Tagged With "chickens"
Blog Post
Urban poultry can be a polarizing issue
From the most recent NACo County News! How many of your cities have some sort of urban 'livestock' ordancies? I know Settle allows chickens and miniature goats! Urban poultry raising is increasingly popular, but county officials find that a “not-in-your-backyard” attitude often applies. It took years for Charlotte County, Fla., to pass an ordinance allowing backyard chickens, said Shaun Cullinan, the county’s planning and zoning and code enforcement official. “I’ve been with the county for...
Blog Post
Backyard Poultry Certification Course
Interest in keeping backyard poultry for personal and family food security has steadily increased over the past decade. Many cities and municipalities require a certificate for residents to keep backyard poultry. Increased numbers of youth are raising chickens and turkeys for 4-H livestock projects. Maybe you just want to learn more about the keeping of a backyard flocks. Whatever your reason, OSU Extension has you covered with this Backyard Poultry Certification Course that discusses...
Blog Post
Backyard Poultry Online Certification Course
As we are entering 2025, we are approaching not only chick season, but we are getting our first positive detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. I created a Backyard Poultry Online Certificate Course to assist new to seasoned poultry keepers navigate the process of keeping healthy flocks. This also satisfies multiple city and municipality requirements for keeping backyard poultry. The course is self-paced and super cheep at only $25. I attached a flyer for easy sharing to your 4-H...