Tagged With "The Hub"
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New eFieldbook Available! Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a Nebraska Extension program called Weather Ready Farms to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services is the creation of a peer-reviewed eFieldbook about this project and a model...
Blog Post
Food Waste Reduction Challenge Begins April 12
A graduate cohort group from across the US has worked diligently this year to understand the complexities of food waste. After months of problem-solving and deliberation, they ultimately decided to launch a 7-day social media campaign centered on raising awareness around food waste prevention and reduction. Namely, the “7 Day Food Waste Reduction Challenge.” YOU can participate and make a difference! The social media campaign will consist of seven days of interventions, each day themed in...
Re: An In-Depth Look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025
AllAssignmentHelp is a hub of helping hands to the students. Our team of adept writers presents the best Australia assignment help service to scholars which facilitates their coursework completion.
Nickie Shira
Blog Post
Relationship Challenges and Counseling for Military Couples
Military couples are very resilient and roll with the changes. They face many challenges that civilian couples rarely deal with, like multiple moves, deployments, and various other transitions. Challenges might also take the form of physical injury or invisible wounds of war, like traumatic brain injury, and PTSD. Sometimes spouses and children must take on caregiver roles as well. Even though there are similar issues that many military couples face, every relationship is different. And many...
Blog Post
Virtual chat recap: Watershed education, outreach, and engagement
In this virtual chat, we discussed opportunities and challenges related to watershed education and outreach, exploring how Extension can support our audiences with resources and programming to build local capacity. As part of a New Technologies for Agricultural Extension Accelerator Program project , University of Minnesota Extension Educators are building a website, called the Watershed Engagement Programming (WEP) Hub, to support local government (e.g. Soil & Water Conservation...
Join Us on the Path: The Engagement Hub
Andres F. Cibils
Blog Post
Seaweed is on the Menu with Connecticut’s Sugar Kelp Industry
A team from UConn is using innovative research and community outreach to help make this novel food more accessible for consumers and more profitable for producers. When you crave something tasty, seaweed may not be the first thing that springs to mind. But UConn researchers and extension educators want to change that. A team from UConn Extension within the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources , and Connecticut Sea Grant are using innovative research and community outreach to...
Blog Post
View the Impact Collaborative Summit Climate Resiliency Keynote Speaker Sessions and Panel
The 2023 Impact Collaborative Summit had a special focus on Climate Resilience in collaboration with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy's (ECOP) Climate Program Action Team and included Keynote speaker sessions to inspire and inform participants on how climate resiliency can be integrated into their Extension projects and programs. Keynote speaker sessions and panelists at the Summit included a Climate update from NIFA, a special panel by the USDA Climate Hub and NOAA...
Blog Post
Earth Day Climate Resources for Extension Professionals
Extension Foundation works to provide valuable educational and assistance to help producers become more familiar with and use new technologies related to climate to increase climate literacy. Learn more about our @USDA_NIFA-supported outreach and education programs about #climatechange. See our resources below: https://extension.org/portfolio-item/extension-climate-extreme-weather-programming-successes-challenges-opportunities-report/ ...
Blog Post
Resource Roundup: Recruiting Training and Leading Volunteers in Extension Programs
April is National Volunteer Month , a time to celebrate the impact that volunteers have to strengthen and expand our Extension programming . Not only do volunteers extend our reach in communities , but their perspective and credibility bring a valuable contribution to our projects and program . We all know how valuable volunteers are to our Extension programs! Let us recognize the power and potential volunteers have in helping Extension by enhancing our skills and using resources to help...
Blog Post
NECI's April Membership Meeting & May Professional Development Meeting
NECI Membership Engagement Meetings Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - and the third Wednesday of each month 12:00 PM (PT) // 1:00 PM (MT) // 2:00 PM (CT) // 3:00 PM (ET) Zoom link to the join the NECI Membership Engagement Meetings: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84440788669?pwd=aTU5a202Si9LeDAxUndaeW9MV3ZOdz09 The April meeting will be hosted by Sabrina Drill, NECI's Climate Fellow. Looking for additional opportunities to engage with your colleagues? Join us on Wednesday, April 19 for NECI’s...
Blog Post
Dam Safety Awareness Day: How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? USDA Scientists are Looking for Answers
How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? The Agriculture Research Service is Looking for the Answers Media contact : Maribel.Alonso@usda.gov How do the extreme weather changes resulting from climate change impact the condition of our nation’s aging dams? Do sudden shifts from extreme precipitation events to flash droughts put this infrastructure at risk? These are the types of questions researchers like Dr. Sherry Hunt, a research leader and acting location coordinator at the USDA...
Blog Post
USDA Studies Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability
Studies by USDA Agricultural Research Service Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability Media Contact : Maribel.Alonso@usda.gov What impact, if any, do farming and ranching practices have on how much water is available downstream? That was the question scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agroclimate and Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit in El Reno, Oklahoma, set out to answer in a series of studies conducted in Central and Western Oklahoma.