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Upcoming Webinar: Diversifying Workforce with Effective & Creative Mentoring Practices

The Missouri Mentorship Project team is hosting a webinar series titled "Navigating Mentorship: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders," featuring leaders from across Extension to share their mentorship experiences. The last session in the series will host Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay, who will present "Diversifying Workforce with Effective & Creative Mentoring Practices" on June 12th from 12:00 to 12:45 PM.   Join us by registering here!

About Gulnihal Ozbay:
Dr. Ozbay is the Associate Dean of Cooperative Extension & Applied Research at Delaware State University. Her research interests include habitat restoration, aquatic ecology and health, water resources, sustainable marine aquaculture, and fisheries. Dr. Ozbay has facilitated successful collaborative efforts with other institutions and agencies about habitat restoration and mitigation strategies in the region.

Dr. Ozbay is adamant that her career is not just about teaching but it is also about guiding and preparing her students to excel in their career fields. β€œWhen my students first start their collegiate career, they are only half full in the beginning; they are unsure and a bit nervous about their futures; however, upon graduation, you can see how they’ve grown and are full of self-confidence and assurance. The greatest moment, for me, is when they go from being my students to becoming my respected colleagues.” Since 2012, Dr. Ozbay has advised and mentored nearly 400 students and put them on track for collegiate and career success. In 2018 and 2022 she earned awards from Delaware State University for community service and student advising.

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