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10 Tips


Re-discovered this article by: Diana Moon from the Defense Centers of Excellence Strategic Communications, November 6, 2012


The definition of "Resilience" is the ability to withstand, recover & grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. It's a skill that can be learned and sharpened with practice. Building flexible strength is a hallmark of resilience and necessary for getting back to peak performance after stressful events.

Each of us face unique stressors which, without the flexibility to recover and adjust may challenge their ability to manage life. Here are 10 tips that may help each of us better adapt and manage stressful situations:

  • Communicate regularly & effectively: Express what you think, feel or believe in a way that will help you solve problems and receive the outcome you desire.
  • Maintain positive personal connections: When you're challenged or stressed, sometimes it's easier to respond successfully with the support of family & friends.
  • Avoid seeing a crisis as unconquerable: Even if you can't change a stressful situation, you can change your reaction to it.
  • Be accepting of change: Accepting the things you cannot change allows you to focus on the things you do have control over.
  • Move toward you goals: Focus on goals you can achieve in the near future instead of focusing solely on distant goals.
  • Take positive, decisive actions: Don't view problems as permanent. Explore actions you can take that will give you more control over a situation.
  • Look for opportunities for self-discovery: We can often learn valuable life lessons as a result of a traumatic event.
  • Nurture a positive view of yourself: Develop confidence in your ability to solve problems and learn to trust your instincts.
  • Keep things in perspective: Focus on the broader context and keep a long-term outlook.
  • Look to a hopeful future: Visualize what you want for your life, rather than fearful of what it could be.

Becoming resilient doesn't happen overnight. With practice, these tips can help you take positive steps toward improving your ability to handle and overcome life's challenges.


As we transition to a new "normal" these tips seem as relevant as ever to maintain our mental, spiritual, emotional & physical health. The four pillars of resilience. We all must be our best to give our best!

Here's to all our best!

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