00:29:17 Molly Immendorf: Yes, this will be recorded
00:29:24 Jennifer Howell: Hi, I am Jennifer Howell, Somerset County 4-H Agent for University of Maryland Extension
00:29:25 Tonya Short: Tonya Short - Purdue Extension - SW Indiana
00:29:42 Cathy Hohenstein: Cathy Hohenstein - FCS Agent NCSU Buncombe County Cooperative Extension
00:29:47 Dion Lerman: Dion Lerman, Environmental Health Programs Specialist, Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management (PA IPM) Program/Penn State
00:30:00 Jenny Seifert: Jenny Seifert, UW-Madison Division of Extension
00:30:04 Cindy Wells: Cindy Wells - University of Missouri Extension - Youth Development Specialist
00:30:48 Karen Giovannini: Karen Giovannini, Univ of CA Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County
00:30:50 Nancy Kelley: Nancy Kelley, Area Ext Agent for Nutrition Education Program, University of Kentucky Extension
00:31:20 Elizabeth Gregory North: Great music choice, Molly! *^_^*
00:31:43 Tonya Short: audio is a little challenging
00:32:40 Marianna Langston: Marianna Langston, Southern University Ag Center, FCS Agent
00:33:13 Lacey Taylor: Thank you for offering this session!
00:35:48 Elizabeth Gregory North: Pukka beads
00:35:52 Jennifer Howell: puca shell beads
00:35:57 Shelia Ange: shell beads
00:36:34 Jennifer Howell: I have a sea urchin spine necklace from the 70's!
00:37:54 Molly Immendorf: LP Album speed
00:38:27 Molly Immendorf: Yes it will be recorded and shared in Connect.Extension.org
00:40:27 Molly Immendorf: LP=long playing, RPM=revolutions per minute
00:41:49 Molly Immendorf: yes Kim
00:45:33 Molly Immendorf: unfortunately, not at this time - a copy of it is available in Connect.extension.org
00:47:10 Jennifer Howell: I do now...lol
00:47:19 Jenny Seifert: Yes, a bit
00:47:23 Elizabeth Gregory North: Yes
00:47:32 Beatriz Rodriguez: A little
00:47:32 Eric Herman: In energy we worked a bit with one of the local utility companies to get support for our volunteer energy advising program.
00:47:35 Ricky Dana: Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging does this with minority underserved and unserved seniors.
00:47:39 Cathy Yandow: no
00:47:41 Dion Lerman: PMPs and academic info!
00:47:54 Nancy Kelley: I'm an Extension Agent, but my husband and I also own a radio station.
00:48:50 Eric Herman: Currently mainly use Zoom during COVID-19 in NYS
00:48:50 Jennifer Howell: Our office has always been text crazy
00:48:52 Rebecca Brown: mostly email
00:48:52 Kerry` Richards: Zoom doodle polls
00:48:52 Ricky Dana: Zoom
00:48:58 Dion Lerman: email & zoom
00:48:58 Steve HADCOCK: Zoom primarily
00:49:01 Cathy Yandow: MS Teams, email - Zoom now outlawed at my institution
00:49:01 William Augustine Augustine: Zoom and TEAMS
00:49:04 Emily Steele: Asana
00:49:04 Shelia Ange: Google drive, Zoom, doodle polls
00:49:04 Lisa Jones: Colleagues - via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Doodle polls, Google Drive
00:49:06 Cindy Wells: Zoom and Microsoft Teams
00:49:06 Lauren Cooper: Teams
00:49:07 Kerry` Richards: Basecamp
00:49:08 Jonnisha McCleod: Zoom
00:49:10 Elizabeth Gregory North: Email, Workzone (web-based project and production management system), Zoom, social media, Webex, Microsoft Teams
00:49:11 Cindy Wells: Doodle polls
00:49:11 Cathy Hohenstein: google doc and sharing
00:49:12 Faye Griffiths-Smith: WebEx
00:49:12 Chelsea Triche: Zoom and Teams
00:49:16 Eve Kindley: zoom, Basecamp
00:49:19 Cindy Wells: OneDrive, Box
00:49:22 Eric Herman: Zoom, Google Drive, Box, emails
00:49:28 Karen DeBoer: email and zoom
00:49:37 Steve HADCOCK: Exploring SMS
00:49:40 Beatriz Rodriguez: We use zoom and also share documents on Google Drive, Blackboard, or microsoft 365
00:49:45 Lauren Cooper: Email, Zoom, Teams and phone
00:49:48 Tonya Short: I also prefer phone call but try catching an extension colleague in the office!
00:50:24 Eric Herman: I work more directly with my suprvisor
00:50:28 Kerry` Richards: Any where between an hour and several hours
00:50:28 Emily Steele: 30 min to 1 hour
00:50:29 Ricky Dana: 1-2 hours and too often
00:50:30 Lauren Cooper: Weekly, 1 hour to 2 hours
00:50:30 Eve Kindley: too long….lol
00:50:30 William Augustine Augustine: ONCE A WEEK AN HOUR
00:50:33 Lisa Jones: Meetings multiple times per week, typically 1-2 hours
00:50:33 Rebecca Brown: 1 hour, and meet as rarely as possible!
00:50:34 Cathy Yandow: 1 hour (more than once daily)
00:50:34 Dion Lerman: 1 hr; x5 wk
00:50:34 Mirissa Scholting: usually 45 min-1 hour
00:50:39 Elizabeth Gregory North: Usually one hour, some 30 minutes, a couple of times a week
00:50:40 Jennifer Howell: We have WebEx coming down from above monthly for 1 1/2 houtd
00:50:40 Karen DeBoer: one-hour, 3-4 times/week
00:50:42 Cindy Wells: usually 1 hour; here lately 4, 5 or 6 perday
00:50:44 Shelia Ange: 1-2 hours and 17 scheduled in the next 12 days
00:50:46 Eric Herman: 1.5 for 1x a week and maybe 1-2 follow-ups for 1 hour each
00:51:00 Beatriz Rodriguez: Now, we have more meetings. Usually, we meet for 1 hour max. 2
00:51:39 Jennifer Howell: Since Coronavirus.....meetings EVERY day for something or another
00:51:58 Ron Lenth: 1-2 hours/week
00:52:46 Jennifer Howell: your millennial is showing...lol
00:53:53 Jennifer Howell: Zoom mostly
00:54:01 Emily Steele: email marketing, TV advertising, direct mail, social media, media appearances
00:54:05 Cindy Wells: email, Facebook and Zoom meetings
00:54:05 Eve Kindley: website, social media, text, email
00:54:06 Lauren Cooper: Extension website , Facebook
00:54:07 Kristin Woods: fb, email lists, text
00:54:07 Beatriz Rodriguez: By zoom
00:54:08 Jeff Carter: constant contact, emails, phone
00:54:12 Jennifer Howell: still text my people to let them know about Zoom meetings
00:54:13 Cathy Hohenstein: website, email, Facebook
00:54:15 Eric Herman: E-newsletter, public outreach at events with follow-ups via email/phone call, FB
00:54:15 Elizabeth Herron: Websites, email listerve, workshops, Facebook
00:54:17 Rebecca Brown: mostly person-to-person and pdfs on websites
00:54:18 Dion Lerman: email & web almost exclusivly
00:54:20 Karen DeBoer: webpages, Facebook, newspaper, radio, Twitter
00:54:21 Ron Lenth: social media/weekly radio program/e-lists
00:54:23 Elizabeth Gregory North: Television, radio, newspapers, web, social (FB, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok), podcasting
00:54:25 Lauren Cooper: Phone calls as well
00:54:26 Nancy Kelley: Radio, print, social media, bus wraps, billboards
00:54:26 Cathy Hohenstein: constant contact
00:54:37 Lisa Jones: Social Media, newsletters, Zoom, email, listservs, some phone calls
00:54:38 Jennifer Howell: yes, and Facebook
00:54:49 Beatriz Rodriguez: we use Facebook, bulk email by Highrise to share information, and zoom meetings
00:55:11 William Augustine Augustine: EMAIL, Zoom, TEAMS, and Social Media
00:55:18 Cathy Yandow: much is decentralized, handled by specialists and staff in field -- centralized tools include webinars, news, some social media - we also have a 65-year-old daily TV show ("Across the Fence") on local CBS affiliate
00:58:16 Molly Immendorf: I agree Collette! Lotys of pivoting going on these days
01:04:29 Elizabeth Gregory North: But a landing page is also a specific page with a specific URL for each ad placement, to allow for measurement as Kara describes. (The content can just be duplicated.)
01:07:42 Terri James: Could you share your screen with the examples?
01:09:33 Jeremiah Mowen: Wow!
01:12:10 Eric Herman: Are we going to touch on tips for using mass media? I was hoping that would be more of a focus for this webinar.
01:13:39 David Keto: people should be aware that depending on how landing pages are built and what software, tracking and CRM it can be a big privacy concern. Our university uses hub spot and I’m an admin. The university can see/track all of my clicks and views anywhere on our university website for the last 5 years (and this is not happening because I’m an employee)
01:15:31 Elizabeth Gregory North: Thanks, David, for that comment. Collecting individualized data and using it for targeting is definitely a privacy concern.
01:18:05 Steve HADCOCK: Folks can check out Firespring.com for some good resources.
01:18:47 David Keto: if people are thinking about a large scale campaign they should check with their university marketing and communications office. They may want to be involved and also they may already have the relationships and resources to help.
01:19:37 Kara Maddox: Yes, great point, David - this is a must
01:19:42 Kara Maddox: You’re welcome, Kim!
01:21:10 Elizabeth Gregory North: Following up on David’s comment, I would recommend working with your Extension communications group.
01:22:32 David Keto: Another resource in our state is the state broadcasters association. They can reach lots of mass media outlets at once and often times can work deals (for PSAs or other types of non-profit ad space). Depends on the scale you need
01:24:37 Kara Maddox: I’m seeing many requests to see the landing page. We haven’t released it - we will put that link on Extension Connect.
01:24:39 David Keto: On a local level I suggest just cold call your radio or TV stations and be prepared to adjust and provide a product that fits their needs and time slots available. The idea of creating bite size info is key in these efforts. At least in our state they’re hungry for content
01:25:46 David Keto: Yes! And as you build a longer media list those release reach further
01:27:00 Molly Immendorf: 1-min evaluation: https://forms.gle/Ap6VTSzBFxhgCTpc8
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