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Tagged With "break even"

Blog Post

On a Time for Grit

Mike Knutz ·
During these uncertain times when programming has ceased as we know it, as well as most other aspects of our life being upended, it can be discouraging or even overwhelming. It seemed a perfect time to continue my read and study into the concept of “Grit” by renown researcher and author, Angela Duckworth. In her New York Times best-selling book “ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” ; she lays out her initial studies at the U.S Military Academy at West Point. Duckworth’s quest was to...
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In Case You Missed It! - Unpacking the Content Creation Process Webinar

Kara Maddox ·
Yesterday afternoon Nathan Hermond with Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension and Kara Maddox with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center hosted a webinar on how we transformed existing Cooperative Extension content into an engaging Pollinator Prep Guide designed for Millennials and their families. Click here to watch the recording today! In the webinar, we spoke about the nifty poll featured offered by 99designs - as well as the ability to start a competition among...
Blog Post

Market Research: The tool in your toolbelt you didn't know you had...or needed

Ashley Mueller ·
Join the Weather Ready Farms group on Connect Extension Here We often hear the term “needs assessment” in Extension work. It’s an important pillar in a strong Extension program. As Extension professionals, we need to know about learners’ needs that can be potentially filled by our work. It’s important we conduct needs assessments to identify the “difference, or gap, between what is and what should be – or what is reasonably possible,” (NDSU Extension, n.d.). Conducting needs assessments...
Blog Post

Your Leadership & Culture

Karl Bradley ·
These days we don't have to look far for articles on how to positively affect workplace culture. The founder of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, was once asked by an employee if they could serve sandwiches on their flights. He responded by asking if that would help them become THE low-cost airlines in the industry? It didn't so they don't! Every great leader believes their leadership can make a difference in their organization & helps keep everyone focused on their vision of what that...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review

Aaron Weibe ·
Yesterday, we hosted a webinar led by Jessica Larson - Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture. She provided a research review that offered insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Participants had a chance to find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
My curiosity about leadership & management led me to connect with Don Shapiro of First Concepts Consulting. We had a great conversation about our mutually favorite topic...leadership! Here's his site where you can find out more about his offerings, thought leadership, etc... First Concepts Consulting During our conversation, he had two important insights... *Over the last 20 years (or so), there has been an almost exponential increase in the focus on leadership. Ok, maybe exponential...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
Worrying is a habit. Do you have it? First, check out " Getting to the bottom of your worrying-and how to let it go " by Gordana Biernat for some great insights! We all have dreams, aspirations & goals. It's healthy to be in a growth mindset but not at the expense of getting meaningful things done today. Making zero progress toward your preferred vision of the future is demotivating. Focus on the task at hand, like the mantra of former NFL head coach Marty Schottenheimer. The main thing...
Blog Post

Urban Green Infrastructure Workshop: Reflections from our last gathering

Brad Gaolach ·
Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network at the city and even regional scale that includes both land (parks, urban forests, raingardens, bioswales, greenspace, to name a few), and water (rivers, watersheds, etc.). Working in green infrastructure also enables the clear illustration of often forgotten connections between local and regional food systems and water (roof gardens, community gardens, urban farms, fruit orchards, etc.). Other benefits of green infrastructure include...

Re: 2, 10, 5, 7

Bonnie Braun ·
Over the years, I've learned to ask myself this question: What is the best use of my time right now? Works even when I only have 10 or 15 minutes.
Blog Post

ICYMI: How to Host Engaging Webinars

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The COVID-19 crisis means that Extension professionals are using webinars even more frequently to extend knowledge and information. Creating engaging online learning experiences for our clientele and peers is critical to our success in this new virtual environment. This webinar - offered by eXtension Foundation staff in partnership with Delaware State University Cooperative Extension - provided an opportunity for participants to reinforce the basics and learn more about advanced features. In...
Blog Post

ICYMI: 63 Extension Professionals joined the Connect Extension Chat on Gamifying Food Labels

Stacey Stearns ·
Our team at University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension is developing a game to help consumers understand food labels. The Connect Extension chat included questions about food labels and gamification in Extension programs. You can access the chat archive at: . Chat participants agreed that there is confusion with labels and terms among the consumer audiences. They don't know what is healthy and what...
Blog Post

Get More Done in '21!

Karl Bradley ·
Wow, there was a ton thrown at us in 2020 and we're all looking forward to a new start in the new year. With every new year comes a new beginning, thinking about priorities & how to accomplish our meaningful choices. The attachment in this post from Hubspot highlights some aspects from their blog post on " How to stop the most common productivity prohibitors" Make Every Minute Count Keep Your Workspace Tidy Get Laser-Focused Reset & Recharge If you're curious about time-blocking or...
Blog Post

Practicing Reflection

Jessica B. ·
If your year started like mine, it left you reeling from a packed schedule and more on your plate than you thought you had. I came into 2021 with a peaceful mindset, having just taken the bulk of two weeks off, but somehow still felt a little blindsided when my first day back at work came around. I decided I needed to do something before I allowed my year to continue down this path. So this past weekend, I spent some time reflecting and planning and now I feel even more ready for whatever...
Blog Post

Workforce Readiness & Makerspace Team from Oregon Brings Community Partners to Impact Collaborative Summit, Wins Seed-Funding Grant for Western Region

Aaron Weibe ·
“The Impact Collaborative provided an ideal space for the Malheur Workforce Readiness team to work through a structured process that challenged their thinking and assisted them with building a strong, informed, foundation. It equipped them with critical insights on how to best evaluate their program and the potential impact, and better communicate and engage with their partners moving forward” - Anita Azarenko, Interim Vice President - Outreach and Extension, Extension Director, Oregon State...
Blog Post

Impact Collaborative Announces Rev-Up Your Virtual Leadership Series for Extension Professionals Leading Five or More Peers

Aaron Weibe ·
For 2021, the eXtension Foundation’s Impact Collaborative program is hosting a series available to eXtension Foundation member institutions . This series is led by Karl Bradley, Leadership Development Specialist, eXtension Foundation. Last year we all pivoted quickly as we redefined how to accomplish our work almost exclusively in shared virtual spaces. The topics in this series are a result of our work with individuals & teams from across Cooperative Extension wondering: What does...
Blog Post

Good Soil!

Karl Bradley ·
The people we surround ourselves with are more valuable than words can often express. Recently, an old friend popped into my mind so I reached out to catch up. He was amazing, generous & supportive as always. We spoke about many things but the most prevalent & surprising was workplace culture. He spent some 27 years in the newspaper business only to be unceremoniously let go in the name of “progress”. Their loss was another’s gain. His one-of-a-kind voice & magnetic temperament...
Blog Post

ICYMI: An In-Depth Look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

Aaron Weibe ·
A couple of weeks ago, we had Stephenie Fu and Elizabeth Rahavi join us from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion to discuss the new Dietary Guidlines for Americans for 2020-2015. The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 to reflect the current body of nutrition science. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is the nation’s source for nutrition guidance to promote health and...
Blog Post

Workplace "Bill of Rights"?

Karl Bradley ·
How many "rules" do you have where you work? How many of them help your daily work? Too many can be hard to remember & overwhelming. Let's unpack "rules" a bit... Rules or Procedures or Values Rules are guidelines. They carry more weight than suggestions & sometimes are even laws. For example, driving rules increase safety & can save lives. Don't throw gum on the sidewalk is also a good one. Procedures on the other hand guide behaviors systematically. You wouldn't want the Doctor...
Blog Post

Make Every Bite Count, Even Little Bites!

Holly H. McPeak ·
During March, National Nutrition Month(R) we recognize the new recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.
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Scott Reed ·
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Eric Dunker, Associate for Business Strategies, Associate Vice President and Dean: Business, Technology, and Workforce Partnerships, Arapahoe Community College As our society becomes more diverse, businesses and communities have moral and economic reasons to create systems with talent equity outcomes across the educational and labor market continuum. Higher education is rightly focused on educational equity, but this pandemic has demonstrated large...
Blog Post

Mission, Vision, Priorities!

Karl Bradley ·
An Abraham Lincoln quote comes to mind, who I thought you might like to have quoted at this point.. 😉 “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew .” Annual Message to Congress-Concluding Remarks, December 1, 1862 Developing our Mission, Vision, Priorities helps us rise with the challenges in front of us. They help us lean into, even...
Blog Post

Old Hat

Karl Bradley ·
Each of us probably have items we've held onto for a long time. The sentimental value pulls at our heartstrings so hard we can't seem to let them go. One such item for me is a New York Yankees hat. The Story My wife & I were on the road together in New York. One of the stops on the tour was New York City. We found ourselves with some time one morning & decided to venture out to discover downtown. It was a gorgeous sunny day & I wasn't prepared so naturally, I bought a Yankees...
Blog Post


cpdiaz ·
Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
Blog Post

Your Leadership Puzzle (Part 2)

Karl Bradley ·
Every day we encounter a myriad of issues that can make leadership puzzling. One of these is the pace of change. The world is changing at a speed faster than humans have ever experienced before due largely to technological advances. This fact alone makes our leadership foothold paramount to balancing the needs of the people & enterprise we serve. Some of the same themes keep appearing. The human skills we often don’t realize we’re utilizing. Awareness is the key for those who’ve decided...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
What we know compared to Google isn't much. None of us knows everything. Here are some thoughts on leveraging your expertise. Have a clear mission & focus! Peter Drucker , the great teacher, said you should be able to fit your mission statement on a t-shirt! Reach out & meet the greatest people in the world in your topic area & ask them to be your mentors. Learn from them. Get clarity & make your t-shirt. Parallel Allies! Who are the experts who can help you with your...
Blog Post

University-wide Engagement and the Transdisciplinary University

Scott Reed ·
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed , Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Blah blah ‘….. disciplinary ’ - what’s the difference? Each is quintessential in their power to produce knowledge. It is not a matter of which type of academic inquiry is better than the others. But one of these, a single author writing within the narrow foci of a single sub-discipline tends...
Blog Post

Navigating the Grocery Store Aisle and Creating a Food Marketing Game: An Extension Project Update

Stacey Stearns ·
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food. Food manufacturers and distributors cover their boxes, cans, and bottles of processed foods with labels like “organic,” “all natural,” and “no sugar added” to suggest that their food has certain health benefits. But these labels are intended to improve product sales, not necessarily help consumers make healthy food choices. And when food marketing labels seem to...
Blog Post

Crises of Legitimacy of Science-Are we with science or not?

Scott Reed ·
Photo by ThisisEngineeringRAEng on Unsplash Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed, Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Providing Evidence-based knowledge is a foundational raison d'être among Extension mission statements. This blog and the next address the social and political delegitimation of science over the past few decades, as well as the acceleration of attacks on science as an academic and social...
Blog Post

Our Neighbor...

Karl Bradley ·
Our neighbor goes for a walk every morning. He waves enthusiastically to everyone he sees. His smile goes from ear to ear. He carries a big bag of treats for all the dogs he meets. He doesn't even own a dog. Our neighbor knows attitude is everything. He always picks a good one. Our neighbor goes to the local grocery store every Saturday morning. He knows all the bakery employees. He buys donuts for all the kids who are shopping with their parents. Every one...without exception. Our neighbor...
Blog Post

Meet or Work

Karl Bradley ·
There you are, attending another meeting struggling to stay engaged. Why? We want to be there (but our mind is wandering), we're interested in the reason it's taking place (but the slides are so boring) & most importantly we're ready to participate (if we ever get asked). This all too familiar scene seems to plague us even with so many great ideas floating around to make it better. Transparency of information & the speed at which it flows can make all the difference in focusing on...


Rick Klemme ·
Excellent blog post (although I am not sure that using French helps with the perceived arrogance of science and the academy😊). Anyway, here’s an editorial that was in the local Madison newspaper a couple of weeks ago that speaks to the challenge of communicating science (around COVID 19) that lays out some self-ownership that the science community needs in connecting with the public. Paul Fanlund | The Capital Times Even before vaccines became widely available, one could have predicted that...
Blog Post

10 Tips

Karl Bradley ·
Re-discovered this article by: Diana Moon from the Defense Centers of Excellence Strategic Communications, November 6, 2012 START The definition of "Resilience" is the ability to withstand, recover & grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. It's a skill that can be learned and sharpened with practice . Building flexible strength is a hallmark of resilience and necessary for getting back to peak performance after stressful events. Each of us face unique stressors which, without...
Blog Post

It's situational and it's not...

Karl Bradley ·
My brother & I talk a lot and it has brought us closer, especially during our "philosophical" discussions. We like to dive deep into our passion areas, share what we've learned from books, articles, Ted Talks, work situations, parenting, etc. We just go with whatever is on our minds in a healthy banter. One thing keeps coming up regardless of topic is leadership & its close relationship with character . We agree on one point...leadership is situational but character isn't. Character...
Blog Post

Extension in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Chuck Hibberd

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Chuck Hibberd. Image Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles "Chuck" Hibberd is an emeritus professor of the University of Nebraska, where he held several academic positions, including Dean of Cooperative Extension. His email tagline reads "Chuck Hibberd, retired Extensi on Director (but not done yet)." He directed the University's Panhandle Research and Extension Center for 13 years. Chuck also served as Extension director, associate dean of agriculture, and assistant vice...
Blog Post

In Conversation with Dr. Rick Klemme

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Dr. Rick Klemme grew up on a farm in east-central Illinois. He received his BA in economics and math from Illinois State University. He later earned an MA and Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Purdue. Rick began his nearly four-decade Extension career as an agricultural economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). He later became Dean and Director of UW Extension. Rick transitioned from that assignment to serve as the Executive Director of Extension’s Committee on Organization...
Blog Post

September Historic Day

Karl Bradley ·
Each year inspiration hits me again after reading this story, enjoy! ___________________________________________________________________________________ It was on September 13, 1814 that Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the words to " The Star Spangled Banner " by witnessing the British attack on Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor. It had been a dark summer for the young United States. Just three weeks earlier, on August 24, British troops had set fire to much of Washington D.C.,...
Blog Post

Important Resources for Family Resiliency: The Red Cross Service to Armed Forces Workshops

Rachel Brauner ·
Written by: Lucas Blankenship, Master of Public Administration Student West Virginia University and MFLN Military Caregiving Concentration. As a member of a military family myself, I remember all too well the stress and strain that deployment and reintegration can have on military members, their families, and those close to them. Often, we think of how we can help those in the military community. How can we serve those who serve? One way is accessing services, resources, and programs offered...
Blog Post

Are you ready?

Karl Bradley ·
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you. Are you ready to lean into all the opportunities life brings? When was the last day you felt at your best? What does it mean to be ready ? When you're ready you feel prepared. You feel rested. To be the best we can be, it takes caring for our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional states. Taking care of what it means to be human. When we fail to prepare we're preparing to fail. To be the best we can be means helping others be the best...
Blog Post

Tips and Tools for Content Creators

Selena T Garrison ·
Extension educators are content creators. Whether they prepare PowerPoint slides for a webinar, write a blog or social media post, prepare for an interview, or assemble a newsletter, they are constantly striving to create content that is current, relevant, and actionable. At a recent online conference, the Plutus™ Impact Summit, the following eight tips for personal finance content creation were shared: Address “Pain Points” and Goals – Help people by addressing topics that are causing them...
Blog Post

Healthy Relationships Matter for Military Families

Hannah Hyde ·
Healthy relationship skills can make a big difference for the strength and resilience of military families. Military Family Service Providers and Extension Educators are a unique position to be able to provide research-based skills for couples and co-parents that will help them strengthen their relationships. Learn about an upcoming 5-part webinar series that will provide you with information, tools, and resources to help military families nurture and maintain a healthy relationship.

Re: Gone not Forgotten

Bonnie Braun ·
Thank you for honoring Colin Powell in this manner. I always found him to be wise. Seeing his comments about the essence of leadership is a reminder that the foundation of all relationships is trust--to be earned and maintained. And yes, as a basis for leadership and followership--even if only for curiosity's sake.
Blog Post

Finding Thanks and Practicing Gratitude with Military Youth and Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Halloween candy is dwindling down if it wasn’t all gobbled up over the trick-or-treat weekend. The spooky season’s pumpkins have now transitioned into full-on fall decor. Families and friends will soon be connecting and coming together to celebrate and find thankfulness in another year with the quickly approaching holidays. The holidays also allow many of us to spend time consciously and prioritize the things that matter most. While celebrating with loved ones is first and foremost...
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Scott Reed ·
Dave King, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University When the analog-to-digital information evolution began in the mid 1990s, Extension and engagement—as functions of higher education—appeared to be likely targets for disruption. Yet, today, fundamental aspects of Extension and engagement appear to be untouched by disruptive competition. Or do they? “The past is prologue,” wrote William Shakespeare. So a quick review of Extension and the digital evolution, and what we can learn from...
Blog Post

Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) Announces Funding Recipient for Vaccine Hesitancy of the Cooperative Extension System

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are funding the Cooperative Extension System to address health disparities among rural and other underserved communities. This initiative is called the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE). The EXCITE program...
Blog Post

Ways to Help Military Families This Holiday Season

Jason M Jowers ·
Title Picture Attribute: US Air Force [Timmy Payne admires his work on his family Christmas by Airman 1st Class Jessica H. Evans, Dec. 5th, 2015, CC0] The holidays are a time when getting together with friends and families is always important. Reconnecting with the ones we love can be rejuvenating and highlights what’s important to us. However, for military service members and their families, the holidays can be tough and it’s not always possible for service members to be home with family...
Blog Post

Downsizing Holiday Debt

Selena T Garrison ·
Families often have leftover holiday debt hanging over their heads like a big dark cloud. What can you do to help these clients? Below are 5 time-tested debt repayment steps to consider using.
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Relationship Challenges and Counseling for Military Couples

Jason M Jowers ·
Military couples are very resilient and roll with the changes. They face many challenges that civilian couples rarely deal with, like multiple moves, deployments, and various other transitions. Challenges might also take the form of physical injury or invisible wounds of war, like traumatic brain injury, and PTSD. Sometimes spouses and children must take on caregiver roles as well. Even though there are similar issues that many military couples face, every relationship is different. And many...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging

Aaron Weibe ·
This week, Julia Quam from the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion joined us for a wonderful webinar on Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging. For the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides nutrition guidance by life stage, including specific guidance for older adults. Older adults have unique nutrition needs, experience changes in body composition, and face increased risks of malnutrition and chronic disease,...
Blog Post

Looking Back: Arkansas Family’s Farm Legacy and a New Era of Opportunities for Landowners Of Color

MelaniePugsley ·
We are highlighting a story from a Farm Journal Story Lead contest that focused on stories of 1890 Land-Grant Universities who are making a measurable impact in the lives of farmers or ranchers. The contest-winning story was "Landowner Furthers Family Farm Legacy Through Partnership with UAPB Forestry Program," by Will Hehemann of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. The story spotlights Shane Boler, a landowner, and participant in the University's Keeping it in the Family (KIITF)...
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Moving Toward Inclusive Practice

Anita Harris Hering ·
How do we start engaging people in marginalized communities and why is th i s important? What does it mean to “come in differently?” Are helping professionals able to tell a well-meaning question from one with judgment behind it? Dr. Anne Phibbs poses these questions and more in OneOp’s podcast series entitled, Moving Toward Inclusive Practice with Dr. Anne Phibbs . By tuning in, each episode may help you on your journey toward a more inclusive, culturally-informed way of working. Hosted by...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
