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Tagged With "Leadership Matters"

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You do what?

Karl Bradley ·
Whether you're in a "leadership" position or are leading from another spot in the organization, everyone has responsibilities. Responsibilities to understand the requirements of leading that help everyone with expectation setting. If part of your duties include caring for others, the following likely show up in your everyday collaborations! THE "WHAT" Primary Leadership Tasks Vision – Set the general tone, direction Management – Set goals and focus resources Empowerment – Select and develop...
Blog Post

Job: Communications Specialist, Oregon State University Extension

Jennifer Alexander ·
Oregon State University Extension Service is seeking a communicator who can write and edit in English and Spanish. The person in this position helps shape science-based information into materials that are accessible and engaging for a variety of audiences. The position is based in Corvallis, Oregon, but remote or hybrid work may be possible.
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Thoughts from a former NFL coach

Karl Bradley ·
During my short college coaching time, had the pleasure of attending a clinic where some successful coaches shared their X’s & O’s & overall philosophies. Knowing why, how & what gets these guys out of bed in the morning is powerful knowledge. One of the speakers was Marty Schottenheimer; his passion for coaching resonated with all of us. An awesome opportunity to hear from a great NFL coach & man. Here are some of his thoughts... He is perhaps most famous for his pre-game...
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Scott Reed ·
Scott Reed, Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Image by Vadym Pustukh via Unsplash Essayist William Gibson recently reminded us, “ The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet .” The same sentiment is reflected by the Institute for the Future in discussions of leadership in a world characterized by explosive connectivity and disruption and describes literacies for...
Blog Post

Finding Thanks and Practicing Gratitude with Military Youth and Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Halloween candy is dwindling down if it wasn’t all gobbled up over the trick-or-treat weekend. The spooky season’s pumpkins have now transitioned into full-on fall decor. Families and friends will soon be connecting and coming together to celebrate and find thankfulness in another year with the quickly approaching holidays. The holidays also allow many of us to spend time consciously and prioritize the things that matter most. While celebrating with loved ones is first and foremost...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
Starting any new venture can be scary. Deciding to tap into our creative entrepreneurial spirit can take a lot of courage, patience & a bit of ignoring our insecurities. "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is!" -Mark Twain Recently heard Tim Ferriss Podcast interview with Sir Richard Branson. One of the stories Branson told was of how he got into the airline business. He was trying to get home after a 3-week business trip when his flight was cancelled. He really wanted to...
Blog Post

Digital Gratitude

Karl Bradley ·
We've talked about this "gratitude" thing before in this post... Get More Gratitude . This year, instead of awkward silence, when it comes around to you to say what you're thankful for you'll be ready! If you're like us and are feeling bad about not being able to be together with everyone you'd like, here are some ways to let you friends & family know you're thinking about them. Embrace some technology to share your gratitude for the special people in your life. Share a memory from your...

Re: Bob wasn't my boss, but...

Jane Horner ·
This is so true. I learned this from my mother who spent lots of time volunteering at a women's homeless shelter and got me involved in empowering these women. They just need someone to look at them help them see their potential.
Blog Post

It's Worth Repeating!

Karl Bradley ·
For me, leadership comes down to 2 things. It's not about you & it's all about you. It's about how you serve others and how your behaviors provide evidence of your authentic intentions. Inspiration and help for the latter came to me from a friend during a tough time. It has proven to be one of the best gifts I've ever received. Today, this book is one I've gifted to others the most. It's "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz . There are situations every day where at least one of them...

Re: It's Worth Repeating!

Kathryn Morgan ·
Great book! It is one to read, and then read again as time goes on.
Blog Post

UBUNTU lives!

Karl Bradley ·
UBUNTU is the social philosophy that Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu used to unite post-apartheid South Africa. It says... I am only because you are. Quick story: An anthropologist visited a village in Africa and set up an experiment. He put a basket of fruit under the biggest tree in the village, lined up all the kids in the village and said they were going to have a race. The first one to the basket got to enjoy the fruit. He lined them up and sent them off with a "ready, set, go!" None of...

Re: UBUNTU lives!

Marcia Parcell ·
Thanks for sharing! How do we spread this mindset in our community, organization, world? We have work to do!
Blog Post

Extension Foundation 2021 End of Year Update

Aaron Weibe ·
Dear Extension Colleagues, It has been our pleasure to serve the Cooperative Extension System this past year and we are excited for the work ahead in 2022. We wanted to provide an update to all of you about how the Extension Foundation has partnered with Cooperative Extension this past year and our progress towards making a greater impact on local issues. We thank you all for the work you do everyday in your states and communities, and we wish all of you a happy and restful holiday season.
Blog Post

Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction among Extension Employees

Amy Ressler ·
Are you a servant leader? Is being a servant leader related to your job satisfaction in your Extension career? I am conducting research for a doctoral dissertation on the relationship between Servant Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction among Extension employees. I am interested in all types of work within Extension, 1862, 1890, 1994 and at all levels from support staff to upper level administration, and in all discipline areas and specialties. As an employee in any part of the Cooperative...
Blog Post

Professional & Amateur gap

Karl Bradley ·
Developing our leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It takes constant learning about ourselves and awareness of the influence we have. If you're like me, you enjoy reading, watching, listening to something on leadership most days. It's a good habit for continued growth as we get diverse perspectives from everything we digest. One of the things we can do to help integrate new learnings into our lives is to take notes on what is important to us from these books, videos, articles and podcasts we...
Blog Post

New Leadership Skillsets

Karl Bradley ·
The last two years have been filled with despair, uncertainty, frustration and feelings of exhaustion. We are now entering the third year of a global pandemic. Since the world shut down, everything is in a different context now. Leadership feels different. The way we used to lead isn't how we do things anymore. We've had to develop new skills, utilize new tools for communication to create an environment where trust can thrive. In adapting to this dynamic new environment, we carry our...

Re: New Leadership Skillsets

Soni Cochran ·
Thank you for sharing this - integrity and courage. 👍 "In adapting to this dynamic new environment, we carry our personal examples of leadership with us. In these examples leaders don't lie, steal or cheat. They have courage to care for others despite the cost to themselves. Great leaders can allow people to fail but won't allow anyone to feel like a failure. These all remain true."
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 2: Reliability

Karl Bradley ·
Your team may have a powerful engine (like a Ferrari) but if all the parts aren’t working together (like that flat tire in the picture) the team struggles go anywhere. The teamwork concept we're talking about is reliability ! Each member of the team embraces Do What You Say You Will Do (DWYSYWD)! Our behaviors provide the evidence of our authentic intentions and these display our trustworthiness to others. Diagnose Dependability What is the most important contribution you can make to the...
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 3: We're always seeking clarity!

Karl Bradley ·
There’s a software development company in Ann Arbor, Michigan called Menlo Innovations . One of the ways they provide structure & clarity in their company is with their project managers and developers. To encourage developers to provide real-time information, good or bad, they instituted a very simple predictable process. When the developer needs to communicate anything to the project managers, the project managers have been asked to simply smile & say “thank you”. This encourages...
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 4: What does your work mean to you?

Karl Bradley ·
There’s a manufacturing company in Saint Louis called Barry-Wehmiller . T hey developed a purpose statement for what they call their Guiding Principles of Leadership . It says: ”We measure success by the way we touch the lives of people.” In 2008 during the housing crisis this was challenged. They lost a ton of business virtually overnight and were faced with a huge decision. Within 24 hours their CEO, Bob Chapman, announced that instead of laying off thousands of employees they decided it...
Blog Post

Oregon State University - Two Senior Leadership Positions Available

Amy Baker ·
Oregon State University's Division of Extension and Engagement is hiring two senior leadership positions: Executive Director for Engagement and Executive Director of Extension Operations.
Blog Post

1890 Extension Leadership Academy Graduation

MelaniePugsley ·
This month concluded the 3rd annual 1890 Extension Leadership Academy! The 1890 Extension Leadership Academy (ELA) joint venture with Fort Valley State University and Extension Foundation supports Cooperative Extension professionals in discovering innovative ideas for programmatic delivery and leadership development. The ELA incorporates tools from the Impact Collaborative and follows the framework of Google’s “Project Aristotle” to assess the characteristics of highly effective teams. The...

Re: Teamwork Part 4: What does your work mean to you?

A. Renee' Hall ·
"Connecting our passion with purpose" is exactly why I do the work I do! Thanks for this positive and encouraging article!
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 5: Make a difference together!

Karl Bradley ·
Have a confession to make. This 5-part series on teamwork has been based on the research of Google's " Project Aristotle " with some of my own tidbits thrown in for fun! The story of the stonemasons is perfect for setting up the final aspect of highly effective teams. A man was walking by a huge construction project. He came upon a worker and asked what he was doing. He replied, “I’m making a living” . Curious, the man kept walking. Soon he came upon another worker and asked him what he was...
Blog Post

New Connect Extension Podcast Episode: Getting to the Heart of the Matter with Washington State University

MelaniePugsley ·
The Washington State University EXCITE program team comes on the podcast to discuss their new project Getting to the Heart of the Matter which aims to address vaccine hesitancy among Extension professionals. The goal of the project is to implement strategies that will reduce vaccination hesitancy and increase willingness to become immunization educators. Project leaders from WSU include Erica Austin, Paul Bolls, Zena Edwards, Courtney Payne, and Bruce Austin. This episode is a conversation...
Blog Post

The Marathon Effect

Karl Bradley ·
When any change initiative is announced, the person making the announcement is way ahead of the people hearing about it. They already know about it. They've had time to process what’s about to happen, how it will affect them and how they'd like to present it to others. This means they're days, weeks, even months ahead of others in considerations surrounding the change. Ugh! Not another post about how hard "change" is...that's exhausting! You're right. It's often exhausting. Kind of like...
Blog Post

Leadership Priorities

Karl Bradley ·
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly." -Jim Rohn Strong Not Rude “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” -Vince Lombardi Our strength is shown in relationships with others. Leadership is about effective relationships. It's about honoring people over process to unlock everyone's strengths! Kind Not...
Blog Post

Getting to the Heart of the Matter: COVID-19 Vaccination Education Survey

Aaron Weibe ·
Cooperative Extension professionals across the system and at all levels are invited to share their opinions and experiences regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and vaccination education. This project is sponsored by the Extension Foundation and the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE). Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow Center for Media & Health Promotion Research , WSU Extension , and the WSU College of Education are conducting a needs...
Blog Post

A Philosophy for Working on Wicked Problems

Melissa Kreye ·
A wicked problem is a term used in policy analysis to describe an environmental situation where no matter what policy actions are taken there are still going to be unacceptable losses. Examples of wicked problems can be found in climate change, endangered species, invasive species and environmental justice issues. In order to deal with the psychological stress of threat and uncertainty associated with wicked problems many people are tempted to take a strong position, such as moral outrage.
Blog Post

Excellence and You!

Karl Bradley ·
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Will Durant Behavior change is hard. Starting something new means stopping something that's not adding value to your life. What if you thought about leadership development as a habit? Then you wouldn't have to worry about the "right" time to start. Choose wisely and align your saying with your doing. Influence is always happening. Bad driver. Happy bank teller. Slightly pleasant flight attendant. These reflect a...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Announces Year 4 New Technologies for Ag Extension Funding Opportunity and Application Workshops

Aaron Weibe ·
New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) is a grant from USDA-NIFA in partnership with Oklahoma State University and it will begin its fourth year starting on September 1st, 2022. The Foundation is inviting your project and program teams aligned with USDA and ECOP strategic goals/priority program areas to apply and receive some funding and support from the Extension Foundation for one full year. Programs with a special focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, and climate are encouraged but...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

John Tindall ·
I appreciate the summary. What's filling that massive void from the 1980's until now?? The prevailing leadership model today includes the best of each theory, plus the traits you identified. We just need to come up with a cool name for it. Simon Sinek has a great book (or two) on leadership called 'The 5 Why's'. And here's a good talk of his on leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Blog Post

Leader of Character

Karl Bradley ·
How would you describe a leader of character? While you ponder that question, here are some thoughts... Leader is a position, leadership is our behaviors. Character is how we behave when nobody is looking. The U.S. Air Force Academy defines character as: At their Center for Character and Leadership Development they help prepare cadets to serve our nation. The framework they use is Own, Engage, Practice with the goal of living honorably while lifting others to elevate performance. You'll...
Blog Post

What's your style?

Karl Bradley ·
Nope, not your choice in clothing or furniture, sorry to disappoint... We're talking about the ways in which you live and operate in the world. Understanding our unique approaches can lead to more meaningful conversations, less confusion and less frustration with others. 6 Questions To Describe YOUR Style What do you value most? "A value is a decision-making principle: an articulation of what you want your decisions to accomplish." -Drew Dudley Who we are is how we lead; they are the roots...
Blog Post

What are your rocks, and How will you prioritize them today?

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Jenny Rea, Ph.D. Have you ever heard of the rocks, gravel, and sand metaphor? I learned about this parable from Dr. Tai Mendenhall ( check out his full bio here ) in a recently published webinar entitled, “ The Realities of Resilience in the Face of Burnout .” I, then, had the opportunity to converse with Tai on a more personal level through a podcast interview for our Family Transitions team at OneOp. Tai reflected upon this metaphor once again - connecting it to burnout among helping...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
@John Tindall Thanks for your comment! Totally agree, we need to come up with a cool name for where leadership is today. The label we use will help others connect to the current evolution and keep moving us forward. What ideas do you have? Love to connect with you on this sometime! Keep leading! -Karl

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

John Tindall ·
Karl, I like the idea Simon Sinek encapsulates in the phrase "Noble Cause". A leader who goes first, proffers hope and focuses on others casts the vision of the Noble Cause, and people buy-in because they grasp the greater good outcome of their contribution to the cause, company, or idea. Like the old story of the three stonemasons working, when asked what they are doing; one says he's laying bricks, the second says he's building a wall, and the third, and most engaged, said he's creating a...
Blog Post

The "Doctor" is in!

Karl Bradley ·
Sport provides such fertile ground for life lessons. There is immediate feedback constantly. You made the shot or missed it. You completed the pass or it was incomplete. You won or lost. The scoreboard is just the start to all the statistics. AND... Since we can't participate and evaluate at the same time, there's always a coach. One of my favorite coaches is Glenn "Doc" Rivers in the NBA. In a Netflix series called " The Playbook " he and 4 other amazing coaches give us their take on " A...
Blog Post

New EXCITE Podcast: The Role of 1890 & 1994 Engagement Coordinators

MelaniePugsley ·
We’re excited to share a new podcast episode about the important work of the Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) program. EXCITE is creating a framework that will model new ways for the Cooperative Extension system to engage and reach Extension programs across all three regions. The EXCITE team has developed practices to ensure that under-represented regions are included in the design of the new system-wide effort and that their institutions will be...
Blog Post

Application for New Technologies for Ag Extension is Now Open, Deadline June 20th, 2022.

Aaron Weibe ·
New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) is a grant from USDA-NIFA in partnership with Oklahoma State University and it will begin its fourth year starting on September 1st, 2022. The Foundation is inviting your project and program teams aligned with USDA and ECOP strategic goals/priority program areas to apply and receive some funding and support from the Extension Foundation for one full year. Programs with a special focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, and climate are encouraged but...
Blog Post

Leadership from "Band of Brothers" Commander

Karl Bradley ·
Major Richard "Dick" Winters , a native of Ephrata in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was the Commander of "Easy Company", 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Division, in World War II. They have affectionately become known as the " Band of Brothers ". On D-Day (June 6, 1944) he parachuted behind enemy lines into Normandy, France. 156,000 other American, British and Canadian forces were involved in "Operation Overlord" that become the turning point in...

Re: Leadership from "Band of Brothers" Commander

Lacey Taylor ·
Love this, thank you!
Blog Post

Feeling feelings...

Karl Bradley ·
When was the last time you felt sorry for someone? Did you have a hard time connecting to the reason they were suffering? Did you find yourself not caring about what they care about? This focus is sympathy, not empathy. Chances are we don't need to learn this, we just need a reminder! Sympathy When we act out of sympathy it means we understand what the person is feeling. Chances are we're not really connecting with the other person though. If we don't move toward empathy our understanding is...
Blog Post

Human Factors

Karl Bradley ·
It's December 28, 1978, in New York City. United Airlines Flight 173 has just taken off for Portland, Oregon. Unknown to the passengers, a warning light has come on stealing the Captain's attention. Not long after, the Co-Pilot realizes they won't have enough fuel to reach their intended destination and will need to land at a different airport. With his mind focused on the warning light, the Captain is unable to focus on what is really important. They're going to run out of gas. The plane...
Blog Post

Leading Through Stressful Times Session 1: Dr Courtney Owens

MelaniePugsley ·
Leading Through Stressful Times Session 1 Register Here June 8th 2022, 2:00 - 3:15 ET The Extension Foundation’s Impact Collaborative program is hosting a leadership series available to member institutions . Join our Leadership team for this 3-session series on June 8th, July 6th, and August 10th for conversations with special guests to get wisdom on turning volatility into vision, uncertainty into understanding, complexity into clarity, and ambiguity into agility! Extension Foundation is...
Blog Post

Register Now for Personal Leadership Bootcamp, June 9th, 16th & 23rd!

MelaniePugsley ·
NEW in 2022 for Extension Foundation Members: Personal Leadership Bootcamp! June 9th, 16th & 23rd 2:00-3:15 PM No push-ups. No running. Join us on a journey of personal growth where we will begin to explore the elements of your leadership philosophy. This 3-part series led by Karl Bradley will help you get to know yourself, choose a path, and take action with tools and thought-provoking exercises. Please note, that after registering you will be redirected to a short values quiz, the...
Blog Post

The 2 things everyone wants

Karl Bradley ·
Travel teaches us a ton. It's not about comparison. It's about perspective. "Comparison is the thief of joy." -Teddy Roosevelt In this article, psychologist Dr. Amy Silver helps us... " Say no to comparisonitis! " My wife and I traveled before and throughout our military careers. We still love to travel. One thing we did was chart our locations on a world map. This was a great way to share our travels with our children and what we learned along the way. In total we had the opportunity to...
Blog Post

Application for New Technologies for Ag Extension Extended to July 1st, 2022

Aaron Weibe ·
The application due date for New Technologies for Ag Extension has been extended to July 1st, 2022. New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) is a grant from USDA-NIFA in partnership with Oklahoma State University and it will begin its fourth year starting on September 1st, 2022. The Foundation is inviting your project and program teams aligned with USDA and ECOP strategic goals/priority program areas to apply and receive some funding and support from the Extension Foundation for one full...
Blog Post

NDSU Extension accepting applications for Assistant Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Kris Holt ·
NDSU Extension is currently accepting applications for the position of Extension Assistant Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources, with office location in Fargo, ND. This is an excellent opportunity to lead dynamic agriculture and natural resources Extension programs in North Dakota. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. The full position announcement and application instructions are available at - Job ID 2943030. Application screening begins...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Announces Year 4 (2022-2023) New Technologies for Ag Extension Projects

Aaron Weibe ·
Fifty-seven applications were submitted by 36 Land-grant universities in response to the RFA shared by the Extension Foundation in April, 2022, for New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE). The Extension Foundation will be supporting 39 projects across Cooperative Extension as part of its fourth year of the NTAE program. This program is made possible by funding from USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through a partnership with Oklahoma State University and the Extension...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
