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Tagged With "Daily Habits"

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Encouraging adoption of protection behaviors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

Roberta Riportella ·
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) have highlighted a new guidance document for encouraging the adoption of COVID-19 protection behaviors, "The current pandemic requires adoption of health-promoting behaviors, such as mask wearing, physical distancing, and handwashing. The first two of these behaviors—mask wearing and physical distancing—require the development of health habits that are new to the U.S. population and inconsistent with existing habits and...

Re: Companion Planting For Vegetables II

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
This is a complete book on vegetables. Everything you need to know.

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
How long do you work continuously? Do you just go until you actually start to feel fatigue? If you're like most, you just go without thinking much about stopping until the end of the workday. Without much thought, we're setting ourselves up for underperformance...imagine that! And...its become a well ingrained habit. Every 16 words on average we reach for a metaphor so let's use one now! Race cars are built to go fast for a long time but they take pit stops to go faster for longer. We're a...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
Worrying is a habit. Do you have it? First, check out " Getting to the bottom of your worrying-and how to let it go " by Gordana Biernat for some great insights! We all have dreams, aspirations & goals. It's healthy to be in a growth mindset but not at the expense of getting meaningful things done today. Making zero progress toward your preferred vision of the future is demotivating. Focus on the task at hand, like the mantra of former NFL head coach Marty Schottenheimer. The main thing...
Blog Post

Atomic Habits: An Extension Conversation About Moving Forward in the New Year

Scott Reed ·
James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results , was the subject of a recent Connect Extension Virtual Chat. The hour-long interaction stimulated participants to extend Clear’s lessons into vignettes describing their personal and professional experiences with habits. The recorded chat can be found here . Atomic habits are intended to be small and easy to do-thus reinforcing their value by becoming a part of one’s identity. Multiple atomic habits can begin to influence...
Blog Post

Questions or Complaints?

Karl Bradley ·
“Only self-confidence makes freedom & dissent possible. An organization that brainwashes employees to think alike will only breed complacency & make itself unappealing to anyone who might inject some oxygen into it.” – Ricardo Semler Think about a time when you were offended by a complaint. Perhaps it was a question someone posed. Did it feel like it was directed at you in a meeting in front of others? Do you remember your response? Was it appropriate for the situation? Was it...
Blog Post

Daily Habit!

Karl Bradley ·
Several years ago I started a habit of gifting myself a few minutes every day to read, watch or listen to something about leadership. It was rough at first as I fought off thoughts of how the time could be used for other things. It's been worth it though, I've learned so much. Here are just a few sources for a daily leadership content feed... The Marshall Goldsmith Coaching app gives you the ability to hear 3 weekly thoughts directly from the #1 Executive Coach in the world. Simple &...
Blog Post

Get better at anything!

Karl Bradley ·
Had the good fortune of carving out some time to finish a book that has made a quick impact on my life; " Triggers " by Marshall Goldsmith. The most powerful aspect of this book for me was self questioning . Heard about this technique from one of his social media posts & had been half-heartedly going through the motions of this technique. I needed some coaching on it for sure. He states that active questions make the most difference because of how they frame the responsibility. They...
Blog Post

What drives you?

Karl Bradley ·
Why do we do the things we do? If we're honest with ourselves, we know our actions are driven by two things: motivation & ability. Ability to do anything is influenced by external help and/or environmental structure. Motivation is connected to our internal belief system, our values. Intrinsic The things we value most in life are our internal motivators. They are our core values. The things we sacrifice for, stand up for and are prepared to die for if it came to that. They're super...

Re: An In-Depth Look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

Former Member ·
Homeworks are an integral part of a student’s life. Therefore students often decide to get assignment help UAE to complete their assignments on time. But what if you realize you have forgotten to bring your homework to school? Don't Panic; here are some ways that can save you from detention. Ask friends For Help. One day you reach school and realize you have forgotten something. It's too late when you know it's your homework. Don't panic and ask your friends for help. Take their assignment...
Blog Post

It's situational and it's not...

Karl Bradley ·
My brother & I talk a lot and it has brought us closer, especially during our "philosophical" discussions. We like to dive deep into our passion areas, share what we've learned from books, articles, Ted Talks, work situations, parenting, etc. We just go with whatever is on our minds in a healthy banter. One thing keeps coming up regardless of topic is leadership & its close relationship with character . We agree on one point...leadership is situational but character isn't. Character...
Blog Post

Top 10 Heavy Hitters

Karl Bradley ·
The entire culture of our organizations can be summed up in this statement; what is rewarded is repeated . For your consideration (during MLB playoff time!)'s a list of some heavy hitters to encourage & support with your leadership behavior! 1. Earn people's trust ; provide evidence every day of how you are trustworthy 2. Understand everyone has a life; work & life aren't separate, work is a part of a meaningful life 3. Listen , then act; diverse viewpoints are healthier, more...
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Karl Bradley ·
At this time our thoughts are often thrust into pondering meaningful ways to focus the upcoming year. We are bombarded with things others feel we should “value” but these decisions should be personal. A couple of years ago I shared my New Year’s resolutions with my wife & she in turn shared hers. At the top of her list was having more patience but the one that sticks in my mind is this… “I will love myself…..after I lose 5 pounds!” 🤣 Too funny, but telling at the same time. We often...
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Professional & Amateur gap

Karl Bradley ·
Developing our leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It takes constant learning about ourselves and awareness of the influence we have. If you're like me, you enjoy reading, watching, listening to something on leadership most days. It's a good habit for continued growth as we get diverse perspectives from everything we digest. One of the things we can do to help integrate new learnings into our lives is to take notes on what is important to us from these books, videos, articles and podcasts we...
Blog Post

Teamwork Part 1: Making Recognition a Resource

Karl Bradley ·
If anyone knows about leadership & teamwork it was Pat Summit, Hall of Fame basketball coach from the University of Tennessee. In her book "Reach for the Summit" she says: “The amount of success you are capable of enjoying and the pleasure you are capable of feeling is equal to the number of people you are willing to share it with.” Sharing doesn’t come naturally though. We’ve all seen this when we watch kids playing; the crying starts when they have to share their favorite toy. Diagnose...
Blog Post

Excellence and You!

Karl Bradley ·
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Will Durant Behavior change is hard. Starting something new means stopping something that's not adding value to your life. What if you thought about leadership development as a habit? Then you wouldn't have to worry about the "right" time to start. Choose wisely and align your saying with your doing. Influence is always happening. Bad driver. Happy bank teller. Slightly pleasant flight attendant. These reflect a...
Blog Post

2023 Leadership & Team Development offerings!

Karl Bradley ·
How do you know it's time to do leadership development? What would happen if you thought about it as a habit? Get your calendar out and register today! Personal Leadership Bootcamp This 3-part series invites individuals to get to know themselves, choose a path and take action with the power of their personal leadership philosophy! Register here: From "Me" to "We": Values, Trust & Teamwork Discover the value of your values, how to show you’re...
Blog Post

2 Questions...

Karl Bradley ·
How do you know it's time to do leadership development? The short answer is it's always time. Developing our leadership is a journey, not a destination. Improving our self-awareness and becoming truly effective takes consistent focus. Here are some clues to watch for on your journey to help stay focused: If you're feeling like some honest and respectful feedback it might be time for leadership development! Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Getting meaningful information from trusted...
Blog Post

What keeps senior leaders up at night?

Karl Bradley ·
Our family had the pleasure of being stationed in Tokyo, Japan while my wife and I were in the U.S. Air Force. While Japan and the other countries we visited were amazing, it was a particularly complicated time in the Pacific region. Most notably, North Korea's leader was threatening war. Additionally, many career fields in the Air Force lacked the people to sustain the operational pace required to maintain peace and stability in the region. Because of these situations, several military...
Blog Post

GUEST POST: How to Fix the Workplace Through a Culture of Voluntary Influence

Karl Bradley ·
By Don Shapiro President, First Concepts Consultants, Inc. University Extension faces the same challenges today as any organization where a group of people are working together to accomplish something significant. You’re challenged with issues such as retention, burnout, managing change, leadership, and collaboration. Each one of these has a huge impact on how well you carry out your mission and serve your communities and constituents. Leadership stands out on this list because it’s not just...
Blog Post

Emotional Spending 101

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
Unlike impulsive buying, emotional spending is frequently heightened by stress, grief, or moments of happiness or sadness. Regardless of these triggers, they can impact your finances negatively. For example, you shop to make yourself feel better after a bad day at work. As a result, compulsive shopping and spending stems from an impulse disorder habit that can be addictive for many. The relationship between money and happiness is now seen as complete. Aknin, Wiwad, and Hannibal (2018)...
Blog Post

Are you ready?

Karl Bradley ·
Are you ready for a new experience at work in 2024? (If you continue reading the answer is "yes"!) Are you ready to dive into "why" you do some of the things you do? Are you ready to make a list of things to stop doing and start doing? The folks at " The Ready " have some great suggestions to help bring more clarity to your intentions! While we probably can't change some of the things where we work we can make it feel better to work together. Here are some ideas to get you thinking...
Blog Post

Gratitude: Can making a list improve your career? [6th of 8]

Brian Raison ·
Can increasing gratitude improve your brain chemistry and help you feel better? Can it improve your career? The science of gratitude has expanded greatly in the past twenty years. Studies increasingly show that regularly practicing gratitude contributes to better relationships, decreased anxiety, and increased internal satisfaction. These bolster what Daniel Goleman labels emotional and social intelligence, key items for success in our careers and lives. Though once labeled soft skills—i.e.,...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
