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Building Networks for Resilience During COVID-19


Building Networks for Resilience During COVID-19

When you subscribe to the “Building Networks for Resilience” Learning Experience, you’ll receive 8 weekly emails, each containing a resource and one thing to do to practice building relationships. The resources include five podcast episodes exploring each of the five elements of Working Out Loud: purposeful discovery, relationships, generosity, visible work, and a growth mindset.

The learning experience was designed so you could do it on your own, but you can make the experience even more meaningful by sharing it with colleagues or friends. Schedule video chats and subscribe to the learning experience together, then get together (virtually, of course) to discuss how your personal practice is changing.

Each week, you'll receive a short email with a link to a webinar or podcast to guide you in using the Working Out Loud process to build networks for resilience. The post will also contain "One Thing To Do" to help you practice building networks for resilience.

The learning experience was designed to do on your own, but you can make the experience even more meaningful by sharing it with colleagues or friends. Schedule video chats and subscribe to the learning experience together, then get together (virtually, of course) to discuss how your personal practice is changing.


Let's start by laying the groundwork.

A strong support network can help you be resilient in times of change, but what can you do to make sure those networks are there when you need them? The "Working Out Loud" process is one approach to building networks to support your individual resilience.

John Stepper developed the Working Out Loud process ( to make organizational cultures more collaborative and innovative by showing people a more engaged way of working that provides access to more opportunities. We've adapted concepts from the Working Out Loud process to help us learn about and practice building networks for resilience.


Watch this archived webinar, "Working Out Loud: Building Networks for Resilience,"

The webinar identifies how networks can support and enhance personal and professional resilience, and introduces how the Working Out Loud process can be used to build diverse networks.

The webinar is about 90 minutes long, so you may want to schedule 2 or 3 blocks of time to fit it into your schedule. The content serves as an important framework for this learning experience, so we hope you can find time to watch it.

Please share your thoughts about the webinar on social media using the hashtag #wolresilience or by emailing us at

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About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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