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OneOp2022 MFRA Series and the Sesame Street Coming Together Initiative

This year’s OneOp Military Family Readiness Academy Series is coming up soon! The 2022 MFRA is entitled “ Family Well-being: Navigating the Social Justice Landscape ” and will focus on individuals’ understanding of social justice and equity. The 2022 MFRA kicks off on June 1, 2022, and will consist of three asynchronous courses available on day one and then two-panel discussions during the month of June on June 15 th and June 29 th . Subscribe to the Military Family Readiness Academy mailing...

Extension Skills: Podcasting Basics with Aaron Weibe Follow-up

The Impact Collaborative's new professional development series, Extension Skills , invites members to attend every month to learn new tech skills, processes, and other training from experts in Cooperative Extension. This month's Extension Skills session was “Podcasting Basics: What You Need to Get Started” led by Aaron Weibe . Aaron covered the basics of getting a podcast started including the software and hardware needed, audio editing, and how to upload and broadcast your podcast to...

Human Factors

It's December 28, 1978, in New York City. United Airlines Flight 173 has just taken off for Portland, Oregon. Unknown to the passengers, a warning light has come on stealing the Captain's attention. Not long after, the Co-Pilot realizes they won't have enough fuel to reach their intended destination and will need to land at a different airport. With his mind focused on the warning light, the Captain is unable to focus on what is really important. They're going to run out of gas. The plane...

Urban Extension Professional Development Guide Reissued as Flipping Book

An Urban Extension Professional Development guide has been reissued as a flipping book by the Extension Foundation. Initially developed as an offering for the 2019 Impact Collaborative, the publication is jam-packed with information and resources curated and reviewed by a national team of experts. Note : Registration for the next Impact Collaborative - which will be held October 4-6th, 2022 - is now open. Information about the all-virtual event can be found here . The publication’s editors...

ECOP "Opioid Response" Publication Reissued

“Opioid Response” - a curated collection of resources designed to help Extension professionals play a stronger and more strategic role in addressing the opioid crisis - is now available in a flipping book format in the Extension Foundation’s publication library. The resources were curated by the Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup (EOCRW), a task force created by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). More than three dozen Extension professionals and experts from...

Leading Through Stressful Times Session 1: Dr Courtney Owens

Leading Through Stressful Times Session 1 Register Here June 8th 2022, 2:00 - 3:15 ET The Extension Foundation’s Impact Collaborative program is hosting a leadership series available to member institutions . Join our Leadership team for this 3-session series on June 8th, July 6th, and August 10th for conversations with special guests to get wisdom on turning volatility into vision, uncertainty into understanding, complexity into clarity, and ambiguity into agility! Extension Foundation is...

An Important Tool for Strengthening Couples’ Relationships in the Wake of COVID-19

by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. In Brief Relationship education (RE) for individuals, couples and families can provide critical support in recovering relationship health after disruptive events like the COVID-19 pandemic. A new podcast series on RE focuses on three important RE programs and resources — the NERMEM , Healthy Relationship and Marriage Training and Elevate for Couples . Dr. Ted Futris shares examples for applying the model’s components to your work with individuals and families in...

New Project Videos on the EXCITE Dashboard

EXCITE announces a new interactive Dashboard that displays data of the 72 "Education" programs and 24 "Pilot Projects" of the EXCITE program. This Dashboard was created so anyone can view details and data of their local Extension immunization education projects. The Dashboard data and videos communicate EXCITE's reach, value, and story. The project videos help showcase the success multiple institutions across diverse populations have had in reaching and educating their audience despite the...

Juntos Publication Now Available in Spanish

“El Programa Juntos: La trayectoria de un programa de Extensión al servicio de una comunidad en crecimiento” is available on the Extension Foundation bookshelf in a flipping book format. This publication is a Spanish translation of the Juntos eFieldbook produced in 2021. The Juntos program focuses on educating high school Latinx students and equipping their families with the knowledge, skills, and resources to ensure high school graduation and increase college access and attendance rates. In...

Feeling feelings...

When was the last time you felt sorry for someone? Did you have a hard time connecting to the reason they were suffering? Did you find yourself not caring about what they care about? This focus is sympathy, not empathy. Chances are we don't need to learn this, we just need a reminder! Sympathy When we act out of sympathy it means we understand what the person is feeling. Chances are we're not really connecting with the other person though. If we don't move toward empathy our understanding is...

Ecosystem Services in Working Lands Practice and Policy of the U.S. Northeast: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Producers and Extension Webinar

Register for webinar HERE May 24th, 2022 2 PM - 3 PM ET The Extension Foundation and Extension Northeast Ecosystem Services Assessment Fellows invite you to a webinar to discuss their Extension Foundation publication on the recently-completed ecosystem service landscape assessment, which analyzed provisioning programs and policies across the U.S. Northeast. This report documents the results from a regional assessment of over 1,300 ecosystem service provisioning programs and policies across...

"Bridging the GAPS: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms" Curriculum Available as Flipping Book

“Bridging the GAPS: Approaches to Treating Water on Farms” - a curriculum designed to help producers understand and address the regulatory requirements for ag water treatment in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) - has been reissued in a flipping book format by the Extension Foundation. Preventing foodborne illness and protecting public health are critically important to producers. Sanitary irrigation water is also mandated by the USDA; producers are required to monitor, treat, and...

ECOP Health Equity Framework Available in Flipping Book Format

Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being has been published as a flipping book by the Extension Foundation. First published in July 2021, the report was produced by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), Health Innovation Task Force. The Health Innovation Task Force was established in March 2020 by ECOP to "investigate, explore, and provide recommendations in support of extension innovating for system-level change” particularly as it...

UNH Extension seeks State Specialist, Dairy Production

The Extension State Specialist, Dairy Production will deliver research-based programming and technical expertise to dairy farms of all sizes and production models throughout the state to enhance sustainability and viability. This is a 100% Extension appointment based primarily at the Merrimack County Extension office in Boscawen, N.H., with additional office space in the Keener Dairy Research building on UNH’s Durham campus. For more information, visit our website: UNH Extension Seeks a...

New "Water Saver" publication documents Master Irrigator Program

A new publication - Water Saver: Oklahoma Master Irrigator Program - is available from the Extension Foundation. It documents the Oklahoma State Master Irrigator Program, which is helping Oklahoma farmers respond to the challenges they face due to decreasing water levels (a consequence of climate change.) Inspired by a program developed by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, a team of academics at Oklahoma State University created a Master Irrigator program to help farmers...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
