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Tagged With "Future Self"

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2 Questions...

Karl Bradley ·
How do you know it's time to do leadership development? The short answer is it's always time. Developing our leadership is a journey, not a destination. Improving our self-awareness and becoming truly effective takes consistent focus. Here are some clues to watch for on your journey to help stay focused: If you're feeling like some honest and respectful feedback it might be time for leadership development! Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Getting meaningful information from trusted...
Blog Post

Future You

Karl Bradley ·
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...
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Who's responsible?

Karl Bradley ·
Becoming the leader we want to be requires consistent personal commitment. The environment also matters, especially where we spend the most work. With the combination of personal growth and organizational support, we can rise with leadership challenges throughout our professional lives. Personal Responsibility Improving your leadership skills on your own is a daunting task at the least. Actually, we don't really do it on our own, we have help from a ton of different sources. Our...
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Toxic Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
What is toxic leadership? Using coercive, controlling, or manipulative tactics prioritizes personal gain over meaningful goals undermining collaborative achievements. When our actions hurt those we are charged with caring for, it can damage relationships and the whole organization. Common Characteristics Micromanagement Excessive control and monitoring of others leave little space for autonomy or independence. It inhibits creativity and imagination. Intimidation Using threats, humiliation,...
Blog Post

Feel the surge? Resist the urge!

Karl Bradley ·
A few years ago an assignment came my way due to a lack of personnel with the right experience. It featured a lot of diverse tasks to prepare a team for a challenging assignment involving advanced training, remote communication, outside agency networking/coordination & team building. After months of painstakingly detailed work, my bosses felt I had not asked the right questions, sweat the small stuff enough and let too many “balls drop”. In a one-way conversation, they fired me. This hit...
Blog Post

Ten Tips for Military Families to Survive a “Financial Tornado”

Kristen Jowers ·
U.S. consumers haven’t just experienced a “perfect storm” of financial challenges…they have experienced a “perfect tornado!” Challenging financial events include sustained high inflation (and increased costs for food, utilities, rent, gas, insurance, housing, etc.), recession fears, increased interest rates, bank failures and government bank take-overs, volatile stock prices, lower savings rates, and increasing household debt. Extension professionals routinely answer questions from clients...
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Harvests from the Equitable Development Field Leaders Dialogue Series

Sophia Rodriguez ·
The Equitable Development Leadership Academy has danced across several iterations seeking to encourage youth leadership, community capacity building, and the well-being of all life. With the boundless support and ingenuity of Solvable , this work has come to life for me, and I am truly thrilled about the unique resources and experiences we are creating. To inspire our work, we drew upon the wisdom of equity leaders hailing from all corners of the United States. We embarked on a spellbinding...
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Coaching 101

Karl Bradley ·
If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...
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Rural Resilience Lecture Series part 4 of 4 - Self-Care: Taking Care of Myself So I Can Help Others!

Michelle McDowell ·
August 29th 11am Register for Rural Resilience Lecture Community Health Engagement and Outreach invites you to join a bimonthly lecture series featuring renowned experts in the topic of resilience. Service providers, educators, and community members will engage in practical content related to stress, coping, and health equity. As part of a Rural Health Safety Education (RHSE) grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), we strive to increase capacity for research- and...
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Promoting Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellness for Military Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT The end of another summer is upon us. Families have geared up for back-to-school season and that means reestablishing routines that will last through the upcoming school year. With families getting back into the swing of things, it’s important to remember to prioritize self-care and wellness practices so as not to get overwhelmed with a jam-packed schedule. Incorporating health and wellness practices can help reduce the stress that military families...
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Balancing Your Mental Health to Better Serve Others

Rachel Brauner ·
As September approaches we want to recognize Suicide Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention, promoting understanding of mental health challenges, and fostering conversations that can save lives. Mark your calendar for 11:00 AM ET on September 27, 2023 and plan to attend OneOp’s professional development opportunity focused on balancing our mental health to better service others. To learn more, go to: Balancing Your Mental Health . Providers, whether...
Blog Post

The #1 clue of dysfunction

Karl Bradley ·
In some leadership sessions recently we asked the participants what they were experiencing that might be holding back their teams. Without much hesitation, they said there was something keeping them stuck. Keeping them from collaborating the way they hoped. It's probably not what you expect. They said it was not asking for help . Seriously? Yes! This one thing reveals a number of things that work against effective collaboration. Here are two... Fear exists Poor psychological safety Fear is...
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How to be a leadership "boss"

Karl Bradley ·
My first real job where there was a paycheck was at 13 years old at a local pizza joint. It was "the" pizza joint in town run by a graduate of the college where my parents both taught. This meant it was okay to work there as they trusted him. Most of the kids in Branson, MO worked over the summer because it was (and still is) a huge tourist destination. Despite being busy with camps and sports we found a few hours to earn a little money each summer. If you could do it someplace that taught...
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Enhancing Mental Well-being for Effective Service: A Preview of Our Upcoming Webinar

Rachel Brauner ·
When the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill, it prompted mental health professionals to rise to the occasion. Not only did the pandemic necessitate significant adjustments in the way mental health services were delivered, but it also added complexity to the already challenging task of balancing personal and professional lives for these dedicated professionals. To achieve peak personal and professional performance, mental health practitioners and family support providers must...
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UVM Extension is Hiring a Nutrition Educator

Maire Folan ·
University of Vermont Extension is hiring a 0.75 FTE Nutrition Educator that serves Rutland County, providing services to eligible pregnant women, youth, and families through the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). EFNEP is a Federal Extension program that uses education to support participants’ efforts toward self-sufficiency, nutritional health, and well-being. Nutrition Educators teach hands-on nutrition, cooking, and physical activity education to low-income...
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Job: Faculty Specialist (Entomology & IPM) - University of Maryland Extension

Christa ·
The University of Maryland Extension is seeking a Faculty Specialist (Entomology & IPM) to join our team at the Central Maryland Research & Education Center in Ellicott City, Maryland. The candidate in this position will assist with the entomology and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) educational programming needs of the Home and Garden Information Center, State Master Gardener Program, and county-based home horticulture faculty. The best consideration date for applications is...
Blog Post

Empowering voices: The impact of Rural Prosperity Nebraska on a Hispanic women group

Maria Cantu Hines ·
Nasrin Nawa | October 18, 2023 Rural Prosperity Nebraska, an Extension program, empowers a dynamic group of Hispanic women in Columbus through biweekly sessions encompassing a wide spectrum of topics, including social, cultural, health, leadership and life skills. Maria Cantu Hines, a dedicated Extension educator, travels two hours every other Saturday to join this group in Columbus since the beginning of 2023. For Hines, it is nourishing to her "soul." "I eagerly anticipate our gatherings,"...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Seeks Chief Operating Officer

Aaron Weibe ·
Application Link: Application Deadline: November 16th, 2023 Extension Foundation (EXF) is a well-established non-profit organization providing diverse services to over 100 public universities across the United States. EXF is a membership-based 501(c)(3) non-profit operating foundation formed in 2006 by Extension Directors and Administrators. EXF partners with university-based Cooperative Extension Services to increase their capacity and offers...
Blog Post

A Special Treat for Professionals: Free CPE Units Available Now for Reading the Dietary Guidelines for Americans ________________________________________

Holly H. McPeak ·
You can now earn 2.0 free continuing professional education (CPE) credits for reading the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 ! Credits are provided by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), the credentialing body for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered. The self-study module will equip professionals with knowledge of the scientific underpinnings that makes the  Dietary Guidelines  relevant across all life stages.
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Moving the Needle on Racial Equity in Extension, Part 1 of 3

Sonja Brodt ·
The 1862 land grant institutions face a large task to move beyond their troubled legacy and meet the needs of contemporary people of color. To address racial inequities in extension, we embarked on educational and institutional change activities. We share three key lessons: the need to take time for building relationships of trust, to tailor individual communication about diversity, equity, and inclusion work for different colleagues, and to re-think the sources of expertise in extension work.
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Virginia Cooperative Extension/Virginia Tech is Seeking a Master’s level Associate Extension Specialist for Family and Community Economics

Karen Poff ·
Virginia Cooperative Extension/Virginia Tech is seeking a Master’s level Associate Extension Specialist for Family and Community Economics. The position is located on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. The position is OPEN UNTIL FILLED. Additional details follow. Please share the position announcement widely:
Blog Post

Plate full?

Karl Bradley ·
There has never been another person like you on the planet...ever. And, there won't ever be another person like you again...ever. Inherently then, everything you do is unique. So why do we fill our lives like a Thanksgiving plate? Yes, we have many responsibilities that all need looking after. What we're talking about is YOUR unique contribution to this world. If your "plate" is an inch deep and a mile wide (like your Thanksgiving plate) it's hard to know where your focus should go. You're...
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Trending Topics in Financial Education

Kristen Jowers ·
Stay current with trending financial topics in order to effectively serve clients. Here is a brief description of five trending financial topics related to current events, economics, legislation, and consumer behavior. Implications for military families are described.
Blog Post

Backyard Poultry Certification Course

Timothy McDermott ·
Interest in keeping backyard poultry for personal and family food security has steadily increased over the past decade. Many cities and municipalities require a certificate for residents to keep backyard poultry. Increased numbers of youth are raising chickens and turkeys for 4-H livestock projects. Maybe you just want to learn more about the keeping of a backyard flocks. Whatever your reason, OSU Extension has you covered with this Backyard Poultry Certification Course that discusses...
Blog Post

2023 Extension Foundation Professional Development Needs Assessment Report

Aaron Weibe ·
This work was supported through funding from USDA-NIFA, New Technologies for Ag Extension , grant number 2020-41595-30123 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The purpose of the study was to identify professional development needs for Extension professionals at 1862, 1890, and 1994...
Blog Post

Extension Agent II to Extension Agent III (4-H & Youth Programs)

Tanisha Aflague ·
The University of Guam is looking for an individual who is interested in new challenges and opportunities for professional and personal growth. This position calls for someone who is self-motivated and adaptable, intelligent, possesses a global vision and who is interested in working in a dynamic, multicultural institution. This position is a 12-month tenure track Extension faculty position in 4-H and Youth Development. Learn more about the position at:...
Blog Post

New Year Resolutions?

Karl Bradley ·
Every year is an adventure we take one step at a time over 365 days. The adventure is up to us, we get to choose. Each January, these choices lead us to resolutions. The thought of these resolutions leads me to recommit to my version of Merlin Olsen's mission statement. Without boring you with mine, here's what he says… “The focus of my life begins at home with family, loved ones & friends. I want to use my resources to create a secure environment that fosters love, learning, laughter...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Hiring Instructional Designer (Sec. 508 Compliance Expert)

Aaron Weibe ·
Instructional Designer (Sec. 508 Compliance Expert) - full-time position Application Deadline: open until filled Submit your application at: Extension Foundation (EXF) is a well-established non-profit organization providing diverse services to over 100 public universities across the United States. EXF is a membership-based 501(c)(3) non-profit operating foundation formed in 2006 by Extension Directors and Administrators. EXF partners with...
Blog Post

Are you ready?

Karl Bradley ·
Are you ready for a new experience at work in 2024? (If you continue reading the answer is "yes"!) Are you ready to dive into "why" you do some of the things you do? Are you ready to make a list of things to stop doing and start doing? The folks at " The Ready " have some great suggestions to help bring more clarity to your intentions! While we probably can't change some of the things where we work we can make it feel better to work together. Here are some ideas to get you thinking...
Blog Post

Registration now open for Digital Volunteer Initiative Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Kristen Devlin ·
Register by March 22nd for a three-day in-person intensive train-the-trainer workshop. This workshop is for teams of Extension professionals interested in addressing the challenges of increasing digital literacy by working with local volunteers to provide information technology (IT) training and support in their communities.
Blog Post

Cyberbullying Safety for Kids and Teens

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT There are so many ways for kids and teens to connect online. It’s more than just social media platforms; there are chatrooms, instant and direct messaging apps, and online video games. For military families, these virtual spaces are great ways for kids and teens to stay connected to a deployed parent or service member, as well as ways to stay connected with long-distance friends. However, these online areas share the hazards of being places where bullying...
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Digital Volunteer Initiative Train the Trainer Workshop

Aaron Weibe ·
Digital access is vital to community wellbeing. Yet many communities and individuals lacking access struggle with navigating the divide. In partnership with Extension Foundation, the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy's Broadband Program Action Team, and USDA NIFA, the National Digital Extension Education Team (NDEET) is offering a three-day in-person intensive train-the-trainer workshop for teams of Extension professionals interested in addressing the challenges of increasing...
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EXCITE Adult Vaccination Project

Kristina Jiles ·
The Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) conducted a symposium on November 3rd, 2023 to discuss the EXCITE project funded through CDC and ways that Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents could get involved in vaccine education! This session introduced our vaccine ambassadors and their roles in their respective localities, provided background on adult vaccinations and the current vaccination schedule, and discussed approaches to communicating...
Blog Post

Connecting Climate to Communities- A Webinar Series from NECI

MelaniePugsley ·
The NECI Curriculum Development Team is hosting a Spring webinar series on the 4th Wed of the month! This free webinar series features 17 outreach perspectives for engaging different communities in addressing climate. The goal is to share resources, stories, methods, and tools from across the U.S. for re-use locally. The primary audience is extension educators but this webinar series is applicable to all citizens. February's webinar: YOUTH & Climate , Register HERE . This hour long...
Blog Post

Unearthing Financial Trauma

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
Transitioning into 2024 marked a new year. Many of us saw the new year as an opportunity to start fresh, but financial hardships and losses can have a lasting impact on our mental health. This type of impact leads to unforeseen trauma. Often, we make resolutions to hit the ground running in the new year, but old habits die hard, mainly when these habits are deeply rooted in our psyche. Let us be realistic: We all plan to go to the gym on January first; we even go shopping over the holiday...
Blog Post

Top 5!

Karl Bradley ·
Peter Drucker says regardless of our inherent personality traits, gifts, or talents; we can all become effective leaders. After all, it's this journey that's essential for the success of our communities, organizations, and teams Here's a "handful" of reminders! 1. Leadership is Relational Early in my coaching career, an experienced colleague on our staff told me not to get too close to the players. What became apparent quickly was that this wasn't my style. If you aren't willing to give all...
Blog Post

Free CPE Opportunities are Now Available for Reading the Dietary Guidelines for Americans!

Chinwe Obudulu ·
Hello Extension professionals, You can now earn up to 7 free continuing professional education (CPE) credits for reading the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 ! Credits are provided by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), the credentialing body for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered. Self-study modules are provided for each chapter of the Dietary Guidelines. Pick and choose the modules that best suit your needs – or read each chapter to earn a...
Blog Post

The Puzzle of Culture

Karl Bradley ·
"Culture" has become such a buzzword surrounding the workplace. People expect to see something on the company's website about it. They ask current employees about it. They ask about it in interviews. The fact is, it's a big deal. It might be THE big deal for any organization. What we've learned about it is it's much more than flexible work hours and bean bag chairs in the breakroom. It's about " the way we do things around here". The way this is answered can be profoundly revealing. Why...
Blog Post

Upcoming Ext Foundation events- including two new offerings for Extension Professionals!

MelaniePugsley ·
This month, the Extension Foundation is hosting a variety of events for both members and non-members. Including them are two new events designed to support Extension professionals! Throughout April, you can find sessions for skill building, discussion opportunities, and more. Register below. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event! ☘️💐🌸🔅🐇🌱🍀🌷 Extension Skills: Communicating your Extension Story to Elected Officials April 11th 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET *Extension Foundation...
Blog Post

Social Determinants of Juvenile Mental Health: 5 Things Providers Should Know

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Hannah Bradford and Kalin Goble, M.S. Mental health concerns in juveniles can be complex. Oftentimes, youth mental health concerns are attributed to hormones, stress at school, or just a “normal” teenage attitude. With military children, mental health concerns can sometimes be exacerbated by parental deployment or repeated relocations. It can be hard for these children to find support when their support systems are constantly changing. The Department of Defense identifies, that...
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Rediscover Food Preservation: Redesigned Website Empowers Consumers and Extension Professionals

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Interest in home food preservation has surged in recent years, fueled by more time spent at home and a desire for self-sufficiency. People are rediscovering traditional methods like canning, pickling, and drying to preserve their harvests and reduce food waste. But with this increased interest comes a crucial need for science-based information. Safe food preservation practices are essential to avoid foodborne illness and economic loss from spoiled food. This is especially important for the...
Blog Post

3 Leadership Bedrocks

Karl Bradley ·
Drew Dudley says we've made leadership such a huge concept it seems almost impossible for most of us to do. It seems reserved for the few people who can change the world. This, of course, isn't true. In reality, everyone is leading through their behaviors all the time. What we learn from this perspective is... Leadership is influence. Our influence is felt through our behaviors. Our behaviors are driven by our values. Here are three values to embody in your leadership! HUMILITY “Our job is...
Blog Post

Identifying Child Sexual Abuse: Ways to Protect Children and Resources for Getting Help

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to promote the safety and well-being of all children and families and to recognize the child welfare professionals and allies who work tirelessly to protect children and youth. When talking about child abuse, one of the toughest issues to face is child sexual abuse. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2024), “Child sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or...
Blog Post

Join our Team, Urban Agriculture Educator in Omaha, Nebraska!

Carrie Schneider-Miller ·
Apply Today! We are hiring a Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems Urban Agriculture Educator, a faculty member of UNL located in Omaha, focused on the metro, with statewide reach! See attached flier for more information. Apply at: University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Extension Instructor or Open Rank Extension Educator-HLES Urban Agriculture (Douglas-Sarpy Counties) (
Blog Post

Find Adventure This Summer with Military Kid And Teen Summer Camps

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT Summertime is here! The school year is currently wrapping up for many families and communities, and kids are about to be let loose for another fun-filled summer. The question is: what to do with all that free time during the summer months? How about summer camp! Summer camps are a great way for kids and teens to learn new things, meet new friends, and participate in fun, outdoor activities. For kids and teens from military families, there are tons of great...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Selects Thirteen Coordinators from Land-grant Universities for AgriProspects Workforce Development Network

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation (EXF) in collaboration with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Economic & Workforce Development Program Action Team are collaborating with USDA-NIFA staff to form a robust network of public and private entities across every U.S. region to build the nation’s capacity to respond to the changing needs in the food and agriculture sector. The effort, called AgriProspects, aims to foster regional cooperation, identify workforce ecosystem gaps,...
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Upcoming Webinar: Diversifying Workforce with Effective & Creative Mentoring Practices

MelaniePugsley ·
The Missouri Mentorship Project team is hosting a webinar series titled "Navigating Mentorship: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders," featuring leaders from across Extension to share their mentorship experiences. The last session in the series will host Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay, who will present " Diversifying Workforce with Effective & Creative Mentoring Practices " on June 12th from 12:00 to 12:45 PM. Join us by registering here! About Gulnihal Ozbay: Dr. Ozbay is the Associate Dean of Cooperative...
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The Encouraging Mentor – A guest blog series by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University

Karl Bradley ·
The Extension Foundation and Dr. Raison are partnering to present this series offering self-study materials and advice for career growth. The series will focus on early, middle, and later career stages. We are proud to share this series with the Cooperative Extension System! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This is a how-to manual for mentors, teachers, coaches, and anyone...
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//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #2: Who are you? The Launch Conversation

Karl Bradley ·
This blog series offers questions from my teaching and practice at The Ohio State University where I coach and mentor numerous faculty, staff, students, and organizational units to help them move toward mission and accomplish goals. If you are reading this blog (and discussing the question prompts with a mentor), your responses will reflect talking with another person. But if you are using this resource on your own for personal and professional development, you can still ask yourself these...
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It’s Agricultural Fair and Exhibition Season: Do You Know How to Protect Your Show Animals?

Joanna Cummings ·
Agricultural fairs and exhibitions are in full swing across the U.S., and with the recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in dairy cows, it is important to know how to protect animals from diseases before, during, and after an event. A highly effective strategy for doing this is with biosecurity, the preventative practices that protect farm animals from getting sick and spreading diseases. An online series of learning modules is helping students discover what...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
