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May 14, 2020 Biosecurity Community Conversation

Zoom Meeting

May 14, 2020 Biosecurity Community Conversation

For Extension educators and others who work with livestock producers across the U.S. Please join us on May 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST for a virtual Healthy Farms Healthy Agriculture Biosecurity Community Conversation. This Zoom meeting will feature an Extension expert who will discuss composting on-farm livestock mortalities. Whether for ordinary death loss or catastrophic loss from disease or natural disaster, composting has biosecurity benefits and considerations.

The May 14 conversation features Tommy Bass, with Montana State University and the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center. Tommy will share his experiences with composting in the High Plains and mountains.


What are the HFHA Community Conversations about?

The Conversations are web meetings designed to support the needs of Extension, veterinary and other personnel who engage with farmers about biosecurity.

  • The meetings feature a brief presentation from subject matter experts working with producers on a particular aspect of biosecurity.
  • The meetings allow you to create collaborative connections with others.
  • The meetings encourage you to continue learning from one another through community forums.


The HFHA Community Conversations will also introduce the HFHA Community Forums.

  • The forums facilitate continuing the conversation.
  • The forums facilitate the sharing of stories and information on biosecurity-related topics.
  • The forums can enhance your capacity to more effectively engage production-level stakeholders in implementing appropriate biosecurity practices.
  • Register to participate in the forums and connect with the community here -
  • *You will need to join the forums as a member to view the forums section of this website.


The HFHA Community Conversations will briefly tour the new HFHA website:

  • The site provides easy access to top-shelf information and resources.
  • Resources include assessment and training tools and plan-building support for all types of farmers, ranchers, and livestock owners.
  • Visit the web-based hub for biosecurity here -
  • Tell us what else you would like to see on the site.
  • Add our link to your website!


The HFHA Biosecurity Community Conversations, website and forums are developed with the support of the USDA NIFA under award number 2015-69004-23273. The project director, Dr. Julie Smith, can be reached at

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About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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