Tagged With "Apple Podcasts"
Re: Help with RSS Feeds
@Steve Hadcock - good question. This may be better as a "Topic" post instead of a blog post since you're asking for feedback. However, to give you some feedback - I do have experience in creating RSS feeds. It sounds like you're asking about podcast hosting (i.e. where can I upload my podcast files so they end up on iTunes or Google Podcasts?). I've used Blubrrry Podcasts for that - it's worth checking out at https://blubrry.com/ .
Blog Post
May 2020 Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal
On a congratulatory note, the winning story lead from the May 2020 contest has now been published in Farm Journal. The winning story lead came from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and was submitted by @Jeff Goodwin . From there, Farm Journal worked with the team at the University of Hawaii, including Dr. @Koon-Hui Wang , to produce the full story. The full story, Screenhouses Boost Marketable Yields for Farmers , is available here . In addition, Farm Journal featured this story on AgDay...
Blog Post
Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast launches July 1!
This new podcast, “Practicing Connection in a Complex World,” was created to help you explore and adopt relationship-building practices that will help you, your family, and your community improve your resilience in a rapidly changing world.
Re: Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast launches July 1!
I love this approach. Another podcast that's taking a really collaborative approach is Water Talk out of University of California Ag & Natural Resources. They're using the recording sessions to create community and a sense of audience (this happens mid-week), and then dropping the actual podcast on Friday. It's been an incredibly inclusive process: the team publicizes the recording on social media, including Twitter, and then shares the Zoom link via email. Again: so looking forward to...
Re: Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast launches July 1!
Thanks @Rose Hayden-Smith - the mini-episode gives an overview of our intentions, and as a teaser episode 2 will discuss collaboration 🙂 Feedback is very welcome - we are taking a learning, growing, and collaborative approach and hope to eventually grow a community of people that will hopefully see themselves as co-creators of this podcast. 🙂
Re: Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast launches July 1!
What a great idea! I will look it up - their process sounds right up our alley - thanks for sharing!
Blog Post
Connect Extension Podcast Now Available
The eXtension Foundation is pleased to announce that our Connect Extension Podcast is now available! Each month in Connect Extension, eXtension hosts a virtual chat on a different topic area to highlight best practices and innovations throughout Cooperative Extension. In June 2020, we hosted a virtual chat on virtual field days, led by @Victor Villegas , Oregon State University Extension Service, and @Rose Hayden-Smith , eXtension Technology in Extension Education Fellow Following each...
Re: Discover Brain Health Webinar Series - Hold That Thought
Thanks for the podcast. Get Outlook for Android< https://aka.ms/ghei36 >
Blog Post
Practicing Connection in a Complex World: Collaboration
In this episode of the Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast, hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch explore different perspectives on collaboration. Is there a mindset that leads to collaboration? How can we encourage collaborations that create something new? What makes for a good collaboration? You can stay in touch with us and connect with our Practicing Connection community by subscribing to our email list. Subscribe now. Practicing Connection in a Complex World Podcast You...
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Practicing Connection in a Complex World: Working Out Loud
In this episode , hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch explore john Stepper’s Working Out Loud framework in the context of building relationships for resilience. Jessica and Bob discuss five elements of Working Out Loud: purposeful discovery, relationships, generosity, visible work, and growth mindset. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts , or Stitcher , or you can listen on our website .
Blog Post
Practicing Connection in a Complex World: VUCA and VUCA Prime
In this episode , Karen Pedersen , Dean for Global Campus at Kansas State University, talks about how the VUCA framework (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) has helped her better understand the world, and how the VUCA Prime framework (vision, understanding, clarity, and agility) has helped her lead in and respond to a VUCA world. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts , or Stitcher , or listen on our website .
Blog Post
Practicing Connection in a Complex World: Community Resilience
In this episode , hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch collaborate with Danielle Swallow and Chris Petrone of Sea Grant Delaware to explore community resilience in the face of hazards and disasters. Danielle and Chris have been integrating resilience into their work with Sea Grant Delaware for several years. They share their thoughts on community resilience, stories of people coming together to address the impacts of disasters, and tips for how to start building your individual, family,...
Blog Post
Get More Done in '21!
Wow, there was a ton thrown at us in 2020 and we're all looking forward to a new start in the new year. With every new year comes a new beginning, thinking about priorities & how to accomplish our meaningful choices. The attachment in this post from Hubspot highlights some aspects from their blog post on " How to stop the most common productivity prohibitors" Make Every Minute Count Keep Your Workspace Tidy Get Laser-Focused Reset & Recharge If you're curious about time-blocking or...
Blog Post
Practicing Reflection
If your year started like mine, it left you reeling from a packed schedule and more on your plate than you thought you had. I came into 2021 with a peaceful mindset, having just taken the bulk of two weeks off, but somehow still felt a little blindsided when my first day back at work came around. I decided I needed to do something before I allowed my year to continue down this path. So this past weekend, I spent some time reflecting and planning and now I feel even more ready for whatever...
Re: Practicing Reflection
You're so kind - thank you, @Aaron Weibe So grateful to have the platform to share - thanks to you and the entire eXtension team!
Re: Practicing Reflection
@Rose Hayden-Smith - thank you so much! It's always good to hear since a podcast can be pretty one-way as far as communication goes 🙂