. Professional development opportunities will...
Blog Post

NPSEC and Texas A&M Agrilife Extension partner with eXtension through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement for Mass Media Pollinator Stewardship Effort

Aaron Weibe ·
Advancing the role of integrated pest management, including effective use of pesticides, is critical to controlling the spread of harmful pests and diseases. It is estimated that 40 percent of global crops are lost to agricultural pests each year. The US Department of Agriculture Strategic Plan 2018-2022 emphasizes prevention and mitigation of agricultural pests and disease. There are recognized, undesirable effects associated with application and misuse of pesticides, especially by the...
Blog Post

UNL’s Weather Ready Farms Partners with eXtension Through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation is partnering with four existing programs aligned with USDA strategic goals across Cooperative Extension in Year 1 to explore new methods and models for program scale and implementation. These initiatives are being documented in a series of eFieldbooks to inform the system of the models, learnings, and outcomes. Professional development opportunities will...
Blog Post

Virtual Town Hall 5/21: Hurricane Preparedness in the Wake of COVID-19

Aaron Weibe ·
When?: 5/21/2020, 1 PM - 2:30 PM ET Registration Information Available Here Hurricane Preparedness in the Wake of COVID-19, Virtual Town Hall is co-sponsored by EDEN and eXtension , in collaboration with Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SUAREC). Having a shared space to discuss ideas, best practices, and network is invaluable. The goal of this virtual event is to highlight the work cooperative extension is doing, while also receiving valuable insight on the...
Blog Post

What’s it Like to Work with the eXtension Foundation as an NTAE Project? - Bridging the GAPs

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension recently announced the opportunity for nominations for the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) for Year 2 projects. The nomination form will be available on June 15th until July 20th, 2020. Selected projects will receive wrap around services from the eXtension Foundation to support and amplify the project/program outcomes. Wrap around services include: Project/Program advisory support from a Catalyst (current or past senior program or administrative Cooperative...
Blog Post

In Case You Missed It! - Unpacking the Content Creation Process Webinar

Kara Maddox ·
Yesterday afternoon Nathan Hermond with Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension and Kara Maddox with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center hosted a webinar on how we transformed existing Cooperative Extension content into an engaging Pollinator Prep Guide designed for Millennials and their families. Click here to watch the recording today! In the webinar, we spoke about the nifty poll featured offered by 99designs - as well as the ability to start a competition among...
Blog Post

Announcement of eXtension Foundation New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Project Acceleration Opportunity for 2020

Tira ·
Acclerate Your Projects & Programs The eXtension Foundation is pleased to announce nominations for New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) for 2020. The NTAE cooperative agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will enter the second year on September 1, 2020. Nominations are a short request for information that is quickly and easily completed in minutes. Nomination forms will be available June 15, 2020. Requirements of projects/programs to...
Blog Post

What’s It Like to Work with the eXtension Foundation as an NTAE Project? - Using Mass Media for Extension Messaging

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension recently announced the opportunity for nominations for the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) for Year 2 projects. The nomination form will be available on June 15th until July 20th, 2020. Selected projects will receive wrap around services from the eXtension Foundation to support, accelerate, and amplify the project/program outcomes. Wrap around services include: Project/Program advisory support from a Catalyst (current or past senior program or administrative...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Accelerate Your Projects and Programs: A Discussion on the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) Nomination Process for 2020-2021

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we had the opportunity to sit down and talk with eXtension Catalyst Team members @Scott Reed , @Jimmy Henning , and @Fred Schlutt for an overview of the New Technologies for Ag Extension Nomination process, wrap-around services provided to projects, goals, outcomes, and how eXtension is able to help accelerate projects and programs through NTAE. This opportunity is available to ALL Cooperative Extension professionals, not just those from eXtension member institutions. Thank you to...
Blog Post

A Conversation with Anthony Fauci from the Aspen Ideas Festival

Roger Rennekamp ·
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joins CNN Senior Medical Correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, to discuss the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent surge in cases as the US reopens. Fauci talks about the US response to the pandemic, including missed opportunities to curtail the impact of the coronavirus early on as well as the difficulties in now containing community spread of...
Blog Post

eXtension Welcomes West Virginia State University and the University of Arizona as Newest Members for 2020

Aaron Weibe ·
The eXtension Foundation welcomes West Virginia State University and the University of Arizona as our newest members for 2020. A complete listing of eXtension members is available here . Institutions that are members of the eXtension Foundation get access to the Impact Collaborative program and Impact Collaborative sponsored events. A listing of member-only events is available in Connect Extension or directly on the eXtension website and includes, but not limited to: Two national Innovation...
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a Nebraska Extension program called Weather Ready Farms to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services is the creation of a peer-reviewed eFieldbook about this project and a model...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Conducting Market Research for Extension Programs: Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
Last week, we had the opportunity to sit down with a wonderful team that has been working as one of eXtension's New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects for 2019-2020. The Weather Ready Farms program comes from Nebraska Extension and as an NTAE project, it received direct support from a third-party marketing firm specializing in agriculture to conduct market research into the target audience and create a marketing & communication plan. Our webinar last week included: Ashley...
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a multi-state initiative including North Carolina State University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Panel Discussion: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Mind, Community, and Institution

Lindsey Lunsford ·
182 Extension professionals came together recently for a panel discussion on diversity, equity, and inclusion for social race relations (mind), community leader input (community), and Extension leadership input (institution). Dr. Shatomi Luster-Edward, Regional Director, Urban West Regional Office, University of Missouri Extension, Dr. Lindsey Lunsford, Sustainable Food Systems Resource Specialist, Tuskegee University, and Krystle J. Allen, Extension Associate (Emergency Preparedness &...

Re: National Action Dialogue: Extension Futures Summary Report

Aufa'i Apulu Ropeti Areta ·
Thanks Aaron. Aufa'i *Aufa'i Apulu Ropeti Areta* *Director* *Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources (ACNR) Division (Land Grant Program)* *American Samoa Community College (ASCC)* *P.O. Box 5319* *PagoPago, American Samoa 96799* *Phone: 684-699-1575 or 684-733-0760 or 684-258-8895* * ; or < >* *"The greatest among you should be the youngest, and the one who rules like one who serves." (Luke 22:26)"O lē sili ia te...
Blog Post

Two Health Fellowship Positions Now Open, Deadline August 28, 2020

Aaron Weibe ·
Position Funded by Molina Foundation Position Administered by eXtension Position Led by @Roger Rennekamp The total amount of dollars available is $20,000.00, divided into two 10K contracts Contract conditions and terms: This will be a fixed term contract (so level of effort needs to be considered). 20K is about 1 day a week of an Extension professional’s time for a year. This is for 2 Extension professionals – 10K each. Contract Timeline – 1 year – September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021.
Blog Post

eXtension Selects 8 Projects For Acceleration From Cooperative Extension for 2020-2021

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected 8 projects from 33 competitive nominations across the system for year two to participate in its project accelerator program. The nomination process opened in May 2020 and closed in July 2020. All Land Grant Universities were eligible to submit nominations. The project period is September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021. Requirements included: Projects...
Blog Post

Results from the August 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest

Aaron Weibe ·
In May, the eXtension Foundation launched a monthly story lead contest in partnership with Farm Journal in the Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead Contest sub group here in Connect Extension. Monthly winners, along with their Extension Directors and Administrators, have the chance to work with Farm Journal to further develop their story and have it published in Farm Journal media. The topic area for the August 2020 contest was about about an innovative research project, on-farm trial or farmer...
Blog Post

Farm Biosecurity Education Goes Virtual with Discovery Learning Series

Joanna Cummings ·
A new virtual learning experience is helping youth in agriculture discover biosecurity, the preventative measures that protect farm animals from the spread of infectious diseases. The Healthy Farms Healthy Agriculture (HFHA) Project’s Biosecurity Learning Module Series is for students in grades 6 to 12, FFA and 4-H participants, college students studying animal science, and other agriculturally related youth groups.
Blog Post

Urban Foods Systems Symposium in October will focus on climate, community, security, production and distribution

KSUhlwoods ·
All things food in and for urban areas will be in focus during the 3 rd Urban Food Systems Symposium scheduled for virtual delivery on Wednesdays in Octobe r and hosted this year by Kansas State University and K-State Research and Extension.   2020 Urban Food Systems Symposium   online sessions will be offered from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT every Wednesday in October. If you’ve got an interest in any aspect of urban food systems there’s a session for you and you are encouraged attend.    The...
Blog Post

County Connectivity Landscape Dashboard Announced

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
COVID-19 has sped the adoption of virtual programming in Cooperative Extension across the nation and has highlighted a need for information about connectivity at the county level for use in planning virtual programs. A new tool developed by a team at Purdue University may help. With funding from eXtension Foundation, they’ve created a County Connectivity Landscape Dashboard to help Cooperative Extension professionals as they plan online programming and outreach methods. Dr. Roberto Gallardo,...
Blog Post

eXtension Foundation Update: September 2019 - September 2020

Aaron Weibe ·
It's been a fantastic past year at the eXtension Foundation and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve Cooperative Extension! If you'd like to know more about our work in our three program areas for the past year: New Technologies for Ag Extension, the Impact Collaborative, and the Pesticide Safety Education Funds Management Program , take a look at the video below. We look forward to continuing to serve all of you!
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Kemēcemenaw: Tribal Extension Partnerships That Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty on the Menominee Indian Reservation

Aaron Weibe ·
“This eFieldbook will serve as a valuable resource to Cooperative Extension professionals that are working with indigenous populations, while focused on sovereign food production.” - Fred Schlutt, New Technologies for Ag Extension Catalyst, Former Extension Director - University of Alaska Fairbanks. The US Department of Agriculture 2018-2022 Strategic Plan recognizes it’s role in helping provide access to safe and nutritious food for limited income people, by supporting limited resource...
Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Using Radio & Digital Advertising for Extension Campaigns

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) in partnership with Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension to pilot a mass media campaign using radio and digital advertising to promote pollinator protection messages to the public. The results and method is published in this new eFieldbook. Using this eFieldbook, Cooperative Extension...
Blog Post

Five Extension Project Teams Receive Seed-Funding Grants from Impact Collaborative Summit

Aaron Weibe ·
Twenty-five teams representing twenty-six Cooperative Extension institutions attended the first Virtual Impact Collaborative Summit on October 13th and 14th. Using technology – including Zoom and virtual whiteboards – participants were connected with tools, resources, coaches, facilitators, and Key Informants in a customized experience designed to catalyze their work. Teams were provided one-on-one coaching from twenty-six of our Impact Collaborative’s Innovation Facilitator network.
Blog Post

2021 Impact Collaborative Events: Registration Open NOW for eXtension Members!

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension Foundation is pleased to announce open registration for several 2021 events in our Impact Collaborative program. This includes registrations for the Innovation Skill-Building Experience and the Impact Collaborative Innovation Facilitator Training. These events are for everyone inside eXtension Foundation member institution s . The eXtension Foundation invites all members to participate in the Impact Collaborative program to build skills in innovation, hone project & program...
Blog Post

Workforce Readiness & Makerspace Team from Oregon Brings Community Partners to Impact Collaborative Summit, Wins Seed-Funding Grant for Western Region

Aaron Weibe ·
“The Impact Collaborative provided an ideal space for the Malheur Workforce Readiness team to work through a structured process that challenged their thinking and assisted them with building a strong, informed, foundation. It equipped them with critical insights on how to best evaluate their program and the potential impact, and better communicate and engage with their partners moving forward” - Anita Azarenko, Interim Vice President - Outreach and Extension, Extension Director, Oregon State...
Blog Post

Cornell Extension LIVCO Project Team Finds Impact Collaborative Was “An amazing team building opportunity”

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
A team from Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Livingston County came together at the recent eXtension Foundation Impact Collaborative Summit. Their association is situated on a park-like campus of more than one hundred acres. They had an idea of turning their campus into a learning laboratory for the community, with demonstration gardens and more. The team was one of 25 groups from across the country that participated in the first ever virtual Impact Collaborative Summit , held in...
Blog Post

NEW! Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Assistant Project Director for Immunization Education Position Description This project is a collaborative effort among the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), eXtension, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It grew out of efforts undertaken by the ECOP Health Innovation Task Force. eXtension anticipates receiving funding for Immunization Education efforts. Key Extension leaders on this project...
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cpdiaz ·
Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
Blog Post

How Networks Can Help Reduce Stress

Jessica B. ·
Does your network help reduce your stress? Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to talk with Naava Frank and Ziva Mann, authors of the article " How to Reduce Stress and Increase Learning: The Power of Professional Networks ." Join us as we discuss how our network connections can help support us in difficult times. Naava is the director of Knowledge Communities where she consults to foundations and nonprofits to launch and support the growth of networks and communities of practice. Ziva...
Blog Post

New Connect Extension Podcast Episodes

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation has had the pleasure of hosting a number of outstanding individuals across Cooperative Extension for our Connect Extension podcast. The Connect Extension Podcast is available in most places podcasts are available. Here is a listing of some of our more recent episodes: Episode 16: Navigating the Grocey Store Aisle: Understanding Food Marketing Labels In this episode, we connect with Stacey Stearns from the University of Connecticut Extension on a project she is...
Blog Post


Central State Extension ·
WILBERFORCE, OH —Introducing underrepresented populations and military veterans to the opportunities in farming is the goal of the new Central State University Extension (CSUE) FastTrack Farming: A Beginning Farmer Training Program. The FastTrack Farming program is available to individuals who have never managed a farm or who have managed a farm for less than ten years, says CSUE Associate Director of Extension Dr. Siddhartha Dasgupta. “We are committed to assisting individuals who have...
Blog Post

RFA: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Immunization Education Pilot Projects (Activity 2)

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, Health Innovation Task Force Extension Foundation EXTENSION COLLABORATIVE ON IMMUNIZATION TEACHING AND ENGAGEMENT (EXCITE) IMMUNIZATION EDUCATION PILOT PROJECTS (ACTIVITY 2) DATES: MAY 1, 2021 - APRIL 30, 2023 ELIGIBILITY: The RFA for EXCITE Activity 2 is open to all Land Grant University CES professionals. Each LGU may apply as part of an unlimited number of lead and collaborating applications for EXCITE Activity 2. At most, one project per...
Blog Post

RFA: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Vaccinate With Confidence for COVID-19 (Activity 1)

Aaron Weibe ·
Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, Health Innovation Task Force Extension Foundation EXTENSION COLLABORATIVE ON IMMUNIZATION TEACHING AND ENGAGEMENT (EXCITE) VACCINATE WITH CONFIDENCE FOR COVID-19 (ACTIVITY 1) DATES: MAY 1, 2021 - APRIL 30, 2022 ELIGIBILITY: The RFA for EXCITE Activity 1 is open to all Extension professionals at all Land-Grant Universities (1862, 1890, 1994). For Activity 1, one application per institution is eligible to be considered, determined at the...
Blog Post

4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent Position OPEN

Bonnie Hopkins ·
The San Juan County Extension Office in Aztec New Mexico is hiring a 4-H Family & Consumer Agent. We have an incredible strong 4-H program with nearly 400 4-H members, 20 clubs and over 100 community volunteers. The 4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent works closely with our 4-H Agriculture/Livestock Agent, Adult Agriculture Agent, and Adult Family and Consumer Science Agent. The SJC Office has strong support of our local government and community, a dedicated group of 4-H members and...
Blog Post

Accelerating Success: Q&A with Dr. Fred Schlutt

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Fred Schlutt is a forty-year Extension professional. He worked in Texas, Wyoming, Maine, and Alaska. Dr. Schlutt served for 10 years as the Director of Alaska Cooperative Extension. He was the 2017-2018 chair of ECOP ( Extension Committee on Organization and Policy ). He holds three degrees from Texas A&M. Dr. Schlutt currently shares his expertise as an Extension Foundation Catalyst. Catalysts are Extension experts who support New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects chosen...
Blog Post

USDA to Host Educational Webinar Series on Livestock Mandatory Reporting in June 2021

Sara Hernandez ·
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will host a series of three live educational webinars about USDA’s Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) Program from Tuesday, June 8, through Thursday, June 10, 2021.
Blog Post

Cooperative Extension grant aims to vaccinate NYS’ vulnerable

JennyStockdale ·
COVID-19 infection rates in New York state have plummeted in recent months, thanks in large part to the development and deployment of several safe and effective vaccines. But reaching population-wide protection from the virus means getting the vaccine into the arms of as many people as possible – including farmworkers and other traditionally vulnerable, marginalized populations in New York’s cities and rural areas. “Catastrophic health disparities have been a long-standing reality for many...
Blog Post

Now Available: The National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs and Assets

Aaron Weibe ·
This tool is now available to Cooperative Extension. Join 50+ other Extension programs that have already registered! Responding to specific requests in regional meetings and through various projects including EXCITE , the Extension Foundation has developed a National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs and Assets (NRCEPA) . This tool will enable Cooperative Extension professionals to register their projects, programs, or curriculum for nationwide collaboration among Cooperative...
Blog Post

New Extension Foundation Report Available: Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation , in partnership with a research team from Ohio State University, has released a new report on emerging technologies. The “Extension Foundation Report on Emerging Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System” was supported by funding from the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) project. The report was developed by the research team in part through interviews with a panel of thirteen experts representing all five Extension regions, as well as...
Blog Post

A Conversation with Dr. Scott Reed, Extension Foundation Catalyst

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Scott Reed is an emeritus of Oregon State University (OSU), where he served in various College of Forestry roles. He was a professor, executive associate dean, Extension program leader, and Dean and Director of OSU’s Extension Service. Scott served as the OSU’s Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement. He pioneered the innovative Open Campus, linking educational resources to advance college and career readiness, degree completion, and community development. Scott holds BS and MS...
Blog Post

UC ANR is hiring a Statewide Director, Communities, Nutrition and Health

Tatiana Avoce ·
Dear Colleagues, Please follow the link to learn more about the position and apply/share the information: The closing date is September 3, 2021. Thank you, Tatiana
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UC ANR is hiring a County Director Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino

Tatiana Avoce ·
Dear Colleagues, UC ANR is hiring a County Director for Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Please follow the link and apply/share the information: The position closes on August 22, 2021. Thank you, Tatiana
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UC ANR is hiring a County Director Capitol Corridor MCP

Tatiana Avoce ·
Dear Colleagues, UC ANR is hiring a County Director for Capitol Corridor MCP, located in Woodland, California. Please follow the link to apply and share the information: The recruitment closes on August 27, 2021. Thank you, Tatiana

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
