Tagged With "Extension Agriculture"
Re: Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
Jenia I'm adding an additional file with that information. Jeff
Blog Post
Opportunities and Challenges for Indiana's Urban Agriculturalists
Here is a recent Purdue Extension publication that summarizes opportunities and challenges for Indiana’s urban agriculturalists. The data is part of an urban agriculture needs assessment conducted by Purdue Extension. Big thanks to all of the farmers, gardeners, and community partners who participated in this project! https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/publications/ID-531-W.pdf?_ga=2.252898944.822598867.1689783057-453391612.1689783056
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WCMER Deep Dive Fellows Want to Hear from You!
WCMER Deep Dive Fellows are collecting data to inform the development of an Urban Extension Toolkit focusing on the skillsets and competencies of Extension professionals. Two surveys (for Extension professionals and Extension administrators) aim to investigate the essential skills that Extension professionals require to effectively work across the urban-rural continuum and identify the obstacles they encounter in this process. The surveys are being distributed to Extension professionals and...
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Announcing GROW Urban Agriculture Conference
Announcing the inaugural Generating Research Opportunities Workshop for (GROW) Urban Agriculture Conference. This is a virtual three part conference for researchers, extension professional, educators and stakeholders designed to build interdisciplinary teams and support their efforts to secure funding for research, extension and education (REE) that supports and expands urban agriculture. Phase I is November 1-3, 2023. This virtual session will focus on connecting participants with similar...
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NUEC 2024 - Call for Proposals is Open
The NUEC 2024 Conference Team invites you to submit proposals for the upcoming conference which will be held in Nashville, TN, May 28-31, 2024. We seek proposals that share impactful programming in one of these five focus tracks: Strengthening Communities Protecting the Environment Improving Our Health Enriching Youth Feeding the Future : Local food systems and networks In addition to these five programmatic focus tracks, we will also host a Leading Edge Dialogue administrative track . The...
Re: Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
I was wondering whether there was any documentation on the conference itself. I checked but couldn't find anything, and I'd love to tell a coworker about this chance, but I can't seem to discover any details on the conference itself. What a relief! wordle today
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WCMER Urban Extension Toolkit Survey - One Week Left!
You still have time to share your input with WCMER Deep Dive Fellows to inform the development of an Urban Extension Toolkit . Two surveys (for Extension professionals and Extension administrators) aim to investigate the essential skills that Extension professionals require to effectively work across the urban-rural continuum and identify the obstacles they encounter in this process. The surveys are being distributed to Extension professionals and administrators within the land grant...
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Hiring Urban Extension Specialist for Ohio State University Extension
The Urban Extension Specialist in the Department of Extension will address Ohio State University's RAISE themes of race, economic opportunity, and leadership. The successful candidate will foster a dynamic hub of innovation linking the priorities of urban communities with university assets. The position will advance Ohio State's efforts to coordinate and facilitate community-engaged research and relevant programming to address equity in the areas of food, health and wellness, environment,...
Re: Extension Today: 2022 AEA System-wide Conference
Thanks to reading this article, I have gained new knowledge, thank you very much flagle
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
new dress
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
thanks to all gusy so i show you my Chittaranjan Escorts site.
Blog Post
Don't forget to submit YOUR abstract for NUEC2024!
The NUEC 2024 Conference Team wants to remind you to submit your proposal for the upcoming conference which will be held in Nashville, TN from May 28-31, 2024. The abstract submission portal will be open through December 1 , so there's still lots of time left to polish up that abstract you've been thinking about! Proposals will be accepted in any of the five focus tracks: Strengthening Communities, Protecting the Environment, Improving Our Health, Enriching Youth, and Feeding the Future :...
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Backyard Poultry Certification Course
Interest in keeping backyard poultry for personal and family food security has steadily increased over the past decade. Many cities and municipalities require a certificate for residents to keep backyard poultry. Increased numbers of youth are raising chickens and turkeys for 4-H livestock projects. Maybe you just want to learn more about the keeping of a backyard flocks. Whatever your reason, OSU Extension has you covered with this Backyard Poultry Certification Course that discusses...
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NUEL Updates, 2023 Annual Meeting, New Orleans
Greetings and Happy Holidays to my colleagues and to Extension Directors around the country. I am writing to share a few brief updates as NUEL is working to our momentum and address the needs of our Extension system working to remain relevant, responsive, and recognized in our urban communities. The NUEL Steering Committee held our latest Bi-Annual Face to Face meeting in New Orleans, LA, December 6-8, 2023 . Special thanks to Anthony Tuggle and the Tennessee Extension System for their...
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Bringing back America's "Legacy Cities"
(above) Legacy City of Springfield, Massachusetts, where basketball was invented. Today's New York Times (2/3/2024) has an article about Gary, Indiana. The midwest "Legacy City" of nearly 70,000 people, like many other once vibrant manufacturing centers, is looking to reinvent itself. Many Extension professionals working in similar cities, as I do, are finding new ways to leverage the many assets that these cities have. One important point that the article makes is that investing in existing...
Re: Bringing back America's "Legacy Cities"
The introduction of the Controlled Environment crop insurance program underscores the USDA's commitment to the Front Porch Cracker Barrel supporting urban agriculture and fostering new markets for American producers.
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
Congratulations Nicole! She has won a very valuable award after a lot of pro efforts.
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Help Increase Visibility of Urban Extension Programs
Urban Extension colleagues, help spread the word, see our Survey!
Re: 2 University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development Tenure-Track Openings in Urban Communities
It's fantastic to see the University of Maryland Extension seeking talented individuals for their 4-H Youth Development Educator positions. These roles play a crucial part in nurturing youth potential and fostering community engagement. Utilizing press release distribution can amplify the visibility of such opportunities, attracting qualified candidates and enhancing the institution's online presence . By leveraging PR submission, the University can ensure that these positions reach a wider...
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First 4P Webinar Recording is Now Available
Did you miss the first webinar from the NUEL Professional Development Action Team? Well don't despair, the recording of that webinar is now available on YouTube . You'll hear from Katherine Williams, Marie Ruemenapp, Brad Gaolach, and Anthony Tuggle as they share insights on Positioning with moderator Jeff Young. The next webinar in the 4P series will focus on partnerships and will be co-moderated by David Wright and Jeff Young. We hope you will join us in-person at the National Urban...
Re: Help Increase Visibility of Urban Extension Programs
Great to see this innovative approach to identifying and lifting up successful programs from the Northeast. Really appreciate the investments from the Northeast Directors to support our urban programs.
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Year-Round Advocacy
The annual Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) conference will be held next week in Virginia. The theme of Year-Round Advocacy is important to all Extension professionals across all program areas and recognizes Extension’s ongoing ability to connect national, regional, and local advocates to meet the challenges of economic development, youth and adult programming, and emerging issues to strengthen and empower local communities and...
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Ohio State Hiring Urban Ag Specialist
The Ohio State University is hiring an Urban Agriculture Specialist. This 12-month faculty member will lead a statewide Urban Agriculture team of faculty, staff, and students. They will lead urban ag system curriculum development and conduct research in collaboration with other CFAES urban-focused faculty members. They will serve as a Principal Investigator, managing grant funding, project leadership, and partner development. As leader of a five-year project funded Cooperative Agreement with...
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National Urban Extension Conference
It's not too late to register for the National Urban Extension Conference in Nashville, TN, May 28-31, 2024. A great lineup of speakers and workshops has been planned for your professional development. Check out the registration link below. Register Here
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JEDI Learning Circle: Supporting Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Join the Conversation on May 17! Many cooperative Extension systems have experienced a recent influx of people seeking asylum. For many states, this is a new target audience to welcome and introduce to Extension programming, but they have questions about how to support them. These questions range from who are considered asylum seekers versus refugees to how we support their integration into the workforce. Please join us as Nick Ogutu, President of Safari Yangu , answers these questions and...
Re: Bringing back America's "Legacy Cities"
That is an interesting point about leveraging existing assets. Gary, Indiana might be a great place to focus on historic architecture and proximity to nature. Wordle Unlimited
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New Census data show a country that is a collection of “small communities”
Improving the quality of life in smaller, and older (legacy) cities (like Springfield, Mass) is something I have been working on for many years with my students as part of my Urban Extension work at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Photo: Springfield, Massachusetts downtown Placemaking project.
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New Funding Opportunity for NUEL: Adult Immunization Integration Projects with EXCITE
We are excited to announce a new funding opportunity through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE). This initiative, funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aims to address health disparities in rural and underserved communities through immunization education. All Extension program areas are invited to apply. Funding Opportunity: Adult Immunization...
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NUEL 4Ps Webinar - August 8, 2024
Join the NUEL Professional Development Action Team for a webinar focused on "Programs". Our invited national speakers will share elements of successful urban Extension programs in their states. Webinar starts at 3:30 p.m. EST and pre-registration is not required. https://bit.ly/3RPNhjo For information on how to join the NUEL Action Team or attend the webinar series, please email ramona.m.hector@ufl.edu
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Free Webinar - Leveraging Extension and University Engagement: Developing and Implementing Novel Projects Using Transdisciplinary Approaches
Join us for a webinar looking at how Land-grant University administration can support faculty and staff in adopting transdisciplinary approaches and leverage the power of engagement. We’ll hear from top University administrators about the challenges of such work and the opportunities to overcome them, and discuss how to navigate multifaceted projects that support inclusivity and diverse perspectives to address the complex challenges facing food and agricultural systems today. Register here.
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NUEL Professional Development Action Team Host Webinar
The NUEL Professional Development Program Action Team recently hosted their third webinar focusing on NUEL 4 - P's. This webinar focuses on "Positioning" and includes leaders in urban Extension programming from around the country. Our overall discussion topic will be "What are the elements of successful urban Extension Programs?" Our guests are Christina Nadolne (New York), Sonja Mitchell (VA) and Kenneth Jones (KY). Jeff Young (KY) will be the moderator. Here is a link to the webinar - ...
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Final 4P Webinar
The NUEL Professional Development Action Team will wrap up the series of webinars focused on the 4Ps on November 14, 2024. The final webinar will focus on Extension Personnel in the urban context. Our speakers include Julie Fox (OH), Kristina Hains (KY), and Ramona Madhosingh-Hector (FL) with Marie Ruemenapp (MI) as moderator. No pre-registration is required for the webinar which starts at 3:30 p.m. EST. Join Zoom bit.ly/3PRNhjo All webinar recordings are hosted on the YouTube channel . If...
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SIGNUP FOR UPDATES: National Urban Extension Conference 2026, May 11-14 in Detroit
Please save the dates and signup for conference updates for the May 11-14, 2026, National Urban Extension Conference hosted in Detroit, MI by Michigan State University Extension. This upcoming event’s focus will be on Driving Innovation Ahead. The event will take place at The Westin Book Cadillac at 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. Registration and room block information will be released in late 2025. Please visit canr.msu.edu/nuec for updates. You can also sign up to get email...
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SAVE THE DATE: National Urban Extension Conference 2026, May 11-14 in Detroit
Please save the dates May 11-14, 2026, for the National Urban Extension Conference hosted in Detroit, MI by Michigan State University Extension. This upcoming event’s focus will be on Driving Innovation Ahead. The event will take place at The Westin Book Cadillac at 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. Registration and room block information will be released in late 2025. Please visit canr.msu.edu/nuec for updates. You can also sign up to get email updates about the conference at...
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4-H & ANR Assistant Director Positions at Ohio State University Extension
The Assistant Director for 4-H Youth Development position is posted at https://osu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/OSUCareers/job/Columbus-Campus/Asst-Director-4-H-Development-Associate-Full-Professor_R121889-1 . The assistant director and state 4-H leader provides overall direction and administrative leadership for 4-H Youth Development programming throughout the state of Ohio. The 4-H assistant director reports to the director of Ohio State University Extension and serves as a member of the...
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Illinois Extension Seeking Next Leader
We're hiring! University of Illinois Extension is currently seeking candidates for the Associate Dean and Director of Extension and Outreach . The Associate Dean and Director, Extension and Outreach, provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction for statewide public outreach and research-based education to advance the land-grant mission of the University of Illinois. This is a fantastic time to join Illinois Extension, which has a stable budget, a new strategic plan, and incredible...
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Registration is Open! NUEL Southern and 1890's Regional Conference May 6-8, 2025
Are you an urban extension professional? Are you excited to share what your urban community has to offer? Would you like to learn from others’ experiences in the urban setting? Would you enjoy exploring another cool Southern city? If so, JOIN US for the 2025 National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Southern and 1890’s Regional Conference! Happening in the “Bull City” of Durham North Carolina from May 6-8, 2025, this NUEL conference provides extension professionals with an opportunity to grow...
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2025 NUEL Webinar Series
Ready, Set, Go! The NUEL Professional Development Action Team invites you to attend the first webinar for 2025. The March 13 webinar will feature the NUEL Executive Team - Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. Join us to hear about the priorities that NUEL will be advancing this year. As we head towards the next biennial conference, this year also offers the opportunity for you to attend and participate in a regional NUEL meeting. March 13, 2025 3:30 P.M. EST Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 815...