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Tagged With "Hometown is Cool"


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The Ins and Outs of the Learn Calendar on Connect Extension

Aaron Weibe ·
I’ve received a number of GREAT questions about the Learn calendar here on Connect Extension. What is it? Who can use it? What’s the value in using it? I thought it would also be helpful to explain some of the things that are happening on the backend that many might not be aware of - and how you, as Cooperative Extension professionals, can take advantage of that with ease! First - who can use it? Anybody in Cooperative Extension can use it. You do not need to be a member of the eXtension...
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Karl Bradley ·
"When employees respect each other and get along in the workplace, it's amazing how productivity increases, morale increases and employees are more courteous to customers." -Maureen Wild Gifford Thomas, the founder of Leadership First & author of The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team to Believe in the Impossible writes... "Respect is the glue that holds teams and organizations together. When there is a high level of trust and respect, in any environment, loyalty is extremely high...

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information

Re: Growing Moringa & Nutritional Benefits

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Attached are beneficial files for moringa.

Re: Farmer Food Safety

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Presentation added
Blog Post

Integrating Perspectives

Karl Bradley ·
Anna McGrath from Godfrey Dadich Partners is one of the most enlightened people I've ever met. She's cool & wise which is a rare combo! Had the pleasure of attending a workshop she did called " Integrating Opposite Perspectives " are my notes from our time together... How can you ensure everyone is working towards a common goal when they all seem to be coming from so many different points of reference? Diverse ideas & perspectives can be a source of strength in your...

Re: Poultry-Human bond

Former Member ·
Interesting post. I Have Been wondering about this issue. so thanks for posting. Pretty cool post.It 's really very nice and Useful post.Thanks

Re: Let's Talk GMOs Online Course Available

Aaron Weibe ·
How cool! Thanks for sharing!
Blog Post

3 Steps

Karl Bradley ·
On our journey through life sometimes we get stuck. We don't know what step to take next. It's in these moments of friction that growth happens. Here are 3 steps that can help us get unstuck & back on track to being the person we want to become! "Know thyself." -H.D. Thoreau Affirm (or discover) your personality traits or your core values. Self-awareness is a great trait to hone. Getting back in touch with ourselves, our DNA, can be just the reminder that we are enough and will always be...
Blog Post

You do what?

Karl Bradley ·
Whether you're in a "leadership" position or are leading from another spot in the organization, everyone has responsibilities. Responsibilities to understand the requirements of leading that help everyone with expectation setting. If part of your duties include caring for others, the following likely show up in your everyday collaborations! THE "WHAT" Primary Leadership Tasks Vision – Set the general tone, direction Management – Set goals and focus resources Empowerment – Select and develop...
Blog Post

Practice Your ABCD's

Karl Bradley ·
Sir Richard Branson has started around 256 different companies. After that many, who's counting anymore!? How can someone be curious enough about that many things to start something in each of them? "Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, find hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and generate solutions." -Steve Jobs Branson does this by practicing his ABCD's: Always Be Connecting the Dots. "Be on the lookout for what...
Blog Post

A Good Night’s Rest is Best

Rachel Brauner ·
Written By: Andrew Crocker, M.S., Senior Extension Program Specialist, Gerontology and Health, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Way way back in the 1980s (HA!) the dairy industry had a marketing slogan that went, in part, “…it does the body good.” There are probably a lot of things that we can insert into that phrase, right? Vegetables. Seat belts. Exercise. Sleep? We often do not think a lot about sleep – until we cannot do it – but we will spend about a third of our lives asleep,...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

John Tindall ·
I appreciate the summary. What's filling that massive void from the 1980's until now?? The prevailing leadership model today includes the best of each theory, plus the traits you identified. We just need to come up with a cool name for it. Simon Sinek has a great book (or two) on leadership called 'The 5 Why's'. And here's a good talk of his on leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Blog Post

Social Justice and Practicing Connection in a Complex World

Jessica B. ·
The Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast has come a long way since we first started! We're currently in Season 3, where we've been focusing on social justice in preparation for the upcoming 2022 Academy Series . These episodes are created with Extension professionals, helping professionals, and community leaders in mind. Our latest two episodes feature incredible people doing really cool work in the social justice space. Social Justice and Family Well Being (Season 3, Ep. 1) For...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
@John Tindall Thanks for your comment! Totally agree, we need to come up with a cool name for where leadership is today. The label we use will help others connect to the current evolution and keep moving us forward. What ideas do you have? Love to connect with you on this sometime! Keep leading! -Karl
Blog Post

Virtual Chat: My Hometown is Cool… and So Is Yours! Empowering youth through place-based community development

MelaniePugsley ·
My Hometown is Cool… and So Is Yours Virtual Chat, May 9th, 2023, 2-3 pm ET ENTER CHAT HERE Extension Professionals are invited to participate in a virtual chat focused on empowering youth through place-based community development with the year 4 NTAE project team from West Virginia. In this chat, explore effective ways to engage youth in Extension-led community development efforts, as they are crucial to long-term rural economic growth. The My Hometown is Cool initiative adopts a...
Blog Post

Coaching or Mentoring?

Karl Bradley ·
Not that many years ago it wasn't very cool to have a coach for personal development. It was seen as somewhat of a weakness if you sought out a coach for help. Today, it's different. You want to learn and grow because you're after increased effectiveness. It's cool to have a coach. On the other hand, mentors have been a big part of personal and professional networks throughout our lives. These relationships continue to be a vital part of our development and the quality of our lives. Mentors...
Blog Post

Coaching 101

Karl Bradley ·
If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Releases Three NTAE Titles

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Three new titles are available on the Extension Foundation’s website. The brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NTAE’s goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the communities it serves,...
Blog Post

2024 National Pilot Invitation: My Hometown is Cool!

MelaniePugsley ·
We invite you to be part of the " My Hometown is Cool!" National Pilot Program , hosted by West Virginia University, in collaboration with the Extension Foundation New Technology in Ag Extension program. What is "My Hometown is Cool!"? " My Hometown is Cool! " is a dynamic program that spans Extension disciplines, including 4-H and Youth Development, Community Resource Economic Development, and Families and Health, designed to engage 6th-12th grade students in community development and...
Blog Post

Everybody "digs"...

Karl Bradley ·
A little slang every once in a while won't hurt anything. It keeps us on our toes. Growing up with parents who were musicians, there was a lot. The ones that stuck with me were from the jazz genre'. Here are some you can adopt if you want to be a "cool cat" like some of the greatest musicians of all time! Axe - your instrument Bad - meaning something really good Chops - level of skill or mastery Dig - you like or understand something Groove - the rhythmic feeling of the music Gig - your job...

Nadia Moore

Nadia Moore
Blog Post

New Report: Land-Grant University Capacity to Support Recreation Economies in National Forest Gateway Communities

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation has published a new research report titled Land-Grant University Capacity to Support Recreation Economies in National Forest Gateway Communities. This study provides insights into how well Land-Grant Universities (LGUs) are positioned to promote and develop outdoor recreation economies near U.S. national forests. It also identifies specific locations that are best equipped to allocate resources for recreation economy programs. The report aims to assess the ability of...
Blog Post

Report – Extension Tourism: Impact and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming Across U.S. Regions

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its publications library. " Extension Tourism: Impact and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming Across U.S. Regions " shares findings from a national survey process conducted by the National Extension Tourism design team and Regional Rural Development Centers from 2017-2019. The intent of the survey process was to catalog current tourism and recreation programming being conducted by U.S. Extension professionals. The findings are...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
