Tagged With "General Chuck Yeager"
Blog Post
ICYMI: National Action Dialogue, Community Based Development in the Digital Networked COVID-19 Age
Yesterday, 300 Cooperative Extension professionals came together for a National Action Dialogue put together by the eXtension Foundation and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). The dialogue, facilitated by @Molly Immendorf , featured three panelists: @Chuck Hibberd , Dean & Director of Nebraska Extension @Paul Hill , Extension Associate Professor, County Director, Community Economic Development, Utah State University Doug Edlund, Assistant Director of Operations,...
Blog Post
eXtension Selects 8 Projects For Acceleration From Cooperative Extension for 2020-2021
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected 8 projects from 33 competitive nominations across the system for year two to participate in its project accelerator program. The nomination process opened in May 2020 and closed in July 2020. All Land Grant Universities were eligible to submit nominations. The project period is September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021. Requirements included: Projects...
Blog Post
Urban Foods Systems Symposium in October will focus on climate, community, security, production and distribution
All things food in and for urban areas will be in focus during the 3 rd Urban Food Systems Symposium scheduled for virtual delivery on Wednesdays in Octobe r and hosted this year by Kansas State University and K-State Research and Extension. 2020 Urban Food Systems Symposium online sessions will be offered from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT every Wednesday in October. If you’ve got an interest in any aspect of urban food systems there’s a session for you and you are encouraged attend. The...
Re: October 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal!
@Scott Reed , @Fred Schlutt , @Chuck Hibberd , @Rick Klemme
Blog Post
Do you like hot fries?
In our U.S. Air Force, there are Officers & Enlisted. Officers have ranks of 2nd Lieutenant to 4-Star General. Enlisted have ranks of Airman to Chief Master Sergeant. There is one special position in the Enlisted ranks that only 19 people have held. It's the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force ( CMSAF ) position. Had the opportunity a few years ago to hear CMSAF #5, Robert Gaylor speak. Here's the video from his presentation at TEDx Scott Air Force Base: A Motto For Life: Robert...
Blog Post
Navigating the Grocery Store Aisle and Creating a Food Marketing Game: An Extension Project Update
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food. Food manufacturers and distributors cover their boxes, cans, and bottles of processed foods with labels like “organic,” “all natural,” and “no sugar added” to suggest that their food has certain health benefits. But these labels are intended to improve product sales, not necessarily help consumers make healthy food choices. And when food marketing labels seem to...
Blog Post
Extension in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Chuck Hibberd
Dr. Chuck Hibberd. Image Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles "Chuck" Hibberd is an emeritus professor of the University of Nebraska, where he held several academic positions, including Dean of Cooperative Extension. His email tagline reads "Chuck Hibberd, retired Extensi on Director (but not done yet)." He directed the University's Panhandle Research and Extension Center for 13 years. Chuck also served as Extension director, associate dean of agriculture, and assistant vice...
Blog Post
Three Cooperative Extension Leaders Selected As New Technologies for Ag Extension Catalysts
The Extension Foundation welcomes three new Catalyst team members: Dr. Barbara Board , District Extension Director Emeritus, Virginia Tech; Retired Eastern Region Extension Director and Interim Associate Administrator, North Carolina A&T State University. Dr. Dyremple Marsh , Retired College Dean, Research Director, and Extension Administrator, Delaware State University Dr. Dawn Mellion , Retired Vice-Chancellor for Southern University Cooperative Extension. The New Technologies for Ag...
Chuck Stamper
Susan Yeager
Blog Post
In Conversation with Dr. Rick Klemme
Dr. Rick Klemme grew up on a farm in east-central Illinois. He received his BA in economics and math from Illinois State University. He later earned an MA and Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Purdue. Rick began his nearly four-decade Extension career as an agricultural economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). He later became Dean and Director of UW Extension. Rick transitioned from that assignment to serve as the Executive Director of Extension’s Committee on Organization...
Blog Post
Project Accelerator Leads to New Grant and Ongoing Partnership
A new USDA-NIFA funded project will develop cohorts of 4-H youth and create biotechnology video games. The games will convey fun and science-based information about biotechnology such as genetic engineering. They will also build public confidence in the safe use of biotechnology in agriculture and the food system. The project will also provide education to youth on career opportunities. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension , together with faculty members of other departments in...
Re: Helping Gen Z Service Members Navigate Their Finances
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Chuck Ross
Re: An offering for Women's History month...
I'd like to recognize and celebrate the women who work quietly everyday, doing what needs to be done. They aren't pioneers and they don't break barriers. They do the stuff that doesn't get photographed. Thank you to all the women I'm describing. I see you and I appreciate you.
Blog Post
Building Resilient Families: How New Technologies for Ag Extension is Serving the Heart & Hope Program from the University of Nevada, Reno
New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) is a grant from USDA-NIFA in partnership with Oklahoma State University and is currently in its fourth year. Since 2019, the Extension Foundation has served 72 leaders and programs from across Cooperative Extension to help strengthen their programs and make a greater local impact in the communities they serve. Programs that applied for NTAE each year were competitively selected and aligned with USDA and Extension Committee on Organization and Policy...
Blog Post
Summit Panel Discussion: From Good To Great
The NTAE Incubation Summit provided attendees with valuable insights and discussions for NTAE teams currently going through the incubation track. This event was an opportunity for teams to collaborate and receive support to help propel them forward in their projects. Participants had the opportunity to learn from speakers, engage with mentors and professionals, and share their own experiences and projects. One of the panel discussions at the Summit was "Ways to Take Your Work from Good to...
Blog Post
An offering for Women's History month...
Why do we wait until March every year to do this? Shouldn't it be an everyday thing? Let's start making recognition one of our most abundant resources. Here's a past pioneer who was a great example of courage & determination. She was one of the coolest for sure! *Picture from www.wired.com Jacqueline Cochran (May 11, 1906 – August 9, 1980) was a pioneer in aviation and one of the most talented pilots of her era. She was an important contributor to the formation of the wartime United...
Blog Post
Memorial Day: A Special Tribute
Decoration Day or Memorial Day as we now call it, is set aside to honor those who have died in our nation's wars. It wasn't an official federal holiday until 1968. Flags will fly at half-mast on this day. "If there is ever a day of commemoration, a day, when, as one, America pauses, thinks, thanks and prays, it is Memorial Day. We honor our war dead." -John L. Borling, Major General, U.S. Air Force (retired) Remember what this day is all about. In this tribute, 1963 Air Force Academy...