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OSU Seeks 4-H Forestry Natural Resources Program Coordinator

The Oregon State University  Division of Extension and Engagement and College of Forestry are seeking an Extension 4-H and Forestry Natural Resources Program Coordinator to serve youth engaged in 4-H and Forestry Natural Resources programming in Benton County.

This position is responsible for the development, management and integration of 4-H and Forestry natural resources non-credit education that meets the needs of youth in Benton County. The incumbent will collaborate with schoolteachers, businesses, organizations and community members to reach youth from broad and diverse backgrounds and abilities.

This Coordinator will use best practices in youth development and natural resources education to create high quality programs that deliver measurable results, and will have the chance to help shape the future of programs, build new connections to other 4-H and Extension programs, and design innovative programs.

Application deadline: September 19, 2024.

View full description and apply at

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