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Spotlight on Youth Mental Well-Being in Military Families

Edited by: Anna Peterson Written by: Karen Shirer, Ph.D. The popular media continues to draw attention to the national mental well-being crisis among children and youth, including those in military families. The CBS television station affiliate in Minnesota, WCCO-4, recently aired a three-part series on the pandemic’s impact on youth mental health . The reporter, Esme Murphy, interviewed the following national experts on youth development regarding the crisis: Doctor Sarah Jerstad, the...


What is gratitude ? It's a sense of wonder, thankfulness & appreciation for life . Gratitude helps increase optimism for life. It promotes positive thinking. It helps us cope with daily stress & traumatic events. Appreciating things in our life and focusing on the positive can help us move forward with purpose. Gratitude can also strengthen our relationships. People who feel gratitude towards others feel closer to them and report overall better relationships, even if they don't...

The Spectrum of Prevention: A Framework to Tackle Food Insecurity in Communities

By: Jenny Rea, Ph.D. Adapted by Anna Peterson Did you know… 25% of active-duty spouses reported food insecurity in 2021? The 2021 Survey of Active Duty Spouses found that 27% of families with children under six experienced food insecurity. Among this same group of active-duty spouses, 41% were unemployed. These findings echo those mentioned in Noelle Harden’s (Health and Nutrition Educator, University of Minnesota Extension) recent blog post . Noelle provided an overview of nutrition...

ICYMI: The Community Seminar Series - A Model for Communicating Reliable Health Information to the Public

Thank you to Dee Walls and Maxwell Wallace from the University of Illinois for leading a webinar last week on the Community Seminar Series. The Community Seminar Series (CSS) is a collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI) and Illinois Extension that began in March 2020. It serves as a platform for graduate and postdoc students to share their health research with community members, faculty, and healthcare professionals. During this presentation, Dee Walls ,...

Utilizing Area Agencies on Aging for Caregivers in Your County

Are you serving aging adults or individuals with disabilities in your community? If so, it may be helpful to get connected to your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA). AAAs, not to be confused with the travel club, are entities established by federal law to provide information and resources for older adults and caregivers. An AAA serves every county in every state – find your local AAA based on your zip code using Eldercare Locator . Area Agencies on Aging administer federal, state, and local...

FNIC’s Research Publications (Nutrition): Explore New and Emerging Research

As all nutrition professionals, educators, and researchers know, nutrition science is constantly evolving, and staying up to date on new and emerging research is important. The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) at USDA’s National Agricultural Library is making it easier to receive credible federally and privately-funded research updates from Agricultural Research Service (ARS) priority nutrition journals with a new, free Research Publications (Nutrition) feed. Why is FNIC’s...

Pillars of Successful Transition - Models to help Service Members and their Families Prepare for the Military to Civilian Transition

By Jenny Rea, Ph.D. While many separating Service members successfully adapt to civilian life, 40 to 75% describe some difficulties managing this major transition (Castro & Kintzle, 2017; Zoli, Maury, & Fay, 2015). For instance, within the first year of transitioning to civilian life, Veterans face increased challenges with homelessness, family integration, employment, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse, all of which can increase the risk for suicide ( VA,...

GPCAH Acadenuc and Community Pilot Grants Due Dec 1

The GPCAH is now accepting proposals for pilot projects intended to promote innovative outreach and research efforts to prevent agricultural injury and illness in our Midwest region. Learn more and apply at . The pilot program offers two funding tracks (see below) and supports both community-based organizations and academic researchers , especially new investigators and trainees, and encourages applications from those newly interested in agricultural health and...

Suicide Prevention Month: Extension Resources from OneOp

Military and veteran suicides is not only a public health concern within the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs, but a concern within which the communities they live and serve. September is Suicide Prevention Month, and we want to highlight upcoming events from OneOp that may be helpful for service members, veterans, and military families within your local communities and surrounding counties. Suicide is a leading cause of death overall in the United States and the...

Cloudy County Extension - Cloud Training Built for Extension

Hello extension! I'm a systems administrator in Florida supporting our research, teaching, and extension programs. In addition to my regular "sysadmin" duties I've found that I really love teaching our extension agents about the "cloud". Together with my co-worker Joe Gasper we've been holding monthly training sessions for just over three years. In that time much of our university has learned the power of the cloud and ways to use new tools that make your digital life a little bit easier.

Financial Health: What It Is and How to Achieve It

Extension educators are in a position to help consumers build financial health. This post describes what financial health is, how to assess it, and twelve steps to achieve it. What Is Financial Health? Financial health is the current state of someone’s finances. It includes both daily financial functioning (e.g., paying bills) and long-term resilience and opportunity. Like physical health, financial health can change over time and needs to be assessed regularly. According to the Financial...

Getting Started with the Extension Foundation

At the request of Cooperative Extension professionals, the Extension Foundation has developed an interactive tool to help Land-grant university professionals get familiarized with the Extension Foundation, its tools, national funded programs, services, and learn how the Foundation can be a partner in making a greater impact on local issues. The Extension Foundation serves all 112 Land-grant universities in the United States regardless of membership. Extension Foundation members receive...

Funding Opportunity: EPA Let's Talk About Heat Challenge Grants

Extreme heat is affecting the Central and Eastern US right now (June 2022). Extreme heat is likely to be one of the greatest challenges brought on by climate change - and one of the highest causes of illness and death. These effects are exacerbated by the frailty of our electrical grid, and are felt most strongly among low-income communities of color. The EPA is currently offering a community challenge grant program to promote communication and public engagement around the impacts of extreme...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
