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Tagged With "High Performance"


Corn Breeding for Organic Markets


Master Equine Manager Certificate


Master Equine Manager Certificate


Introduction to QGIS

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On a Time for Grit

Mike Knutz ·
During these uncertain times when programming has ceased as we know it, as well as most other aspects of our life being upended, it can be discouraging or even overwhelming. It seemed a perfect time to continue my read and study into the concept of “Grit” by renown researcher and author, Angela Duckworth. In her New York Times best-selling book “ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” ; she lays out her initial studies at the U.S Military Academy at West Point. Duckworth’s quest was to...

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information
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Farm Journal Request for High-Res Images for Soil Health Improvement Workbook

Aaron Weibe ·
Farm Journal is building a soil health improvement workbook in partnership with NRCS & a variety of leaders in agribusiness, farmer associations, food companies & NGOs and are looking for high-resolution images (with credit to the providing organization(s)/institutions) of: Soil infiltration test (each step of the process illustrated) Water mitigation table (each step) At-home rainfall simulator (each step) Any other at-home soil tests farmers can perform to assess specific facets of...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
How long do you work continuously? Do you just go until you actually start to feel fatigue? If you're like most, you just go without thinking much about stopping until the end of the workday. Without much thought, we're setting ourselves up for underperformance...imagine that! And...its become a well ingrained habit. Every 16 words on average we reach for a metaphor so let's use one now! Race cars are built to go fast for a long time but they take pit stops to go faster for longer. We're a...
Blog Post

High Performing Culture?

Karl Bradley ·
You don't have to look very hard these days to stumble on an article, video or interview about workplace culture. Here are a couple lists from Charlie Kim's company NextJump where employees (among many things) won't be fired ...they'll be coached . How are things going where you are? Top 12 Signals of LOW vs HIGH performing cultures LOW SIGNALS 1. Entitlement 2. Victim Mindset (everything is impossible, why bother?) 3. Death by 1,000 paper cuts (little things go wrong all the time) 4. No...
Blog Post

Do you like hot fries?

Karl Bradley ·
In our U.S. Air Force, there are Officers & Enlisted. Officers have ranks of 2nd Lieutenant to 4-Star General. Enlisted have ranks of Airman to Chief Master Sergeant. There is one special position in the Enlisted ranks that only 19 people have held. It's the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force ( CMSAF ) position. Had the opportunity a few years ago to hear CMSAF #5, Robert Gaylor speak. Here's the video from his presentation at TEDx Scott Air Force Base: A Motto For Life: Robert...

Re: Public Value

Former Member ·
I enjoy it for creating the details, keep up the truly amazing perform continuing how to make a girl obsessed with you

Livestock Rumen & Greenhouse Gases

Blog Post

Human Factors

Karl Bradley ·
It's December 28, 1978, in New York City. United Airlines Flight 173 has just taken off for Portland, Oregon. Unknown to the passengers, a warning light has come on stealing the Captain's attention. Not long after, the Co-Pilot realizes they won't have enough fuel to reach their intended destination and will need to land at a different airport. With his mind focused on the warning light, the Captain is unable to focus on what is really important. They're going to run out of gas. The plane...
Blog Post

Journal of Extension Seeks Associate Editor

Aaron Weibe · Position Description Associate Editor, Journal of Extension The Journal of Extension seeks an associate editor who can review manuscripts dealing with a diverse set of topics, including social justice, disability, mental health, equity and belonging, and specialized populations. Commitment Term: 3 years (with an option to renew) Estimated Time Commitment: 3–5 hours per week on average Overview An Associate Editor (AE) contributes to ensuring that the...

Re: Building and Managing a High Tunnel System for Small-Scale Urban and Suburban Production

Aaron Weibe ·
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect , clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here FAQs for Learn Calendar Users: Will a recording be available? That is entirely...
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Practicing Gratitude and Building Better Thoughts

Jason M Jowers ·
For service providers and clients alike, life is a winding road of good things here and bad things there. Actively working toward wiring your brain to acknowledge the good and appreciating those good things can help individuals shape personal strengths and build protections. Creating protective factors which can help cultivate positive mental health and generate an asset-based outlook that reaches all aspects of life. November is National Gratitude Month Gratitude is the practice of being...
Blog Post

Job Opening: Extension Educator, High Obesity Program - Multi County, Oklahoma State University

Brenda K. Miller ·
The scope of work for the HOP Extension Educator is 100% on the CDC HOP project. Responsibilities include working with community partners to address health disparities related to poor nutrition, physical activity, and obesity using policy, systems and environmental changes to promote food and nutrition security and safe and accessible physical activity in community and early care and education settings. Four positions are available in four different counties in Eastern Oklahoma...
Blog Post

GUEST POST: How to Fix the Workplace Through a Culture of Voluntary Influence

Karl Bradley ·
By Don Shapiro President, First Concepts Consultants, Inc. University Extension faces the same challenges today as any organization where a group of people are working together to accomplish something significant. You’re challenged with issues such as retention, burnout, managing change, leadership, and collaboration. Each one of these has a huge impact on how well you carry out your mission and serve your communities and constituents. Leadership stands out on this list because it’s not just...
Blog Post

Family Life Educator Position - Illinois

Chelsey Byers ·
WE TRANSFORM LIVES. Everything we do is designed to improve the quality of life of the people in the state of Illinois, across the nation, and around the world. We discover, develop, translate, and disseminate knowledge to address societal concerns and train the next generation of experts and leaders in a way that empowers them to expand the boundaries of science to higher levels of understanding and influence. Be a part of our story. Through learning partnerships that extend knowledge and...
Blog Post

Illinois Extension is Seeking a Watershed Outreach Associate

Amanda Christenson ·
The University of Illinois Extension is seeking an individual to deliver research-based educational programs, developed in cooperation with University personnel and campus-based faculty with an emphasis on watershed management in or near one of the phosphorus-priority watersheds
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Hiring Grants Specialist (CLOSED)

Aaron Weibe ·
THIS POSITION IS NOW CLOSED - PLEASE REFER TO NEW GRANTS SPECIALIST OPPORTUNITY HERE FORM FOR SUBMISSION: Grants Specialist - full-time position Application Deadline: January 2, 2023 Target start date: January 2023 Salary: commensurate with experience Extension Foundation (EXF) is a well-established non-profit organization providing diverse services to over 100 public universities across the United States. EXF is a membership-based 501(c)(3)...
Blog Post

Insights from Nate Birt on our new Fundraising, Grants, and Partnerships Professional Development Series!

MelaniePugsley ·
Meet Nate Birt , the founder of Silver Maple Strategies , a distinguished communications and fundraising consultancy dedicated to empowering nonprofit leaders in driving impactful climate-change solutions. Nate's expertise has been recognized through his latest book, " 7 Secrets of Highly Effective Social Impact Communicators ," which rose to become a No. 1 new release in business ethics on Amazon. Formerly the vice president of Farm Journal 's pioneering climate-change division, Trust In...
Blog Post

Building Financial Recovery Capital Among Service Members

Kristen Jowers ·
Building recovery capital can mitigate the stressors often associated with Substance use disorder (SUD) recurrence (i.e., relapse or return-to-use), including financial stress.
Blog Post

New EFNEP High School Curriculum - Fuel For Life

Megan Berthiaume ·
Fuel for Life (FFL) is an innovative 6-to 8-week program developed by NC State University to equip high school students with essential life skills. The curriculum focuses on teaching students about nutrition, safe food handling and preparation, food resource management, and physical activity. The goal is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices and lead a balanced lifestyle. Recognizing the scarcity of nutrition programs targeting high school students, NC...

Re: New EFNEP High School Curriculum - Fuel For Life

Sheila G ·
Is this program available in Spanish or any other language?

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
