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2024 National Urban Extension Conference Presentation Update

Individual Presentations

Individual oral presentations on topics related to the conference theme or other topical areas of interest will be 15 minutes in duration. Each room will have a moderator to maintain time restrictions which will allow all presenters to use allotted time and enable attendees to attend multiple sessions. Presentations should be succinct, with well-developed concepts, applications, and results. Presentations will be grouped by topic for 60 minutes sessions.

Panel Presentations

Panel Presentations will be 60 minutes in length with three to five colleagues or peers in an open conversation or discussion on a topic specific to urban communities, and will engage the audience in a question and answer/conversational session.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are structured and focused presentations on the conference objectives. Presenters will have exactly 5 minutes to present and may use no more than 20 slides. Take a look at sample presentation and explore a how to video. Each lightning presenter will have a total of 10 minutes – 5 minutes to present, and up to 5 minutes to answer questions.

Poster Presentations

A poster is used for the presenter to describe a project, research results, program summaries or lessons learned as a visual display. The poster includes a brief narrative along with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. In PowerPoint, begin by creating a 1-slide presentation. You will have an opportunity to introduce your poster to an audience with other posters of similar subject matter for 5 minutes. You should provide enough information to capture the participant's interest which will lead to a conversation about your poster. Each poster presenter will have a total of 10 minutes – 5 minutes to present, and up to 5 minutes to answer questions.

Use PowerPoint presentation - choose a blank slide. (The entire poster must be contained in only one slide.) Adjust the slide size to make the poster dimensions a maximum of 36″ x 48″ or 48” x 36” or a smaller size if desired. Save your poster as a .pptx file while you are working on it. (When you are all finished and ready to submit your poster, save a copy as .pdf). The poster file size may not exceed 10MB.

Your presentations may be uploaded to this folder by May 15, 2024.

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This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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