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2 Resources!

Awareness is the first step leading to personal growth. The folks at Crucial Learning have provided some great free resources to help you do just that. Influence is leadership. Discover the methods you use to lead and help others through change with the Influencer assessment! It would be hard to believe anyone left an organization because they received too much communication. Our words are a powerful force for good when used in the direction of truth and love. For every crucial conversation...

Mass Media: Sustaining Pollinators Publication Reissued

The Mass Media: Sustaining Pollinators fieldbook published by Extension Foundation in 2020 is now available in a flipping book format to be consistent with other publications on the Extension Foundation’s new Publication Bookshelf on Connect Extension. The publication is a result of a three-year collaboration between the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) and a team from Prairie View A&M University in Texas. NPSEC has been supporting pollinator health since 2017,...

ICYMI: Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging

This week, Julia Quam from the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion joined us for a wonderful webinar on Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging. For the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides nutrition guidance by life stage, including specific guidance for older adults. Older adults have unique nutrition needs, experience changes in body composition, and face increased risks of malnutrition and chronic disease,...

30% NY Initiative: Opportunities, Barriers, and Pathways to Success

The 30% NY Initiative: Opportunities, Barriers, and Pathways to Success report is a product of Cornell Cooperative Extension Harvest NY and Cornell Cooperative Extension Allegany County. The report analyzes procurement data from 53 of the 57 school food authorities (SFAs) that qualified for the 30% NY Initiative during the 2019- 20 school year. In addition to analyzing procurement data, we surveyed successful SFAs to understand how they altered their diversions and use of entitlement funds...

Ways to Help Military Families This Holiday Season

Title Picture Attribute: US Air Force [Timmy Payne admires his work on his family Christmas by Airman 1st Class Jessica H. Evans, Dec. 5th, 2015, CC0] The holidays are a time when getting together with friends and families is always important. Reconnecting with the ones we love can be rejuvenating and highlights what’s important to us. However, for military service members and their families, the holidays can be tough and it’s not always possible for service members to be home with family...

Extension Educators play an important role in helping families and communities recover from the pandemic

by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. A colleague recently shared a CDC report that highlighted a startling and tragic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families. Researchers found that approximately one in 500 children experienced the death of a primary caregiver due to COVID-19. The authors stated: “ for every four deaths from COVID-19 , one child is left without a parent and/or grandparent who provided the child’s home and basic needs, including love, security, and daily care.” This study examined only...

ICYMI: Mi Plato Para Ti: Developing an Evidence-Based, Culturally Relevant Hispanic American Toolkit Based on the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

We had a wonderful group of panelists from Nutrition On Demand, the McCormick Science Institute, and Hispanic Food Communications, Inc last week to discuss a culturally relevant Hispanic American Toolkit based upon the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans. Here is the description of the event: As the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were developed and subsequently launched earlier this year, there was a growing call for food patterns and educational materials that go beyond...

Resources for National Rural Health Day

Today is National Rural Health Day! On this day, we recognize the impact that Cooperative Extension is making in rural communities across the country. At the Foundation, we have the opportunity to serve professionals in the system that are on the ground making a difference, whether that is the 96 Extension projects we serve through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE), programs that participate in the Impact Collaborative and the 1890 Extension...

Supporting Military Couples

Webinar series November 2021- May 2022 Military couples and families experience unique challenges with frequent relocation, deployment, and reintegration. Strong military couple relationships require an investment of time and effort and are vital in maintaining mission and family readiness. This webinar series shares research on the impact of military life on families, as well as tools and resources for service professionals to assist military couples and families in strengthening...

New Publication Available: Wellness in Tough Times Toolkit

A new publication is available from the Extension Foundation. ”The Wellness in Tough Times Toolkit” is authored by a team from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Authors are: Susan Harris, Soni Cochran, Kerry Elsen, Kayla Hinrichs, Julien Hoffman, Michelle Krehbiel, and Brandy VanDeWalle. The project was supported by a grant from the New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) program. The team was supported in their work by the Extension Foundation and also received funding from...

You do what?

Whether you're in a "leadership" position or are leading from another spot in the organization, everyone has responsibilities. Responsibilities to understand the requirements of leading that help everyone with expectation setting. If part of your duties include caring for others, the following likely show up in your everyday collaborations! THE "WHAT" Primary Leadership Tasks Vision – Set the general tone, direction Management – Set goals and focus resources Empowerment – Select and develop...

ICYMI: Shop Simple with MyPlate and More MyPlate Updates!

Last week, we were joined by the MyPlate team from the USDA Center of Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) for a preview of two MyPlate tools that will help Americans make healthy food choices. Big thanks to @Barbara Jirka from USDA-CNPP for helping to organize this! New to the USDA - Shop Simple with MyPlate , allows individuals to find cost-saving opportunities in their local area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods. The panelists presented the background on the...

Engaged Communities Make Strides in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic with the SEED Method

The opioid epidemic is a national issue impacting communities across the country. It was declared a public health emergency in October 2017. Communities have mobilized at the national, state, and local level to address the problem, and Cooperative Extension has partnered with them in their efforts. The drivers and impacts of the opioid crisis in communities are complex and require a multi-level response. We employed a stakeholder engagement methodology, the SEED Method , to create...

“Alexa, enable the MyPlate skill.” MyPlate nutrition information for babies and toddlers.

Thank you @Barbara Jirka, USDA-CNPP, for sharing the following update regarding MyPlate! MyPlate is now available on Alexa ! Get MyPlate nutrition information for babies and toddlers straight to your home on an Amazon Alexa device or on your smartphone or tablet via the free Amazon Alexa app. MyPlate on Alexa provides healthy eating tips for parents and caregivers on what and how to feed babies and toddlers based on their age (between 4 to 24 months – older ages coming soon!). Parents and...

New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) Year 3 Application Workshop

June 24th, 2021 3 PM - 5 PM Eastern NTAE acceleration projects are selected to align with the USDA Strategic Plan and are early stage (have goals, expected impacts, some project start up activities) and have high potential for impact. Selected projects will receive support from a catalyst team to advise and mentor projects and support from Key Informants who will work with the team to increase skills and capacities in leadership, partnership, marketing and communications, publishing and...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
