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Leadership ABC's


A = Attitude

One of 2 things within your control; attitude and effort! Attitude is everything, pick a good one.

B = Brave

When you believe strongly in something or perhaps it scares you a bit, let your courage shine through. Be brave enough to go first and model the way.

C = Character

This is your behavior when nobody is watching. You won't always have the training and education for the situations you find yourself in. Your strong character will get you through.

D = Dependable

You do what you say you will do. Strive for alignment of saying & doing.

E = Empathy

It's for others and yourself. You can't treat others better than you treat yourself.

F = Fear

The main job of leadership: pump fear out of the room!

G = Growth

Our biggest areas for growth live in our blind spots. This is why feedback is the breakfast of champions; ask for it and act on it!

H = Hypocrisy

Because you have it, you must constantly check in with yourself.

I = Integrity

"You're never wrong to do the right thing." -Mark Twain

J = Joy

Honoring people over process helps bring out the pleasure and happiness of getting meaningful things accomplished.

K = Kind

Everyone can be "nice". Strive to be kind to yourself and others, it'll be returned to you in spades.

L = Love

You will always find it hard to lead people if you don't love people. This starts with yourself.

Bonus "L" = Listen

Listen and silent use the same letters. Listen, learn, then lead.

M = Meaning

Know what your efforts mean to you personally, it'll be reflected in your behaviors. Actions display priorities.

N = Notice

What are you drawn to? What energizes you? What do you do that's effortless? Lean on these and help others do the same. These are your strengths.

O = Opportunities

Have an abundant mindset. This way you'll start seeing fewer issues and challenges and more ways to use your creativity and imagination.

P = Purpose

This is your honor code. It's why you get out of bed in the morning.

Q = Questions

Lifelong learners are curious. Never stop asking questions. Clarity fades quickly, always seek it.

R = Recognition

Make this your biggest resource. Getting grounded in gratitude supports relational leadership.

S = Steward

Manage resources. Lead people. Regardless of how good the resource is, people are always your best asset for any endeavor. Care for them.

T = Trust

It's not time that supports trust, it's your behaviors. They show how you're trustworthy.


"I am only because you are." You can only be successful if those around you are successful. You will rise when you lift others.

V = Values

Your core values are your map to navigate life. Use only your map.

W = Wisdom

The industrial age is over. The age of knowledge lingers. What are you doing to move toward the age of wisdom?

X = X-Factor

The true x-factor is unleashing the collective talents of your team. Be a catalyst for connection and extension of everyone's uniqueness.

Y = You

Leadership comes down to two things: realizing it’s not about you…and it’s all about you. It’s about how you’re serving others and how your behaviors provide evidence of your authentic intentions.

Z = Zeal

Your energy and enthusiasm are infectious. They're part of the influence your leadership has on others.

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