Tagged With "making a big purchase"
Re: Slaughter and processing of poultry
I think sometimes folks RSVP to attend an event here in Connect Extension, but they miss the registration link. I found your registration link where it says "Register in Advance for this Webinar." One suggestion is to put a nice big "REGISTER HERE" right at the top of your post and link that out to your registration page. I've found that to work pretty well. Here's an example: https://connect.extension.org/...d-teamwork-session-2
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21st Annual Summer Program in Population Health
The Summer Program courses are taught by national experts in Population Health. Courses educate and train practitioners, researchers and students in population health methods and builds their capacity to address emerging health priorities. Courses are designed to appeal to a broad range of professionals interested in understanding and improving the health of communities. The 21st Annual Summer Program in Population Health has adapted this year’s program to a complete virtual format due to...
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ICYMI: Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review
Yesterday, we hosted a webinar led by Jessica Larson - Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture. She provided a research review that offered insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Participants had a chance to find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages...
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APHA Annual Meeting Deadline Extended to September 10
If you have never attended the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) because of the added cost of travel, meals, and lodging then this may be your to attend the all-virtual conference. Better yet, is that workshop will also be available on-demand after the conference, so you won't have to among sessions in the same time block. This is a big conference with over 1,000 concurrent sessions. For more information, visit https://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual
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If we stopped to think about how many decisions we make each & every day it would be a daunting task. If we wrote them all down... Would we be satisfied with the outcomes? What would we learn about ourselves? How do they affect others? In today's world, it seems we have learned how to be distracted by all the wonderful technology available. Being bombarded by information can derail our effectiveness in making meaningful decisions that positively affect those we are trusted with leading.
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Not Another Top 10 List...
Leaders are always learning & that means reading. When we come across a person who shakes up our thinking & approach we get a bit starstruck. This happened to me when I started finding out about the work of Ricardo Semler. He's been a trailblazer for democratic management for over 30 years, a real catalyst. He has been very successful in implementing seemingly radical ideas that have unleashed human potential no matter their application. Here's his list with some of my own...
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Is It YOUR Story To Tell?
In a meeting a few years ago we were discussing the aspects of what we did that might be interesting to the general public. Pretty quickly it was suggested that we have a "rumor mill" button on our website. A little "behind the curtain" of what was going on. While this would probably peak visitors curiosity, the message it would send about our organization could be damaging. Is it your story to tell? Gossiping is one of, if not the most destructive actions anyone can take on another person.
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Thank You, Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners are a vital part of Extension, and they are an invaluable connector to local communities. In this unprecedented year, their hard-work and dedication had a big impact and they provided a needed human connection for many folks who were suffering from isolation during quarantine. This video is dedicated to them.
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Good, Cheap, Fast & Urgent or Important
You have a big presentation coming up & just discovered a stain on your favorite outfit. Quick, to the cleaners! Your regular shop is perfect but they have a standard 3-day turnaround so that won't work. There is a 99 cent shop a couple miles away, they could get it done but you can't risk them not taking great care of your expensive suit. Your only choice is a designer shop, the one in the fancy part of town, they'll do a special for you. And you're off! We all pay companies for...
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2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and New MyPlate Resources
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans along with new MyPlate resources were released this morning! Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka, USDA-FNS Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion for sharing this. Attached are two documents that contain information about the release.
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Time for Extension to go BIG!
Longview Engagement Associates announces a new web presence and associated blog series on universities’ changing roles. Effectively engaging communities and their problems, opportunities and challenges requires the full spectrum of university knowledge focused on transdisciplinary solutions. Read and respond to the inaugural blog Time for Extension to go BIG! - Longview Engagement .
Re: Make New Friends: Promoting Friendship and Belonging
MUNCHERY COUPON CODE MUNCHERY COUPON CODE Munchery promo code saves big. The new Munchery is a recipe site built on the amazing work of Munchery's culinary team and the passion that its customers had for its meals and the Munchery brand.
Re: 2020 Personal Finance Year in Review
MUNCHERY COUPON CODE MUNCHERY COUPON CODE Munchery promo code saves big. The new Munchery is a recipe site built on the amazing work of Munchery's culinary team and the passion that its customers had for its meals and the Munchery brand.
Re: The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans — New Revisions and Uses
MUNCHERY COUPON CODE MUNCHERY COUPON CODE Munchery promo code saves big. The new Munchery is a recipe site built on the amazing work of Munchery's culinary team and the passion that its customers had for its meals and the Munchery brand.
Re: The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans — New Revisions and Uses
MUNCHERY COUPON CODE Munchery promo code saves big. The new Munchery is a recipe site built on the amazing work of Munchery's culinary team and the passion that its customers had for its meals and the Munchery brand.
Re: The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans — New Revisions and Uses
MUNCHERY COUPON CODE Munchery promo code saves big. The new Munchery is a recipe site built on the amazing work of Munchery's culinary team and the passion that its customers had for its meals and the Munchery brand.
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University-wide Engagement and the Transdisciplinary University
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash Lou Swanson, Emeritus Vice President of Engagement, Colorado State University Scott Reed , Vice Provost Emeritus, Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University Blah blah ‘….. disciplinary ’ - what’s the difference? Each is quintessential in their power to produce knowledge. It is not a matter of which type of academic inquiry is better than the others. But one of these, a single author writing within the narrow foci of a single sub-discipline tends...
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Our Neighbor...
Our neighbor goes for a walk every morning. He waves enthusiastically to everyone he sees. His smile goes from ear to ear. He carries a big bag of treats for all the dogs he meets. He doesn't even own a dog. Our neighbor knows attitude is everything. He always picks a good one. Our neighbor goes to the local grocery store every Saturday morning. He knows all the bakery employees. He buys donuts for all the kids who are shopping with their parents. Every one...without exception. Our neighbor...
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Resilience in action...
Resilience is defined as: " the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. " Our resilience has been challenged big time over the course of this pandemic. How have you done? What have you done that worked? Honestly, it's been hard at times for our family. It's in what we did to get through together that matters. Chances are some of these are on your list! They celebrate other people's success They accept full responsibility for their past behavior They invest their energy in...
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Using Good Judgement
An iceberg is a great analogy for many individual, team & organization efforts. Perhaps the most familiar model is from Ed Schein in which he uses the visible & invisible to illustrate how a company makes decisions. How it takes action. Above the water (visible) of the iceberg indicates strategic intent. Below the water (invisible) of the iceberg indicates core principles & values. Below the water! Hard Work Failure Doubts Set-Backs Persistence Long Days Sacrifice Courage Action...
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Culture puzzle
"Culture" has become such a buzz word surrounding the workplace. People expect to see something on the company's website about it. They ask current employees about it. They ask about it in interviews. The fact is, it's a big deal. It might be THE big deal of any organization. What we've learned about it is that it's much more than flexible work hours & bean bag chairs in the breakroom. It's about " the way we do things around here". The way this is answered can be profoundly revealing.
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It's July already?!
Historically, July is a big month for the Cooperative Extension Service . Our own @Rose Hayden-Smith reminded us a couple days ago. On this day (July 2nd) in 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act , providing the funding framework and vision for land-grant institutions and public higher education in the U.S. It was a visionary act, part of a legislative sweep that year! Emancipation Proclamation Homestead Act Pacific Railroad Act USDA was created as a cabinet-level agency This...
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Leadership Language
The words we choose matter. They matter a lot. What if there were things to help people remember our message? Good news! There are! Here are some rhetorical devices taken straight from a TEDx Verona talk by Simon Lancaster to help you speak like a leader! The Language of Leadership Asyndeton/Tricolon Look left, look right, look center, stop, listen... This mimics hyperventilating. President Obama used it…”a world at war, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a generation.” Three...
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Extension in the 21st Century: A Conversation with Chuck Hibberd
Dr. Chuck Hibberd. Image Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles "Chuck" Hibberd is an emeritus professor of the University of Nebraska, where he held several academic positions, including Dean of Cooperative Extension. His email tagline reads "Chuck Hibberd, retired Extensi on Director (but not done yet)." He directed the University's Panhandle Research and Extension Center for 13 years. Chuck also served as Extension director, associate dean of agriculture, and assistant vice...
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New Connect Extension Podcast Episodes: Juntos National Roadtrip
The Juntos program out of NC State University has been receiving support from the Extension Foundation through New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE). The NTAE program is funded by USDA-National Institute of Food & Ag through a partnership with Oklahoma State University. The Juntos program, like others served through NTAE, receive one-year of support from the Extension Foundation and its services to help accelerate their work. We had the pleasure of working with Diana Urieta, Senior...
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Unpeeled: The Case Files of Maya McCluen Game is Available for Extension Programs
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food and stay within their budget. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) team developed an interactive learning activity (or game), Unpeeled: The Case Studies of Maya McCluen . Our team sought to clarify food marketing labels and empower consumers to make science-based decisions while shopping. We hosted a...
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Gone not Forgotten
We all have things in common, especially loss. Those who have gone before us have shown us the way. No one is truly gone who is not forgotten. Personally, Colin Powell helped me make sense of our nation's place in the world. Here's an excerpt from his book "It Worked for Me" In a lifetime of studying leadership, this is still one of my absolute favorite pieces on the topic: The Essence of Leadership Cooperative Extension professionals are drawn to the work to serve. They selflessly serve...
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ICYMI: Shop Simple with MyPlate and More MyPlate Updates!
Last week, we were joined by the MyPlate team from the USDA Center of Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) for a preview of two MyPlate tools that will help Americans make healthy food choices. Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka from USDA-CNPP for helping to organize this! New to the USDA - Shop Simple with MyPlate , allows individuals to find cost-saving opportunities in their local area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods. The panelists presented the background on the...
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Thoughts from a former NFL coach
During my short college coaching time, had the pleasure of attending a clinic where some successful coaches shared their X’s & O’s & overall philosophies. Knowing why, how & what gets these guys out of bed in the morning is powerful knowledge. One of the speakers was Marty Schottenheimer; his passion for coaching resonated with all of us. An awesome opportunity to hear from a great NFL coach & man. Here are some of his thoughts... He is perhaps most famous for his pre-game...
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Cryptocurrency Basics and Scams
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defines cryptocurrency as a digital currency that is generally exchanged online without using an intermediary such as a bank. There are several well-known cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but many brands exist and continue to be created. Cryptocurrency is purchased through online exchange platforms and stored in a digital wallet. Service members may use cryptocurrency for a variety of reasons such as making quick payments, avoiding...
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It's Worth Repeating!
For me, leadership comes down to 2 things. It's not about you & it's all about you. It's about how you serve others and how your behaviors provide evidence of your authentic intentions. Inspiration and help for the latter came to me from a friend during a tough time. It has proven to be one of the best gifts I've ever received. Today, this book is one I've gifted to others the most. It's "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz . There are situations every day where at least one of them...
Re: It's Worth Repeating!
Great book! It is one to read, and then read again as time goes on.
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Helping Youth to Go Green
Many of us have heard the phrases “go green,” “eco-friendly,” and “sustainable lifestyle” tossed around. But what do these phrases mean and how do they affect us, the planet, and other living organisms? When we are living sustainably we are living in harmony with our natural environment and all living creatures. This is a big goal!! A good place to start with sustainable living is to look at a single day. How do you get around? How many items do you use? What food do you eat? Ohio State...
Re: Making Resolutions for Better Health
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
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Downsizing Holiday Debt
Families often have leftover holiday debt hanging over their heads like a big dark cloud. What can you do to help these clients? Below are 5 time-tested debt repayment steps to consider using.