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OSU Seeks 4-H Forestry Natural Resources Program Coordinator

The Oregon State University Division of Extension and Engagement and College of Forestry are seeking an Extension 4-H and Forestry Natural Resources Program Coordinator to serve youth engaged in 4-H and Forestry Natural Resources programming in Benton County. This position is responsible for the development, management and integration of 4-H and Forestry natural resources non-credit education that meets the needs of youth in Benton County. The incumbent will collaborate with schoolteachers,...

//GUEST SERIES// The Encouraging Mentor by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University

We are very fortunate to be surrounded by so many generous Cooperative Extension professionals throughout our country. Dr. Brian Raison from The Ohio State University exemplifies the concept of "giving as you go" throughout his distinguished career. In that spirit, this guest series launched with valuable insights for early career professionals! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor - #7 Your Personal Mission

Your Personal Mission A personal mission is a statement about your why. This is what drives you to get out of bed in the morning. It describes what you believe is most important in life, what you wish to focus on, and what you want to be known for. If you allow it to direct your thoughts and actions each day, it has the potential to direct your life and achieve the future you want. I often tell my students to consider doing this exercise and then holding on to it. When one finds themself...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor - #6 The Values Review

The Values Review Our values may be defined as beliefs that guide our behavior or motivate us to act. As individuals, we all have varying values and belief systems. We come from differing backgrounds and places. This gives us a rich and beautiful diversity. But how do we incorporate values into our everyday work? How do we ensure our core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide behavior and action? Here’s an exercise that can help. Grab a piece of paper. Look at the table below, and...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #5 - Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests

Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests to Find Your Future What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at (i.e., your natural gifts)? Where do you want to learn more? These three items, together, can powerfully steer you toward your desired future. Let’s talk about that today. Most people have multiple gifts. Many people can do a variety of jobs, and career paths are frequently not linear. Anecdotally, my friends and former students share that their journeys have been directed...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #4 - Five Things to Have, Do, Help, and Be

Five Things to Have, Do, Help, and Be: A Personal Futuring Exercise At a very early age, most people are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We often prompt young minds with examples: “Do you want to be a firefighter? A teacher? A farmer?” But what if there is a more important question: “Who do you want to become?” This is qualitatively different. This is perhaps the best question to ask to prompt future thinking, focus, and goal-setting. In this blog series, I’m attempting to...

GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #3 The "Being-Remembered" Conversation

How do you want to be remembered? This is a rephrase of the classic Steven Covey question from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . It is one of the most powerful questions one can ever ponder. In this blog series, I’m attempting to both challenge your thinking, but also encourage your progress. You may consider the question prompt in this post alone, or in conversation with a friend or mentor. Let’s begin. Look at the question below. Spend some time with it. It is a definite brain...

//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #2: Who are you? The Launch Conversation

This blog series offers questions from my teaching and practice at The Ohio State University where I coach and mentor numerous faculty, staff, students, and organizational units to help them move toward mission and accomplish goals. If you are reading this blog (and discussing the question prompts with a mentor), your responses will reflect talking with another person. But if you are using this resource on your own for personal and professional development, you can still ask yourself these...

//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #1: 6 Conversations for Early Career Growth

Imagine a point in the future where you have achieved your greatest professional goal. Invest a moment here. Try to visualize your career success—you are at the top of your game. Imagine you’ve worked hard and have earned this. Now consider this question: How might that success feel? I think most people will have some level of contentment or satisfaction. Others may feel a bit of pride in the accomplishment. Some may begin to ponder, “What’s next?” Those responses are all normal and valid.

The Encouraging Mentor – A guest blog series by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University

The Extension Foundation and Dr. Raison are partnering to present this series offering self-study materials and advice for career growth. The series will focus on early, middle, and later career stages. We are proud to share this series with the Cooperative Extension System! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This is a how-to manual for mentors, teachers, coaches, and anyone...

OSU Seeks Extension Specialist in Silviculture & Director of Research Forests

Oregon State University invites applications for a combination position as Research Forest Director of Research & Community Relations & Associate/Full Professor Extension Specialist in Silviculture . The Research Forest Director of Research & Community Relations will provide critical leadership and oversight to the 9 OSU Research and Demonstration Forests that serve as living laboratories for learners of all types to gain insight into all aspects of forest management. As...

National Extension Technology Community (NETC) Conference early registration ends April 16th!

Register Online Early registration for the National Extension Technology Community (NETC) Conference ends April 16th! We're a month away from the conference, May 13–16th, and registration closes May 10th. The conference will be held in State College, PA on the campus of PennState Extension! This year we are partnering with the Extension Foundation to provide an AI track, revolving around topics including: Applications of AI in Cooperative Extension Practical use of AI in your day-to-day...

2024 National Urban Extension Conference

WOW! Where has the time gone; we are less than 50 days away from our National Urban Extension Conference. If you have not registered or booked your room, it's NOT TOO LATE! May 3, 2024, is the cutoff date for booking your discounted room. You can book the discounted rooms two days before and two after the conference. Click Here to Reserve your Room at the Renaissance Nashville Register Now

Partnering opportunities with cities

The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites you to participate in this Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to determine where there are opportunities for partnership and collaboration amongst research and Extension and the National League of Cities. Please forward this throughout your University system as we are interested in potential partnerships across all academic disciplines. When considering how your expertise might connect to these topics, think about...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
