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Tagged With "Be honest"

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Karl Bradley ·
At this time during a pandemic we find ourselves physically distanced & isolated from one another. However, it's been exciting to see so many creative ways to stay socially connected. These connection times are meaningful and are essential to our overall health. To help focus this time, one of the things you could do is interview your loved ones. Stay with me here... LOSS One of the things we all have in common is loss. It's maybe the only thing we all truly have in common. We've all...
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Not Another Top 10 List...

Karl Bradley ·
Leaders are always learning & that means reading. When we come across a person who shakes up our thinking & approach we get a bit starstruck. This happened to me when I started finding out about the work of Ricardo Semler. He's been a trailblazer for democratic management for over 30 years, a real catalyst. He has been very successful in implementing seemingly radical ideas that have unleashed human potential no matter their application. Here's his list with some of my own...
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Is It YOUR Story To Tell?

Karl Bradley ·
In a meeting a few years ago we were discussing the aspects of what we did that might be interesting to the general public. Pretty quickly it was suggested that we have a "rumor mill" button on our website. A little "behind the curtain" of what was going on. While this would probably peak visitors curiosity, the message it would send about our organization could be damaging. Is it your story to tell? Gossiping is one of, if not the most destructive actions anyone can take on another person.
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What drives you?

Karl Bradley ·
Why do we do the things we do? If we're honest with ourselves, we know our actions are driven by two things: motivation & ability. Ability to do anything is influenced by external help and/or environmental structure. Motivation is connected to our internal belief system, our values. Intrinsic The things we value most in life are our internal motivators. They are our core values. The things we sacrifice for, stand up for and are prepared to die for if it came to that. They're super...


Rick Klemme ·
Excellent blog post (although I am not sure that using French helps with the perceived arrogance of science and the academy😊). Anyway, here’s an editorial that was in the local Madison newspaper a couple of weeks ago that speaks to the challenge of communicating science (around COVID 19) that lays out some self-ownership that the science community needs in connecting with the public. Paul Fanlund | The Capital Times Even before vaccines became widely available, one could have predicted that...
Blog Post

You do what?

Karl Bradley ·
Whether you're in a "leadership" position or are leading from another spot in the organization, everyone has responsibilities. Responsibilities to understand the requirements of leading that help everyone with expectation setting. If part of your duties include caring for others, the following likely show up in your everyday collaborations! THE "WHAT" Primary Leadership Tasks Vision – Set the general tone, direction Management – Set goals and focus resources Empowerment – Select and develop...

The Human Genome Project


The Science of Vaccines

Blog Post

Summer Self-Care Webinar Series

Dee Walls ·
The Community Seminar Series: Summer Self-Care What topics are covered in the series? Summer is busy, and it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves while we try to juggle what everyone else needs. Researchers from University of Illinois can help guide your summer health choices. Find a session that's perfect for you, or participate in all of them. Summer Self-Care is a collaboration between University of Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute as part of...
Blog Post

Some things I think I think...

Karl Bradley ·
The great sports broadcaster Dan Patrick used to host a podcast with the title "Things I think I think". During a presentation to our team, we were reminded of his show and it sparked my own thinking about what I think I think. Here are a few to ponder... Curiosity over Certainty When we remain curious we're open. We have a growth mindset. We see challenges as opportunities. While we can have aspects of our lives we're certain about, like our core values, in daily interactions it often leads...
Blog Post

Not a leader?

Karl Bradley ·
Do you consider yourself a leader? What about a global leader? Usually when this question is asked only a few people respond positively to the first question and almost everyone says "no" to the second question. Why? Perhaps they are hesitant to respond positively because "leader" isn't part of their title, position, or rank. Then when the question escalates they're definitely out. John Maxwell defines leadership as influence. If we use his definition (which I totally dig) then we're all...
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Flip Your Script

Karl Bradley ·
Oh, the things we tell ourselves. Sounds a bit like Dr. Seuss; sadly it's not. You have to wait until the end of the post for some of his wisdom! We're talking about how our personal narratives become aspects of things we believe about who we are. Here's one that's been in my arsenal forever: "I'm horrible at math." Big deal you say. Maybe you're not good at math. You have other things you're good at. What's the problem? Telling myself this has made an agreement that has limited my openness...
Blog Post

Requirement or Preference?

Karl Bradley ·
Phil Jackson, the Hall-of-Fame NBA coach (Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers) was once asked about one of his players. He was asked if he minded what hair color Dennis Rodman had. Coach Jackson replied that it was Dennis' preference what hair color he chose but it was a requirement he plays defense and rebound. It might not be what hair color Coach Jackson would choose but he honored his player's preferences. The requirements are not negotiable so he focused on coaching his players to be...
Blog Post

"No" isn't negative

Karl Bradley ·
"No! Don't touch the hot stove." "No! Don't text and drive." In these examples, "no" is actually positive to alert us from burning ourselves and not driving while distracted. In other situations, primarily in our professional lives, we perceive saying "no" will be viewed as negative. This leads to saying "yes" to much more than we can accomplish and the mistaken idea that if we're busy it means we're valued more. Does always being busy with more equal accomplishing more? Here's a scenario...
Blog Post

Be Aware!

Karl Bradley ·
Leadership is influence. Influence is felt by others in our behaviors. These behaviors provide evidence of our intentions. Be aware: It's our intentions we betray first followed by our behavior. When tolerated, these bad behaviors have devastating effects on those we spend the most time with; our professional colleagues. There are many studies that chronicle the impact of poor leadership, the resulting toxic environment it creates, and the negative effects on our health. Just guessing it's...
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Beliefs on the Leadership Journey

Karl Bradley ·
Getting clear with ourselves about our beliefs helps connect us to our core values. They will shift over our lives so it's a constant journey of discovery. Here are some things to ponder as you check in on your journey. Your Leadership Philosophy Defining what the huge topic of leadership is to you is of utmost importance. It helps us get clear on our approach, communicate it to others, and measure how we're doing every day. Here's mine right now... It's realizing it's not about me &...
Blog Post

2 Questions...

Karl Bradley ·
How do you know it's time to do leadership development? The short answer is it's always time. Developing our leadership is a journey, not a destination. Improving our self-awareness and becoming truly effective takes consistent focus. Here are some clues to watch for on your journey to help stay focused: If you're feeling like some honest and respectful feedback it might be time for leadership development! Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Getting meaningful information from trusted...
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Future You

Karl Bradley ·
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...
Blog Post

Toxic Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
What is toxic leadership? Using coercive, controlling, or manipulative tactics prioritizes personal gain over meaningful goals undermining collaborative achievements. When our actions hurt those we are charged with caring for, it can damage relationships and the whole organization. Common Characteristics Micromanagement Excessive control and monitoring of others leave little space for autonomy or independence. It inhibits creativity and imagination. Intimidation Using threats, humiliation,...

EXCITE Activity 2: Evaluation Tools

Aaron Weibe ·
Blog Post

Coaching 101

Karl Bradley ·
If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...
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How to be a leadership "boss"

Karl Bradley ·
My first real job where there was a paycheck was at 13 years old at a local pizza joint. It was "the" pizza joint in town run by a graduate of the college where my parents both taught. This meant it was okay to work there as they trusted him. Most of the kids in Branson, MO worked over the summer because it was (and still is) a huge tourist destination. Despite being busy with camps and sports we found a few hours to earn a little money each summer. If you could do it someplace that taught...
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Karl Bradley ·
The hardest part of leadership development is behavior change. It's hard, not impossible. Haven't met a single person who isn't capable of interpersonal behavior change. We all can do it! Step #1 is awareness. If we're not aware we can't put efforts in place to make meaningful growth happen. Feedback is the breakfast of Champions! Step #2 is don't be so hard on yourself. We will all mess up. Great leadership is allowing people to fail but not allowing them to feel like a failure along the...
Blog Post

Mental Resilience

Karl Bradley ·
Thought you might enjoy a Yogi Berra quote to start... "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical." Too funny and makes a great point. Life is a constant mental challenge. And we know, heaven or hell, it's between our ears. As you ponder what it will take for you to become more mentally resilient, here are some things to consider. "I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count." -Muhammad Ali When the going gets...
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EXCITE Adult Vaccination Project

Kristina Jiles ·
The Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) conducted a symposium on November 3rd, 2023 to discuss the EXCITE project funded through CDC and ways that Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents could get involved in vaccine education! This session introduced our vaccine ambassadors and their roles in their respective localities, provided background on adult vaccinations and the current vaccination schedule, and discussed approaches to communicating...
Blog Post

Soon and Some

Karl Bradley ·
A supervisor of mine once called me into their office to give me some feedback. They said my lack of clarity in communicating with upper management was confusing and frustrating. They needed more specific updates on how my responsibilities were being handled. It was not a fun conversation. While their tone was one of severe disappointment and very judgmental the feedback needed to happen. This is just another story of how "Karl learns things the hard way" because... "Soon is not a time and...
Blog Post

Language "Votes"

Karl Bradley ·
Words matter...a lot! What we choose to put out in the world in the many ways we express ourselves is a "vote" for the person we want to be. What these words mean to you become your anchor to your core values. Here are some thoughts for your consideration... Balance and Integration When you think about it, trying to achieve a work/life balance is not possible. There isn't work and life, work is part of life. A big part but not the only thing. What we should strive for is the integration of...
Blog Post

Everybody "digs"...

Karl Bradley ·
A little slang every once in a while won't hurt anything. It keeps us on our toes. Growing up with parents who were musicians, there was a lot. The ones that stuck with me were from the jazz genre'. Here are some you can adopt if you want to be a "cool cat" like some of the greatest musicians of all time! Axe - your instrument Bad - meaning something really good Chops - level of skill or mastery Dig - you like or understand something Groove - the rhythmic feeling of the music Gig - your job...
Blog Post

Culture Clues

Karl Bradley ·
Life is always teaching us stuff. Lately, it's reminded me that we're human beings, not human "doings". When we are in an environment focused on all the "doing" we often feel like a thing or a resource. The clues to this are displayed in a lack of hearing people say... I'm sorry I need help I don't know I made a mistake These clues may seem overly simplified, they aren't. They often indicate too much fear is present. When we don't feel safe, our moral courage is shut down and replaced with...

About the Extension Foundation

The Extension Foundation was formed in 2006 by Extension Directors and Administrators. Today, the Foundation partners with Cooperative Extension through liaison roles and a formal plan of work with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) to increase system capacity while providing programmatic services, and helping Extension programs scale and investigate new methods and models for implementing programs. The Foundation provides professional development to Cooperative Extension professionals and offers exclusive services to its members. In 2020 and 2021, the Extension Foundation has awarded 85% of its direct funding back to the Cooperative Extension System, 100% of funds are used to support Cooperative Extension initiatives. 

This technology is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of useat
