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Tagged With "opportunity"

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Karl Bradley ·
*Inspired by Andy Stanley TRUE or FALSE *The best leaders are good at everything *The best leaders focus on weaknesses & make them strengths These are 2 fairly common myths about leadership. How did you answer? At first glance, these seem to both be true. At closer examination, however, the best leaders actually spend more time on the things that bring the most value by using their core competencies. Focusing on weakness to bring it up to mediocre doesn't do anybody any good & can be...


Sergio Arispe ·
Great note and perspective, Karl. Thank you.
Blog Post

New Grant Opportunities: Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services

Holly H. McPeak ·
New Grant Opportunities: Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services The Administration on Aging | Administration for Community Living (ACL) has released two Innovations in Nutrition (INNU) Funding Opportunities Announcements (FOAs) to establish cooperative agreements to conduct research projects that enhance the quality, effectiveness, and outcomes of nutrition programs and services within the aging services network. Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services – Statewide Research...
Blog Post

Eliminate to Concentrate

Karl Bradley ·
The secret to concentration is elimination. You can't move forward on the monkey bars without letting go of one hand. It’s in the letting go of something we aren’t uniquely gifted to do that we create opportunity. Opportunity for others to grow in their strength area. Opportunity to focus. Opportunity to step into efficiency. This is the only way we can get to effectiveness. In the letting go we are more prepared to receive. To receive an opportunity from a teammate. In his book ”Good to...
Blog Post

Virtual and In-Person Volunteer in Trinidad and Tobago

Amanda Dickson ·
While some travel restrictions are still in effect, there are opportunities for virtual and/or in-person volunteer through USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) project in Trinidad and Tobago. During the COVID-19 pandemic, how we implement the F2F program has had to adjust and is temporarily offering virtual/remote assignments that will meet the needs of Trinbagonians. Currently, the borders are open to visitors and they are currently distributing COVID vaccines with the hopes of vaccinating ~70%...
Blog Post

Practice Your ABCD's

Karl Bradley ·
Sir Richard Branson has started around 256 different companies. After that many, who's counting anymore!? How can someone be curious enough about that many things to start something in each of them? "Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, find hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and generate solutions." -Steve Jobs Branson does this by practicing his ABCD's: Always Be Connecting the Dots. "Be on the lookout for what...
Blog Post

University of Maryland Extension (UME) is Accepting Applications for TWO Financial Wellness Educator Positions!

Crystal Terhune ·
Hello colleagues! Please take a moment to consider these exciting opportunities, and feel free to share them with others! University of Maryland Extension ( UME ) is seeking to fill two (2) Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Financial Wellness Educator positions , with one position at each of the following county Extension office locations: Calvert County (Position 103388) - This Office is located in Prince Frederick, Maryland, and provides programming to the Southern Maryland Cluster, which...
Blog Post

Community Resiliency Professional Development Opportunities During the January 2022 Impact Collaborative Summit

MelaniePugsley ·
Community Resiliency Professional Development Opportunities for Members The January 2022 Summit will focus on Community Resilience. Teams from Extension Foundation member institutions and special guests will: Learn the value of integrating community resilience into planning for collective action. Examine existing power structures, formal and informal social infrastructures through an equity lens. Increase their ability to position Cooperative Extension as an organization that can inform and...
Blog Post

Funding Opportunity: EPA Let's Talk About Heat Challenge Grants

Sabrina L Drill ·
Extreme heat is affecting the Central and Eastern US right now (June 2022). Extreme heat is likely to be one of the greatest challenges brought on by climate change - and one of the highest causes of illness and death. These effects are exacerbated by the frailty of our electrical grid, and are felt most strongly among low-income communities of color. The EPA is currently offering a community challenge grant program to promote communication and public engagement around the impacts of extreme...
Blog Post

Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...
Blog Post

New Grant Opportunities: Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services

Liz Woodward ·
The Administration for Community Living has released two Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services (INNU) funding opportunities for cooperative agreements to establish or replicate innovative approaches to enhance the quality, effectiveness, and outcomes of nutrition programs and services within the aging services network. The announcement can be found here and the grant opportunities can be accessed at the links below: INNU – Replication (HHS-2023-ACL-AOA-INNU-0008) Projects replicate...
Blog Post

Leadership ABC's

Karl Bradley ·
A = Attitude One of 2 things within your control; attitude and effort! Attitude is everything, pick a good one. B = Brave When you believe strongly in something or perhaps it scares you a bit, let your courage shine through. Be brave enough to go first and model the way. C = Character This is your behavior when nobody is watching. You won't always have the training and education for the situations you find yourself in. Your strong character will get you through. D = Dependable You do what...
Blog Post

"No" isn't negative

Karl Bradley ·
"No! Don't touch the hot stove." "No! Don't text and drive." In these examples, "no" is actually positive to alert us from burning ourselves and not driving while distracted. In other situations, primarily in our professional lives, we perceive saying "no" will be viewed as negative. This leads to saying "yes" to much more than we can accomplish and the mistaken idea that if we're busy it means we're valued more. Does always being busy with more equal accomplishing more? Here's a scenario...
Blog Post

Funding Opportunities Now Featured in the Connect Extension Weekly Digest

MelaniePugsley ·
Extension Professionals! If you weren't aware, the Extension Foundation has a weekly newsletter to help you stay informed about the happenings within Cooperative Extension. In the Connect Extension digest, you receive a round-up of upcoming events, professional development opportunities, job postings, and more. We provide useful resources to you weekly which now includes a section on federal funding opportunities available for the Extension system, updated regularly with new grants! You can...
Blog Post

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: FCS Program Leader (Principal Agent and Assistant Director)

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
Job Post Here: Colleagues and friends, I just want to float this job announcement to the top of your emails. The University of Maryland Extension (UME), within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) seeks a nationally recognized leader in Extension, outreach, and scholarship to serve as Assistant Director and Program Leader (AD/PL) for Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) . This position provides leadership and direction for UME’s FCS...
Blog Post

Career opportunity: Director of Marketing and Communications, Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences

Jennifer Alexander ·
Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences is seeking a Director of Marketing and Communications. Apply by May 13, 2024 for full consideration.
Blog Post

New Funding Opportunity: EXCITE Adult Immunization Education Integration Project

MelaniePugsley ·
EXCITE announces two new funding opportunities aimed at further integrating immunization education awareness and messaging across various projects and programs within Extension through the Adult Immunization Education Integration project, and the Adult Immunization Messaging the Awareness project. This initiative is a step toward building a holistic health approach with Extension Programming. In the RFA you will find information about where and how to apply. Please find the details and links...
Blog Post

Employment Opportunity

Beatriz Rodriguez ·
The Cooperative Extension at NC A&T State University seeks an Assistant/Associate Professor - Extension Urban Agriculture Specialist . Purpose of the Position Provides educational leadership in the development, implementation, management, and evaluation of research-based, integrative statewide Extension programs that meet the needs of limited-resource and socially disadvantaged audiences. Delivers training and educational support materials for Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)...
Blog Post

Opportunity: Director (Louisiana IDEA Initiative)

Ashley Gautreaux ·
The LSU AgCenter is seeking exceptional applicants for the Director for the IDEA initiative. This position will be responsible for leading the creation and execution of this state-wide program, designing deliverables, conducting various extension programming, monitoring the progress of program activities, and reporting to funding agency. This position reports to the Executive Associate Vice President and Director of the La. Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES). Detailed info at Director...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
