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Tagged With "Daily Questions"

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Not a leader?

Karl Bradley ·
Do you consider yourself a leader? What about a global leader? Usually when this question is asked only a few people respond positively to the first question and almost everyone says "no" to the second question. Why? Perhaps they are hesitant to respond positively because "leader" isn't part of their title, position, or rank. Then when the question escalates they're definitely out. John Maxwell defines leadership as influence. If we use his definition (which I totally dig) then we're all...
Blog Post

Happy (Digital) Holidays!

Karl Bradley ·
We've talked about this "gratitude" thing before in this post... Get More Gratitude . If you're not able to be together with everyone you'd like, here are some ways to let your friends & family know you're thinking about them. This year, you're more ready than you think to share how thankful you are for the great people in your life. After all, you've had at least a couple of years of practice at this. 😉 Embrace some technology to share your gratitude for the special people in your...
Blog Post

The Perfect Meeting

Karl Bradley ·
"One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time." -Peter Drucker Darn it! He's right again. Despite our best efforts we can only do one of these (effectively) at a time. Through this, he also reminds us of the multitasking myth. What we actually do is task switch. It takes 40% longer to accomplish two things we're switching on and longer when we add a third or fourth task. One thing we can do to help with effectiveness is to have better meetings. Most HR professionals will...
Blog Post

Leadership ABC's

Karl Bradley ·
A = Attitude One of 2 things within your control; attitude and effort! Attitude is everything, pick a good one. B = Brave When you believe strongly in something or perhaps it scares you a bit, let your courage shine through. Be brave enough to go first and model the way. C = Character This is your behavior when nobody is watching. You won't always have the training and education for the situations you find yourself in. Your strong character will get you through. D = Dependable You do what...
Blog Post

The Impact of Food Insecurity on Mental Health

Jason M Jowers ·
When families experience food insecurity, hunger may be only one result. An often-overlooked factor of insufficient access to food is the detrimental impact on mental health. Adults with low food security are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and heightened stress [1]. Socio-economic background, race, culture, and location all play a role in the development of one’s psychological well-being. Historically marginalized groups are already at a disproportionate disadvantage to being...
Blog Post

USDA Studies Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability

Maribel Alonso USDA-ARS ·
Studies by USDA Agricultural Research Service Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability Media Contact : What impact, if any, do farming and ranching practices have on how much water is available downstream? That was the question scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agroclimate and Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit in El Reno, Oklahoma, set out to answer in a series of studies conducted in Central and Western Oklahoma.
Blog Post

Draft Protocols of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Now Online at

Holly H. McPeak ·
Posted on June 2, 2023 by HHS/ODPHP The 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently held its second meeting, where members discussed their list of prioritized questions that focus on the relationship of diet and health across the lifespan. As part of the discussions, the Committee presented draft protocols for the majority of the scientific questions. The draft protocols discussed at the meeting are now online. A protocol – or plan – is developed for questions answered using...
Blog Post

Future You

Karl Bradley ·
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...
Blog Post

Strategies to “Liven Up” Financial Education Classes

Kristen Jowers ·
Extension educators are always looking for ways to increase participation and engagement in their financial education classes. Here are a dozen interactive teaching methods to consider: Case Study Analyses, Current Events, Financial Calculator Debriefs, Gallery Walks, Documentary Debriefs, Guest Speakers, and more!
Blog Post

A ChatGPT Primer for Financial Educators

Kristen Jowers ·
Since launching in November 2022, ChatGPT has become the fastest technology tool to reach 100 million users…ever. Some are calling it “the next transformational platform.” Extension Educators may field questions about ChatGPT or consider its use in their work. Below are five key things to know about this ground-breaking artificial intelligence (AI) tool: ChatGPT Description - ChatGPT is “a very smart text-based robot” that can answer questions and have conversations with users. GPT stands...
Blog Post

Ten Personal Finance Capstone Review Activities

Kristen Jowers ·
Every extension educator has been there. You’ve just taught some personal finance content (e.g., investment basics or wise credit use) and you want to make sure that it “stuck.” You are looking for a fun, interactive activity to reinforce what you just covered. Below is a summary of ten interactive activities to review previously taught personal finance content: Educational Games - Tools that are popular with teachers in a K-12 setting can also work well as capstone reviews with adults. For...
Blog Post

Upcoming NAPPC Webinar: Drilling Down on EPA Regulations-What is the latest buzz on pesticides and bees?

MelaniePugsley ·
Drilling Down on EPA Regulations: What is the latest buzz on pesticides and bees? September 27th, 2023 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET Register HERE Since 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken big steps to better estimate pesticide risks to bees. In this session, we will explore EPA's approach by following a pesticide through its assessment of risks to bees to its appearance in the marketplace. Join us to answer our question - is the EPA effectively protecting bees? Register...
Blog Post

Harvests from the Equitable Development Field Leaders Dialogue Series

Sophia Rodriguez ·
The Equitable Development Leadership Academy has danced across several iterations seeking to encourage youth leadership, community capacity building, and the well-being of all life. With the boundless support and ingenuity of Solvable , this work has come to life for me, and I am truly thrilled about the unique resources and experiences we are creating. To inspire our work, we drew upon the wisdom of equity leaders hailing from all corners of the United States. We embarked on a spellbinding...
Blog Post

Coaching 101

Karl Bradley ·
If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...
Blog Post

The #1 clue of dysfunction

Karl Bradley ·
In some leadership sessions recently we asked the participants what they were experiencing that might be holding back their teams. Without much hesitation, they said there was something keeping them stuck. Keeping them from collaborating the way they hoped. It's probably not what you expect. They said it was not asking for help . Seriously? Yes! This one thing reveals a number of things that work against effective collaboration. Here are two... Fear exists Poor psychological safety Fear is...
Blog Post

Leadership is...

Karl Bradley ·
So often when we think about "leadership" it becomes such a big concept we can't imagine how it might apply to us. It is easier to think that it applies only to people with bigger positions, titles, and more responsibility than we have. As a coach of mine once said: "That's stinkin' thinkin'." When we think leadership is just for those "other people" we've unconsciously decided it's not for us. That we don't have to do it. We've told ourselves what we do every day doesn't really matter. In...
Blog Post

GUEST POST: How to Fix the Workplace Through a Culture of Voluntary Influence

Karl Bradley ·
By Don Shapiro President, First Concepts Consultants, Inc. University Extension faces the same challenges today as any organization where a group of people are working together to accomplish something significant. You’re challenged with issues such as retention, burnout, managing change, leadership, and collaboration. Each one of these has a huge impact on how well you carry out your mission and serve your communities and constituents. Leadership stands out on this list because it’s not just...
Blog Post

Recording and Resources: Catch Up on the NAPPC Webinar - Drilling Down on EPA Regulations: What Is the Latest Buzz on Pesticides and Bees?

MelaniePugsley ·
Explore EPA Regulations on Pesticides and Bees in this webinar. Follow a pesticide's journey from risk assessment to the marketplace, led by host Andony Melathopoulos. Gain insights into the EPA's historical and current approaches, understanding their role in safeguarding pollinators. Since 2010, the EPA has focused on assessing pesticide risks to bees. The key question: Is the EPA effectively protecting bees? This webinar delves into this topic, exploring its impact on our environment and...
Blog Post

Updated Draft Protocols of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Now Available on Posted on October 16, 2023 by ODPHP

Holly H. McPeak ·
The 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently held its third meeting, where members discussed their list of prioritized questions that focus on the relationship of diet and health across the lifespan. As part of the discussions, the Committee presented new draft protocols for many of the scientific questions. The draft protocols discussed at the meeting are now online. A protocol – or plan – is developed for questions answered using systematic review or food pattern modeling...
Blog Post

Invest in Yourself During Health Literacy Month

Courtney Thompson ·
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Health People 2030 defines health literacy as: the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others. and the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) make it easy to find nutrition information to empower you to make well-informed decisions regarding your health. Find resources for every level of health...
Blog Post

How do you want to be remembered?

Karl Bradley ·
During a recent workshop we did a connection exercise where participants chose a question to discuss with others at their tables. When visiting the tables one of the folks was sharing their take on how they wanted to be remembered. It was very moving and inspirational. They asked me if I'd answer the same question. Here's the story I shared with them... When we were stationed in Japan my father's health was declining. Just a few years earlier he had recovered from an impossible amount of...

Re: How do you want to be remembered?

Julie Buck ·
Karl, Thank you for sharing the experience you had while processing the loss of your father. As I prepare my will, estate, and for retirement, I resonate with the question about how I want to be remembered. Now I will consider "Why" I would or should be remembered. I appreciate starting my day with such a deep conversation. Julie
Blog Post

Legacy of Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
Monday, 15 January 2024 is the 38th year of the celebration that remembers Dr. King's lifetime of public service. As well as a federal holiday, it's also known as a day of service when Americans are encouraged to volunteer with charities to help their communities. In one of my first semesters in college, the student body was included in a decision about the number of days off we had for holidays each spring semester. Before the decision there were several "town hall" discussion sessions to...
Blog Post

Legacy of Selfless Service

Karl Bradley ·
Monday, 16 January 2022 is the 36th year of the celebration that remembers Dr. King's lifetime of public service. As well as a federal holiday, it's also known as a day of service when Americans are encouraged to volunteer with charities to help their communities. In one of In one of my first semesters in college, the student body was included in a decision about the number of days off we had for holidays each spring semester. Before the decision there were several "town hall" discussion...
Blog Post

EXCITE Adult Vaccination Project

Kristina Jiles ·
The Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) conducted a symposium on November 3rd, 2023 to discuss the EXCITE project funded through CDC and ways that Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents could get involved in vaccine education! This session introduced our vaccine ambassadors and their roles in their respective localities, provided background on adult vaccinations and the current vaccination schedule, and discussed approaches to communicating...
Blog Post

Extension Professionals Unite at Historic Climate Action Convening

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
As an atmospheric river intensified by climate change bore down on the West Coast, more than 40 Extension professionals from across the U.S. and outlying territories gathered in Tucson, Arizona for Cooperative Extension’s first national Climate Action Convening. A central question guiding the gathering was: “How can we mobilize the U.S. Cooperative Extension system to quickly and effectively contribute to climate change solutions? Hosted by the Extension Committee on Organization and...
Blog Post

Understanding the Cost of Convenience

Kristen Jowers ·
Our society moves at a fast pace. Most any purchase is available at the push of a button, making delayed gratification a concept of the past. Do you want groceries or merchandise now? No problem. Are you hungry, but don’t have time to get takeout? Don’t worry, it can be conveniently delivered. The question is… what does all this convenience really cost?
Blog Post

From Earth Day to Everyday Action: Extension Tackles Climate Challenges

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The History of Earth Day Earth Day was launched in 1970. Many factors contributed to the call for a national day focusing on environmental stewardship, including the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring - serialized in the New Yorker - and the catastrophic oil spill that occurred off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969. The Santa Barbara oil spill galvanized U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) to call for a national day of locally inspired and organized "teach-ins" on the...
Blog Post

2024 National Urban Extension Conference Presentation Update

Anthony Tuggle ·
Individual Presentations Individual oral presentations on topics related to the conference theme or other topical areas of interest will be 15 minutes in duration. Each room will have a moderator to maintain time restrictions which will allow all presenters to use allotted time and enable attendees to attend multiple sessions. Presentations should be succinct, with well-developed concepts, applications, and results. Presentations will be grouped by topic for 60 minutes sessions. Panel...
Blog Post

Find Adventure This Summer with Military Kid And Teen Summer Camps

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT Summertime is here! The school year is currently wrapping up for many families and communities, and kids are about to be let loose for another fun-filled summer. The question is: what to do with all that free time during the summer months? How about summer camp! Summer camps are a great way for kids and teens to learn new things, meet new friends, and participate in fun, outdoor activities. For kids and teens from military families, there are tons of great...
Blog Post

The Encouraging Mentor – A guest blog series by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University

Karl Bradley ·
The Extension Foundation and Dr. Raison are partnering to present this series offering self-study materials and advice for career growth. The series will focus on early, middle, and later career stages. We are proud to share this series with the Cooperative Extension System! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This is a how-to manual for mentors, teachers, coaches, and anyone...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
