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Tagged With "military families personal finance"

Blog Post

Helping Service Members Overcome Stress and Anxiety Challenges

Jason M Jowers ·
It’s a new year and many of us are getting back into the swing of things after the recent holiday break. Everyone is getting back to work prioritizing their to-do lists for the upcoming year. Many military service members and their families are doing the same. There are many great benefits to serving in the military, for service members and their families as well. Career and educational opportunities as well as fulfilling a sense of purpose. However, as with any great opportunity, there also...
Blog Post

Alignment with a Stop Light?

Karl Bradley ·
You've worked hard to come up with a great plan that will make things easier, remove frustrations, and even save time for everyone. You're proud of it. It's thorough. It's researched. You've consulted people with more experience in this area. You've taken criticism. You've been vulnerable. Now it's time for the big meeting to unveil it. You're excited. Even a bit nervous. It's your turn on the agenda and... Your excitement is met with a mild, lukewarm reception from the team. What happened?
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Job Opening: Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator, UC Statewide IPM Program (Davis, CA)

Shannah Whithaus ·
The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program is seeking an energetic person to coordinate, develop, and deliver educational programs in pesticide safety for users of pesticides in California. In this position, you would provide objective information about pesticide safety and promote sound decision making to reduce pesticide risks to human health and the environment in the context of integrated pest management. You would also serve as the Pesticide Safety...
Blog Post

The Perfect Meeting

Karl Bradley ·
"One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time." -Peter Drucker Darn it! He's right again. Despite our best efforts we can only do one of these (effectively) at a time. Through this, he also reminds us of the multitasking myth. What we actually do is task switch. It takes 40% longer to accomplish two things we're switching on and longer when we add a third or fourth task. One thing we can do to help with effectiveness is to have better meetings. Most HR professionals will...
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More Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
The practice of leadership has been going on as far back as we can observe. In a previous offering " 10 Leadership Theories " we looked at where we've come in the recent past regarding thinking and approach to leadership. In one post we can't possibly hit everything related to leadership, so it's a reality we left out a ton of stuff. We're going to continue this journey by looking at a few more influencers in the leadership area from centuries and millennia ago to today. Hang on! Lao Tzu -...
Blog Post

Uplifting the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Youth

Jason M Jowers ·
An estimated 5% of the 1.76 million youth in military families identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer. Surveyed LGBTQ youth with a parent currently serving in the military that experienced high levels of family support reported lower mental health challenges and suicide risk ( Trevor Project, 2022 ). When youth feel safe at home, their mental wellness is significantly improved. Fostering healthy family relationships translates into protective factors for younger and older...
Blog Post

Flip Your Script

Karl Bradley ·
Oh, the things we tell ourselves. Sounds a bit like Dr. Seuss; sadly it's not. You have to wait until the end of the post for some of his wisdom! We're talking about how our personal narratives become aspects of things we believe about who we are. Here's one that's been in my arsenal forever: "I'm horrible at math." Big deal you say. Maybe you're not good at math. You have other things you're good at. What's the problem? Telling myself this has made an agreement that has limited my openness...
Blog Post

Three Strategies to Better Meet Military Families’ Needs

Anna Peterson ·
By Anna Peterson Summary Military-connected populations, including military families, face unique needs and barriers in finding services and care for family members. Extension educators/agents who serve military-connected populations can deploy three strategies to better meet their needs: 1) use the Social Determinants of Health model; 2) build collaborations with others; and 3) use a care coordination tool. Introduction The needs of the military-connected population (e.g., service members,...
Blog Post

Food Insecurity Featured in Free Webinars From OneOp

Hannah Hyde ·
Connect with OneOp as they focus efforts on providing programming to equip professionals with tools and information about the prevalence of food insecurity, and connect them with resources to help families who are at risk.
Blog Post

Position Announcement

Norma Sanchez ·
Good afternoon, Hope all is well. Please view and share the following position announcement. Thank you for your support! Coordinator (FCS) 127086 - Norma S. Norma Janet Sanchez Program Administrative Specialist College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Office of Human Resources Management & Compliance Programs Main: (301) 405-2935 / Fax: (301) 314-0118 Website: careers
Blog Post

Unique Strengths of the EXCITE Project: Providing evidence-based information in an understandable form and using multiple delivery methods

MelaniePugsley ·
The Extension Collaboration for Immunization, Teaching, and Engagement ( EXCITE ) project was created to reduce vaccine hes it ancy in rural and medically unders erved communities . Fund ed by the CDC through an Inter agency Agreement with USDA N IFA and a cooperative agreement with the Extension Foundation , the team has four goals : reduce hes it ancy , increase communication between populations and health systems , increase accessibility to clinics and help implement public health...
Blog Post

Have you ever...

Karl Bradley ·
Have you ever tried to change something about someone else? Of course, you have. We ALL have! The point is we can't motivate anyone else. Like us, they show up for what they believe in. And like us, they always find time for what's important to them. We can engage , inspire , and support . In short, we can show up for them in an authentic way because we care about them. We don't have to be better or smarter, we just have to courageously care about them. Connect first with your intention. If...
Blog Post

Let’s talk about nutrition security

Anna Peterson ·
By Noelle Harden I recently talked with my mom and grandparents about hunger and food insecurity in the military. My grandpa served in the air force, then worked for the Veterans Administration. My mom spent her childhood moving across the country from base to base. They shared their struggles to be able to afford healthy and affordable food. Food Insecurity in the Military The RAND Corporation released a report last month on food security in the military. They found that 15.4% of active...
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Off to College: Preparing Military Teens for Post-Secondary Education

Jason M Jowers ·
Military teens grow up with their own unique set of challenges. From parental deployments to relocation, teens in military families have learned to be flexible and resilient. That flexibility and resilience can be a great benefit when teens are planning their next steps after high school graduation. For many, that next step means heading off to college and laying the groundwork for the beginnings of a career. As military service providers, we can support military families as they navigate...
Blog Post

Run from it OR Learn from it

Karl Bradley ·
We can't change the past. What happened to us and who we used to be cannot be altered. When we run from it and wish things turned out differently we keep ourselves trapped in the past. It all happened. It will not ever have not happened. Some things happened to us while others happened because of us. Fill those two buckets and accept them. Learn from them. Grow into a better person from them. Your mindset is the key. Are you getting through or getting better? Each day has micro opportunities...
Blog Post

New from OneOp: Military Cultural Competency Course Designed for Extension Professionals!

Maggie Lucas ·
Military families exist in every community and you, as an Extension professional, might serve them every day - whether you realize it or not. Around two-thirds of military families live off base and often live alongside civilians. Out of uniform, these service members are unrecognizable from civilians when they are in the grocery store, picking their kids up from school, and doing other everyday tasks in their community. The well-being of these families is crucial to the Department of...
Blog Post

"No" isn't negative

Karl Bradley ·
"No! Don't touch the hot stove." "No! Don't text and drive." In these examples, "no" is actually positive to alert us from burning ourselves and not driving while distracted. In other situations, primarily in our professional lives, we perceive saying "no" will be viewed as negative. This leads to saying "yes" to much more than we can accomplish and the mistaken idea that if we're busy it means we're valued more. Does always being busy with more equal accomplishing more? Here's a scenario...
Blog Post

Healthy Eating Resources for Families Facing Food Insecurity

Jason M Jowers ·
As any parent can tell you, it can be tough to get your kids to eat healthy foods. Proper nutrition is an important part of raising happy and healthy families. But what happens when proper nutrition is difficult to obtain? Not having enough food to eat is a growing problem for many families, so it can be hard to eat healthily when food is limited. Whether a family is facing a lack of access to healthy foods or affordability issues, this challenge of food insecurity puts families through...
Blog Post

Be Aware!

Karl Bradley ·
Leadership is influence. Influence is felt by others in our behaviors. These behaviors provide evidence of our intentions. Be aware: It's our intentions we betray first followed by our behavior. When tolerated, these bad behaviors have devastating effects on those we spend the most time with; our professional colleagues. There are many studies that chronicle the impact of poor leadership, the resulting toxic environment it creates, and the negative effects on our health. Just guessing it's...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
What is gratitude ? It's a sense of wonder, thankfulness & appreciation for life . Gratitude helps increase optimism for life. It promotes positive thinking. It helps us cope with daily stress & traumatic events. Appreciating things in our life and focusing on the positive can help us move forward with purpose. Gratitude can also strengthen our relationships. People who feel gratitude towards others feel closer to them and report overall better relationships, even if they don't...
Blog Post

UBUNTU is the glue: A unifying philosophy

Karl Bradley ·
It's the fall of 2020. The covid-19 pandemic is raging. Forced isolation to control the spread of the virus is the norm. Professionals in the entire Cooperative Extension system are working hard to figure out how to serve communities across the nation in new ways. One of our internal support efforts for Extension professionals focused on the nineteen 1890 institutions. Toward the end of a Zoom meeting with the 1890 Extension Leadership Academy design team, one of the team members asked if...
Blog Post

Mental Health First Aid Summit- #BeThe1in15 during Mental Health Awareness month this May

Kimberly Cavalier ·
Have you taken a first aid class or been trained in CPR? What about Mental Health Frist Aid? Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. We were fortunate enough to attend the Mental Health First Aid Summit in LA on May 1 st . We spent the day learning from our peers about the importance of mental health and how we can bring the MHFA program to every corner of the country and the world.
Blog Post

ICYMI: 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Held Second Meeting

Holly H. McPeak ·
Rockville, Md. – ICYMI: Last week, on May 10, the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee convened in person for its second official meeting. The Committee heard opening remarks from U.S. Public Health Service Rear Admiral (RDML) Paul Reed, Director of HHS’ Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, who thanked the Committee for their service and acknowledged how their work helps promote health, well-being, and resilience through nutrition. RDML Reed also applauded the Committee’s...
Blog Post

Beliefs on the Leadership Journey

Karl Bradley ·
Getting clear with ourselves about our beliefs helps connect us to our core values. They will shift over our lives so it's a constant journey of discovery. Here are some things to ponder as you check in on your journey. Your Leadership Philosophy Defining what the huge topic of leadership is to you is of utmost importance. It helps us get clear on our approach, communicate it to others, and measure how we're doing every day. Here's mine right now... It's realizing it's not about me &...
Blog Post

Expanding Food Security in Military Families

Maggie Lucas ·
Since 2010, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Department of Defense have supported OneOp in delivering evidence-based programming focused on improving the well-being of military families. This year, the newest series within the Military Family R eadiness Academy streamlines the efforts of these two agencies into a single focus: to expand food security in military families. We value the support of our longtime advocate, Brent Elrod, Science Programs Officer and...
Blog Post

Register Now for the June 27th Annual Meeting of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition

Malorie Polster ·
The first public meeting of the Biden-Harris Administration’s President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition will be held on June 27, 2023, from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm ET, at the Hubert H. Humphrey building in Washington, DC. The meeting will also be viewable via livestream on The focus of this inaugural meeting will be for the new Council members , who were nominated to serve on the Council by President Biden in March , to discuss priorities for the remainder of the...
Blog Post

Military Families and Food Security

Holly H. McPeak ·
Mark your calendars for OneOp’s upcoming Military Family Readiness Academy series , Military Families and Food Security: A Call to Action , starting on 1 June. The MFRA is a free virtual multi-disciplinary learning opportunity for service providers, expanding their knowledge to educate and support service members and families. Watch a special message from Mrs. Patricia Barron, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Military Community and Family Policy at...
Blog Post

2 Questions...

Karl Bradley ·
How do you know it's time to do leadership development? The short answer is it's always time. Developing our leadership is a journey, not a destination. Improving our self-awareness and becoming truly effective takes consistent focus. Here are some clues to watch for on your journey to help stay focused: If you're feeling like some honest and respectful feedback it might be time for leadership development! Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Getting meaningful information from trusted...
Blog Post

Future You

Karl Bradley ·
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...
Blog Post

Social Determinants of Health for Military Families in Transition

Anna Peterson ·
By: Jenny Rea, Ph.D. , Edited by Anna Peterson Arizona is home to 500,000+ service members, veterans, and their families. I recently had the opportunity to attend the Arizona Coalition for Military Families’ 13th Annual Statewide Symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. This annual event is Arizona’s only conference that brings together the military, government, and community. The symposium focuses on strengthening services and support for Arizona’s military-connected population. As Extension...
Blog Post

Engage your Extension Audience in New Ways

MelaniePugsley ·
It's important for Extension Programs to stay current on the latest strategies for engaging with their audiences and be able to adapt and create new strategies in order to reach their communities more widely or effectively. The Extension Foundation offers a variety of resources to help you discover new ways to reach, understand and engage with your audience. Through Connect Extension, you can find videos and publications that can teach you new strategies to improve engagement and promotion...
Blog Post

Serving with Pride: The History and Impact of LGBTQ+ Military Service Members

Jason M Jowers ·
By Dr. Tiffany Lange, Psy.D. (she/her/hers) LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and related identities) people have existed throughout history (e.g., two-spirit in Native American cultures) and are present in every aspect of society – they are the people we know, the people we love, and even the people who serve in our military. In the United States (U.S.), less than 1% of the population volunteer to serve in the armed forces and there are often assumptions about...
Blog Post

Toxic Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
What is toxic leadership? Using coercive, controlling, or manipulative tactics prioritizes personal gain over meaningful goals undermining collaborative achievements. When our actions hurt those we are charged with caring for, it can damage relationships and the whole organization. Common Characteristics Micromanagement Excessive control and monitoring of others leave little space for autonomy or independence. It inhibits creativity and imagination. Intimidation Using threats, humiliation,...
Blog Post

Helping Military Families Inflation-Proof Their Budget

Kristen Jowers ·
For over two years, U.S. inflation rates have exceeded their long-term average of about 3%. Like all Americans, military families have experienced a loss of purchasing power as their income cannot buy as much as it did previously. Individuals cannot stop inflation but they can mitigate its impact. Below are six inflation-fighting strategies for Extension professionals to discuss with Service members: Needs Versus Wants Analysis - During inflationary times, it is more important than ever to...
Blog Post

Ten Personal Finance Capstone Review Activities

Kristen Jowers ·
Every extension educator has been there. You’ve just taught some personal finance content (e.g., investment basics or wise credit use) and you want to make sure that it “stuck.” You are looking for a fun, interactive activity to reinforce what you just covered. Below is a summary of ten interactive activities to review previously taught personal finance content: Educational Games - Tools that are popular with teachers in a K-12 setting can also work well as capstone reviews with adults. For...
Blog Post

What keeps senior leaders up at night?

Karl Bradley ·
Our family had the pleasure of being stationed in Tokyo, Japan while my wife and I were in the U.S. Air Force. While Japan and the other countries we visited were amazing, it was a particularly complicated time in the Pacific region. Most notably, North Korea's leader was threatening war. Additionally, many career fields in the Air Force lacked the people to sustain the operational pace required to maintain peace and stability in the region. Because of these situations, several military...
Blog Post

Beyond the Binary: Understanding and Affirming LGBTQ+ Continuums of Identity

Jason M Jowers ·
By Dr. Tiffany Lange, Psy.D. (she/her/hers) In a society where conformity is expected and non-conformity must be “explained”, there are many misperceptions about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and related identities) community. Biology and nature are not binary categories, our world is full of spectrums. Yet, society often oversimplifies people and identities into binary categories: we’re either “this” or “that.” Known as social categorization, this...
Blog Post

Feel the surge? Resist the urge!

Karl Bradley ·
A few years ago an assignment came my way due to a lack of personnel with the right experience. It featured a lot of diverse tasks to prepare a team for a challenging assignment involving advanced training, remote communication, outside agency networking/coordination & team building. After months of painstakingly detailed work, my bosses felt I had not asked the right questions, sweat the small stuff enough and let too many “balls drop”. In a one-way conversation, they fired me. This hit...
Blog Post

We are hiring: University of Minnesota Extension Specialist Faculty Position

Mary Jo Katras ·
The Department of Family Social Science in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) and University of Minnesota Extension Department of Family, Health and Wellbeing seeks a tenure track Assistant Professor whose work centers community-based applied research approaches to studying family health, resilience and thriving in the context of social and economic inequalities. The person in this role will contribute through 1) establishing a national and international reputation in...
Blog Post

Ten Tips for Military Families to Survive a “Financial Tornado”

Kristen Jowers ·
U.S. consumers haven’t just experienced a “perfect storm” of financial challenges…they have experienced a “perfect tornado!” Challenging financial events include sustained high inflation (and increased costs for food, utilities, rent, gas, insurance, housing, etc.), recession fears, increased interest rates, bank failures and government bank take-overs, volatile stock prices, lower savings rates, and increasing household debt. Extension professionals routinely answer questions from clients...
Blog Post

Free online/in-person IST on August 8, an Introduction to Community Engagement for Technology Adoption

Caroline Nickerson ·
Please attend my event! It'll be great 🙂 I'm writing to invite you to a free two-hour IST (with online and in-person attendance options) on August 8 from 10 AM to 12 PM ET: "Introduction to Community Engagement for Technology Adoption"! All are welcome, from anywhere in the United States. Purpose and Objectives: 1. To introduce...
Blog Post

Facing Organization Changes with Monkeys, Marathons & Popcorn!

Karl Bradley ·
Recently we held a workshop on change where the participants mentioned something they were hearing in their organizations. "That's how we do things around here." This phrase is often used to explain a cultural behavior or process. It seems to provide plausible deniability and deflect blame for the current situation. Healthy organizations know they must deal with the challenges of change versus the status quo. No change and you become obsolete. Change for change's sake means chaos rules and...
Blog Post

Coaching 101

Karl Bradley ·
If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...
Blog Post

Promoting Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellness for Military Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT The end of another summer is upon us. Families have geared up for back-to-school season and that means reestablishing routines that will last through the upcoming school year. With families getting back into the swing of things, it’s important to remember to prioritize self-care and wellness practices so as not to get overwhelmed with a jam-packed schedule. Incorporating health and wellness practices can help reduce the stress that military families...
Blog Post

Job Opening: State 4-H Program Leader at Iowa State University

Andrea Welchans ·
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is seeking an exceptional individual to lead its 4-H Youth Development program to enhance the impact of ISU on the lives of Iowa youth. The Program Leader provides strategic leadership and administrative management for the 4-H Youth Development program. Specifically, this person provides motivation, strategy, vision, and coordination for the development and delivery of 4-H Youth Development Extension programs that address the diverse needs in Iowa...
Blog Post

Leadership is...

Karl Bradley ·
So often when we think about "leadership" it becomes such a big concept we can't imagine how it might apply to us. It is easier to think that it applies only to people with bigger positions, titles, and more responsibility than we have. As a coach of mine once said: "That's stinkin' thinkin'." When we think leadership is just for those "other people" we've unconsciously decided it's not for us. That we don't have to do it. We've told ourselves what we do every day doesn't really matter. In...

Re: NIFA Awards $10 Million to Extension Foundation for Workforce Development

Kate Venturini Hardesty ·
Kate at the University of Rhode Island, here. I'd love to get involved with this work. Who is the best person to contact at the Extension Foundation? Kudos on the award!
Blog Post

Job Opening: Agriculture Business Management

Stacey Stearns ·
This is a full-time, 11-month appointment for a non-tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant/Associate Extension Educator. The successful candidate is expected to develop strong working relationships with producers throughout the state; interact with UConn faculty, state, and federal agency personnel; and develop interdisciplinary extension programs. This is an off-campus, county-based position. Assignment of office location is negotiable in the northwest, central, or northeast part of...
Blog Post

ICYMI: 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Held Third Meeting, Heard Public Oral Comments

Holly H. McPeak ·
Posted on September 20, 2023 by ODPHP Rockville, Md. – ICYMI: Last week, on September 12 and 13, the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee convened in person for its third official meeting. The meeting was livestreamed. On the first day of the meeting, the Committee heard oral comments from 83 members of the public. As part of the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture’s (USDA) ongoing efforts to increase transparency, equity, and public engagement in the Dietary...
Blog Post

Holiday Shopping with a Financial Mind$et

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
As we approach the Christmas season, be mindful of excessive holiday spending. While Christmas is the season of giving, excessive spending can lead to much regret, depression, and even added financial struggles in the new year. According to Berden and Haws (2012), spending can quickly get out of hand when it is driven by emotions rather than a plan. Have you ever gone to the store to grab a few items, but as you stroll next to the; buy one get one free, the rollbacks, the manager's special,...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
