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Tagged With "Stop doing"

Blog Post

Connecticut Agriculture is Showcased in UConn Students’ Documentary

Stacey Stearns ·
'Completely Connecticut Agriculture' explores the creativity and resilience of Connecticut farmers It’s easy to take our food supply for granted while strolling through the abundant aisles of a grocery store. We do not often consider how our food gets to the store or where it comes from. A group of students in UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) is bridging the communication gap between agriculture and consumers in their documentary film, Completely...
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Your Leadership Puzzle (Part 1)

Karl Bradley ·
Clues to guide leadership development often prove to be more art than science. Many of these concepts live in the part of our brain that deals with feelings & not language. This fact alone can make conveying them difficult at best (I'll still try!). Here are some of the pieces we can utilize to begin the journey of putting together our leadership puzzle. PASSION We all find time to do the things that are most important to us. What do you spend 5 hours doing & it seems like 5 minutes?
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cpdiaz ·
Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
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Human Behavior & the Spread of Livestock Diseases

Joanna Cummings ·
By Scott Merrill and Eric Clark, University of Vermont The Social Ecological Gaming and Simulation (SEGS) Lab is a multidisciplinary research lab designed to examine pressing problems in the interacting domains of natural ecology and human society. We work on problems ranging from water quality and energy, to looking at how Covid-19 related social distancing behavior changes in different environments – from the grocery store to the park. We also are engaged in trying to understand the...
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Your Leadership Puzzle (Part 2)

Karl Bradley ·
Every day we encounter a myriad of issues that can make leadership puzzling. One of these is the pace of change. The world is changing at a speed faster than humans have ever experienced before due largely to technological advances. This fact alone makes our leadership foothold paramount to balancing the needs of the people & enterprise we serve. Some of the same themes keep appearing. The human skills we often don’t realize we’re utilizing. Awareness is the key for those who’ve decided...
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Karl Bradley ·
What we know compared to Google isn't much. None of us knows everything. Here are some thoughts on leveraging your expertise. Have a clear mission & focus! Peter Drucker , the great teacher, said you should be able to fit your mission statement on a t-shirt! Reach out & meet the greatest people in the world in your topic area & ask them to be your mentors. Learn from them. Get clarity & make your t-shirt. Parallel Allies! Who are the experts who can help you with your...
Blog Post

2 things to make your team!

Karl Bradley ·
As fun as it might be to live in the magical world of Harry Potter, sadly we don't. And there's no "silver bullet" to fix issues. If you're someone who knows your team can be better and wants it to be better, here are a two that will help quickly! Make RECOGNITION a resource This goes way beyond just saying "thanks" to a team member. Developing the ability to both give & receive gratitude authentically is a must. These human skills are a great way to increase psychological safety on your...

Re: Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters

Heather Freeman ·
What Title IX Training program do you-all use for Master Gardener and/or 4-H Adult Volunteers, to complete mandatory anti-bias and anti-harassment training? We have no choice but to use a very long tedious online set of modules by a 3rd party HR company called EverFi. The MG's loathe it. I blasted thru it to get it off my to-do list, but didn't agree with 75% of it, just did it to be done. Do you have any other Title IX training packages to suggest to our HR/Civil Rights office?
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Accelerating Success: Q&A with Dr. Fred Schlutt

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Fred Schlutt is a forty-year Extension professional. He worked in Texas, Wyoming, Maine, and Alaska. Dr. Schlutt served for 10 years as the Director of Alaska Cooperative Extension. He was the 2017-2018 chair of ECOP ( Extension Committee on Organization and Policy ). He holds three degrees from Texas A&M. Dr. Schlutt currently shares his expertise as an Extension Foundation Catalyst. Catalysts are Extension experts who support New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects chosen...
Blog Post

Get better at anything!

Karl Bradley ·
Had the good fortune of carving out some time to finish a book that has made a quick impact on my life; " Triggers " by Marshall Goldsmith. The most powerful aspect of this book for me was self questioning . Heard about this technique from one of his social media posts & had been half-heartedly going through the motions of this technique. I needed some coaching on it for sure. He states that active questions make the most difference because of how they frame the responsibility. They...
Blog Post

Run the Experiment!

Karl Bradley ·
Remembering a venture into the Agile software development "pairing" concept. January 2018 After the holiday break, we found ourselves rested but in need of new focus. So naturally, we scheduled a meeting. The agenda was simple; bring your best ideas. After absorbing some of the wisdom inside Richard Sheridan’s " Joy, Inc." , my excitement had peaked for new possibilities. After all, the first quarter of each year is a great time to recapture momentum. Our small team procures, delivers &...
Blog Post

ICYMI: USDA Nutrition Resources for Every Life Stage: Then and Now

Aaron Weibe ·
Last month, we hosted two registered dietitians ( @Marcia Greenblum and @colleen.sideck ) from the USDA National Agricultural Library to share how to access federal nutrition resources for different age groups and how dietary guidance have evolved over time. Marcia and Colleen highlighted life stage resources on the and Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) websites that support 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations, and shared a historical...
Blog Post

What drives you?

Karl Bradley ·
Why do we do the things we do? If we're honest with ourselves, we know our actions are driven by two things: motivation & ability. Ability to do anything is influenced by external help and/or environmental structure. Motivation is connected to our internal belief system, our values. Intrinsic The things we value most in life are our internal motivators. They are our core values. The things we sacrifice for, stand up for and are prepared to die for if it came to that. They're super...
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Procrastinate now...don't put it off!

Karl Bradley ·
Almost every organization would like to remove delays to unlocking their team's capacity to generate & implement great ideas. If you can identify & develop new opportunities quicker, your business model has a better chance to survive. No answers here just some thoughts on how these might be related. I'll procrastinate tomorrow... Graphic from We've all received & given feedback on this topic. For the proactive person, someone who lags a bit can be maddening.
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MyPlate is Turning 10 Years Old! Join the birthday fun beginning June 1

Barbara ·
Join in the MyPlate birthday fun by helping us celebrate throughout the month of June. For additional information and MyPlate birthday ideas go to:
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Our Neighbor...

Karl Bradley ·
Our neighbor goes for a walk every morning. He waves enthusiastically to everyone he sees. His smile goes from ear to ear. He carries a big bag of treats for all the dogs he meets. He doesn't even own a dog. Our neighbor knows attitude is everything. He always picks a good one. Our neighbor goes to the local grocery store every Saturday morning. He knows all the bakery employees. He buys donuts for all the kids who are shopping with their parents. Every one...without exception. Our neighbor...

Re: Procrastinate now...don't put it off!

Rick Schumann ·
There is a term used in engineering called OBE. Overcome By Events. It refers to a decision or task that you were slated to make but before you were able to, something changed and the decision or task is no longer required. OBEs can be bad i.e. I had the winning lottery numbers but never got around to buying a ticket. They can also be good when some difficult decision or task is no longer required. When I run across a task or decision that I must do, I often evaluate the OBE index and act...
Blog Post

Resilience in action...

Karl Bradley ·
Resilience is defined as: " the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. " Our resilience has been challenged big time over the course of this pandemic. How have you done? What have you done that worked? Honestly, it's been hard at times for our family. It's in what we did to get through together that matters. Chances are some of these are on your list! They celebrate other people's success They accept full responsibility for their past behavior They invest their energy in...
Blog Post

Looking for Wisdom

Karl Bradley ·
The human race has gone through an age of revolution, an industrial revolution, the information age & the age of knowledge. Truly amazing! Before we pat ourselves on the back we need to ask a couple questions: Are we any closer to the age of wisdom ? How do we set up our lives and in turn, our organizations, for more wisdom? My absolute favorite in this area is from Brazil. Here are his top 10 rules for success in life. Free yourself Giving yourself permission to start something new is a...
Blog Post

Meet or Work

Karl Bradley ·
There you are, attending another meeting struggling to stay engaged. Why? We want to be there (but our mind is wandering), we're interested in the reason it's taking place (but the slides are so boring) & most importantly we're ready to participate (if we ever get asked). This all too familiar scene seems to plague us even with so many great ideas floating around to make it better. Transparency of information & the speed at which it flows can make all the difference in focusing on...
Blog Post

Using Good Judgement

Karl Bradley ·
An iceberg is a great analogy for many individual, team & organization efforts. Perhaps the most familiar model is from Ed Schein in which he uses the visible & invisible to illustrate how a company makes decisions. How it takes action. Above the water (visible) of the iceberg indicates strategic intent. Below the water (invisible) of the iceberg indicates core principles & values. Below the water! Hard Work Failure Doubts Set-Backs Persistence Long Days Sacrifice Courage Action...
Blog Post

Culture puzzle

Karl Bradley ·
"Culture" has become such a buzz word surrounding the workplace. People expect to see something on the company's website about it. They ask current employees about it. They ask about it in interviews. The fact is, it's a big deal. It might be THE big deal of any organization. What we've learned about it is that it's much more than flexible work hours & bean bag chairs in the breakroom. It's about " the way we do things around here". The way this is answered can be profoundly revealing.
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Scott Reed ·
Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed, Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash A lot can be done and is being done. In our previous blog we underscore the self-evident importance of science in the US. Science has become a required knowledge creating and disseminating force in the economy, public and personal healthcare and general social well-being, our personal lives. 21...


Rick Klemme ·
Excellent blog post (although I am not sure that using French helps with the perceived arrogance of science and the academy😊). Anyway, here’s an editorial that was in the local Madison newspaper a couple of weeks ago that speaks to the challenge of communicating science (around COVID 19) that lays out some self-ownership that the science community needs in connecting with the public. Paul Fanlund | The Capital Times Even before vaccines became widely available, one could have predicted that...
Blog Post

Now Available: The National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs and Assets

Aaron Weibe ·
This tool is now available to Cooperative Extension. Join 50+ other Extension programs that have already registered! Responding to specific requests in regional meetings and through various projects including EXCITE , the Extension Foundation has developed a National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs and Assets (NRCEPA) . This tool will enable Cooperative Extension professionals to register their projects, programs, or curriculum for nationwide collaboration among Cooperative...
Blog Post

Healthy Questioning

Karl Bradley ·
My Great Uncle gave me a small plaque when I was in Junior High with a powerful quote. It hung in every place I lived until passing it along years later. "The important thing is not to stop questioning!" -Albert Einstein What my Great Uncle encouraged was a healthy curiosity. His wisdom has been & remains valuable to me to this day. In this spirit, let's discover how one question has led to just the right "thing" when it was needed most! "What would have happened if we didn't do what we...
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10 Tips

Karl Bradley ·
Re-discovered this article by: Diana Moon from the Defense Centers of Excellence Strategic Communications, November 6, 2012 START The definition of "Resilience" is the ability to withstand, recover & grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. It's a skill that can be learned and sharpened with practice . Building flexible strength is a hallmark of resilience and necessary for getting back to peak performance after stressful events. Each of us face unique stressors which, without...
Blog Post

Headed for an energy crisis?

Karl Bradley ·
It's just another day in 2007. Stopped to take a few minutes to read a short article. It's my daily "leadership" lesson time. Only this time it really shook me up. Really challenged my thoughts on a concept I thought I had a handle on. Time management. Tony Schwartz & Catherine McCarthy had really made an impact on me! Manage your energy NOT your time ! What? Think about it...time is a finite resource. Energy is renewable. Want to see where you are with your energy? Here's their quiz!
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It's situational and it's not...

Karl Bradley ·
My brother & I talk a lot and it has brought us closer, especially during our "philosophical" discussions. We like to dive deep into our passion areas, share what we've learned from books, articles, Ted Talks, work situations, parenting, etc. We just go with whatever is on our minds in a healthy banter. One thing keeps coming up regardless of topic is leadership & its close relationship with character . We agree on one point...leadership is situational but character isn't. Character...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Connect Extension Chat: Adding DEI In Position Descriptions

MelaniePugsley ·
On Tuesday, June 29 th Extension Professionals took part in a virtual chat to discuss and share how they incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into their position descriptions. The chat was attended by professionals from across the country and facilitated by LeChé McGill, the Human Resource Business Partner at UC ANR. The attendees in this chat were at various levels and stages of incorporating DEI into position descriptions, yet everyone had a strong desire to engage in the...
Blog Post

New Extension Foundation Report Available: Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation , in partnership with a research team from Ohio State University, has released a new report on emerging technologies. The “Extension Foundation Report on Emerging Technologies Impacting the Cooperative Extension System” was supported by funding from the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) project. The report was developed by the research team in part through interviews with a panel of thirteen experts representing all five Extension regions, as well as...
Blog Post

Collaboration & Competition

Karl Bradley ·
I’m just Karl... I'm from Branson, Missouri... I’m human... I’m going to make mistakes. Every decision I make will be what’s best for the team. It may not be what’s best for me (or you) but if it’s good for the team then it’s the best choice. At work, at home & in our communities we find ourselves on a "team" of some sort. The experience we have comes in how we approach them. Competition It's a myth that you have to work hard to beat the competition. Competition is the opposite of...
Blog Post

A Conversation with Dr. Scott Reed, Extension Foundation Catalyst

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Scott Reed is an emeritus of Oregon State University (OSU), where he served in various College of Forestry roles. He was a professor, executive associate dean, Extension program leader, and Dean and Director of OSU’s Extension Service. Scott served as the OSU’s Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement. He pioneered the innovative Open Campus, linking educational resources to advance college and career readiness, degree completion, and community development. Scott holds BS and MS...
Blog Post

Seeking Extension Educators/Agents who work or have worked with farm families touched by Alzheimer's/dementia

Emily Harmon ·
Over 6 million individuals currently live with dementia – a brain disorder characterized by progressive decline in memory, language, problem-solving and other cognitive domains. Recent work has shown that relative to other occupations, older adults with longest-held jobs in agriculture experience greater odds of developing dementia. Given the hazardous nature of agriculture, the impact of dementia and cognitive impairment on older agricultural workers and their families is an area of public...
Blog Post

Need more empathy?

Karl Bradley ·
Psychology Today says Empathy is... "...the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, animal, or fictional character. Developing empathy is crucial for establishing relationships and behaving compassionately. It involves experiencing another person’s point of view, rather than just one’s own, and enables prosocial or helping behaviors that come from within, rather than being forced." We all connect with the concept of empathy in a different way.
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UC ANR is hiring a County Director Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino

Tatiana Avoce ·
Dear Colleagues, UC ANR is hiring a County Director for Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Please follow the link and apply/share the information: The position closes on August 22, 2021. Thank you, Tatiana
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UC ANR is hiring a County Director Capitol Corridor MCP

Tatiana Avoce ·
Dear Colleagues, UC ANR is hiring a County Director for Capitol Corridor MCP, located in Woodland, California. Please follow the link to apply and share the information: The recruitment closes on August 27, 2021. Thank you, Tatiana
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Karl Bradley ·
Had a few ineffective meetings in preparation for this post as I'm sure you have as well. One of the most memorable was one that lasted over an hour and at best, left most of us confused. We branded it the "lipstick on a pig" meeting. Instead of galvanizing our team efforts it eroded faith in our leadership. It was a huge missed opportunity which we rarely had. There were many other ineffective words/phrases used as well. Every word spoken might as well have been in a different language.
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Eliminate to Concentrate

Karl Bradley ·
The secret to concentration is elimination. You can't move forward on the monkey bars without letting go of one hand. It’s in the letting go of something we aren’t uniquely gifted to do that we create opportunity. Opportunity for others to grow in their strength area. Opportunity to focus. Opportunity to step into efficiency. This is the only way we can get to effectiveness. In the letting go we are more prepared to receive. To receive an opportunity from a teammate. In his book ”Good to...
Blog Post

3 Naturally Occuring Things

Karl Bradley ·
"Three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion & underperformance. Everything else requires leadership." -Peter Drucker Friction happens when people don’t understand one another Interpersonal issues are present Confusion happens as a result of poor communication Team goals are unclear Underperformance happens when people aren’t engaged Skill-set mismatch The thing to keep in mind here is that these things “happen naturally”. It’s nobody’s fault. Take a deep breath!
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Leadership Language

Karl Bradley ·
The words we choose matter. They matter a lot. What if there were things to help people remember our message? Good news! There are! Here are some rhetorical devices taken straight from a TEDx Verona talk by Simon Lancaster to help you speak like a leader! The Language of Leadership Asyndeton/Tricolon Look left, look right, look center, stop, listen... This mimics hyperventilating. President Obama used it…”a world at war, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a generation.” Three...
Blog Post

Extension in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Chuck Hibberd

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Chuck Hibberd. Image Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles "Chuck" Hibberd is an emeritus professor of the University of Nebraska, where he held several academic positions, including Dean of Cooperative Extension. His email tagline reads "Chuck Hibberd, retired Extensi on Director (but not done yet)." He directed the University's Panhandle Research and Extension Center for 13 years. Chuck also served as Extension director, associate dean of agriculture, and assistant vice...
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The choice of success...

Karl Bradley ·
Do you choose to succeed? Successful people very often believe they're doing what they're doing because they choose to...not because they have to. They are committed, not simply compliant. This is normally a positive belief. Here's the issue... The more committed we are to anything, the harder it is for us to admit it's not working. This is very difficult for any successful person who's committed, chose to do it and who's heart & soul is in it. It's great to believe we're committed. It's...
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Let's Talk GMOs Online Course Available

Stacey Stearns ·
Are you confused or do you have questions about GMOs? Do you feel inadequate when discussing GMOs? Are you given opposing information of GMOs and not sure what is right? Do you wonder how the misinformation about GMOs spreads like a wildfire? UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is offering an online course, Let’s Talk GMOs: Creating Consistent Communication Messages . Participants are introduced to the basics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They will learn...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation & National Extension Climate Initiative Request Entry of Climate & Extreme Weather Programs to National Registry

Aaron Weibe ·
In 2020, select members of the National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI) steering committee served in a fellowship through the Extension Foundation to identify existing work across Cooperative Extension in the area of climate and extreme weather. Their research resulted in the 2020 report on Extension Climate/Extreme Weather Programming . In a continued partnership, NECI worked with the Extension Foundation on the development of Climate & Extreme Weather program questions for...
Blog Post

Searching for L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P.

Karl Bradley ·
Have you ever Googled "leadership"? The other day I got 2.5 Billion search results in under half a second. That might indicate I've got to get a whole lot better at searching for content on the internet. It also means the real messages of leadership can get buried in all that great information. Here are a few qualities (as verbs) that might resonate with you. L – Listening E – Empathizing A – Acting with awareness D – Dedicating time for others E – Encouraging R – Removing doubts S – Serving...
Blog Post

Unpeeled: The Case Files of Maya McCluen Game is Available for Extension Programs

Stacey Stearns ·
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food and stay within their budget. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) team developed an interactive learning activity (or game), Unpeeled: The Case Studies of Maya McCluen . Our team sought to clarify food marketing labels and empower consumers to make science-based decisions while shopping. We hosted a...
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In Conversation with Dr. Rick Klemme

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Rick Klemme grew up on a farm in east-central Illinois. He received his BA in economics and math from Illinois State University. He later earned an MA and Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Purdue. Rick began his nearly four-decade Extension career as an agricultural economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). He later became Dean and Director of UW Extension. Rick transitioned from that assignment to serve as the Executive Director of Extension’s Committee on Organization...
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3 Steps

Karl Bradley ·
On our journey through life sometimes we get stuck. We don't know what step to take next. It's in these moments of friction that growth happens. Here are 3 steps that can help us get unstuck & back on track to being the person we want to become! "Know thyself." -H.D. Thoreau Affirm (or discover) your personality traits or your core values. Self-awareness is a great trait to hone. Getting back in touch with ourselves, our DNA, can be just the reminder that we are enough and will always be...
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Are you ready?

Karl Bradley ·
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you. Are you ready to lean into all the opportunities life brings? When was the last day you felt at your best? What does it mean to be ready ? When you're ready you feel prepared. You feel rested. To be the best we can be, it takes caring for our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional states. Taking care of what it means to be human. When we fail to prepare we're preparing to fail. To be the best we can be means helping others be the best...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
