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Not a leader?


Do you consider yourself a leader?

What about a global leader?

Usually when this question is asked only a few people respond positively to the first question and almost everyone says "no" to the second question.


Perhaps they are hesitant to respond positively because "leader" isn't part of their title, position, or rank. Then when the question escalates they're definitely out.

John Maxwell defines leadership as influence. If we use his definition (which I totally dig) then we're all leading. We're leading through our behaviors. We're leading through our contributions every day. We may not have an official title that includes what we think of as having typical "leader" responsibilities; make no mistake, we're displaying leadership.

"Leader" then is a position.

Leadership is our behavior.


You'll have the opportunity to know approximately 1K people in your lifetime. If those 1K each know 1K then we're up to 1M. If those 1M each know 1K then we're up to 1B. Yes, 1 Billion people. With 8B on the planet (or so) your influence has the chance to ripple out to many more people than you can imagine. What you do matters, it matters a lot. If your leadership can have this kind of influence then you're a global leader.

Thinking of yourself as a global leader isn't arrogant. It's your place of humble service to humanity. Imagine what our world would be like if more people took the responsibility of having positive influence seriously. If more people embraced caring for humanity as global influencers.


How many people do you come in contact with each day? Appointments, errands, school, gym, activities...the list is practically endless. Now think about the truly meaningful interactions you have each day with family and colleagues. Are you the person you want to be in all these situations? While we're all responsible for the energy we display in these different roles we have, our behaviors either move us toward or away from who we want to be. The best version of ourselves is reflected back to us in all of these interactions, big or small. When we smile, people smile back. When we're honest & respectful in our communication it's returned to us. Live each day stepping into your core values and you'll be living your best leadership self for the world.

*Here's an earlier post on having a "Role Model Mindset" that speaks to the power our influence attitude can have when we step into the person we really want to be!

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