General Instructions:
- Log in to ( at 3pm EST on Tuesday, April 2, 2019
- Insert #eXASchat into the textbox that pops up so you can tweet easily and view the live Twitter stream
- Create valuable content by answering questions about saving money
Questions That We Will Discuss:
Q1. What does it mean to be “money smart”?
Q2. What is the first step that someone should take to become smarter about money?
Q3. What are some barriers to being “money smart”?
Q4. How can children and youth be money smart?
Q5. How do you personally increase your “money smartness”?
Q6. What are some free “money smart” apps you like to use?
Q7. What is your proudest money smart moment?
Q8. What or who is your #1 personal finance information resource?
Q9. How do you learn about being money smart best? (Website, podcast, YouTube video?)
Q10. What is your best “money smart” mantra?
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